Check Box On Form From Query

Jan 24, 2007

I have a form that displays the results from a query.
I have a check box that users select in order to show they want to print that record
However, it has stopped letting me change the check box, and simply gives me the helpful windows 'bing' when I click on it.
All the controls are set to allow me to write to it.
Has anyone got any ideas of why this might happen?
Ben salt
P.S. If I go into the table directly, I can still change the status of the check box

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Form Check Box Query

Dec 20, 2005

I have a form that has unbound check boxes on it. They are linked to a query. The query has the following script in the criteria section


This is set up so that when I put a check in the checkbox and press the control button it envokes the query. I have 6 boxes on the form with the same script for the exception of the [Check0] number.

Right now the way it is set up I have to check the exact sequence in order to get any data. Is there a way that I can simply check a box and pull up all the records that are checked. (Ex. I check "Box 1" and push the control button. I want it then to show me all the records that have a check in "Box 1" regardless of what the other check boxes are.) So far I have not found a way to do this.

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Forms :: Make Image Appear In Form When There Is Check In Check Box From Table?

Jun 26, 2014

how can i make a image appear in my form when there is a check in the check box from the table?

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Queries :: Query By Form With Check Boxes / Combo Boxes Not Working

Mar 25, 2013

Attached I have a database that I've been working on which has a form called "frmCriteriaSearch". It is based off of the qryCriteriaListBoxUpdate query. I am trying to get the listbox in the second tab of the results section to work. It queries fine for the checkboxes, but I cannot get the comboboxes to affect the query (unless a checkbox has already been selected)

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Form Check Box

Jul 17, 2006

if check box 1 is true then i want to allow the user to select true or false in check box 2. if check box 1 is false the user cant select check box 2

how do i do this:rolleyes:

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A Bug In My Form, Can Any 1 Help With This Check Box

Jul 26, 2006

Hi, sorry but i have a new issue. Ok, here it goes.

I have a check box on my form that "black lists" that related record. I wish to warn the user that when they click/after update the check box, they will no longer be able to work with this contact unless an administrator unblocks the record.

Here is the VBA for what i have done so far.

Private Sub orgMisc_AfterUpdate()
Dim intAnswer As Integer
intAnswer = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to Black List this contact?" _
, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Time Saver")
If intAnswer = vbYes Then
orgMisc = True
orgMisc = False
End If
End Sub

This works fine except for 1 problem. It prompts me if i change my mind and uncheck the check box. So basically, if (default) is False Then OnClick i want the above VBA to execute. If the check box already isset to TRUE then ignore the above VBA and orgMisc (checkbox) change to FALSE.

If any 1 can offer advice or knows how to solve this issue, that would be great :)

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Check Box In Form

Dec 26, 2006

I have a table -'client' with 5 fields,
mobile no

Through a form,I want to list only those clients who has email id - by using check box

I know its simple but not so simple to a layman like me

Please help

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Check For Eof In A Query

Apr 12, 2007

Hi everyone

when I open my form i SET UP A QUERY IN THE CONTROL SOURCE that would only selected records that I wanted. That part work fine. The problem that I have its when i get to the last record , how do you determine that you are at the last filtered record?

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Check Box In Query

Aug 7, 2007

hi all

is it possible to use a check box to excecute different parts of a query? or to select which queries i want to run. and if so how can i do this.

i run different queries on different tables all the time...table names change but they have the same columns and thus my query stays the same except for the table name. but i don't run all the queries on all the tables,,,how can i select, using a check box, which queries i want to run???

please help


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Check Box Query

Jan 23, 2008

I'm looking to create a query which I can use to produce a report. In one of my tables I have an "In Progress" check box.

I'd like to create a query which will show all records with the "In Progress" box checked. I'm just not sure what to enter in the criteria field in the query.

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Check Box - Query

Mar 21, 2008


can anyone help i don't know how to show all the records that have been checked in a check box. Do i need to use the expression builder??

thx in advance

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VAT Check Box On Order Form

Jan 31, 2005

OK....I have done a search but am still none the wiser regards allowing for VAT (added to an old thread but no luck!).

I am designing a little DB for an accountant at work. He wants to be able to keep tabs on orders he places with various vendors (currently uses excel) but he needs to generate reports etc. I have done this but would like to afford him the ability to add VAT to the order total if required.

So here is what I want to do. I want to add a check box to an Order Form that will add VAT at the current rate. If the VAT rate changes at some point in the future I do not want historic data updated to the new rate.

I want to add it to the Order Form as not all companies being invoiced are VAT registered. This will give the user the option to add VAT or not.

I have had a little play (see attached) but do not know how to get it all working!

Help, advice appreciated (or if anybody has a working example of VAT?).

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Help Reqd For Form Check.

Mar 30, 2005

I am new to access, and no nothing of programming, so please keep any answers simple!!

I have a form which the user then inputs data, I need to check that the data does not exist in a table. I was trying to do this with a validation rule, but can't get anything to work.

Is there a simple of doing this?

Thanks in advance.

