Check Box On Forms

May 6, 2005

Hi all,

I am a beginner and this question might seem stupid, but here it goes...

I want to put a few check boxes on a form...Basically I want to have week 1 to week 10 check boxes to register student's attendance. I would them export data to excel and use pivot table to generate a report. What I could not figure out yet is how to link a check box to a field on a table...

Any help is very much appreciated....


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Forms :: Make Image Appear In Form When There Is Check In Check Box From Table?

Jun 26, 2014

how can i make a image appear in my form when there is a check in the check box from the table?

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Check Box Tool For Forms

Apr 20, 2006

please see attachment.
I created a small database to help explain my issue.

When I click on the check box in box 1(train), the text box turns blue...great...and even better the other records stay clear when I scroll down, which is what I want to happen.
But when I scroll back up, from dog to train, the blue in the train box has gone- not what I want!
I would like the blue to stay in every box that I click on. Any ideas?



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Check Box Control In Forms

Apr 20, 2006

please see attachment.
I created a small database to help explain my issue.

When I click on the check box in box 1(train), the text box turns blue...great...and even better the other records stay clear when I scroll down, which is what I want to happen.
But when I scroll back up, from dog to train, the blue in the train box has gone- not what I want!
I would like the blue to stay in every box that I click on. Any ideas?



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Use Check Box To Open Forms

May 25, 2006

I have a main form with 2 check boxes. The title of the first box is Manufacturing and the title of the second check box is Purchased. I have 2 different forms based on the titles of the check boxes. After the user checks one of the boxes, I want the user to click a command button which opens the correct form based on the box checked.

Using the On Click for the command button, I created this code, with no success:

Dim stDocName As String

If Me.Check14 = 1 Then
stDocName = "frmManufacture"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
If Me.Check16 = 2 Then
stDocName = "frmPurchase"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
stDocName = "frmError"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
End If

End Sub

Thanks for helping with this problem.


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Check To See If All Forms Are Closed

Oct 17, 2006

I've been stomping around in the forums for an hour now and I have to ask for some help because I really don't know what it is I am looking for.

I am interested to know if there is a way to write VBA code that reopens my menu form if all other forms have been closed. The database window is hidden in my app and normally when all windows close this will exit Microsoft Access too.

If there's not an easy, established way for this, I'm not really in a spot that requires me to use this, I just wanted to know for future forms.

I guess my real question is how to you build events for the entire database, not just a single form or report?:confused:

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Forms :: Clear Yes / No Check Box

Mar 13, 2013

I am using my form to add job descriptions and if the user checks the check box for current, it adds the description to the table as the current job description. I need to clear the check box for the next entry but the box retains the choice so when the user selects another description, the form saves it as current even if the box shows no check in the box. I tried the code below, but that only changes the state of the box, but not the reality of the state of the box.

Me.CheckBox.Value = No

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Forms :: Check Box Depending On Day

Jun 10, 2013

I'm currently making a signup form for a 6day event.

Certain details are taken (Name, Age, Contact no etc).

I also have a registration form; so when someone comes back for the second day of the event I tick the 'saturday' checkbox, or 'monday', or whatever the day is...

When someone comes to sign up for the first time, I'd like the form to automatically check the box for that day (to indicate their attendance). This would save me opening two forms to signup one person, if I make sense.

So, when someone comes to register on a Tuesday, I fill in all their details - and then it automatically checks the 'tuesday' field box.

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Forms :: Check Boxes Only Allow One

Jun 30, 2014

I'm unsure of the best approach for this. I have 4 check boxes to verify. Only 1 of them can be checked, the others need to be disabled. But the user must check one of them.

their control sources are:

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Forms :: Check Box In Subform

Jul 31, 2014

I'm trying to create a form to link data. I'll give you an example..I have 25 football teams and 100 players. I want to link 4 to 7 players to each football team. Those players can be repeated in different teams.

I wish to do it with a form where I choose the team first (combobox) and then I select the players in the subform. The point here is that I want to choose the players via a checkbox and I want to see all players in that subform too.

- [Checkbox] [name player 1]
- [Checkbox] [name player 2]
- [Checkbox] [name player 3]
- [Checkbox] [name player 100]

Is it possible to do without programing Access with VB?Do I need to create an intermediate table with the checkbox and then create the subform?

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Forms :: Check For Duplicates Based On Name

Aug 7, 2015

I have a form (MemberDetails) and I want it to check if the member I'm adding has already been added, or at least give me a warning that the member might be a duplicate. I have a FName field and LName field that I would like checked (together). I know it's possible because I've seen it done on the Address Book template, but they have it set up to where the First & Last name are saved as one field in another table.

Expression used in the template, here it is.

=IIf(DCount("*","[Contacts Extended]","[ENV_NUM]<>" & Nz([ENV_NUM],0) & " And [Contact Name] = '" & Replace(Nz([Contact Name]),"'","''") & "'")>0,"Possible Duplicate","")

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Forms :: Check If Form Exists

Sep 9, 2014

I have the following vba to check if a table exists, but I can not find on the net how to check if a form exists, I tried to modify this script but there does not seem to be a formdef


Sub table_Exists()
Dim dbs As Database
Dim tbl As TableDef
Dim dbsExist As Object
Dim tablename As String
tablename = "Table2" ' Your Table Name
Dim exists As String


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Forms :: How To Check For TOP Property Of Form

May 25, 2015

I've saved a form to an text file to investigate a corrupted form issue. The output text file has below extracted text. I am wondering where I can find the TOP, RIGHT BOTTOM property of the form in design time? I could see some properties such as GridX, GridY, but not sure where are TOP property.

Version =20
VersionRequired =20
Checksum =-1566200859
Begin Form
RecordSelectors = NotDefault

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Check If All Fields In New Row Are Filled In?

