Changing Information (Same Info) In Multiple Tables

Apr 7, 2015

I have now been asked to create 'something' (form, query, whatever) that will:

Allow the engineers to change the date in multiple tables for parts; and,Change (in)activity status information in those tables; and,Delete the same obsolete part(s) from two tables and add that information (one entry) into another table.

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Allow Multiple Users Using The Database And Changing Info At The Same Time?

Feb 5, 2014

I have an access database and I plan on splitting it so the FE will be on each users workstation and the backend will be in a folder on the server. But is there anything else I need to do to allow for the possibility of multiple users using the database and changing info at the same time?

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1 Query Pulling Info From Multiple Identicle Tables

Feb 14, 2007

Hi guys.
For my coursework I was told I need complex queries to gian high grades.

This is my problem:
I have many many tables all identicle. They have the same field names just different information on them.
I wanna be able ot query ALL those tables to bring 1 result which I will then make a report out of.

I have tried everything, I fidled with the relationship but can't understand it.

Oh, and the tables have been linked form excel. I know i can't edit it then, but i dont need to.

I would really really apretiate all responses as this needs to be done asap.

Thanks in advanced.

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Queries :: Creating Query To Pull Info From Multiple Tables

May 7, 2013

I have DB used for inventory for many different categories. I have a table and form for the following: Location, Printers, Pc's and many more.

What i am trying to accomplish is to have a advanced search form that will display how many pc's and there makes and model from selecting the location name or Cost center from a combo box.

So an example would be I want to select MPP-WDF from the combo box click a button and it will return the number of PC and there makes of model's and some other information in a list of records.

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Creating A Form Which Updates All Information In Multiple Tables

May 17, 2005

is there anyway you can create one form which updates all the information in multiple tables. I need to create one of these to make the navigation of the database more easy, so if anybody could help me it would be much appreciated.


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Changing Structure Of Multiple Tables

Oct 1, 2006

I want to add 3 new fields to the structure of around 80 tables (all with identical structures). Is there a way to automate this process?


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Tables :: Changing Multiple Records Using MS Access?

Aug 28, 2013

I am connecting to a table in our accounting software using MS Access ODBC Connection. I would like to change the value in a table for every record in the table 7,000+. In the latest version of the software a new field was added to the Vendor Table that by default is unchecked. I would like to have this field checked for each vendor. Is there a way that I can change all the records at once instead of going row by row to make the changes?

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Reports :: Multiple Tables - Pull Information From Records Based On Certain Key Fields

Nov 5, 2014

I have a form (form1) that will populate with records (table1) based on key fields of "Project Number" and at time-points we will update part of the record, and then we create a word document detailing the updates with a couple of other bits of information not in original record.

Basically I want it to go from the original form (form1) into another form (form2) (via a command button) taking the key field of "Project Number" where it will ask the bits of information that we don't need have already and the contact person.

I have got this to store in a different table (table2) using a key field of just "ID" from the original records (table1). A list of contact people are in a separate table (table3) using a key field of "contact name" which will include other details for them such as address and phone number.

So from "form2" I would like to produce a report that contains information form "table1" based on the "Project Number" and "table2" based on "ID" as just been generated and "table 3" which is based on "contact name".

So I want to pull information form the records based on the certain key fields but struggling for it to pull it successfully...

Got relationships between:
"contact name" fields in both "table2" and "table3"
"project number" fields in both "table1" and table2"

In a query for the report I have all the appropriate fields, but only have the "contact name" and "project number" from "table2" is this right? or do I need both in?

Or would it be easier to draw all this information into "form2" but don't really want to select that many drop down boxes or would it be able to pull it from the "contact name" and "project number" boxes????

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Input Info Into Word Documents Using Access Information

May 10, 2006

Hi. I have been asked to find out if it is possible to automatically insert info from a access database into some word documents that require the same info i.e. a title or reference number so that, for example, if the title is changed in the database it will automatically change in the associated word documents.

Is this even possible as I have no idea or can something similar be done?

Thanks for any ideas!