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Check Off Items In Form

Jun 21, 2005


I have a form that users type in a part number and a due date. I then run a
report that prints the part number, the components needed and the processes
needed. For example:

------User Form-------

Part 1 6/25/05
Part 2 6/28/05
Part 3 7/1/05


Part 1 6/25/05

Component 1--------SAW-----WELD------SMOOTH
Component 2--------WELD-----PAINT
Part 2 6/28/05

Component 1--------DRILL-------WELD
Component 2--------SMOOTH-----PAINT
Part 3 7/1/05

Component 1--------DRILL-----PUNCH
Component 2--------CUT-------PAINT

What the users want the ability to check off (and make dissappear) the
processes each day, so they can see what processes are left.

For example, after day 1 with SAW and WELD done:

Part 1 6/25/05

Component 1--------WELD------SMOOTH
Component 2--------PAINT

I'm confused about how to go about this. I don't want the users to have to
manually type in anything. I want the components and processes to show up
when they type in the part number. I want the user to be able to check off
processes as they go, but I want all the processes to show up when they type
a new part in the form. I would appreciate it if someone would point me in
the right direction.

Thank You,


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Check Boxes On A Form

Jun 1, 2006

Hi All,

I have a form with a series of check boxes (see image below). The check box is always in the top left had corner and is very small. Does any one know if it is possible to:

a. Have the check box in the centre
b. Enlarge the check box, so the tick itself appears larger




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Check If A Form Is Open.

Sep 7, 2006

Hello everyone,

I have a question:

I have a form in wich I can add and edit employees.
I can open this "employee" form in 2 ways:
1. From another form
2. From the mainmenu

When I close the "employee" form I want to check if the otherform (1.) is open. If it is open I want to requery the other form. If it is closed I don't want to requery the other form.
How can I check if the other form is open?

I hope that you guys can help me and thanks in advance,

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Check For Complete Form

Oct 12, 2004

Im tinkering with a new form for data input..

We use 2 different forms for employees based on status. Pending, and active. Staff members should not be able to be set to active unless all the fields on the Pending form are completed. Is there anyway I can check to make sure the form is completely filled in before allowing a status change to Active?

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How I Can Check If Form Is Open

Mar 10, 2005

How i can check if form is open ??? sorry for noob question

I want check with VB if form is open or close ???
How i can do it???

example in VC++

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Continuous Form And Check Box Help

Apr 14, 2005

I have a continous form that contains text boxes, combo boxes and a check box. Upon clicking the check box, I have added code to disable the text and combo boxes on the corresponding row. However, when I click the check box, all rows are disabled (which is want I don't want).

Is there any way to only have the row, where the check box is checked, to be disable, and none of the other rows (where the check box is not checked)?

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Check Box Search Form

Oct 9, 2006

Hi all first post but im hoping someone can help. Im tryng to make a form with 3 check boxes on it and a results text box and a command button, that when dependent on if the check box was ticked then after the command buuton is presses this will display the result in the text box?

Im pretty much new to all this any help would be amazing thanks!

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Check Box VBA Code In A Form

Feb 17, 2015

I am trying to create form. I have a check box in my form with the name ChkDone.

I am going to write code for this check box and link it with some fields in my form.

The plan is if the check box is true or yes those fields will be available to insert data and if not they will be disabled.

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Availablity Check Query

Jan 13, 2007

I'm using a select query to attempt to create a list of jobs available to be booked onto. However i get multiple records due to the relationship between


The form it is being used on the booking form as a subform. the query is called "Current Available Jobs"

if anyone has any suggestions would be really appreciated!


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Change Check Box Value Query

Jul 18, 2007


I have a form that has a check box on it. I have a query that calls all records where the check box is checked.

Once I peform my required action using the query I want to change all of the check boxes back to "Not Checked"

Is this possible? Currently I open the query and manually uncheck them.


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Yes/no Check Boxes In Query

Sep 19, 2007

I have a form I am creating from a query that has numerous yes/no checkboxes. I have been able to enter over 2/3rds of the yes/no boxes. However, I'm trying to enter the last of these into the form, and they suddenly change to text boxes. When I go back and check the query, they have also changed to text boxes there as well. I've checked and re-entered the data from the table to the query and finally to the form again. Same thing happens everytime. Any idea what's going on here?
Thank you ~

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A Simple Query Check

Nov 28, 2007

How do I make a simple query check to see if an query gives any match.

The background is that I want to do a checkup if a customer is already in the table before the user enter a new one.
As it is now a form popups after the user have entered a name for the new customer. In the popup I list all customer that match.

What I want to do is to not show the popup if there is no match.

I open the popup with DoCmd.OpenForm with filter information.

Is there something like
if currentdb.execute("select * from customers where name LIKE '*" & name & "*') = true then .....

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How To Check More Than 3 Conditions In A Query?

Mar 23, 2005

I have a filed and I want to find out its length then in the next column i have to add the data like if filed 1's length is 1 then it should be 000+field1.value, if it is 2 then 00+field1.value, if it is 3 then 0+field1.value and so on...any help is appreciated , thanks

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