Changing Cursor On OLE Object

Apr 14, 2006

Hi, Is it possible to get the cursor to change on a OLE object like it does on an Hyperlink? How know that you can do that with a text box with the "Is hyperlink" Format property or by adding a space in "the hyperlink address" of a command button but I can't see any property that I can change for an Ole object or a label. Is someone know if it would be possible?

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Forms :: Pop Up Message On Cursor On Object

Aug 13, 2014

I spent several hours but looks like I can't pop up a message in a form when the cursor pointer is on a specific object. Focus of cursor maybe somewhere else, but when I move the cursor with mouse and it reaches to a specific object, I want the object to display a message. I couldn't do it.

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Changing Cursor

Nov 26, 2005

Is there any whay you can change the cursor as it moves over an object, similar to what it does with hyperlink.

I am trying to make the form more dynamic



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Changing The Ownership Of Database Object

Jul 14, 2005

I want to change the Ownership of a Database object, in MS Access 2003.

I have created a User in Admins Group, assigned it all the Permissions and assigned it the Owndership of all the objects, except for the Database.

On deleting the existing owner, it shows the Owner of Database object as Unknown.

Looking for help.

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Mess Changing Of Object Names

Feb 6, 2007

Hey guys!

I've a database which have some confusing names for its reports and forms. So as I found myself very confused when applying group policy to all the objects I was wondering if there is a way to rename those objects in a way that ALL the references in the hole database for the renamed objects will change too.


Form_old_name -> form_new_name

then all the references will change both in the VBA code and in subforms references

I tried doing that mannualy and then using the search & replace tool to update the rewferences in the vba code. Turns out that all the database become a mess and now I have constant "out of memmory" messages

Thank you!

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Changing Subform Source Object Causing Problems

Aug 30, 2005

I'm trying to change a database that consists of a sequence of subforms held individually within different tabs on a subform. There seems to be a bit too much going on, so I've decided to leave the subforms unbound, and set them when the appropriate tab is selected, and unset them when the tab is changed. For most of the subforms, this works fine...

However! There's always an exception!!!

On one of them, when I set the sourceobject, it automatically populates the linkchildfields and linkmasterfields properties with an inexplicably crazy number of fields, most of which aren't even on the forms in question. I've tried to get around this by setting linkchildfields and linkmasterfields after changing the sourceobject. This does not work!

The first thing that happens is it returns error 2335 (relating to an imbalance between the number of fields) when I set linkchildfields. I try to get around this by trapping and resuming to the next step so it sets linkmasterfields and restores the balance, but, despite the fact that the linkchildfields and linkmasterfields are showing the correct fields, the form acts as if it has been bound with the screwy list of fields, and starts asking for fieldnames which are on neither form as parameters. When I hit cancel the subform control is empty.

I'm at a loss as to what the problem is or how I should sort it out! Any suggestions gratefully received.

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How Do I Change An Image (Ole Object) In A Form When Changing Value Of A Combo Box?

Mar 14, 2007

My Db has 1 table with 4 columns named ID, First_name, Last_name and Photo.

ID is a counter and primary key.
First+last names are text fields.
Photo is an Ole object.

I display everything in a form that is controlled by a combo box. The combo box displays the first name and when I chage the first name with this box the last name changes too. I use this code together with the event "after update"

Code:Private Sub Combo_First_name_AfterUpdate()Me.txt_last_name.Value = Me.Combo_first_name.Column(2)

Everything works perfectly fine (txt_last_name changes according to the first name in the combo box), except that the photo of the person doesn't change. Nothing happens to the photo when changing value in the combo box or it just displays a message box with an error messages when I have tried to get it to work.

I want the ole object picture to change too, when changing the first name in the combo box.

I hope you can help me out here.

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Object Library Not Registered/ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

Jun 9, 2005


I am using Access 2003(11.6355.6360) SPI

When I attempt to create a new DB - by performing Blank Database I immediately get a message 'Object Library not registered'.

If I 'OK' that box and try to create a table, I can do so - create Table in design view.

When I then try to Import external data - an excel file I get the message 'ActiveX component Can't create object'.

I have looked ob various sites for help and forum information regarding these errors but have found nothing conclusive, with specidfic regard to Access 2003.

The version has been loaded on my machine about 1 year as part pf Office Professional but this is the first time I have attempted to run Access itself.

Does any forum member have any ideas as to how this problem could be resolved.

