I have a CONTINUOUS form that shows all my records. I want it to change the back color of a field when it is a certain value. so far i get it to change back color when the very first record in the list is a certain value, but then it will change the back color for every value and not just one value.
I've got a little box covering up a drop down arrow on a combo control that resides on a tab control. The problem is that, since the Back Color property isn't available for a tab control, I have no idea what color it is...which is what the color of my box object (rectangle technically) needs to be so as to blend in. It looks a little garrish with it standing out there...
Any ideas what the default color of the tab page background is? Using Access 2003.
I have a form with the standard light grey background. I insert a tab control, and the default back color is white. I set the BackStyle to Transparent, and it still displays as white.
Am I missing something here, I want the back color of the tab control to be the same as my form.
Now, what's really odd, is in this project it creates tab controls as white, but if I open an old project of mine, it creates tab controls with the same light grey back ground of the form.
Is there a way to change the back color of an active field in a form? Meaning, when I tab through my form and the field I tab to becomes active, the field turns white. This poses a problem because my form back color is black and my field text is white. When the field is active, I can't see the value in the field due to the back color defaulting to white. Does this make sense? Is there a way to change it?
I have images in my form, say, Image1 and Image2 . The default background color for all of them are white. If the user click image1, the background color has to be red. If the user click image2, the background has to change to red and the image1 retains its default color ( White ).
I have six images to loop through these. Image1 to image6.
Code: 'Pacer frame set to proper background If Me.FrmPacer.Value = 1 Then Me.LblPacer.BackColor = vbGreen ElseIf Me.FrmPacer.Value = 2 Then Me.LblPacer.BackColor = vbYellow ElseIf Me.FrmPacer.Value = 3 Then Me.LblPacer.BackColor = vbRed
I have multiple frames on one subform that when selected sets a unassociated labels back color. Then when cancelled by undo code the back color stays on the color that it was changed to on afterupdate event from the frame with option controls. I would like to loop thru but could not come up with the proper method if it is even possible.the above code works after refreshed, but just wondering if there is a shorter or more efficient method.
I have a form in datasheet with the fields "Date In" and "Date out" among other.
I want to be able to Change the backcolour of the "Date In" to red, yellow, or green depending on the length of time elapsed between current date and date in. This works fine on the conditional formatting, but now I only want to apply this formatting IF the "Date Out" is empty.
What I want to be able to do is to assign a back colour to a control from VBA. There are many colours and what I thought would be an easy process was to choose a suitable colour to be assigned using the colour picker for a control, note the hex number then in my vba code would be
if... then me.mycontrol.backcolor=&HF0AD34
This compiles OK, but produces a completely different colour - I'm expecting an orange colour but getting blue and in another example a pale blue is coming out a brown.
Research indicates adding an ampersand to the end changes the value from integer to long but if I type
if... then me.mycontrol.backcolor=&HF0AD34&
The second ampersand disappears. In the immediate window
All produce the same value of 15772980, which if I copy back to the control backcolour property produces the blue colour and not the required orange - which if i debug.print me.mycontrol.backcolor give me 3452400 - the correct number for orange.
The problem seems to be converting the hex number to a long.
Also how to modify the properties window to show the decimal value rather than the hex value, but can't see anywhere to do this.