Jul 1, 2013

I have a form with datasheet view and I need to make user that user fills in all fields before he moves on to the next row. how to catch the moment of moving to another row?

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Forms :: Hide Check Box Options

May 30, 2014

I am trying to make a checkbox with different graphics since the checkbox can not be resized. I thought I could stack images on top of each other and toggle between showing and hiding based on if the checkbox was checked. This actually works, but I wanted to hide my checkbox, so I hid it behind my images. This didn't work. So I brought it to the front and made it invisible. This didn't work either. What can I do? The checkbox is linked to the table, but I want the graphics to show thumbs up or down and not see the checkbox.

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Forms :: Check Box To Lock Control

Jan 12, 2015

I have a check box on a form,that when ticked ,Iwant it to lock that check box (basically i dont want that info altered after this time) I know its something to do with the property but cant get it to lock the check box).

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Forms :: Check Box On Continuous Form

Mar 25, 2014

I have a continuous form in my database that depending on the criteria used will display any number of records. Each record has a check box so the user can select a record for printing. Quite often the user wants to select all of the checkboxes.

Is there a way to do that in vba off of a command button.

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Modules & VBA :: Check If All Forms Are Closed

Apr 9, 2015

I am creating a few forms one of which is the MAIN FORM that closes upon opening another form.

What I am looking for is when another form closes, if no other forms are open, then open the MAIN FORM again.

Can I use this : If CurrentProject.AllForms("BUT KEEP THIS EMPTY").IsLoaded Then ???

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Forms :: Event To Check Field Content?

May 11, 2014

I have a form with a number of fields and sections which change visibility based on the data entered in other fields,

The fields have an "on update" event to check the content of the field and make the appropriate changes,

I've changed this form to be able to edit records instead of "Data Entry" so now I need the checks to occur when the record changes as well as when data is entered,

How best can I achieve this without simply duplicating the code (which seems like a bad idea) into the "On Current" event?

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Forms :: Using Check Box To Select Records To Print

Jun 23, 2015

I have a form open, but want to print only specific fields in each record. Been trying lots of filtering methods to no avail as I am a novice at filtering.

I can filter records, but cant figure out how to filter specific fields from those records.

My project goes something like this:

Each record in my form consists of listed items like on an invoice. However, not all the items on any given invoice will be printed. Therefore, I set up checkboxes beside each line, so for each invoice, I only tick the items I want to be printed from that invoice. However, I just cannot yet find a way to print the selected items.

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Forms :: Tick In Check Box On Master Form?

Dec 8, 2014

I have a form with a sub form... I want to know if the following is possible...

If I have a check box on Master Form and make it there is a tick in it, can I make a check box on the sub form do the same i.e.

Master form ticked = sub form record ticked and visa versa

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Forms :: Passing Check Box Value To A Query As Criteria

Jan 30, 2014

I need to pass values of my two check boxes on my Form

Check box US and Check Box Canada
if both checked the criteria would be "UD", "ud',"b","B","us","US","CD","cd"
if Canada check box checked criteria would be "cd","CD"
if US only checked criteria would be UD", "ud',"b","B","us","US"

how to write the criteria statement on the query?this probably would be a complicated iff statement?

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Box Based On A Check Box Value

May 6, 2014

On a form I am making, I have two combo boxes. Box 1 has "Title" and Box 2 has "Full Name". In the table associated with FullName, there is a Check Box name "Still Attached".

What I am trying to do when choosing a "Title" in Combo Box 1, I would like only the people with that "Title" and a check in "Still Attached" to be available in the drop down list.

I have tried and I can get combo 2 to filter by title, but not by the "Still Attached" value.

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Forms :: Automate Check Number Programmatically

Jan 16, 2015

I have a Paycheck form with a subform on it. The goal is to not have to click on the check field for every paycheck, instead use a Batch procedure. When you click in the subform (field) (CCheckNo) which gets the focus by default it advances to the next check number and performs other code operations. If you have a lot of checks this is not very user friendly. I created a command button on the subform to try and auto ate this process. Below is the code for this. It gives no errors but does nothing. The db is very complex. The form opens to the first record but can't be sure when the user could run the Batch procedure.

The idea was to try and use the OnClick procedure to run the event code. The field in question is CCheckNo which advances the check number.

frmBonusReimbursementChecks is the Main form.
(Check) form is a Subform
CCheckNo field gets focus on Load which is the Subform.

Code Below is on a Command Button on the Subform.

If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to Assign All Checks?", vbYesNo, "All Checks Confirmation") = vbYes Then
End If
If IsNull(Me.CCheckDate) Then 'If no Check Date, Assign One.
Me.CCheckDate = Date
End If
If IsNull(Me.[CCheckNo]) Then 'Advance to the next available Check Number.
Me.CCheckNo = Next_Custom_Counter


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Forms :: Check If All Required Fields Have Been Filled

Jun 27, 2015

I tried to check if all required fields have been filled before saving the record using the following code.

Private Sub txtReportNo_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.cboMainCat) Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox ("Please enter Data for Main Cat")
End If
Repeat above code for all required controls here.
End Sub

It did not work with following error code.

Run-time error 2108

You must save the field before you execute the GoToControl action, the GoToControl method, or the SetFocus method.

The error message contradicts my original intention that prevents from saving without all required fields have been filled. Is there any way to get rid of this error message?

In addition, under the value of certain field, I need to check additional fields under that scenario. Is any additional code required to add in for that purpose?

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Forms :: How To Check Validity Of Email Address

Dec 24, 2013

I am a website administrator and don't want to send back a verification email as people register on my website. So, I am wondering whether there is a way for me to check the validity of their registered email addresses. How can I easily check whether an email address is valid or exists?

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