Thank You


Paul Langham

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Forms :: Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object Table Name

Jan 5, 2015

I am currently building a database for the company I work for that is fairly similar to the Northwind Database; however it is made from scratch so hopefully some of the common problems with that database won't find their way into mine.My problem is that when I go to my Orders form, I pick a customer from the main form, which creates a record on the Orders table. When I then go to the subform to choose a product/line item, I get the error in my title ("The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation object 'OrdersT.") as soon as a product is chosen from the drop down list.

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Forms :: Subform - Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object

Jul 17, 2013

The error is:

The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation object 'tblIndividual.' '

Then it also gives me the same one on another table.

I think it has something to do with the link master/child fields. I've tried all kinds of relationships with the three tables and can't figure it out.

I've tried uploading the database here but it won't. It's on my Sky Drive.

[URL] .....

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The Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object X

Dec 27, 2006

I'm getting an error message (informational only):

The object doesn't contain the automation object 'ClientID.'You tried to run a visual basic procedure to set a property or method for an object. However, the component doesn't make the property or method available for Automation operations.

Check the components documentation for information on the properties and methods it makes available for automation operations.
This happens when I start entering data in the field "productname" of a subform.

So I'm assuming something in the form or in the code of the form is referring to ClientID. but I've checked it, and there is nothing referring to it anymore. Well, at least as far as I'm aware of.

This afternoon access crashed without any error, it just closed. Upon reopening the DB again, all my work of the past one and a half week was gone. Normally I always backup the data, but these past days I didn't due to christmas and still working a lot too. So I forgot.

I did some redesigning in the process this evening, deleting and adding some fields and code.

I can't get rid of this error. Can anyone help? Or point me in the right direction?

Also the DB is 3.5MB in size. While it is completely empty. And I can't imagine that some empty tables, queries, forms and a bit of code can be so much. But that's for a later time to worry about I guess, unless one of you says: this and that, maybe that works... Otherwise, I would really be very glad already if the error disappears....

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Error: Member Already Exists In An Object Module From Which This Object Module Derive

Oct 1, 2004

I am creating an form in a database and whenever one of my procedure's run it creates this error message:

The expression ON Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error:
Member already exists in an object module from which this object module derives.

*The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [event Procedure].
*There may have been an error evaluating the function, event, or macro.

An ideas?

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Is It Possible To Place Cursor ?

Dec 7, 2005


In a form a have a field wich contains for exemple 'ABCD', is it possible to place focus in this field after the last character (after the D in my exemple).
Thanks in advance.

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Cursor Position

Nov 21, 2006


ive got a form that has several textboxes. The cursor in all textboxes appears on the left hand side (which is good), but one field shows the cursor on the right side??!!! how do i change this, i want the cursor to be on the left hand side like the rest?


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Cursor Change

Oct 7, 2005

Does anyone know how to change the Cursor to an animated picture, or any picture for that matter?

I want to change the cursor while I am stalled out in a little FOR NEXT loop......then once I get out of the loop return to the default cursor.

THanks in Advance

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Progress Bar/Cursor Problem

May 17, 2005


I'm struggling with a very formal, not to say aesthetic, problem on one of my form used as a progress bar.

This form is very simple, it contains only one unbound control that is called "Percentage".

It displays the percentage of completion, when launching a report based on a somewhat "heavy" crosstab query (lots of records, etc.).

Anyway, the goal is to inform the user that the report is being processed, so that he knows wether he has time to get a coffee, or whatever he wants (the process may take as long as 2 or 3 mn).

As far as code is concerned, the variant "Percentage" is simply incremented in a loop included in the report design code, and refreshes the value of the "Percentage" control displayed in my form.

Everything works fine, except that I can't figure out a way to get rid of the cursor that stays in the unbound control : in fact, the percentage is displayed in reverse video, since the cursor focuses on the control at every iteration. Which gives my "progress bar" form quite an ugly look, and makes it difficult to read, whereas besides this "bug" it is perfectly satisfying.

Any idea anyone ?

Thanks in advance for this.

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Cursor Location In A Text Box

Jun 17, 2005

Hello all,

I have a text box that allows users to type a letter to a customer with a listbox next to it. The listbox is filled with data such as the customer's name, address, etc.... When the user double clicks an item from the list box, it should insert the appropriate data into the text box.

The problem is, is there a way to determine the current cursor location in the textbox so I know where to add the data?

For example, the cursor location has been determined before the text box lost the focus and now i am inserting the apporpriate data:

Textbox = left(TextBox, CursorLocation) & DataFromListbox & right(textbox,len(textbox) - CursorLocation)

Thanks for all your help.

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Auto Cursor Movement

Apr 6, 2006

hello my dear friends...

Few days ago I found some VB code which autometically move the cursor to the left of the field (with input mask) in a form to begin with... I mean whereever you click the cursor in the field it autometically comes in the beginning (left)...

