Changing Colors In A Field Automatically

Mar 15, 2005

Hi everyone,

The problem I'm having is I need to have the background of a field change color depending on what's contained within the field. There's only three possible entries in the field: active, inactive, and a blank entry. I need it to show green if the field contains "active", red if the field is "inactive" or is blank (I also want the blank fields to show inactive, but that's niether here or there right now.)

I've been trying to get it to work with an if then statement, and setoption to change the background. I've had no luck with any of it, though.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Changing A Field Automatically

Dec 7, 2004

hiya... he's my problem........

i have 3 tables: tblVolunteer, tblMedicalCondition, tblVolunteerMedicalCondition.

in tblVolunteer i have: volunteerID, volunteerName, HEALTHY (yes/no)

If a volunteer doesn't have a record in tblvolunteerMedicalCondition, i would like the HEALTHY field in tblVolunteer to default to 'yes', and if they do get a related record in tblVolunteerMedicalCondition, i would like the HEALTHY field in tblVolunteer to change to 'No' automatically.

How do i achieve this please..????

many thanks for viewing!!

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Changing A Field Automatically

Dec 7, 2004

hiya... he's my problem........

i have 3 tables: tblVolunteer, tblMedicalCondition, tblVolunteerMedicalCondition.

in tblVolunteer i have: volunteerID, volunteerName, HEALTHY (yes/no)

If a volunteer doesn't have a record in tblvolunteerMedicalCondition, i would like the HEALTHY field in tblVolunteer to default to 'yes', and if they do get a related record in tblVolunteerMedicalCondition, i would like the HEALTHY field in tblVolunteer to change to 'No' automatically.

How do i achieve this please..????

many thanks for viewing!!

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Changing Field Names Automatically

Oct 15, 2005

I have an Application that I want to re-use for a second user. The only change I need to make is to re-name the fields.

Is there a tool that can do this across the tables, queries and reports for each field name change ???

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Changing Colors With Check Boxes

Feb 21, 2005

I have a simple form with 3 check boxes. I want to write a vb code that will change the color of a box if a box is selected.

Table Name: tbl_main
Form Name: frm_color
Field Names: [check_red] [check_blue] [check_yellow]
Box Names: 'box_red' 'box_blue' 'box_yellow' (all currently translucent)

If someone checks the [check_red] field I want the 'box_red' to go from translucent background to a red background, and when unchecked to go back to translucent. Same with the Blue & Yellow boxes.

I have made a simple database and attached it for an example. Thank you all.

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Changing Colors For Each Line In Form

Sep 3, 2004

Is there any way to change the color of a field based on the value of a field.

I know how to do this for a single form but I need to do it for a Continuous Form
(each line may be a different value and have a different color.)

Is there some event that happens before each line displays???


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Changing Environment Field Automatically In Report

Feb 15, 2015

I have an Access database (.accdb) that has table, form and report. The field in all are the same. The user interacts with the Form only and enters data to it. Table is a back-end thing and no-one goes to it. However, in Form there is a button that when pressed, prints the report for that relevant form/record which we then give to customers.

Now, I have a field in report (like a signature field) that mentions the name of the user who printed that report. Lets say, Mr X did the data entry and then printed the report and gave it to the customer. After that customer loses the report and comes back for a copy of the report, but now Mr Y is at the desk and issues the report. Obviously Mr Y doesn't have to do the data entry again because record is there and Mr Y has the access to it, so he just presses the print report button and prints the report. What I would like is that the signature field should update itself if anyone else (in this case Mr Y) accesses the database and prints the report for that specific record.

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Forms :: Changing Environment Field Automatically In Report?

Feb 15, 2015

I have an Access database (.accdb) that has table, form and report. The field in all are the same. The user interacts with the Form only and enters data to it. Table is a back-end thing and no-one goes to it. However, in Form there is a button that when pressed, prints the report for that relevant form/record which we then give to customers.

Now, I have a field in report (like a signature field) that mentions the name of the user who printed that report. Lets say, Mr X did the data entry and then printed the report and gave it to the customer. After that customer loses the report and comes back for a copy of the report, but now Mr Y is at the desk and issues the report. Obviously Mr Y doesn't have to do the data entry again because record is there and Mr Y has the access to it, so he just presses the print report button and prints the report. What I would like is that the signature field should update itself if anyone else (in this case Mr Y) accesses the database and prints the report for that specific record.

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Automatically Changing A Picture On A Form

Aug 8, 2007

I have the need to put a company logo on a form based on the company selected from a combobox on the form. I have a table which has one field for company name and another field containing the picture object. The form itself is bound to a different table where I want to company selected from the combobox to be recorded. I want to make the form capable of displaying the logo (bound ole object?) based on the company selected from the combobox.