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Reports :: Print Report Several Times By Changing Field Information

Apr 7, 2015

I have a question related with a report i`m using to print labels. I am not familiar with Access and this is quite a challenge to do it alone.

In the attached file there is a report called "MICRA", when started it asks that you want to select (default is 1 and special select in this case is 11) and next it asks "SPS", the value entered there is printed in the bottom right corner of the report.

My question is is it possible if in the SPS field is entered a special value (for example "MASS") to print 30 labels of each selected label with text in this fiels = "val.1"; 15 with text in the field = "val.2"; 10 with "val.3" and 10 with "val.4" and after that to print next label with same rules...

And if not entered "MASS" to print just 4 copies of every label.

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Asking Me For The Same Info Multiple Times

Feb 9, 2007

I am really new at access 2003 and queries s forgive me if this question is really dumb/simple/ goes

I created a query where I ask the user to provide the info for the date range..<[Before date]

it worked fine.

I then added something to the database and ran it again and it now asks me for my date not once, but twice..i then copy and paste query with a new name and it asks me for the same info 4 times

Help me please..Thanks

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Modules & VBA :: Changing DSN Linked Tables To DSNLESS Tables?

Jul 16, 2013

I have linked tables in my db at the moment that rely on user dsn connections to an SQL server. I've been reading about DSNLess connections and want to try convert what i have to have permanent DSNless connections, but the code I've found doesn't appear to be working.

I've removed server specific details where i felt necessary, but when running the code i have it in place.


Public Sub RefreshODBCLinks()
Dim connString As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tb As DAO.TableDef
connString = "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=<database ip address>;DATABASE=<

[Code] .....

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Options To Get Info From Tables

May 16, 2005

It seems that there are a few different ways to get info from the tables when developing an applications that i know of:

4)selects without any of the above

I lean towards the last 2 but I need to know this: is there any advantages in using ado as opposed just sql?

For instance i ran this sql:

Private Sub Command0_Click()

Dim SQL As String
Dim strCriteria As String

strCriteria = Forms![form2]![Text1]

SQL = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE ((('" & strCriteria & "'))"

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmClinic"
Forms![frmClinic].RecordSource = SQL
End Sub

it worked fine. I could see how a beginner would prefer to use queries over sql but I would prefer to use sql in vba. I've read that dao is older and I should use ado instead. So that leaves ado vs. the way I displayed it in the above code. So which way should I go? If I'm over looking queries or dao in favour of ado/sql, just point out their advantages if you don't mind.



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Form Getting Info From Two Tables...

Jun 7, 2006

************** edit: Fixed!!!! *************

The database I'm working on is coming on nicely, thanks to some valuable help from this forum. But I've got a couple of new problems that I just can't seem to get my head around. Really hope someone out there can help!


I have two tables (well, there are more.. but there are two main ones with the important data on them). The first is a list of Customers (you know, the usual Name, contact, telephone etc...). The second is a list of jobs for each customer.

After starting from scratch, I created a nice looking form wth control tabs that on one page shows you the customer information and on the second; the job history for that customer. I then have a third tab which lets you add new jobs. So I'm all chuffed because that is the basics of what I wanted it to do.

However, I need a hard copy of the job report to print out and give to an engineer to fill in or to print in future should a customer wish to see it.

Try as I might, the reports function didn't look as if it was something that could be "designed" the way I wanted it to look. So, I figured another form was in order.

I started by building a query which included all the fields from the two tables mentioned above in it; I.e. So it would pull up a Job Printout by a workorderID number. That way it would show all the company info PLUS the detail of that one particular job.

Problem is this: I can see from the query in table view that the Jobs are listed; but alongside them is a straight listing for all the companies in the database. Basically, the Company who received the job in question is not being shown by the query.... if you follow me. (Apologies if I'm explaining this like a fool).

Question 1 then... is how do I fix this? Is this something to do with these arcane relationships things?

Question 2: How do I create a button to print that one "form" by workorder ID.

