Charts - Controlling Data Range With Code

Jan 30, 2008

I have a nice chart that hasd done what I wanted it too.

Now I want to make the amount of X-AXIS data variable. Typically this would be 64 points. If you look at the datasheet, I can manually set the number of points by making sure the row selector is "raised".

Now that's say there is only 16 points of data to control. I can plot that those points but the chart is still 64 points wide with no data for points 17-64.

How can I, through code, prevent points 17-64 from plotting and thereby expand the graph horizontally larger and not display those null points?

I have tried a number of things including:

Nothing I have tried has worked. Is what I need to do possible?

Thanks much.

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Rearrange Row Data To Column Data For Pivot Charts

Jan 3, 2006

I am having trouble arranging my data from a record row into a query that will give me columns for the pivot charts that I need. My guess is that I need some sort of a complicated SQL statement, and I know almost nothing about SQL. I have expressed the problem better, and with graphics, here: I would love to hear the solution to this aggravating :mad: problem.

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Access2002 Charts: Data Limits, How To Break?

Apr 3, 2006

The BIG problem is this.

I need a basic string graph over time recieved from a cross tab query. The data points all come in fine, but the "strings" / lines connecting the points do not show up.

I believe the reason is because there are just too many records.

I culled the data down using a vba loop to only show 1 stop per minute. (BTW, is there a way to do this using only SQL?) I now show all record points, but still do not show the lines between points. Some of the lines show up, but the more data points on the graph there are, the less the lines show up, till only one or two show.

This is an Access limitation that I'm unsure of how to get around. This really shouldn't be an issue though, because Excel handles the graph just fine EVEN BEFORE the culling of the data down to access acceptable limits. And it shows the lines between each record as well.

Does anyone know of a resolution for this?


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Access Newbie Needs Help! With Charts And Data Order

Apr 6, 2008

Hi, okay completely new to access. I'm trying to create a chart based on a query with 1 record 8 fields. I can not figure out a way to rearrange the data into two fields 8 records.

The background is I have a hundred units, each with 8 wheels. I have a table with the following fields.
-Unit part number
-Diameter of wheel 1
-Diameter of wheel 2
-Diameter of wheel 3
-Diameter of wheel 4
-Diameter of wheel 5
-Diameter of wheel 6
-Diameter of wheel 7
-Diameter of wheel 8

So, the query tells me how many wheel diameters between a certain range, with the following fields:
- Diameter >530
- 530> Diameter >540
- 540> Diameter >550
- 550> Diameter >560
- 560> Diameter >570
- 570> Diameter >580
- 580> Diameter >590
- 590> Diameter >600

Now I want to plot the range on the x axis and # wheels in that range on the y axis of a bar chart.

Any suggestions on how I can achieve this? How do I create the diameter range as a record rather than a field?

Many thanks!!!

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Export Access Data To Create Excel Charts

Apr 7, 2015

I am using this code it is giving me error 3828 at the line marked red. Says cannot reference a table with multi-valued field using an IN clause that refers to another database. Query has fields which gets input from combo box but only one value is saved in it.

Dim xl As Object ''Excel.Application
Dim wb As Object ''Excel.Workbook
Dim ws As Object ''Excel.Worksheet
Dim ch As Object ''Excel.Chart
Dim myRange As Object
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Make A Button To Search Range Of Columns In Data Table With Data Type Yes / No

Apr 15, 2013

what I want to do is make a button to search range of columns in data table with data type Yes/no and display the results if the value is yes

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MS Access "Joins", Possible To Join Via A Range Or Add Code?

Nov 2, 2007

hi im pretty new to this, using access2000 i believe

i have a large amount of data and have been able to join them successfully. using the "left" "Operator" "right"

one of the things id like to join are dates, but the dates i want to join are not exactly equal to each other so i cant just use a operator "=".

i need to be able to tell access to link the dates within say 30 days of each other.

Ideally something like “left” “>” “right” -30

currently im using excel to do this for me but if access can do it then it would be great.

in excel i use a macro which matches dates within 30 days, and just use a simple

If range("A1") < range("A2") + 30 and range("A1") > range("A2") - 30 then ...........

so is it possible to have access join things within a range?

would be grateful for any help ;)

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Clear Range Of Data

Jul 12, 2005

Is it possible to clear the cotents from various records but only the values in one column. Like let's say I just want the delete the values in the Price column for a range of about 6000 records. Not the whole records just those price values.