I think I am close, but I do not know the proper method for doing this.

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Forms :: Changing Background Colour Automatically

Jun 16, 2014

Here, what I am trying to learn, that background of the form change its colour automatically after sometime let say 1 min or after 2 min

I find the link on the web where more than 500 colour code are available, but not sure, how I can use [URL] ....

I can put this command on form_load()
Me.Detail.BackColor = ?????????
but question is how i can bring other colour into loop

Plus, if the user want to do any work on the same form, will this loop also allow the user to do any work, I mean form should not be stuck up in the loop of changing a colour...

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Automatically Changing Cell Content (newbie Question)

Jan 27, 2008

I wasn't sure which section this belonged to (tables/forms/visual basic?) so I posted it here. Keep in mind I'm a database and VB novice so please bare with me.

I'm trying to create a database based on an Excel document. In the Excel document different entries selected from a dropdownlist will automatically generate content in other columns (for example cell C1 might be generated by "=A1+B1" in Excel).

I created a main table and linked it to other tables using the wizard (sorry, don't know the name for it in English), which allowed me to select values in the main table using a dropdownlist. See the attached picture. Then I created a form using the wizard. To be able to automatically change the value on one cell depending on the value of another I used this bit of code:
Me!KlarTextboxName.Value = Me!DatumTextboxName.Value + 7
With the above example I could change the date in column "Klar" to seven days ahead of column "Datum", by setting this to be activated on the "Datum" update event.

But I have no idea how to change the value on one of the columns that are linked to another table! I tried using the same method, and changing the numerical value of the cell works (it will link to the numerical key value of the sub table) but that isn't very dynamic. If for some reason the key values of the sub table are changed then the script will link to the wrong entry.

I'm grateful for any help or advice you might have to offer me. If I'm not being clear enough on what the problem is please tell me so I can clarify. Thanks.

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Automatically Populate A Date Field Based On Value Entered In Another Field

Nov 10, 2005

I need to create a New Form control for this situation:

If I enter a date into a field and the choice for another field is equal to a certain value. How can I get the date I entered to be automatically populated into another date field.

For example:

If I enter 11/10/2005 in a date field and I choose either "BN", "BA", or "BT" in a text field, I need that date of 11/10/2005 to be automatically populated in another date field on the same form.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Tables :: Automatically Fill Field Based On Keywords In Another Field

Dec 3, 2013

I'm trying to complete a database.

It is to manage details of pupils with additional support needs, and plan for the extra arrangements the school will provide for assessments.

It has 2 Tables

-ScottishCandidateNumber primary key (Unique number which identifies pupils to the exams board)
-NatureOfNeed (memo)
-EvidenceOfNeed (memo)

-ID Primary key, Autonumber
-Pupil foreign key to tblPupilDetails

I currently use forms for adding new pupils, and updating pupil subjects/arrangements/levels.

I also have forms to search for specific pupils, and to create lists for faculty heads showing which pupils are taking subjects within their faculty and the arrangements we expect to provide.

I use the forms to run queries, which can then output to reports for printing.

Where I am currently having an issue is the faculty field in the tbl-SubjectLevelArrangements. (If I didn't have to report to faculty heads I would just leave it out, but management will insist.)

Currently I have a form with dropdowns for adding subject, faculty, level and arrangement manually. This is acceptable for the subject, level and arrangement because they are completely interchangeable and dynamic throughout the academic year as pupils may drop down a level, or change the type of arrangement they require.

However as faculties are inextricably linked to subjects, I want to remove the possibility of human error. i.e. when a user (me) chooses either geography, history, or RE, then the faculty will always be Humanities, likewise if the user chooses French, German, or Spanish, then the faculty can only be Modern Languages etc.

I'm convinced there must be a very simple way to ensure that the faculty field prefills based on the limited keywords available in the subject field, but I just cannot figure it out.

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Reports :: Get Remarks Automatically In Field Based On Other Field In Report

Dec 15, 2013

I made a report that have 'txtRemarks' field, I just want to get remarks automatically in 'txtRemarks' field based on the other field in report. that is why I used a function like below:

Private Function Estd_Remarks(Estd_Point As Long) As String
If Me.Estd_Point < 20 Or Me.Estd_Point = 0 Then
Estd_Point = "Earlier Established"
Estd_Point = "OK"
End If
Estd_Remarks = Estd_Point
End Function

And I wrote in properties 'On Format' event this code below:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Estd_Remarks = "Ok" Then
Me.txtRemarks = "Ranked & Sortlisted"
Me.txtRemarks = "Estd_Remarks"
End If
End Sub

When preview the report then it shows
Compile error
Argument optional

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Queries :: Changing A Text Field Into A Number Field Using A Query

Jul 31, 2014

I currently import data into a table and it it has a text field which looks like this: 12,345.67 GBP...I need to use a query to make this a number field so that I can sum it's contents. I've managed to remove the 'GBP' part but can't seem to get rid of the comma?

