Changing Title Of Form, Report, Table Etc

Aug 4, 2006


First post in this forum. I am using office 2003 pro. I have an Access database that I would like to change the title of. I would ilke this change to be applied to forms, reports and tables. I have done this in the past but can't recall how to do it.

I would be grateful for any assistance.


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Changing The Title On Error Message Box

May 5, 2006

I saw the solution to this on this forum a while back but no matter what I search under I cant seem to find it again!

Can someone remind me how to change the Title of the error message boxes I can change the error message - by changing the Err.Description - but how do you replace the 'Microsoft Office Access' with your own Title?

I am running Access 2003 on XP.

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Importing CSV W/report Title Stripped Out..

Nov 14, 2006

I need to import a .csv file into a table. The problem is the top title information is on the file, like below. I do not want to import report name, report date, include rows, number of rows, and the blank space. I need to start the import on the header row. This looks fine in excel of course, but when i need to import it into access, there is no need for it. How do i either strip that out during the import or skip it.

sample csv file:

Report name: xxxxxx
Report date: xxx
Include rows where.....
Number of row: xxxx

10/4,john,smith,888,12 w st,,
10/4,jane,smith,7575,34 w st,,


Any help would be great! Thanks!

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Reports :: Report To PDF With Custom Title

Oct 15, 2013

I am using the built in Access macro editor to run a number of reports which are called for arguments sake ClientPartA, ClientPartB etc..My macro so far simply opens on a button click each of these reports and populates a number of text fields (all this is working fine)

Where my problem lies is I then want to export each of these reports to a central network location "L:Operations DatabaseProjects1042Outputfile. I have been using the command 'ExportWithFormatting' and have filled out the macro element with;

Object Type: Report
Object Name ClientPartA
Output Format: PDF Format (*.Pdf)
Output File: L:Operations DatabaseProjects1042Outputfile
Auto Start: No
Template File (no info)
Encoding (no info)
Output Quality Print

Now all my data is pulling from a form called 'Client' and the field 'RecipientsAccountNumber'..I thought I would be able to export the file(s) as PDF with the output file being written as;

Output File: L:Operations DatabaseProjects1042Outputfile Forms![Client]![RecipientsAccountNumber] & " - ClientPartA"

saving the form to the named directory as '300300300 - ClientPartA'..What in reality is happening is it's saving the file to the named directory not as a PDF and with the file name of 'Forms![Client]![RecipientsAccountNumber]

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Reports :: How To Change Report Title

Mar 8, 2013

I have a form with command button, when clicked it displays My report in Preview. I want to change the report title whenever i click a button from the form. I believe it is to do with VBA and am new in that.

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Display Value Of Parameter Query In Report Title

Nov 21, 2011

I would like to display the value of my parameter query into the title of the report.How could I do this on Access 2007?So far I have made another field in the query and called it ParaDate: [JobDate]

Then in the report title I wrote:

=Limousines booked for&" "&[JobDate]

But it's not working.

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Modules & VBA :: Including Parameter Fields In Report Title?

Aug 28, 2013

I am running an Access 2003 report that outputs to an Excel Spreadsheet The parameter query has two paramerters First Date and Last Date. The report runs from an Button OnClick event. I need to include the two dates in the 'name' of the spreadsheet as below

Private Sub btn_report_between_dates_Click()
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qry_all_calls_between_dates", acFormatXLS, "Calls By Between Dates " First Date" and " Last Date" - Date Report Run " & Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy") & ".xls", True
End Sub

(btw I know it is preferable to use the TransferSpreadsheet method, but I've not got around to that way yet)

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Modules & VBA :: Generate Report For A Test And Answer Sheet - Setting Title?

Oct 15, 2013

I'm using VBA code to open a query, generate a report for a test and an answersheet. I'm using the same report, and don't want to make many reports. I have the below code which runs my query, and generates the reports.

Private Sub Command2_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "1", acViewNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenReport "WrittenExam", acViewPreview, "", "", acNormal
DoCmd.OpenReport "WrittenExamAnswerSheet", acViewPreview, "", "", acNormal
End Sub

I have a need to be able to set the report title for both reports when running my code.

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Put A Table Value In The Title Bar

Oct 9, 2006


I want to put a value from a field in a table in the Title Bar.