I can't seem to find a way to do this without sitting there and pushing down and backspace over and over again.


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Modules & VBA :: How To Get Sum Of Range Of Data

Oct 4, 2013

I am trying to simply find the sum of a range of data...I have tried putting the range into a the formula, and also creating aliases for the cells but it either doesn't work or I keep getting a name error in excel and I just can't seem to get the right code:

The range I am trying to sum is:
Range(Range("B2"), Range("B2").End(xlDown)).Select

And I can find the cell that I want the sum to go into by:
Range("B2").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select

As I said I have tried a few things but just get this right. Should I be using Value, Formula or FormulaR1C1?

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Get Specific Info From Range Of Data

Oct 26, 2007

Hi I could do with some advice on how to start the following and if best to use both excel and access to achieve it.

I want to enter a range of data when I receive a bill such as date, supplier, bill amount, description, quoted price, customer job and retail price. Once I enter this I want to be able to do the following,

1.Pick a customer job and date range and get a report for all the details of bills received in relation to that customer in that time so that I can send the customer a list of items they bought in that time period and what each item cost.
2.I want to be able to compare cost prices from different suppliers and print a list of all items which shows who the preferred supplier is for each item based on the cheapest.
3.The quoted price from suppliers should automatically appear when the description and supplier has been entered.
4.There needs to be some sort of warning if the quoted price doesn’t match the bill price
5.I need to be able to get a report which gives the details for any bill which was entered that was not bought from the preferred supplier.

Some advice on pointing me in the right direction to get started is what I need and would be greatly appreciated


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BETWEEN For Text Data Type Date Range

Jan 10, 2005

I am creating an ASP page that uses a database with a field labeled 'Date' of data type Text.

I would like the records within a date range.

I tried using the following query:

"SELECT * FROM Project WHERE Date BETWEEN ' " + strBeginDate + " ' AND ' " + strEndDate + " ' "

I was partially successful.

The database contains data from 1/1/03 to 12/31/04.

When the following range is entered: 04/10/03 - 04/21/03, the results returned are 04/10/03 - 04/21/03 AND 04/10/04 - 04/20/04.

Any suggestions on how to approach this problem?


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Queries :: IIF Statement - Group Data In Range

Nov 7, 2014

I need to group data (cases) in range like this (0-5, 6-10, 11-15 etc).

I can do this with the iif statement but this is a bit tedious.

I have two simple table:

1. Salestbl with two fields: a. customerid, b. Cases
2. Rangetbl with two fields: a. Range b. Category

The rangetbl is where i would define my range and it look like this
the range field have records 0,6,11 with corresponding category which look like this '0-5', '6-10', '11-15'

How can I use this to group my data. that is customer with x cases have group '0-5' or '6-10' etc....

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Export Data By Selecting Date Range

Oct 27, 2013

I would like to create a excel file to let the user to input the following column.

Date No. of success No. of failure
==== ============ ==============
" " "
" " "
" " "

I would like to have a function that can allow the user to select the date range and its total no. of success and no. of failure

For example , the user select from 31-03-2001 to 31-12-2012 , then output the report which show the total no. of success and no. of failure in this date range , is there existing tamplate that I can use ? if no , what is the simplier way to do it ?

if the data is very large , I want to create a access db to store it , how to do it ?

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Adding Data Range Criteria To Expression

Nov 3, 2011

I am using the following expression in access 2007

=DSum("[jqty]","SHIP","[jprod#] = '" & [pn] & "'")

I need to add a date range criteria to this expression that looks at the field [expr1] and sums anything between the two selected dates.

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Reports :: Export Data By Selecting Date Range

Oct 27, 2013

I would like to create a excel file to let the user to input the following column.

Date No. of success No. of failure
==== ============ ==============
" " "
" " "
" " "

I would like to have a function that can allow the user to select the date range and its total no. of success and no. of failure. For example , the user select from 31-03-2001 to 31-12-2012 , then output the report which show the total no. of success and no. of failure in this date range , is there existing tamplate that I can use ? if no , what is the simplier way to do it ?

If the data is very large , I want to create a access db to store it, how to do it ?

