Changing To Field Value Instead Of Fields.

Dec 14, 2006

Help needed: Large Yes/no tables!

I have a form with names of employees, and different skills that employee has.

It is listed in a form as columns with the employee name in rows, and columns for the skills. The form is in fact really great, but I see that the solution might bring problems in the future because of maintainance issues, and field limitations. I add fields frequently, and the table is growing without me beeing able to control it.

I have organized this in only one table, and used the name of the skill as a field. There is many other tables in the DB, but none of them covers this area.


employeeID | auto
employeename | text
Hireddate | date/time
Fireddate | date/time
baking | yes/no
cooking | yes/no
driving | yes/no
juggling | yes/no

With this solution I get the skillname as a heading, and the name as a column with lots of yes/no values. I love the filter functions, and the form is quite nice...


Employee baking cooking driving juggling
employeeeID1 yes no no yes
employeeeID2 no yes yes yes
employeeeID3 no no yes yes
employeeeID4 yes yes yes no

and so on.

Is there a way to organize this so that the skill name comes in the top row, the results get listed as shown above when the skill is placed as a field value, not a field itself?

I have looked for a solution with many-to-many relations with 3 tables, but cant seem to make it work right. It is especially the form I have trouble creating with the new design.
I have also tried to make crosstab queries with minor success.

Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can make the relations work.
One employee can possess a great number of different skills, and the skill can be possessed by a great number of employees. This is not a difficult issue by itself, the problem is to make the form as shown over.

Thank you, in advance.

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Changing Fields To Must Populate

May 3, 2006

Hi Everyone

I need to change a fields properties on a form depending on another fields data.

i.e. If a user ticks a Yes/No box saying they've done something they must also complete the date they did it. I can't set the date field in the table to be 'Required' as if ther is no tick then it doesn't need to be.



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Linked Fields Changing On Their Own???

Dec 3, 2007

Hello all...

I have a problem with a single query I have build in Access 2000. Basically, I have a normalised database structure to 3NF. I have a table called Data, a table called Reports and a table called DataReports which cotains the primary keys from both data and reports which are named Data_ID and Report_Id.
Basically, what is happening is I am building a query that returns a record from DataReports using the Data_Id field as criteria as this is held on a form. I create a one to many relationship from the Reports table to the DataReports table using a link from one Report_Id to the other. I save the table and it works fine...once only!! The query is used to feed a list box on a form. The form loads correctly but when I go back into design view to make a change to something else on the form and then go back to form view, I get Data Type Mismatch error. When I look at the query, Access has changed the link from the Report_Id --> Report_Id to Report_Id --> Report_Title which is the next field down in the Reports table. Because all ID's in my database are Autonum's it is trying to link a number to text so I understand why this would not work but I dont understand why on earth access is changing my links. It is very frustrating. Could anyone help me please.

Thank you kindly..


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Changing Case In Text Fields

Sep 1, 2006


Is there a way of changing the case of text that has been entered in a table?

Want a form to display capitalised names, say, no matter how they were entered. Know that they can be displayed in all caps using >.


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Changing Messages / Date Fields

Jul 9, 2007

Hi Guys me again!!

After spending the last few hours searching the forum and net for an answer I have finally conceded again that I need advice

I have a field in a table called DOB (date of birth) this is currently set as a Date / Time field

It did orignally have an input mask for short date i.e 11/11/2011 but i have removed this for now.

On my form (Patients) there is also some code in the after update properties box of DOB to calculate a persons age which is entered into another text field on the form.

What I need is a customised message box if the user enters the date incorrectly i.e 11/11/11 instead of 11/11/2011 alternativley is there a way to change what the user puts in i.e 11/11/11 to 11/11/2011 automatically after udating but keeping the code to calculate the age?

Hope this isn't to confusing...

Thanks in anticipation


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Colour Changing Fields In List Box

Mar 16, 2008

Hi there guys,

I need a little help on a little situation. Basically, my client for my school project wants to be able to see graphically if orders sent to their bookstore have been processed or not. So i suggested a change of cololour of the fields.

Now I have created a Form containing the orders as they are stored in a list box, (both already processed and unprocessed orders), now I want to be able to allow each item in the list box to be either Red (if unprocessed) or green (if processed) so the user can see which ones they need to deal with. Im guessing this would take some VB, but if anyone could help me, I would really appreciate it :).

PS, if you do provide VB could you please explain a little of whats going on as i have to annotate all the code I use and im not too profficient in VB

Thanks a lot


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Size-changing Fields In A Report

Dec 11, 2007

I've asked this question in different forums before, and though some people say it can be done, I have not found anyone who is successful yet.

I have a report that puts down a person's address, however the address information is stored within the database in separate fields ('Address', 'City', 'State', 'ZIP'). The issue I have is with the City/State/ZIP. Some city names are longer than others, is it possible to have the fields adapt to the different word lengths.