How do I conditionally change the Back Color and Alternate Back Color based on the value of notes.FollowUpDate? I have a continuous form using the following code:
Code: Private Sub b_all_past_Click() Me.resultsFrame.SourceObject = "FollowUp_bystaff" Me.resultsFrame.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * From notes WHERE (((Notes.FollowUpDate) < Date()+1) And ((Notes.followup_person_id) = GetCurrentUserId()))ORDER BY notes.priority,(notes.FollowUpDate) DESC;" ' End Sub
I'm trying to make the backround color of a text box "prova" (short date value) changing according to the values of other two different text boxes "StartDate" and "EndDate" (both are short date values). I'd like the backround of prova to be blue if its value is between StartDate value and EndDate value. So in the code builder I made this function:
Private Sub prova_AfterUpdate()
If Me.prova.Value > Me.StartDate.Value & Me.prova.Value < Me.EndDate.Value Then
Me.[prova].BackColor = vbBlue
Else Me.[prova].BackColor = vbWhite End If
End Sub
Is that correct? Thank a slot for your help :confused:
=IIf([Text131] Between 16 And 30,"Unacceptable",IIf([Text131] Between 31 And 42,"Marginal",IIf([Text131] Between 43 And 56,"Effective",IIf([Text131] Between 57 And 71,"Very Good",IIf([Text131] Between 72 And 80,"Outstanding","")))))
It works just fine, but I was wondering if there'd be a way to change the text color of the <<true>> statement based on what it is? i.e. "Outstanding" and "Very Good" would be green, "Effective" could be yellow, "Marginal could be brown and "Unacceptable" could be red. How would I implement that into this expression, if that's even possible? Thanx for your assistance!
Hi. Is that even possible? I have form in datasheet view and text box on it. I need to change color of font in dependency of value of previous record. Maybe some kind of conditional formatting? Can somebody help?
This is very close to the label question that I also have posted. I am trying to get my report to have the back ground of some text boxes turn yellow if they are populated. I can get them to turn yellow, but they turn yellow whether they are populated or not. I have the code in the Report Open event. Here is some of the code that I have.
If Not IsNull(MMSJob) Then MMSJob.BackColor = 65535 Else MMSJob.BackColor = vbWhite End If
I have a form which uses a query for entry to the table. One of the fields in the query is a calculated field which shows in the form. The calculated field returns a number from 1 to 5. Rather than showing this number I would like to show a round stoplight that changes color for each number. I have inserted a OLE object OLEunbound235 into the form. The colors I want to use are icolor = RGB(255, 204, 0) 'Gold icolor = RGB(192, 192, 192) 'Silver icolor = RGB(216, 129, 0) 'Bronze icolor = RGB(255, 255, 0) 'Yellow icolor = RGB(255, 0, 0) 'Red and icolor = RGB(255, 255, 255) 'White for any other value.
The text box that returns the calculated number is labeled Text1 and I have hidden this box so it can not be seen. Does anyone know how to write this code that would change the OLE object color automatically so when the user enters data into the form and the return number changes the color of the OLE object changes. I know very little about VBA and I am not sure where to begin or where to even write the code.
I have design a form using the tab control. I need to add in color to make it more professional. Is there a way I can do it. I realised the filled /Back color icon is faded in color in design view.
How can I indicate with a color change in the label, that a checkbox is checked? I've got it working ...sort of. but when the change occurs it's happening gobally - I want the label to color to apply only to the record I'm viewing. If the check box is checked then the color should be red, otherwise black.
My code is as follows: Active_Admission.Value = -1 Then
Label1177.ForeColor = vbRed
ElseIf Active_Admission.Value = 0 Then
Labe1177.ForeColor = vbBlack
Exit_Sub_Active_Admission_click: Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Also, the condition only works with -1 and 0 - I've read in other places that the condition is 1 and 0. HELP!
On a form I have a combo box - let's call it cmboSickness. it has two options "flu" and "malaria". On the same form I have two command buttons - one ehich opens a malaria form and one which opens a flu form. If I select flu then I want the words on the flu command button to change to red. How do I do this and where do I put the code?
I have tried - If me.cmbosickness=flu then cmdflu.color=255
I was wondering if anyone can help. Please see attached jpg I need to change the background color of the lead status box when one of the options is selected. i.e. when warm (amber) when Hot (red)
I have about 25 text boxes on my form that use the dcount or count functions to obtain a number. (Text boxes are labeled 'Text1' through 'Text25') When the value of the textbox is 0, I would like to have the color of the text box turn red.
Is there a way I can do this using a for loop? Or a with statement?
Checking each one individually just seems like poor programming. Any thoughts? Ideas? Thank you.
Not sure if this is can be done: I have a picture and I want to change its color in accordance with values in another textBox. Is that possible? if Yes, then what would be the procedure and the codes?