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Queries :: Specific Date Range Based Off Of Other Data

Jun 14, 2013

I have multiple buildings that I own. Each building earns a monetary amount each day. Some days they earn $0, some days they earn $1,000. This is all kept track in a data base in which someone manually enters the information each day.The three fields are:


I have narrowed a query down to one building, and I am interested in two things. How do I write a query that shows a 30 day peak (the most profitable 30 days). In other words. I want to see the following
Building: GNB Tower Date: 02/14/13 - 03/15/13 Profit: $25,162

The next thing I am interested in is a 7 day peak from within these 30 days. This shouldn't be too difficult if I can figure out how to query these 30 days, I can query 7 days out of those 30 days. So this bigger mind stumper is the first one.

out of a date range of months and months (Let's say 10/12/13 - 6-14-13).Once I figure this part out, I am sure I can figure out how to compile all buildings into one large report with their 7 day peak and 30 day peak.

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General :: Create List Of Month / Year Between Data Range

Aug 19, 2013

I have a list of customers with multiple rent start and end dates. I need to create a query where each customer will have a record for every month/year between their respective rent start and end dates. I generally use macros but can't figure out a way to do it without VBA. My field names are Rent StDt and Rent EndDt. My query name is QCalcREndDt. I use version 2010.

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Modules & VBA :: Naming Range To Export Data To Access Table?

Dec 15, 2014

I am trying to write code in an excel worksheet to try to export excel data to a table in access.

The range in which the data is situated in excel varies. So the range address varies with the data. After a lot of searching I wrote the following code which works for a range which is fixed. The code is the following:

Dim acc As New Access.Application
Range(Range("b22"), Range("b22").End(xlDown)).Select
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="ghazla", RefersTo:=Selection
acc.OpenCurrentDatabase "D:PayRollFactoryJasminePayroll.accdb"
acc.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet _

[Code] .....

As one can see from the first two lines of code I am trying to first delineate the range and then to name it. The intent is to name the range "ghazla" and so to cater for the fact that the extent of data varies.

The code works with the fixed range ="Sheet2$B140". However what I need to do is to adjust the code so that I can insert "ghazla" as the range name so that this can vary.

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Reports :: Data Range Asked Twice For A Field When Open Report

Mar 26, 2014

I am in the process of making some changes to an inherited database. One of the things I need to do is to fix an issue with the reports. The reports have a field which asks for the data range (from xx/xx/xx to xx/xx/xx) as soon as the report is opened, but then the query that fills that report also asks for the same data range so you end up entering it twice.

What do I need to do to enter the data range only once and have it show up on the report and also be used on the query?

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Modules & VBA :: Subtotal Data Access To Excel - Range Class Failed

Jun 6, 2014

I'm trying to subtotal data in an excel file but I am getting a subtotal method of Range class failed in the red text below. I have been trying to get this to work with no success.


Public Function SUMMARY()
Dim xlApp As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With xlApp
Dim wb As Object

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Connect To Excel And Delete Data From A Range On Specific Sheet

Feb 28, 2014

I am trying to connect to excel from Access database. Once I make the connection I want to delete data from a range on a specific sheet. There are 4 columns on the spreadsheet but i wouldn't know how many rows. So for example, A150... but I may not know what the last row is. How would I be able to delete data from a range of columns to the last row?

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Controlling Changes To Combo Box

Jan 17, 2007

I have a form. In it is a status field that can be:


When the item is created, it is given a "NEW" Status. And there is a command button on the form that can change the status to "SENT". However, based on external factors (email received or system report examined) the user can manually change the status to the CREDIT, COLLECT or CLOSED. Now, I want to make sure that then can't change the status manually to "SENT", only the system is allowed to do that via the command button.

How can I allow them to use some of the allowed values, but not others?


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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Export Recordset Data To Multiple Excel Range In Same Sheet

Feb 14, 2015

With below codes I am able to export recordset data to specified excel range if recordset count is 25. But I am unable to export the data greater than 25 to 2 specified range.

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Updating Another DB And Controlling From A Differnt DB

Jun 16, 2005

Hello All,

How would I run a procedure in DB2 from DB1?

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Whats Controlling These Decimals?

Jan 5, 2007


Dont understand what is controlling these decimals. I dont need any decimals for this database. The currency is talking bout money in 1000's and the probability is whole numbers.

Here is where I cant get the decimals to stop:

I have tried different things but no luck...anyone have any suggestions.


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Controlling Time/date

Jan 12, 2007

In a simple access table, I have the follwiing:

Data type: Date/Time

Format: mm/yyyy
Input Mask: 99/99

It restricts me to enter 2006 for instance. It converts to 2007. I want to be able to enter any year. Please help. Thank you.

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