Character Recognition And Hyperlinking

Aug 7, 2007

I was wondering if its possible to.... In my business, we test electronic components. When one fails, it gets documented as a test error, and the document is named TE-XXXX YYY where XXXX is a four digit number and YYY is a code of some sort. is it possible that in a table, When TE-XXXX YYY is entered, it only recognizes "TE-XXXX" which hyperlinks to microsoft word document in a folder that gives more information about the test error. Thanks in advance!

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Telephone Number Recognition

Nov 7, 2007

Good day all.

Here is a bit on an interesting one. I am currently designing a database and I would like to connect it to an apparantly existing bit of kit available in the uk that connects a pc serial port and the users telephone line. When someone calls, it will send the telephone number of the caller (if available) through to the pc. The database can then use this telephone number to retrieve the callers details, if they are held. Does anyone happen to know what these devices are called? I have looked on google for Caller Line Identifier Hardware etc but no joy. Thanks.

Gareth :confused:

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Help With Hyperlinking Please

Jun 5, 2005

First of all I would like to say a big hello to all on the forum. Great info and great reading for newbies Like myself
I am very new to access and I'm using the 2002 version.

I have a form with a textbox, I want to add a button on the form to open the hyperlink browser. After I select the location of the file I want that URL to be entered into the textbox as a hyperlink. This has been bugging me now for 3 days. As I say I am a real, real newbie so any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Help With Hyperlinking

Nov 3, 2005

Hi all,

Just looking for a bit of help with hyperlinking on a form. Basically, I am adding a 'read more' function to a quiz program I am writing.

I have a label simply called 'Read More' that sits on the form. I need to set a hyperlink to this label, that is looked up from the DB as the hyperlink changes each time the form reloads.

From a simplistic view - I have a table "tbllink", with two fields, 'ID' and 'hyperlink'.

I have tried using a simple DLookUP query as the hyperlink, but access does not recognise this as a piece of code and thinks it is the actual address of the link.

=DLookUp("[hyperlink]","tbllink","[ID] = " & [ID])

Just wandering if there is an easy way to work this?

Thanks in advance

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Hyperlinking To External Files From Access

Oct 29, 2006

hey all,
I would very much appreciate any help or ideas on how to do this as I am stumped.
I need to develop an access database to track documents but also link to them.
I’ll explain what it needs to do;

Every day there is a numbered (and titled) Word format document that is sent.
Most, but not all of the time an accompanying excel file is also sent. The excel file is used for updates to the word document of the same name.
Lets say the word document is titled DW101.1.doc and the Excel file is called DE101.1.xls
The first would signify it is a Word document by D (being short for Document) and W for Word.
The 2nd would be D for document and E for Excel, and then a number which is 101.1.

They are saved in a folder on the hard drive.
Each time these documents are recd then the Access Database is opened and info about those documents is entered. The document name, date, subject, number etc.
There will also be 3-4 fields that are also filled out with terms from the content of the document that could be searched by those 3-4 fields.
So as each document is recd, it’s opened and ‘scanned’ for relevant terms and or content.
That content is what will be filled in the search fields and then the subject will be the ‘main’ searchable item.

All this so far I can do with no problem.
It’s this part that’s making me crazy.
What I would really like to do is when the document(s) come in and are saved in the folder, from access you can open a dialog box, browse to that folder, and click in the file to associate it with the entry you are making for it in the database.
That way when a search is done with terms or words or subjects that match that document it will bring up the results of the search as a hyperlink that will open that document.

The people that will be using this are not very computer literate to say the least.
I could create a link to the document but I would have to be in design mode and it won’t show up as a record in a table.
Any ideas would be very much appreciated……………..


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Cap The First Character

Nov 28, 2007

I have a field that is all Lower Case. I need the first Character to be UPPER CASE...

Does anyone out there know how I can write a query to do this?

PLease help....

THanks in advance

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Need To Remove A Character

Jan 11, 2006

Hello, Tried a search but could'nt come up with an answer.

I have a number field with an amount.
The format will always change as far as the LEN is concerned.
I need to remove the decimal.
There will always be 2 numbers to the right of the decimal but the left will always change.


21543.11 Need 2154311
11.20 Need 1120

Thanks in advance! :)

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Removing The First Character Using VBA

Sep 20, 2006

I posted an earlier question about an Access query export to Excel putting leading apostophe (') before all data.
To remove them I thought I would use Find/Replace but the Apostophe is not recognised!

Is there a way (programmatically) to remove the first character of each data entry in each cell in a column?

thanks in advance


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255 Character Limit

Feb 11, 2005

My undertsanding is that text fields are limited to 255 characters. A friend has a databse with some "notes" type fields with data a few sentences long. Is there any way around this limit. If not, what database recommendations can anyone make for someone who needs a questionnaire component in his database?

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Ampersand Character

Jan 4, 2005

how do i display the ampersand character in labels?
is there any escape character i should know?

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Character Insertion Help!

Feb 14, 2007

Hi! I'm stuck and need some help. I have a list of about 1600 entries, all merchant names and i need to place an * at the beginning and end of each entry, example *Arizona Central*. Each entry has a different amount of characters...would any one know if there is a way of how I can do this easily in Access or Excel?

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Character Display

Feb 7, 2008

I have a numeric field from a SQL database that is not editable. I need to limit the number of characters displayed when I bring that field into Access forms and reports. I want it to only display the last 4 digits.

