Changing The Ownership Of Database Object

Jul 14, 2005

I want to change the Ownership of a Database object, in MS Access 2003.

I have created a User in Admins Group, assigned it all the Permissions and assigned it the Owndership of all the objects, except for the Database.

On deleting the existing owner, it shows the Owner of Database object as Unknown.

Looking for help.

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Taking Ownership Of Database-Access 2007

Dec 12, 2007

Just upgraded to Acccess 2007 and have ownership problem extracting queries from a 2002 db.

When trying to import into a new 2007 or export from the 2002, get "you have no permission" message

Have created a new user tried to change owner of the db, but no permission
File security looks correct in that I am owner of the file with full permissions, but Access doesn't recognize me as the owner

Tried logging in as admin, but it isn't the owner either

This is not critical, just very time consuming, this is a test project, but it would be nice not to have to rewrite about 30-40 queries and equivalent forms

Any guidence appreciated

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Changing Cursor On OLE Object

Apr 14, 2006

Hi, Is it possible to get the cursor to change on a OLE object like it does on an Hyperlink? How know that you can do that with a text box with the "Is hyperlink" Format property or by adding a space in "the hyperlink address" of a command button but I can't see any property that I can change for an Ole object or a label. Is someone know if it would be possible?

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Mess Changing Of Object Names

Feb 6, 2007

Hey guys!

I've a database which have some confusing names for its reports and forms. So as I found myself very confused when applying group policy to all the objects I was wondering if there is a way to rename those objects in a way that ALL the references in the hole database for the renamed objects will change too.


Form_old_name -> form_new_name

then all the references will change both in the VBA code and in subforms references

I tried doing that mannualy and then using the search & replace tool to update the rewferences in the vba code. Turns out that all the database become a mess and now I have constant "out of memmory" messages

Thank you!

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Changing Subform Source Object Causing Problems

Aug 30, 2005

I'm trying to change a database that consists of a sequence of subforms held individually within different tabs on a subform. There seems to be a bit too much going on, so I've decided to leave the subforms unbound, and set them when the appropriate tab is selected, and unset them when the tab is changed. For most of the subforms, this works fine...

However! There's always an exception!!!

On one of them, when I set the sourceobject, it automatically populates the linkchildfields and linkmasterfields properties with an inexplicably crazy number of fields, most of which aren't even on the forms in question. I've tried to get around this by setting linkchildfields and linkmasterfields after changing the sourceobject. This does not work!

The first thing that happens is it returns error 2335 (relating to an imbalance between the number of fields) when I set linkchildfields. I try to get around this by trapping and resuming to the next step so it sets linkmasterfields and restores the balance, but, despite the fact that the linkchildfields and linkmasterfields are showing the correct fields, the form acts as if it has been bound with the screwy list of fields, and starts asking for fieldnames which are on neither form as parameters. When I hit cancel the subform control is empty.

I'm at a loss as to what the problem is or how I should sort it out! Any suggestions gratefully received.

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How Do I Change An Image (Ole Object) In A Form When Changing Value Of A Combo Box?

Mar 14, 2007

My Db has 1 table with 4 columns named ID, First_name, Last_name and Photo.

ID is a counter and primary key.
First+last names are text fields.
Photo is an Ole object.

I display everything in a form that is controlled by a combo box. The combo box displays the first name and when I chage the first name with this box the last name changes too. I use this code together with the event "after update"

Code:Private Sub Combo_First_name_AfterUpdate()Me.txt_last_name.Value = Me.Combo_first_name.Column(2)

Everything works perfectly fine (txt_last_name changes according to the first name in the combo box), except that the photo of the person doesn't change. Nothing happens to the photo when changing value in the combo box or it just displays a message box with an error messages when I have tried to get it to work.

I want the ole object picture to change too, when changing the first name in the combo box.

I hope you can help me out here.

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Change DB Ownership To Group?

Sep 26, 2005

Hi There,

Is it possible to change ownership of a database to a group rather than an individual? The reason I ask is that i'm due to leave my employment this week and need to generally get things ship shape before I go. I currently own all the DBs that we use and I need to change that so people can take care of them (or wreck them depending on who it is!). I have set up user groups, one of which is "developer" and I would like this group to own the DBs so that they can be passed on without too much fuss.