So far i have done (Looking at 2 ways to create, 1 with module below or directly in the form, only just lloking at the module way so is not finished as i am waiting to get it to work directly first):

Option Compare Database

Function ChangeTitle()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim prp As DAO.Property
Const conPropNotFoundError = 3270

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' Return Database variable pointing to current database.
Set dbs = CurrentDb
' Change title bar.
dbs.Properties!AppTitle = "DYSMS " & (SoftwareVersion.tblSoftwareInformation)
' Update title bar on screen.
Exit Function

If Err.Number = conPropNotFoundError Then
Set prp = dbs.CreateProperty("AppTitle", dbText, _
dbs.Properties.Append prp
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End If
Resume Next
End Function


Does not work
Dim stAppTitle As String
stAppTitle = "DYSMS " & (SoftwareVersion.tblSoftwareInformation)
Me.Caption = stAppTitle

Does work
Dim stAppTitle As String
stAppTitle = "DYSMS " & (Now())
Me.Caption = stAppTitle

So need to declare the SoftwareVersion field i guess??



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Application Title Base On Data On Table

Jun 1, 2005

Good Day,

Is it posibble to refer data from table and using it for a application title?

I know we can used tool/startup to change a title of application but I need to combine with other data refer from table.

For example : Microsoft Access (Company Name)

+ company name is a data refer from a table company.


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Title At Top Of Form?

Feb 23, 2005

This should hopefully be an easy one for somebody:

How can I not display the title of any opened form at the very top of the screen. I would prefer to have the switchboard title remaining visible instead of the form title.

For example I have a form called 'frmPC' so the top of the screen shows 'frmPC : Form' when the form is open.


Much appreciated,


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Changing Table Data Using Form

Sep 8, 2004

My scenario is that a user enters how many parts of 'Part No.' are going in or out of Inventory. I also would like fields automatically entered on other tables based on the data the user enters. All I need is some understanding of how to code something like this or a pointing in the direction of a resource that can tell me how to code this VBA stuff and the syntax required.
Hopefully you get what I mean.


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Tables :: Inserting Hyperlink In Field Title On A Table?

Dec 7, 2012

Is there a way to insert a hyperlink in a field title on a table? For example, I have a field that is a check box for whether the person has taken a class. What I would like to do is insert a link in the field title for that class so I can click on it and bring up the supporting documentation in a PDF file for that class.

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Changing A Field In The Table And The Form Not Opening

Aug 20, 2005

I have made a table and quered that table. I have a form that I designed and is working well. It updates the table like it is supposed to. The problem I have is when I go in and change the master table. I decided that instead of havinga field titled "Unlisted/Listed" I just made it Listed and you put a yes or no. But when I do that and go back to the form a box pops up asking for some value. How do I fix this? Thank you.

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Forms :: Changing The Password In The Table From A Form

May 9, 2013

I have a login button in which if the username has an empty password or the user is his/her first time to login, another form will appear which is the Set New Password. How can I change the password of that current user, my Set New Password Form has two fields which is 'txtSetPassword1' and 'txtSetPassword2' and an OK button.

The user must enter a new password and a verification password, if the 2 fields matched, the new password entered will change the password in the table. The table name is 'tbl_UsernamesQry'.

I have done it but the main problem is, it changes the other's users password not the current user.

Here is my code for the OK button of that form Set New Password:

Private Sub btnSetOk_Click()
If Me.txtSetPassword1.Value = Me.txtSetPassword2.Value Then


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Forms :: Form Is Changing Table Data

Aug 29, 2013

I have a form that allows users to click on an item in a listbox and it brings them to the selected record in another form. However, everytime I close the form and open it, it changes the client name in the list to the client ID.

List is set up like this

Client ID | Client Name| Order Date
1 Mike 2013-08-04
2 Jon 2013-08-15
3 Mark 2013-08-17

Turns into this on close - Changes the client name to the ID of the last item selected before close

Client ID | Client Name| Order Date
1 Mike 2013-08-04
2 3 2013-08-15
3 Mark 2013-08-17

Select statement is:
SELECT Client.[Client ID], Client.Client, Client.orderDate FROM Client ORDER BY Client.orderDate;

Code is:
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command22_Click()
'opens the form with my subform that holds the table data
On Error GoTo Err_Command22_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "Client1"


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Title Bars In Access Form, Tables Etc

Dec 13, 2006

Hi Can anyone advise me if there is a a way to remove or hide the "title Bar" at the top of the window on forms etc. The bar I mean is the one with the icon followed by e.g "Access - Forms [switchboard -Form]"

Any help would be appriciated.