Question 3: Did I do the right thing by using a "form" or is there a better way to create a "report" for printing that can be formatted the way I want (with logos and stuff)

Thanks again peeps!

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Pulling Info From Tables

Nov 8, 2004

I am trying to get an email address from a table by choosing a employee number from a combo is almost working,
however, it is returning the employee number as opposed to the email is the code I am trying to use:

Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()

Dim myConnection As ADODB.Connection
Set myConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
Dim myRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset
myRecordSet.ActiveConnection = myConnection
Dim mySQL As String

mySQL = "SELECT EmailName .*,[Employees] FROM EmployeeNumber"

myRecordSet.Open mySQL, , adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic


Set myRecordSet = Nothing
Set myConnection = Nothing

End Sub

Then, in the section for the command button and the Outlook code, I have:

eMailAddress = Me![Combo0].Value

like I said, it is returning the same value that is in the combo box...if anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated

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Getting Info From 2 Tables To One Report

Sep 29, 2007

I'm a genealogy nut and not so great at computers. I've got a report on cemeteries that gets things like a cemetery number, peoples names and tombstone information from one table. Got that working pretty well. I've got it to print the cemetery number in the detail header (there are 300+ cemeteries each with 1-100s of people in each). I want to take that number and use it in a different table to get travel directions and GPS for each cemetery.

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Creating Two Tables And Having Them Get Info From Each Other

Apr 2, 2012

I am very new to access and I am trying to create two tables called Customers and Orders.

The fields in Customers are:
CustomerID (Primary Key), First Name, Last Name, Address.

The fields in Orders are:
Order# (Primary Key), CustomerID, Product Purchased, Address.

There is a One to many relationship between CustomerID in the table Customers, to the CustomerID in Orders.

The problem I am having now is with the Address field.

GOAL: What I am trying to do is have the Orders table automatically get the Address from the Customers Table.

If that doesnt make sense, whenever I create a new Order, I want to enter the customerID, and have it get the Address data from the Customers table automatically put into the proper field in the Orders table.

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Multiple Field Unique Information Db?

Aug 14, 2006

Hi, I'm crating this db:

Two tables, in one there are Items and services, in the other purchases.

1st table: ID - autonumber primary key
Product Name - Text
Quantity - Number
Barcode - Text

2ndt table: ID - autonumber primary key
Product Name - Text
Quantity - Number
Barcode - Text
Client - Text
Puchase Date - Date

How can I enter data to my 2nd table using unique fields (barcode, Product name actually ID in 1st table?) Problem Is Access alows only 1 unique key field in table and that is undertandable. Is there any way out in my situation.

barcode will be entered using barcode scanner it can be only text field but information like product name must fill in automatically, Product name must be drop down box if one wan't to select it manually then barcode should fill in automatically.

Please Attach your DB if you have time to look into this issue.

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Fill Multiple Fields With Same Information

Jul 22, 2013

The database needs to have columns for 17 individual connectors. These fields are populated from another table containing all of the possible connectors that could be used and a description of them. I need to set up a query that contains the 17 connector fields as well a field with the description of each connector. Is it possible to have this query auto populate the description fields from the table that contains the connectors. I have attached a picture below.... Each pin has a label that has to be manually filled and a pin name that has to be chosen from another table. I want to have the pin description fields auto populate to match the selected pin names.

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Combining Info In Tables For A Query

Sep 25, 2005

Hi there,

I just can't figure out how to solve my next problem. What I need to do is to make a query showing all the country's next to germany(nr.5) with their capitals. There are three tables which I can use, nr.1 showing the country_id's with their "neighbour country's", nr.2 showing the name of the country's with their capital_id's and nr.3 showing the name of the capital with their corresponding country-id.
Is there anybody who could help me with this problem, or has some suggestions? If you find this message unclear, i would love to e-mail you the tables.
As i am dutch my english isn't that good.
Thanks in advance

country_1 country_2

idname capital_id
1Belgium 1
2France 4
3Netherlands 9
4Luxembourg 14
5Germany 6
6Italy 12
7Denmark 15
8United Kingdom 11
9Ireland 16
10Spain 17
11Portugal 18
12Austria 19
13Sweden 20
14Finland 21
15Greece 22