If not then I need to change the owner to an individual and am really not relishing the prospect of importing all the objects into a new database just to do that, the thing is huge, has loads of fairly intricate permissions which have been carefully honed over the last couple of years. I read somewhere that you can change the DB owner if you exclusively open it but I have tried that and the "Change Owner" button is still greyed out.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks, Tom

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Database Or Object Is R/O...

Mar 28, 2005

I have a form based on a calculated query.
To allow users to edit some of the non-calculated fields I change the form's recordsource to a non-calculated query, but I still get "Database or object is read only".

I tried putting "msgbox currentdb.udateable" just after where I change the recordsource and I get the message "True" so db should not be in read only state...

If I open the form with the non-calculated query as source to start with, I can update the fields just fine.

What do I need to add to my code after Form_frmMyform.RecordSource="qryWriteable" to allow writing to the recordset?

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How To Find Specific Database Object

May 3, 2005

I am wondering if there is a quick way to find a database object (table, query, form, report) other than having to scroll through them in the database window.

E.g. I have many many queries and when I need to find one to make changes to it, it often takes me a while to find it when scrolling thru the queries in the database window.

Has anyone ever programmed anything whereby you can type in the object type and name and then it will be highlighted in the database window?

This would be a great time saver.


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Export OLE Object From Access Database

Feb 9, 2006

OK, I have a very large Access database with embedded bitmap photos.

I have realized the error of my ways and would like to list them as linked.

The problem:
How can I get the embedded files out without individually going through, viewing and saving and naming?

Is there a way to save a file do a directory and name it, say the primarykey.bmp or something?

Please help!

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General :: Database Or Object Is Read Only?

Aug 25, 2012

Been using XP all this time, just got a new computer with Windows 7. Still using old Access 2000, not my call to update as this is the decision of the guy who owns the database.

Anyways, I opened Access for the first time, just a blank database so I can set up the user account. When I go to Tools > Security > User and Group Accounts and try to assign a password to Admin, I get the error message that it cannot update because the database is read only.

Where did this come from? I have never seen this message before, and the person who owns the database has a couple computers with Windows 7 that I have set this up on and did not run into this issue.

I realize that there can be some compatibility issues with Windows 7 and Access 2000 but it has worked on other Windows 7 computers, and not using the virtual XP mode.

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General :: How To Get Size Of Each Object In Database

Aug 11, 2015

I have adopted someone elses database. It is a front end with about 100 linked tables/forms/reports/modules. The problem is that the database is really large. I would think by looking at the objects that it should be around 5mb tops, however after compacting it is still 63mb.

Is there a way (vba or otherwise) to look at each object and get its size in KB?

Once I can figure out which object is taking up too much space I can work on making them smaller.

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Modules & VBA :: Hyperlink To Another Database Object

Sep 26, 2013

I have 2 databases (accdb). Both databases have a loading pop form. Also both databases include the following line of code when the loading form opens:

docmd.runcommand acCmdAppMinimize

This code works great when I open the databases individually. but my problem is that I have a label on the pop form in accdb 1 with its hyperlink address set to accdb 2 and the subaddress set to the macro name.The hyperlink opens the database 2 just fine and it opens the loading form but it doesn't minimize the application window.

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Unable To Change Owner For The Database Object

Jun 16, 2005

I have Access 2003 and I am trying secure my database.
I read thru the posts in this forum and I created a new mdw file and new id..I gave this new id all the powers of Admin, so that I can take away all the powers from Admin user and Admins Group...but I am unable to change owner for the database object..current owner is Admin.

What can owner do that admin cannot do?

Please help..

Thanks a bunch.

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Unable To Change Owner For The Database Object

Jun 16, 2005

I have Access 2003 and I am trying secure my database.
I read thru the posts in this forum and I created a new mdw file and new id..I gave this new id all the powers of Admin, so that I can take away all the powers from Admin user and Admins Group...but I am unable to change owner for the database object..current owner is Admin.