Many thanks


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Forms :: Datasheet View Form Without Application Title Bar

Aug 20, 2014

Is there any possibility to have the application title bar on data sheet view form? I need it to close the form and return to main switchboard using the Close button.

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Stop Access From Changing Format / Value Of Data Entered From A Form Into A Table

Oct 7, 2012

I have a database (split into front and backend). Users populate the table using a form on the front end. Recently, it has been pointed out that some of the data entered into one specific textbox is being changed on the table. The data entered is always has a minimum of a letter and number value i.e. "A1", "A2" etc. Upon examining the table, this has changed into numeric values i.e. "1291", "1061", "852"... etc. Looks like it is translating them into both 3 and 4 digit numerical values by the looks of things. Where more complex data is entered such as "2(A1, A2)" these seem unaffected.

The field is set to text, I have set no validation rule, format or input mask. Just can't see why access is changing these values. It seems to be translating them, but I can't see a pattern.

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Forms :: Display Definite Title For The Form In Unbound Textbox

Jan 19, 2015

I need to open form1 from form2 and display in unbound textbox a definite title for the form.

According to the title i want to hide some fields and unhide others.

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Reports :: Changing Name On Report Tab?

May 11, 2013

After changing data source , header and name of report, only the design view tab changes to the new name of the report. i.e. Changed copy of "Fiscal Quarter 01 Report" to "Fiscal Quarter 02 Report". When open in design view, name tag of report is "Fiscal Quarter 02 Report". In any other view, name tag of report is "Fiscal Quarter 01 Report". If I need to have both reports open in report view, they both have "Fiscal Quarter 01 Report" on the name tab - Very Confusing! How do I get all tabs for a renamed report changed to the new name?

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Changing Vertical Text On A Report

Oct 2, 2005

Not sure if this is possible but I have a few text boxes on a report set to vertical yes under properties. They print fine, but on the pre-printed forms I'm using they print upside down. Is there a way to realign they way the text prints when using the vertical yes setting? I really need they text to be inverted. I'm I asking an impossible question? Thanks..

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Report Page Setup Keeps Changing

Jan 3, 2006

I have several reports in my system. Some are landscape and some are portrait. Occasionally the landcape ones switch to portrait taking up two pages each. In preview mode it is not so bad that the user can reset the page size, but when one is sent to print this is most certainly annoying.

Any advice?

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Size-changing Fields In A Report

Dec 11, 2007

I've asked this question in different forums before, and though some people say it can be done, I have not found anyone who is successful yet.

I have a report that puts down a person's address, however the address information is stored within the database in separate fields ('Address', 'City', 'State', 'ZIP'). The issue I have is with the City/State/ZIP. Some city names are longer than others, is it possible to have the fields adapt to the different word lengths.

Say the address is, Albany, NY 10023. The database would output this alright, but then if the city name is San Francisco, CA 94143, the fields are in disarray.

I have the same issue with names. Last name and first name are stored separately. I would like to display Last, First. My workaround has been to right-align the Last name, and put it adjacent to the left-aligned first name field. This works unless the person's last name is very long, disporportionately from the first name, in which case, it looks very much off center in the overall report.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Help In Changing Number Value To Text On Report Of Combo Box....

Feb 15, 2008

I am using a combo box to enter Employees names for training hours...I want to use a pivotchart but when i use the training hours table/form the pivotchart gives me the combo box numbers instead of the names. I know there is a formula or something I am suppose to use here or even a query but I don't have a clue as to how to do this....if someone would be so kind in directing me with instructions and help...thanks

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Problem With Changing Report Based On Checkbox

Aug 8, 2006

I have a form with one checkbox on at the moment. Depending on whether it is checked or not I want to choose to display or not display a field on a form.

I have the following code below but whether the checkbox is ticked or not it doesn't affect the report.

If Check4 = True Then
[Report_Temp].Medium.Visible = False
DoCmd.OpenReport "Temp", acViewPreview, , MyFilter

What have I missed?

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