Changing Sub-forms On The Same Form?

Dec 29, 2005

Is it possible to change which subform is displayed by pressing a button, on the same form?

Each subform is based on a parameter query if that has relavence.

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Forms :: DLookup - Changing Value In A Form

Feb 26, 2014

I'm making a form for colleagues to use which will eventually populate a table. I'm using DLookup to populate some of the fields in the form from another table. The problem is that for a few of the fields in that other table, the values are incorrect.

(Obviously the most sensible thing to do would be to amend the source data but for various reasons I cannot do that.)

For example, "date built" in the original table might be "f" but that needs to be changed to "h", so I tried the following but it doesn't work:
.................................................. ............................................

If DLookup("date_built", "dbo_meas_questionnaire", "[meas_id] = Forms!FrmRetestSearch.numOrigId") = "f" Then
Me.TxtDateBuilt = "h"
Me.TxtDateBuilt = DLookup("date_built", "dbo_meas_questionnaire", "[meas_id] = Forms!FrmRetestSearch.numOrigId")
End If
.................................................. ..................................................

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Forms :: Changing The Password In The Table From A Form

May 9, 2013

I have a login button in which if the username has an empty password or the user is his/her first time to login, another form will appear which is the Set New Password. How can I change the password of that current user, my Set New Password Form has two fields which is 'txtSetPassword1' and 'txtSetPassword2' and an OK button.

The user must enter a new password and a verification password, if the 2 fields matched, the new password entered will change the password in the table. The table name is 'tbl_UsernamesQry'.

I have done it but the main problem is, it changes the other's users password not the current user.

Here is my code for the OK button of that form Set New Password:

Private Sub btnSetOk_Click()
If Me.txtSetPassword1.Value = Me.txtSetPassword2.Value Then


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Forms :: Form Is Changing Table Data

Aug 29, 2013

I have a form that allows users to click on an item in a listbox and it brings them to the selected record in another form. However, everytime I close the form and open it, it changes the client name in the list to the client ID.

List is set up like this

Client ID | Client Name| Order Date
1 Mike 2013-08-04
2 Jon 2013-08-15
3 Mark 2013-08-17

Turns into this on close - Changes the client name to the ID of the last item selected before close

Client ID | Client Name| Order Date
1 Mike 2013-08-04
2 3 2013-08-15
3 Mark 2013-08-17

Select statement is:
SELECT Client.[Client ID], Client.Client, Client.orderDate FROM Client ORDER BY Client.orderDate;

Code is:
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command22_Click()
'opens the form with my subform that holds the table data
On Error GoTo Err_Command22_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "Client1"


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Forms :: Form Is Changing Data On Load And Close?

Feb 8, 2014

I have designed a form using the wizard from a table which records transactions for an entity.

I have a Primary Key (auto number), entity id, transaction amount, description and date fields in the table.

I look up the entity using a list box, then populate unbound fields then use CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO in order to save the new record.

When I open the form for use, it automatically changes the entity id of a previously added record to the most recently selected entry in the list box. I am unsure why it does this. It seems to be editing previous records when you change the value of the list box.

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Forms :: Changing Combo Box On Form To Allow Entries As Well As The List?

Jun 3, 2014

How do I change a combo box that I have on a form so that it will allow entries as well as edits?

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Forms :: Changing Form Picture Based On Combobox Selection?

Jul 30, 2013

I would like to set up a picture in the form that changes based on a combobox selection, for example if you select from combo box list "design1", a picture that have a name : design1 will appear as a background to the form ..

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Forms :: Changing RecordSource Of A Form Based On Field Values?

Feb 16, 2014

I have a simple add form that will add an entry to one of two tables: Box 1-1, or Box 1-2.

They have the exact same fields. In the add form, I want the user to specify a Rack field and a Box field. Box 1-1 would be Rack 1, Box 1. Box 1-2 would be Rack 1, Box 2 (there will be more tables later, but just using two for now until I get it working).

But right now my form always adds to the table Box 1-1 - I can't get it to switch.

I've added the code I have so far below. The first part is what I'm having trouble with, the second part just uses a Submit button to add a new record - I'm just including it in case it's interfering in some way I'm not seeing. I'm running Access 2007.