I remember i have tried it with a sample form... but now today i can't find it...

I think i lost it...

Today i have searched the forum for this but coudn't retrive it...

Could someone find me out where it is??

Thanks in advance for your help

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Cursor To Beginning / End Of A Field

May 26, 2006

I have done a half-dozen searches and only gotten 1 option.

There is a simple way to have the cursor at the beginning or end of a field when it arrives in a new field.

I saw the VBA code aboyt setting the length. There is an easier, simpler way to set it so that you don't have to apply the vba code to every single indiviual field.

I remember learning about it here on this forum, but now can't find it.

Can anyone remember how to do this?

Thanks in advance,

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Help With Code For Moving Cursor

Jun 16, 2005

First I am no good with code so I need your help!
I have code that tells the cursor to move to a certain field.

Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub

It works for the most part - our problem with this is if we have the form open and we are searching on a different field say "Last name" when we click find next it finds the first one but if we click find next again it tells us that there is no records. This is because the cursor has moved to the ClaimNumber field.

Is there a way I can modify this code to say move the cursor only on a new record.

Any help would be great!

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Cursor In Forms After Validation

Jun 21, 2014

When I put some wrong value in the field the cursor not stay in the same filed its skip to next field. The code is as under:-

Private Sub RollNo_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If (RollNo.Value > 1) Or (RollNo.Value < 22) Then
MsgBox "Roll No is Wrong, Please Type correct Roll No"
Cancell = True
End If
End Sub

The RollNo is numeric field. How to stop the cursor in the box if I put wrong number.

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Auto Cursor To End Of Default Text??

Apr 15, 2006

Access 2003 Form

Can i move the blinking cursor to the end of field? I set in the options but it goes to the start of the field. and wants to overwrite the default text. I would like it to start at the end of the default text.

Can it be done with code?


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Move Cursor To Next Field 'onchange' Etc..

Apr 17, 2005

I have 4 drop down lists calling values from a query.
This part works as expected.

However, I would like the focus to automatically change to the next drop down field after ANY (valid) entry is made.


Drop Down 1: "any value" ----> focus automatically set to Drop Down 2, etc

The code I have only relates to 1 of the drop down values, I want it to rerlate to any of the values.

Private Sub Question1_AfterUpdate()

If Me.Question1 = "Yes" Then
End If
End Sub

My values are simple, just "yes" "no" "I don't know", etc.


If this cannot be done with drop downs, how about with field lists?


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Force Cursor To Start Of Text Box?

May 6, 2005

Is it possible to force the cursor to move to the start of a text box when it gets the focus? (I suppose what I am really asking here is, is it possible to force a 'Home' key event?)

There is a text entry box, which when people put the cursor into it, it sometimes sits part the way in, consequently the operator could end up trying to type in more information than there is available space. I know that education might go along way here, but you just can't teach some people.


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Position Of Cursor On New Record On A Form

Aug 21, 2006

I'm trying to ensure that each time a new record is opened in a form, that the cursor is positioned in the first control/field... I have this throughout most of my application but not in a few individual forms.

I know I've done something in the past to ensure that this happens, but I can't remember what it was...


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Making Cursor Go Back To The Record I Came From?

Dec 27, 2006

I have a subform (continuous) which shows a summary of all clients basic data in a list. Clicking a client requerys and refreshes some other subforms so the accompanying data for that client is shown. Whenever I double click a record, the "main" window for that "object" opens. So say I double click on client A1 in the summary list, a form opens where I can view all the clients data and change it if necessary. That same form is also used to add clients to the database.

Whenever I change or add a clients data and close the form, the following code is executed:

Private Sub Form_Close()
On Error GoTo ClientsAdd_Err


Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume ClientsAdd_Exit
End Sub

Which makes the new client appear in the summary list or makes the changed data of an existing client appear in the summary list. That's what I want it to do of course.

But whenever that is done, the cursor jumps back to the first record (client 1) in the summary list. What I would like to have happen is:

- when a new client has been added, keep the cursor on that client in the summary list after the form closes and the list is updated.

- when a record of an already existing client is changed and the form closes, keep the cursor on that client in the list also.

DoCmd.GoToRecord acForm, "ClientsViewSummarySubForm", acLastgives "The object ClientsViewSummarySubForm isn't open. As does the same line of code but then using the name "ClientsViewSummary". The form itself is called that way. The subform object itself goes by: "ClientsViewSummarySubForm".

I've tried some variations but all without succes.
Which line of code is the correct one to use for a subform on a parentform instead of "just" a normal, open form?

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