Field Name: clicode


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Problem With Greek Character

May 10, 2005

On server in my office (win server 2000) i try to link text file to database, and i just change in link text wizard language to all (default is english), and in code page (character set) i find greek. On the end of linking proces i have table with field with greek words...
What is problem?
I try the same on my online server (win server 2000), and when i try in link text wizard to change language to all, a have message:

The setings for this property is too long

and i cant chose greek code page. So when import text just like that, i have some simbols in table...

How to solve problem... Why one win 2000 work OK, and another not???

thank you

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Delete All Text Before Character

Jun 12, 2005

I've search the forums...If you can find a thread that discusses this, or can give me some advice on this topic, let me know.

Is there any built-in function that will allow me to delete any text before a certain point in a record... Or perhaps a way to use the REPLACE function to do so?

All of my records look like this (They're ticker symbols):
AMZN:Amazon, Inc
WMT:Wal-Mart Inc.
A:Agilen Tech Inc
MSFT:Microsoft Inc.

I just want the company name...Unfortunately, the ticker symbols aren't always the same length, so I can't use the left or right function.

I need to delete the colon and anything to the left of the colon. I've thought of a great use of the replace function for this purpose...I used wildcards...Too bad it didn't work!

Just The Company Name: Replace([Ticker Symbol and Name],"*" & ":","")

Any ideas?

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Space Character In A Field

Oct 12, 2005

I have a field that has to be 20 Characters long. Most of the time data for this field is less than 20 characters, so the remaining has to be filled with spaces to make it 20. e.g. if there is a record xyz1234567, then the rest of the record should have 10 spaces like xyz1234567ssssssssss, meaning if i click on this record then the cursor should not blink after 7 but after the spaces. Hope I am making sense.
Thanks for any input.

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Searching For The Asterisk Character

Oct 24, 2005

Someone used the asterisk (actually, 2 of them **) character in a field to 'mark' it for querying. Since it is a wildcard, how do I query the field to show only the records with "**" in it? What is the best way to remove them using an update query???

Thanks in advance for ANY help.

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Escaping The # Character In Query

Dec 21, 2005

I'm using a filter that contain # as one of the characters that the field might contain.
I get some very inetersting results.

"select fld1
from tbl1
where fld1 not like 'D#%'

Lets' say that the values for fld1(text type) are :
D# cc
The query above will return the 2 records, it is "egnoring" the filter.

How can I solve this problem?

Thanks a lot

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Greater Than One Character In Query

Mar 13, 2007

In my forename field I have entries with just the initial. I would like my query to filter out anything less than 2 characters. Does anyone know the criteria format?

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How To Hide A Character In A Field?

Jun 20, 2007

I have a field which looks like this - "d123456", I will have to display the field without the "d" in front, meaning I will need to show "123456" Any idea how I can do this? Thanks!

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255 Character Limit In Listbox

Mar 28, 2006

I have been beating myself up over this for the past few days and have not found a feasible workaround yet, including searching this forum repeatedly.

I have a listbox which is tied to the below query:

SELECT tbl_csraws.priority, tbl_csraws.rawname, tbl_csraws.description, tbl_csraws.sqlcode, IIf(tbl_csraws.enabled=-1,'Enabled','Disabled') AS enabled, tbl_csraws.creator, tbl_csraws.createdate FROM tbl_csraws ORDER BY IIf(tbl_csraws.enabled=-1,'Enabled','Disabled') DESC , tbl_csraws.priority

The listbox only shows the second column to the user, and upon selecting one of the options, fills in text boxes on my form for the remaining information. The description field is a memo field on the table, but when a user selects an option from the list box where the description is greater than 255 characters in length, it cuts the remaining amount off, so if they save the changes without replacing the removed characters, it will cause problems with my database. Has anyone found a workaround for this problem?



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255 Character Problem - Very Weird

Jul 26, 2006

Hi everyone,

I'm new to these forums and require some help on a very strange problem. I'm also not very clued up on Access, so you can be as basic as you like.

I was asked by my employers to develop a dynamic site for a client, which uses asp and an access database to hold various content. The problem is occuring when content from a MEMO field is pulled out on the front of the site. On our UAT site, this content is snipped off after 255 characters, whereas on our development server the entire content is outputted (as it should).

The files on both environments are identical.

Can anyone offer any thoughts on this? Could it be a server setting that needs changing, or something I need to know about access?

All responses welcome,


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Wildcard Character In VB Script?

Aug 26, 2004

I am setting up my own switchboard, and i have a quick jump menu that has every page on it. The pages are arranged as so:


When i'm setting up my code to push a person to a certain page, I want it to first check their access level (which is stored in a table in my database)

Is there a wildcard character in vb that will cover all the submenu's?
(I.E. Code:If MainMenu = "1*" And Userlevel = "PublicAccess" Then MsgBox "You do not have access to this area"End If)

Instead of having to put an if statement for every submenu under 1?

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Problems With The & Character In A Label

Sep 13, 2004

I am trying to put the text "Assessment & plan " into a label.

It looks like it is going in but when displayed the text is converted
to "Assessment _ plan". It seems like the & character is being
used as a concatination character or some other special character.

In other situations or languages I would try a exsape character
but I haven't found out what that would be in Access.

Any ides.

Thank you.

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Capitalizing The First Character In A Text Box.

Nov 11, 2004

I have a form to capture client information. I would like to have the the first character of the name fields (First and Last) be automatically capitalized. How can I set the field to do this?

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Text Box Character Size

Feb 2, 2005

Hi all,

What can i put on a text box to limit the amount of characters entered like the 'field size' property for a table. I want to limit entry to 40 characters. Thanks in advance for any help,


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Invalid Character Function

Feb 15, 2006

Anyone know a good invalid character check script? I have two fields, userid and password, that I want to check for invalid scripts. Can't quited figure out how to script it.


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