Private Sub Switch_BeforeUpdate()
If Me.Rack.Value = "1" And Me.Box.Value = "1" Then
Form_Add.RecordSource = "Box 1-1"
ElseIf Me.Rack.Value = "1" And Me.Box.Value = "2" Then
Form_Add.RecordSource = "Box 1-2"

[Code] ...

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Forms :: Sorting Recordset Clone Without Changing Order By Of Form?

Sep 27, 2013

I would like to get the Min + Max values of the data currently in the form, but without changing the sorting currently on the form.

So I was hoping for this, but it is not working. The data in the recordset are not sorted.

Set R = Me.RecordsetClone
R.Sort = "SendOn ASC"
MinDate = R!SendOn
MaxDate = R!SendOn

Any other method except iterating through the entire recordset?

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Changing Forms To Access Pages?

Oct 11, 2005

I would like to change my Forms to Access Pages, Therefore they can be used like webpages. I converted them in access, however the command buttons dont work. Anyone have any ideas? Also I have been looking everywhere for any information on adding the ability to use a writing tablet with my access program. any ideas here? Thanks for your help :)

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Changing Table Data Via Forms

Mar 7, 2006

Hello everyone, and thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

I am currently working on a large project to track, issue out, and re supply an operational stock of various tools and parts we use in our shop on a normal basis. This program is in it's beginning steps at the moment, and already I need some help.

If anyone has any tips on how I can change the raw numerical data in my table, via a textbox and a command button on a form, I would be greatful. I am trying to avoid allowing users to directly modify table data. Although this method is what I am aiming for, I will gladly accept any suggestions. Thanks

AIC Jason Kiebler

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Changing Forms With Button Command

Oct 1, 2004

I want to open a new form with information related to the main form.

The code I've used is:
Private Sub GoToContacts_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_GoToContacts_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "Contacts"

stLinkCriteria = "[Outside Rep]=" & Me![Outside Rep]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_GoToContacts_Click

End Sub

When I use the button I get an error message for a "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression.

Any suggestions?
Judy Hewitt

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Forms :: Changing Source Of Combobox

Jan 26, 2014

I have a form (named Example) to create reports by selecting fields from tables or queries. there is a option box (name is KynkSec) with two options (Table, Query) and a combobox named as KynkTurSec.I want to change the data source of combobox either table or query. By afterupdate, that combobox is requering the listbox "ListKynkAlan" and I can see fields of selected table or query. (That is my dream))Unfortunately I can not do that. Combobox is showing only tables or both of tables and queries. But not only query.

Here is str source of my combobox:

SELECT MsysObjects.Name, MsysObjects.Type FROM MsysObjects WHERE (((MsysObjects.Type)=1) AND ((Left$([Name],1))<>"~") AND ((Left$([Name],4))<>"Msys")) OR (((MsysObjects.Type)=5) AND ((Left$([Name],1))<>"~") AND ((Left$([Name],4))<>"Msys")) ORDER BY MsysObjects.Name; That is showing both of tables and queries.

And I wrote a code for KynkSec option box;

Private Sub KynkSec_AfterUpdate()
' Populate rowsource of KynkTurSec
Dim strSQL As String
On Error GoTo HandleErr
Select Case KynkTurSec

Case 1

strSQL = "SELECT MsysObjects.Name FROM MsysObjects" _
& WHERE(((Left$([Name], 1)) <> "~") And ((MsysObjects.Type) = 1) And ((Left$([Name], 4)) <> "Msys"))
Order BY(MsysObjects.Name)

Case 2

strSQL = "SELECT MsysObjects.Name FROM MsysObjects" _
& WHERE(((Left$([Name], 1)) <> "~") And ((MsysObjects.Type) = 5) And ((Left$([Name], 4)) <> "Msys"))
Order BY(MsysObjects.Name)
Case Else
End Select


But this code is not working and giving a warning messsage "Sub or function is not defined"..So How can I change the source of combobox, either table or Query?

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Forms :: Dynamically Changing Captions

May 20, 2015

I have a system that has a growing number of forms. On each form they are a variable number of labels/text boxes/command buttons etc. The captions for all of these are in english.

