Check Box Unavailable If...

Mar 13, 2006

I have a form with three yes/no check boxes - the user should only select one of the three. Is there a way that once one of the three boxes have been selected, the other two become inaccessable (i.e., grayed out or dissappear)?


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Check Box Unavailable If...

Mar 10, 2006

I have a form with three yes/no check boxes - the user should only select one of the three. Is there a way that once one of the three boxes have been selected, the other two become inaccessable (i.e., grayed out or dissappear)?


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Parameter Query - Show Available And Unavailable On Particular Date

Nov 23, 2011

I need to set up a parameter query that will show Limousine availability on a particular date.

At the moment I have the date set as the parameter and only Limousines that are booked or Unavailable on that date are returned.

How can I set up the query so that I can see both Limousines that are Available and Unavailable within a field named Availability.

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Forms :: Make Image Appear In Form When There Is Check In Check Box From Table?

Jun 26, 2014

how can i make a image appear in my form when there is a check in the check box from the table?

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Access Application For Check-in/check-out

Mar 19, 2007

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I'm in need a of a check-in/check-out application for my company. We have about 550-600 employees at any given time and our turnover is about 20-30% per year. Our check-in/check-out process requires our employees to personally visit between 30-40 areas in our company (personnel, safety, credentials, parking, insurance, etc) within the first month of employment. This is currently done manually and is a huge drain on labor, especially when check-in sheets are lost, misplaced or, in some cases, forged.

I'm looking to build a database that would be intranet based, password secure (by check-in area) that would allow the new employee to present at a particular check-in, check-out site, complete that portion of the check-in/out process and then allow the person responsible for the check-in/out to enter the status into the database. At any point in the process, I would want to know the status of the person checking in/out (how long they've been checking in/out and what portion of the process have they completed).

Can this be done in ACCESS?


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Spell Check Contents Works , Need To Suppress The Spell Check Complete Msg Box

Apr 25, 2005

I have sendkey "{f7}" on loss focus.
this works great as a spell check but then I get the mesage box that spell check is complete.
How do I stop this box from occuring?

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Check Box??

Jun 8, 2005

Does anyone know or have an example of how to use check box's to filter out things in a form. What I want to do here is I have like 5 different locations and I want to be able to choose which of those location, whether it be one or more checked at a time and then have whatever those check boxes are checked to be filtered out.

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Check For Used ID's

Apr 8, 2008


I have a continious form containing data from the table "tblToernament".
On that form there is a combobox containing teams that are stores in the table "tblTeams".

The table looks like this:

ID | TeamName

1 | Team01
2 | Team02
3 | Team03
4 | Team04

When I select, for example, Team02 in the combobox I want that value on, after I selected it from the combo NOT to be in the combobox.

Can anybody please help me on this?

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Please Will Someone Check Over My ER-D For Me, Once More?

May 15, 2007

Hello, im making a database for a charity as part of my work experience and id just like someone to check over it for me. If you see any issues please let me know. Im already aware of changing text PK's to autonumber, this is a prototype so im not going to change the PK's at the min.

Any ideas, or ways to improve it?

You can find the LDM or ER-D here: (i understand that it may be difficult for you to follow since you dont know the system! But please have a go...) 17447

Thanks very much for your help.

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Check Box

May 3, 2005

Hey guys..

I was working on my project again as usual, which is about transaction of cars coming in and going out (car pool system), So i created a table then a form for this. In the table, i put the option of 'Yes/No'. So, for the form, i want to create a search system which will include a search system.

My Idea:

I want to make a check box, as a search system, so when it is checked and clicked on a command button, it searches for all records with 'Yes'. and if not checked, and clicked on command button, then it searches for all records with 'No'.

Now i did my research, on google and stuff also in the access help but it ddnt help much.

To be honest with you guys, i dont know much of visual basic writing, but i do understand most of it. ( you know, when you understand one language but can speak it?? same way :o ).