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Automatically Set A Field Based On A Field In Another Table

Aug 12, 2005

I have two tables, each has a "status" for a project. In the first table there is only one instance of each project name, in the second table there may be more than 1, will always have the same name but may have a different "Status" (field).

I need the Status field of the first table to be set to "Assigned" if ANY of the records in the second table pertaining to that project are set to "Assigned".

Can I do this with my table or will I need to do it with a query/form combination?


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How To Make A Field Automatically Receive Same Value From Another Field

Apr 22, 2014

In Access 2013, in a table named DOCSDETAIL or form, I want the UTENTE (meaning user) field (Currency type €) automatically receives the same amount of PVP field (Currency type €) but can be modified as needed.

Example: Registration of documents in which the amount paid by the USER has two possibilities;

1. DifferS from PVP (Public Sale Price)
2. Equal the PVP

Looks like it might be used

= "Update your_table set your_field_new = your_field_old"


But do not know where to put and if the syntax is correct!

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Where Did All The Colors Come From?

Nov 24, 2005

When I opened my database today, all the tables had turned blue??

Does that signafies anything? How can I reset the table in plain white??

Any help is appreciated!

an absolsute access beginner!

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Feb 15, 2005

Anyone know how to convert a color code from something like:


To something that Access will recognize?


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Row Background Colors

Feb 13, 2007

I have a subform that returns a bunch of records. Each of the records returned has a LANE_ID, so in this example, there are 10 records returned, 5 with LANE_ID = 11111and 5 with LANE_ID = 22222. Is it possible to alternate the backgrond color for each of these groupings?

I have found examples of how to change the color of alternate rows, but I can't find anything that would tell me if what I want to do is possible.

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List Box With Colors

Aug 8, 2005

How I can do a form whit a list box whit different colors for each record ?

Thank you

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Combo Box Colors

Dec 22, 2005

Hi, All...

Can someone tell me how to change the color (back and fore) within a combo box? I have set both in the properties window and it works fine but, as you scroll through the list within the box, the colors of the active line (back and fore) change to something completely different.

Any assist would be greatly appreciated!

Thanx ;<)

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Copying A Field Automatically From Another Field

Apr 14, 2005


Forgive me - but i am new to db.

I have an employee field in my purchase orders from and when I do stock transactions - i have an employee field against each item in the purchase order. I would like to just copy the employee field from the purchase order form automatically next to each product listed instead of having to keep typing the same thing.

the reason i am doing this is because when people come to take stock out - i would like to see there name against each item in the products from so people can not not take more than they ordered.

thanks in advance.

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Automatically Fill In Field

Aug 12, 2005

Hi everybody,

I have a table that has 4 columns as shown below:

(*It really isn't code, I just couldn't figure out how else to keep the columns in place!)

Store Name Invoice Number Customer Name Customer Address
Store1 1 Bob PO Box 55
Store1 2 Joe PO Box 789
Store2 3 Chris PO Box 1254
On my input form, for entering a new invoice, when you select the customer name, I want the form to automatically fill in the correct address in the "Customer Address" field.

I think there has to be a way to do this because there is only ever going to be one address for every customer. And the same customers will be comming back very often.

Does anyone have any ideas?


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Automatically Calculate Field

Dec 16, 2005

Hi guys,

I have a mainform "frm_CaseReference" and a subform "subfrm_CasesControls".

In the main form I have "DOB" field and in the subform I have "DateSlideTaken" and "AgeAtSmear" fields.

I want to automatically calculate age in the "AgeAtSmear" from the "DOB" and "DateSlideTaken" but having problems.

I have tried the following code but it doesnt work:

I have read it is not good idea to store age but my work place want this so i have to include it. Can someone please help....

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Automatically Update Field

Sep 12, 2006

I am currently handling an insurance operation. I have 5 Sales Executives (SE) who receives certain percentage of commission for each sold insurance policy. SE receives their respective commission on a pro-rata basis. Meaning, if they give 4 equal monthly payment scheme to their clients, they will also receive their commission -- 4 times.

SE Commission for one sold policy is: 100.00. (Granted SE gives 4-month-term, SE will be receiving 25.00 monthly, upon cleared payment)

On my 2 tables lies the following fields:


Is it possible to automatically update Table1.SECom2 based on the figure on Table1.SECom1, once Table2.CustPayment2 is updated?

Thank you!


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