The database is to be deployed to a non english speaking country so I want to be able to dynamically change all the captions on the forms (not n the data) to the local language.I know how to do this. For each control on load I decide the local language and change the caption accordingly ie (and code is for illustration only and not necessarily syntactically correct)

if locallanguage = 1
me.control1.caption = "save in english"
me.control2.caption = "heading1 in english"
me.control1.caption = "save in local language"
me.control2.caption = "heading1 in local language"
end if

What I want to know is there and easy way to do this. Rather than wade through each control on each form and find out what the name is can I generate anything that will give me all the control names and captions for each form (and report)?

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Forms :: Changing Multiple Records At Once

May 13, 2014

i have a splitview form that has a sub form which is a continuous form. On the continuous form there is a start and end date for each record. i would like to be able to change all the start dates on the continuous form by selecting a date once and hitting update or something like that.

so what i have going on is i have designers building scaffolds and adding articles to the scaffold (thus the continuous list) then a few months down the road the site planner will schedule the scaffold to be built and torn down. this will be done on this split form noted above. once that is done i need to have a date and an action applied to each article in the scaffold because i need to track usage of all the material per peice on a job site.

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Forms :: Changing Picture Color In Accordance With Value

Oct 10, 2013

Not sure if this is can be done: I have a picture and I want to change its color in accordance with values in another textBox. Is that possible? if Yes, then what would be the procedure and the codes?

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Forms :: Runtime Error On Changing Selection

Jul 14, 2015

I have a Main form (MainForm) with two subforms (SFormA, SFormB). These SForms are connected to the MainForm by a control (controlA) and connected to each other by a control (controlB) via an unbound control in the main form, in order to change data in SFormB according to selected record in SFormA. SFormB has an on current event procedure determined to show different things depending on the value of a bound control that changes every time I select a different record in SFormA. Everything works fine when Mainform and SForms first load.

But, when I select a record on SFormA I get a runtime error and everything stops, application closes and reopens, creating a safety copy. It seems to me that the on current procedure on SFormB causes this problem, because if I delete it no error appears (SFormB not showing what I want though). Funny thing is I have another database, same design, same structure, same procedures, (different objects and names of course) and it works perfectly alright. I even recreated the whole database still the same error.

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Forms :: Changing Y / N Field On All Records In A Table

Aug 12, 2014

I am creating a database where I will select recipes from one table and then create a shopping list through related ingredients from another table. I want to be able to clear all selected recipes before I start a new class.

For example, I have 100 recipes and am using 10 this week, but next week i am using a different 10. To create a new grocery list I want to clear all of this week's selected recipes before selecting the new bunch of recipes.

Is there a way (I am assuming a macro would be used) to insert a command button that would change all y/n values of the recipes table to no?

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Forms :: Report Names Changing Randomly

Jul 15, 2014

In my database, my "switchboard" consists of two listboxes: "Available Forms" and "Available Reports". The Available Forms listbox lists all the forms that can be accessed, and Available Forms listbox lists all the reports that can be accessed. I did this so that I wouldn't have to create buttons for each new form or report. They all are automatically listed in the listbox for the user to double-click on to open.

Since all my form and report names are not user-friendly (ie: fmComplicatedAndUglyName, rpComplicatedAndUglyReport) I want a way for the db admin to easily assign captions for each form that the average database user would find intuitive and easy to understand (ie: "Car Maintenance" instead of fmCarMaintenance). To do this, I built a table called tbDBObjectsCaptions consisting of these fields:

dbObject_ID (PK - Long Integer)
Caption (Text)

Next, I have an unbound form (fmDBObjectsCaptions) consisting of two subforms:

1) sbfDBObjectsCaptions_Forms, which lists all Forms with captions
2) sbfDBObjectsCaptions_Reports, which lists all Reports with captions.