idname peoplecountry_id
1Brussel 1370001
2Antwerpen 4970001
3Gent 2357001
4Parijs 21762432
5Lyon 4184762
6Berlijn 34000005
7Bonn 2930005
8Munchen 12670005
9Amsterdam 10380003
10Rotterdam 5760003
11Londen 66780008
12Rome 28260006
13Milaan 15150006
14Luxemburg 790004
15Kopenhagen 4820007
16Dublin 5260009
17Madrid 320000010
18Lissabon 80700011
19Wenen 151200012
20Stockholm 65100013
21Helsinki 48400014
22Athene 100000015

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Forms :: Add Connection Info Of Tables

Oct 30, 2014

I created the database in the attachment. I have three tables which are connected. I am trying to create a form to show the connection of the tables. As you can see, I have inserted the 'Item Code' in the form 'Products'. I am trying to add 'Cndl Codes' and the 'Cndl Quantities' of each 'Item Code' showing above 'Item Code' in the form, but I don't know how to do it.

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Queries :: Merging Info From 2 Tables

Nov 15, 2013

I am trying to update an existing table in Access with current information that I have imported into Access from excel into a separate table. I was able to use an unmatching query and append all records that were not already in the original table. But there are records in the update table that match the original table, and there in information in fields within that records have new information.I need to find the records that match in the two tables and update the missing data.I am able to create a query that displays the matching records but when I run it as an update query the information in not entered into the original table.

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Updating Field Info Between Two Tables

Aug 19, 2015

My father tables contains all the relevant fields with info of my products (which are listed in records/rows). My sister table contains less fields but are all present in the father table. The info is imported from excel daily into the sister table - all the fields here change regularly except for the unique ID which is present in both tables. Because the sister tables' information for the records/rows changes, it is difficult to update the selected fields of the father table.

I want to update selected fields within my father table based on the information I upload from the excel sheet (which becomes the sister table when uploaded)

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Changing Linked Tables Into Regular Tables

Dec 20, 2007

Hello All,
I currently have a bunch of tables that I have linked to a SQL database. For development purposes (easy of use), I'd like to turn all those tables into regular tables rather than linked so if I take the db offsite, all the data is with me. I realize there will be no updates, etc. but that really doesn't matter for my needs in this case.

Is there a script or an easy way to do this? (besides doing a manual import for a LOT of tables)

I've tried searching but I might not be searching for the correct terminology.

Thanks in advance!


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Linking Info From 2 Tables To Same Form By A Field

Jan 25, 2007

I have two Tables, Contacts and FlowMeters.

On the Flow Meter Form Info is listed specifically for each Flow Meter.

I would like to bring some of the information from the Contacts table on this form.

For Instance if I am on Meter 1T-02 I would like for it to associate that meter number with the name of the customer thats already on the form, then look up that customer's name in the contact table and bring over that customer's contact information.

I built this database over a year ago and it has been a long time since I have worked with the design of it, therefore I am a bit rusty.

Please help if you can.

Thank You

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Need Help With Updating Number In Tables (read Post For More Info)

Sep 13, 2007

I am new to Access, so bear with me.

I am using Access 2007.

I have 4 tables created, and they are breaking out information for recording files that are being created from a PBX.
The tables are created as thus:

Key:ext_id | extension

Key:loc_id | location

Key:f-type_id | filetype

Key: mass_id | filename | date | loc_id | ext_id | f-type_id

Now I have created the relationships between the tables for the various ID's. My issue is the following:

I will be automating this process, so when the data is imported to the various tables, I need the relevant keys from tbl_1 tbl_2 and tbl_3 to be added to tbl_4 when the new data is brought into the tables.

As to the process of importing the data, I was looking at using PHP to facilitate this. Any ideas, help or direction would be greatly appreciated. I have looked around the net for an idea of how to solve this, but, being so new, I am not exactly sure how to word the question.


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