What can owner do that admin cannot do?

Please help..

Thanks a bunch. :confused:

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General :: Cannot Update - Database Or Object Is Read-only

Aug 24, 2013

I have 2 tables and from them I do a query called "Query_Dates". There, I created 4 calculated fields which compares fields of the two tables previously mentioned.

What I am trying to do is everytime the calculated fields are equal to "Diff", gets the value from the second table (ADHOC) and and puts it in the 1st table (Master_Table). In total there are 4 fields I would change depending on other 4 fields called (CheckRR, CheckQual, CheckProd, CheckCap).

The problem is that it gives me an error 3027, object is read-only.

Below, you can find the code.

Private Sub Comando27_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsd As DAO.Recordset
Dim supplierName As String
Set rsd = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Query_Dates", dbOpenDynaset)
Set rst = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Master_Table" , dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] .....

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Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-only - User Rights?!

May 7, 2007

Hi together.

I have a problem getting this error message "Cannot update. Database or object is read-only" in my Access form application.

The funny thing is, when i run this program under a Administrator account, it's working...but its not working with the User account.

Of course the User hast permission to this folder, it's just a folder on the "C:" drive.

Is there a special right i have to modify that the user can work on it?



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General :: No Permission To Open Database Object Error

Jan 20, 2015

I have a 2003 .mdb file and the associated Workgroup Information File which normally resides on a network in a folder V:V-Base-DatabaseDATA. I have the Workgroup Information File.

The database is unsupported and we need to migrate the data to a new web based database.

When I try to open the database with the shift key down I get the following message :

You do not have the necessary permission to use the V:V-Base-DatabaseDATAV-Basebe.mdb object.

What is the best way to access the data and do I need to do this on the server instead of a local drive off site?

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Modules & VBA :: Updating Database - Sending OLE Object Through Email

Jan 23, 2014

I am currently updating an Access database, any way to send an OLE Object (in this case an Excel Spreadsheet) as an attachment to an email address using VBA code? I made a form that shows the Excel Spreadsheet when the record is brought up, but I need to know how to send just the Excel Spreadsheet and not the other information on the form.

Also, if there is an alternate way to have an Excel spreadsheet embedded into an Access form, i'm open to change. The user wants to be able to see the Excel spreadsheet and send it to their supervisor without having to locate the Excel spreadsheet on the hard drive.

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Runtime Error 3027 Cannot Update Database Or Object Is Read Only

Sep 30, 2005


I'm having trouble with my database (Access 2000). I'm trying to export a file into a text file by clicking on a button. Below is the code. Where the code is in bold that is when the runtime error happens.

If i export the code manually by right click on the query > Export then this works, but for some reason by clicking on the button will not work.

Private Sub cmdExport_Click()
Dim sExportFilePath As String
sExportFilePath = DLookup("[DateExportLocation]", "tblSettings", "[ID]=1") ' Path if file to be exported
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryUpDateTransmissionDateAndTime", acViewNormal, acEdit ' Update dates time
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "ExportFile", "qryExportFile", sExportFilePath
End Sub

I appreciate your help

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Runtime Error 3027 Cannot Update, Database Or Object Is Read-only

Dec 20, 2006

I create a front end and back end that resides on the lan. Front has everything besides the table which resides on the back end. Front ends table are linked to the backend. I have two computer that i am testing it on. Both of them runs Access 2003 runtime and windows has been update to the latest version, both xp machine aswell.Both has user right to read and write to that directory on the lan. Ldr exist when either of them uses access file. The strange thing is when i run a command to copy some data from one table to another one. one of the machine give me the following error "3027 Cannot Update. database or object is read only". While on the other machine it runs flawless. Another weird thing is if i modified some values in table by using forms it works great on both so i am a bit clueless where the problems is. its seems my problem is copying from one table to another. i dont have problem modyfing one table. Here is the code i use to that halt my ms access database.