Say the address is, Albany, NY 10023. The database would output this alright, but then if the city name is San Francisco, CA 94143, the fields are in disarray.

I have the same issue with names. Last name and first name are stored separately. I would like to display Last, First. My workaround has been to right-align the Last name, and put it adjacent to the left-aligned first name field. This works unless the person's last name is very long, disporportionately from the first name, in which case, it looks very much off center in the overall report.

Any help would be appreciated.

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General :: Changing All Currency Fields

Aug 20, 2012

How do I change all the currency fields (many many of them....)from $ to currency without going in and changing every form and fields manually.

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Reports :: Changing Row Height For All Fields In A Row

Jun 11, 2013

I have an existing report with a number of fields arranged horizontally in a tabular fashion in the detail section. The first field is an identifying line of text and the remaining fields are numerical calculations. The report is basically a simple profitability estimate report for a number of different products.

Behind the fields of data is another text box that is blank, which stretches across all the horizontal fields, and which changes background color using conditional formatting. When printing, this colors the whole row according to that criteria (it changes color based on the relative profitability of each product in the report).

The problem I'm having is that the first line of identifying text can sometimes overflow.

I've set the Can Grow property to Yes for this and all other controls in the Detail section. But the result is sometimes some funny-looking formatting. The identifier (like "Product XYZ with a really long description") will word-wrap, but every other field in that row maintains their own height. In particular, this makes the coloring of the conditionally formatted row look off, because it provides only one line's worth of color, even though the product description has wrapped to two lines.

How I can resize all the controls in the Detail section based on the height of the tallest control, and keep the whole thing dynamic?

Things I've tried: I've tried putting some VBA in either the OnFormat or the OnPrint events that iterates through the controls in the section and resets their heights. In the "OnFormat" event, nothing happens (no errors and no apparent changes in the appearance of the report). In the "OnPrint" event, I get an error that says the height property cannot be changed during a print or print preview.

The VBA I tried using was as follows:

Dim ctlIt As Control
Dim lngMaxHeight As Long
For Each ctlIt In Me.Controls
If ctlIt.ControlType = acTextBox Then

[Code] ....

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Changing Fields In Table To Upper Case

Jun 19, 2007

Hi All, A quick question..

Is there a quick way to change about 5000 primary keys fields from lower case to uppercase?

Thanks Anna :)

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Queries :: Changing A Text Field Into A Number Field Using A Query

Jul 31, 2014

I currently import data into a table and it it has a text field which looks like this: 12,345.67 GBP...I need to use a query to make this a number field so that I can sum it's contents. I've managed to remove the 'GBP' part but can't seem to get rid of the comma?

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Reports :: Changing Visible Property Of Blank Image Fields In A Report

Dec 8, 2014

My student is doing a project on question paper generation in which he selects questions from each lesson needed and also some of these questions have images associated with them. So, if these questions are selected, the image control in the report displays it.

If there is no image, the space for the control is left in tact. I tried changing the visible property for the image control in the Detail_Format event procedure. But this code is not reached at all and the space is still left. I am not storing the image directly in the field but its path in a text field.

I want that the space occupied by the image control removed. I tried the suppression thing but obviously it did not work.

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Changing Name Of A Field

Jan 4, 2007

I have a table Client-Details,in which i have a record namely "bharti-chennai".this table is associated with aother table "release-details". bharti-chennai has records in relase details.i want to change the name of bharti-chennai to bharti -mumbai to do it.

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Changing A Field Automatically

Dec 7, 2004

hiya... he's my problem........

i have 3 tables: tblVolunteer, tblMedicalCondition, tblVolunteerMedicalCondition.

in tblVolunteer i have: volunteerID, volunteerName, HEALTHY (yes/no)

If a volunteer doesn't have a record in tblvolunteerMedicalCondition, i would like the HEALTHY field in tblVolunteer to default to 'yes', and if they do get a related record in tblVolunteerMedicalCondition, i would like the HEALTHY field in tblVolunteer to change to 'No' automatically.

How do i achieve this please..????

many thanks for viewing!!

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Changing A Field Automatically

Dec 7, 2004

hiya... he's my problem........

i have 3 tables: tblVolunteer, tblMedicalCondition, tblVolunteerMedicalCondition.

in tblVolunteer i have: volunteerID, volunteerName, HEALTHY (yes/no)

If a volunteer doesn't have a record in tblvolunteerMedicalCondition, i would like the HEALTHY field in tblVolunteer to default to 'yes', and if they do get a related record in tblVolunteerMedicalCondition, i would like the HEALTHY field in tblVolunteer to change to 'No' automatically.

How do i achieve this please..????

many thanks for viewing!!

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Number Field Changing

Jan 17, 2005

This might be simple but I just can't figure it out.