Each subform's record source is tbDBObjectsCaptions with an Inner Join between the table and the MSysObjects table so that I can show only forms (Type field in MSysObjects = -32768) or only reports (Type field in MSysObjects = -32764). So, the record source looks like:

SELECT tbDBObjectsCaptions.dbObject_ID, tbDBObjectsCaptions.Caption
FROM tbDBObjectsCaptions INNER JOIN MSysObjects ON tbDBObjectsCaptions.dbObject_ID = MSysObjects.Id
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Type)=-32768));

(Except the Report's subform record source Where statement would have "-32764" instead of "-32768".)Each subform also consists of a "Caption" textbox and a combobox that lists all the forms or reports in MSysObjects. The Row Source for those comboboxes are:

SELECT MSysObjects.Id, MSysObjects.Name
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Name) Not Like "*sbf*") AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=-32768));

(Except the Report's combobox row source Where statement would have "-32764" instead of "-32768".)My first day playing with fmDBObjectsCaptions went fine. Both subforms' comboboxes list either Reports or Forms and would easily let me choose a form or report. The subforms would record the same "Id" from the MSysObjects table into the tbDBObjectsCaptions table and each Caption I typed in was recorded into the tbDBObjectsCaptions table for each "Id" I chose. It worked just fine.

However, the next day, I noticed that the captions I assigned for forms/reports were now assigned to different forms and reports! In fact, the fmDBObjectsCaptions no longer shows any captioned reports as their Types have somehow changed from -32764 to -32768 and are therefore now displayed in the Forms subform.

Either the dbObject_ID is somehow mysteriously changing for each record in the tbDBObjectsCaptions table or the Id is somehow mysteriously changing for each record in the MSysObjects table. I don't know how or why but that's what's happening. So now, in the fmDBObjectsCaptions form, my Forms subform is displaying the wrong captions for the forms, and is also displaying records that were originally Reports (items that have captions but blank comboboxes were originally entered in the Reports subform).

I attached a copy of the database. Any different solution that allows for easy Admin'ing of displayed form/report names?

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Forms :: Keep Time Format Of Txt Box When Changing Record

Jun 4, 2014

I have a small issue, but cannot solve it. I have a form with a textbox bound to a time(7) on a SQL server linked table.

Even if I put the format as "Short time 24h" or "hh:mm" it will always come out with seconds, nanoseconds, etc as soon as you change record. I would like to avoid using the "current" event to keep the "hh:mm" at any record change.

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Forms :: Changing Color Of Text On Labels

Aug 14, 2015

I have three labels that I can't change the text color. I must have them locked or something. What should I check?

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Forms :: Changing Background Colour Automatically

Jun 16, 2014

Here, what I am trying to learn, that background of the form change its colour automatically after sometime let say 1 min or after 2 min

I find the link on the web where more than 500 colour code are available, but not sure, how I can use [URL] ....

I can put this command on form_load()
Me.Detail.BackColor = ?????????
but question is how i can bring other colour into loop

Plus, if the user want to do any work on the same form, will this loop also allow the user to do any work, I mean form should not be stuck up in the loop of changing a colour...

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Forms :: Changing Row Color Depending On Value Of A Field?

Sep 24, 2013

I have this code that should change backgroundcolor in multiple items form based on a value of a field:

Private Sub Form_Current()
'check if field on form called somefield is DVD
If Me.TYPE.Value = "DVD" Then
Detail.BackColor = vbRed 'DVD
Detail.BackColor = 16777215 'BOOK
End If
End Sub

But it does not work, what can I do?

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Forms :: Changing The Record Source From Within A Subform

Nov 2, 2014

Can I change the Records Source of a subform from within that subform and do a requery to have a different set of records displayed'

I want to be able to refine the records displayed in the subform

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Changing Form?

Apr 20, 2006

I just recieved a call from a customer who is having trouble with a database that I did not create for her.

She says that she modified a form in design view and saved it. Now when the database is opened using he shift key, the changes show on the form in form view. She says if she opens the database normally (without the shift key) the changes do not show on the form.

This does not make sense to me. Can anyone give me a clue as to what might be going on?

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Forms :: Changing Border Of Text Box Depending On Value Of Field

Jan 9, 2014

I have a box with age in called [agecalc]. I want to change the border of the box to red to indicate they are a Juvenile if under the age of 17.I already have some code to write the text, I just need to change the border of this text box called agebox


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