Dim dbs As Database, rsProposal As Recordset, TES As String, stdocname As String, stLinkCriteria As String


If TES = DLookup("TESID", "Proposals", "TESID =" & "'" & TES & "'") Then
MsgBox "Proposal Already Exists for TES ID: " & vbCrLf & _
" " & TES, vbOKOnly, "Proposal Already Exists"
GoTo Image264_Click_Exit
If MsgBox("Do You Really Want to Create" & vbCrLf & "a New Proposal for TES ID " & vbCrLf & " " & TES & " ?", 289, "Create New Proposal?") = vbOK Then
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rsProposal = dbs.OpenRecordset("Proposals")
With rsProposal
![Long_Desc] = Me![Description]
![Short_Desc] = Me![Opportunity]
![Dest_Site] = Me![Install Site]
![End_User] = Me![Contractor/Purchaser Name]
![Date_Due] = Me![Proposal Due Date]
![Date_Completed] = Me![Close Date]
![Status] = Me![Status]
Set rsProposal = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
End With
stLinkCriteria = "[TESID] = " & "'" & TES & "'"
stdocname = "Form Prop - Detail"
DoCmd.OpenForm stdocname, , , stLinkCriteria
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Form TES - Detail"
End If
End If

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Create A Shortcut To Open An Access Database Object For 2007

Dec 17, 2007

Running 2007. In 2003, to make a shortcut for an object, all I had to do is right click and place the short cut where i wanted.

I can't seem to find anyway to do it in 2007

Anybody have any clues?

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Command Button To View PDF / Excel File Or JPEG From Object Within Database Table

Aug 12, 2013

I have created a database for a church cemetery. It contains the usual names, birthrates deaths, etc.... I have also created a map of the cemetery in PDF format with the lot number highlighted which is assigned to a particular record. I did the same in excel with a layout of the lot and a JPEG picture of the grave marker. In my table I created Three columns - Site Plan, Lot Plan, and Grave marker. I insert the specific site plan, lot plan, and jpeg picture using the "insert object" in the table. On my form after a search, I have created three buttons.. Site Plan, Lot Plan & Grave Marker.

I have looked and experimented trying to assign these command buttons to open these files on the form. I don't have any experience with macros or VB code.

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General :: Changing Over To New Database Structure

Apr 18, 2013

We are currently using Access 2007 for all our database needs but so many different people have had access to changes things that now they are so convoluted that my boss is wanting me to build a brand new database... Is there a way to take all the tables in one database and migrate them over to the new database that I am building?

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Object Library Not Registered/ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

Jun 9, 2005


I am using Access 2003(11.6355.6360) SPI

When I attempt to create a new DB - by performing Blank Database I immediately get a message 'Object Library not registered'.

If I 'OK' that box and try to create a table, I can do so - create Table in design view.

When I then try to Import external data - an excel file I get the message 'ActiveX component Can't create object'.

I have looked ob various sites for help and forum information regarding these errors but have found nothing conclusive, with specidfic regard to Access 2003.

The version has been loaded on my machine about 1 year as part pf Office Professional but this is the first time I have attempted to run Access itself.

Does any forum member have any ideas as to how this problem could be resolved.

Thank You


Paul Langham

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Changing Field Length In Large Database.

Feb 6, 2006

I am trying to change a field lenght of a large database (access 97) It is at 50 right now and want to change it to 25. When I try to change it and save the table I get a error when the bar is about 3/4 the way accross the bottom.

Microsoft can't change the data type - there isn't enough disk space or memory.


not enough space on temporary disk

This is error 3183. In the help it says that the TEMP DOS enviroment variable location doesn't have enough space. (summerising). Now I have a 100+gb drive that isn't close to being full. I also changed the MaxLocksPerFile registry dword to 8,000,000 as my table has around over 3 million records. I have tried this on a xp and 2000 machine same results. Next I am going to try it on a 98 machine. I could do it by breaking up the table into 2 differnt ones and do each one individually but there is an autonumber field used as a reference number (I know I know). So that would screw up the numbering scheem (Yes I know there are ways arund that also). this database is about 400MB

Couple of questions
1. Is there a way around this? I have not found a solution on line yet.
2. Will lowering the field length make the database smaller (the data that is in there now is less than 25 charecters and the field is set to 50.) I have gotten mixed info on this. there are a few fields I would like to reduce.


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