I have a table that has a number field. Everytime I enter the number 1.50, it changes to 2. I would like to keep the 1.50. Somehow, I can't get this right. Is there a setting that I have to change? Would I need to make setting changes on the form portion also?

thanx for any help

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Changing The Field Name - Dynamically

Feb 18, 2006

Hi All,

I have built queries based on tables. The field names are the technical field names of an application. For example pernr is actually Personnel Number etc.

My queries are set up as follows:

Field = pernr
Table = etc

I would like to rename pernr to Personnel Number so that the column heading in the datasheet view is Personnel Number.

I know I can do this manually for each query by using the following as the field: Personnel Number: pernr

Is there any way of getting this be done dynamically using a lookup table etc. I have lots of queries and I don't want to manually change them all. Furthermore, if I wanted to rename Personnel Number to Personnel No. then I could do it in the mapping table rather than in all the queries.



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Changing The Field List

Apr 5, 2006

I have a form that I need to modify. Currently, the field list shows Query 1 as the 'control source' for the text boxes on the form and I need to change to use Query 2 but I am unsure of how to do this. Do I have to delete the test boxes and start fresh or can I change the field list and use Query 2 as the source?
Thanks for any help.

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Changing Value Of Another Form Field

Jun 30, 2006

I have a property form for keeping track of houses and buildings owned and then on that form i have a policy field for the policy number of the insurance called txtPolicy. Next to that field I have a little button which opens a form so it will show all the insurance policies associated with the housing group which the property is in. When i select the appropriate policy and double click it in the listbox I want it to close the form and set the value of the txtPolicy to the one just selected in the listbox. I know how to get the value of the item selected in the listbox but I just don't know how to set the value of a field on another form...

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Changing Field Names

Dec 14, 2005

I am using ASP to try to edit the column (field) names of my Access database. Here is an example of would I would like to work:

Code:data_source = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & _ Server.MapPath("databases/logins.mdb")Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")rs.CursorType = 2rs.LockType = 3 rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Users;" , data_sourcers(1).name="blah"

The last line is the problem. A field name in an ADO recordset is limited to read-only persmissions for opened (already exisiting) recordsets.

Is there another way around this without using an SQL "ALTER" statement. In other words, by accessing the field's name through a number like rs(i).name instead of rs("fieldname").name?


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Changing Field Names Automatically

Oct 15, 2005

I have an Application that I want to re-use for a second user. The only change I need to make is to re-name the fields.

Is there a tool that can do this across the tables, queries and reports for each field name change ???

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Changing Field Format Defaults

Jul 5, 2005

Does anyone know how to change a field FORMAT default? I am creating lots of tables with lots of number format fields. I don't, however, want a zero default value (or any default value for that matter) for all of these fields. I can go in and delete them manually, but that seems like a backward way of doing things. Does anyone know how to elimate that default value from the format of a number field in general?


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Update Is Changing Field Type

Oct 1, 2007

i have a temporary table which is created by importing an excel file

some extra fields are then added to the table using sql vb code for example

strSQL = "ALTER TABLE [TBL_TmpSubmission] ADD COLUMN [EnergyUnit] TEXT;"
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute strSQL

these fields are later populated conditionally using an update exectuted again from vb code

If Me.cboProgram.Column(0) < 3 Then
strSQL = "UPDATE TBL_TmpSubmission SET EnergyUnit = 'GWh'"
strSQL = "UPDATE TBL_TmpSubmission SET EnergyUnit = 'CarbonTonne'"
End If
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute strSQL

the problem is that this field now has a memo data type, this is a problem because i need to write a query which uses this field in a table join and access won't let you join on the memo type

anyone know why this might happen? for the time being i'm going to try and fudge this by using a further ddl statement to change the data type back to text but i'd rather know whats going on here

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Changing Colors In A Field Automatically

Mar 15, 2005

Hi everyone,

The problem I'm having is I need to have the background of a field change color depending on what's contained within the field. There's only three possible entries in the field: active, inactive, and a blank entry. I need it to show green if the field contains "active", red if the field is "inactive" or is blank (I also want the blank fields to show inactive, but that's niether here or there right now.)

I've been trying to get it to work with an if then statement, and setoption to change the background. I've had no luck with any of it, though.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Changing Language In A Date Field

Jul 27, 2005

I am working on a french version of Access but in my english forms, I need the current date field to be written in english - is there a way/expression to change the language of the date field on a form (from french to english)?

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Newbie: Changing The Value Of A Field On Form

Dec 11, 2005


I am a newbie to Access or any database for that matter. So please be gentle.
I'm in the process of writing an automotive invoicing database and have gotten stuck early in the game.
On my form I have Qty1 - Mat1 - and Amt1 fields placed from my database.
In Amt1 I would like to typein an amount and have it multiplied by 15% (.015).
I fiddled with the "On Enter" in the Amt1 property box but got nowhere.
Can someone help???

Thanks for your time

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