So i would request some one to give me instructions on this one. It would really be appriciated.

thanks a million !

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Check Box

Sep 3, 2005

Do check boxes have to be bound to be able to save them in your forms? In other words, when you check the box and click save, does the check box have to be bound so that the check mark can be saved? Thanks.

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Check Box

Dec 16, 2005

I want to connect a single check box to a record of check boxes, so that when it is on yes (checked) all the other boxes are yes (checked) automatically. How do I go about doing this? Is there an expression I can build for it?

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Check Box

Dec 15, 2006


Is it possible to change the size of a check box? When I modify the height and width of the checkbox it doesn't appear to do anything.


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Check Box Help!

Sep 9, 2004


I know there is probably a simple answer to this question, but im wondering if there is a way to make the value of a "true" checkbox anything but -1. i'd like the checked box to display a positive 1 in the corresponding table, so that they may be added up for a further query.....

i am working with IIF statements now with no luck,

Please tell me how i can fix it, and if there is a simple way of changing the value to a positive number, or even to a letter or word!



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Check Box

Jul 20, 2005

I have a access form that when a user clicks a button it runs a report for that particular record. When the user clicks this button to run the report I would like to have a check box or whatever else you recommend on the form that would become checked once the user runs this report so that they will know that they have already ran a report for this record. If they try to run it again a msg box will appear letting them know that a report has already been created but if they want they can run it again. Any Ideas or HELP?????


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Help With Check Box

Aug 17, 2005

how do you check if a check box is checked?

I have tried this but it does not work...

If Me.Check25.value = "no" Or Me.Check25.value = "" Then
MsgBox "You must agree to the terms below.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If

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Check If Integer

Oct 11, 2005

What the easiest way to turn text to an integer - ir have vaiable defined as long and an inputbox - want to keep asking for an input until I get an integer.

Have IsNumeric - can this be applied to int.

Or could I use localised error handling?


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Check Boxes

Jan 2, 2006

In my tables I have set a field to Yes/No and the format to be True/False.
When I activate the table it shows the field as a checkbox, however when I create a List Box on a form to that table it displays the fields as True/False, how can I get the list box to also display the field as a checkbox.


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Check Box Question

Jul 13, 2006

Hi. I recently started using Access 2003 to create a contact management database. One of the section is titled "Areas of Interest' with nine categories of nine respective check boxes. I made the nine check boxes and when I click one all seems fine. However when I move onto the next person in the database, the check box clicked on the previous contact is already clicked and continues to be so far every other client. How do I make the check box selection distinct per contact?

Thanks. My apologies if the answer is easy and obvious. Take care.

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Symantic Check

Jul 27, 2006

Hi all,

Employees enters free tekst description of goods in a tekstfield. The question have been asked to query that database to check if they fill in the free tekstformat correctly. I understand that this is virtually impossible but we were thinking abount BLANCS, One character and maybe only values etc etc. In general is there a sysmantic checker or a module or link (Im thinking outload now, a symantic check) who could guide me with this requirement.

Hope I do make sence.

Paul from Holland.

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This Damned Check Box!

Jul 4, 2007

Hi, I have a checkbox, and when its value is 1 (I understand this means its selected) I want a textbox, which is the control of a field called flag (and is invisible) on the form to take the value of F, and relay to the field on the table. but it doesnt relay to the table.My code is under the onclick event procedure for the checkbox and isPrivate Sub Check4_Click()If Check4.Value = 1 ThenMe![Text7] = "F"ElseEnd IfEnd SubPlease help meThanksAlexP.S I have just made the source of the checkbox, the field in the table to ammend - flagged. My new code isPrivate Sub Check4_Click()If Check4.Value = 1 Then[Flagged] = "F"ElseEnd IfEnd SubBut it adds a -1 if i do tick the check box, and a 0 if i dont...

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Filter By Check Box

Dec 3, 2007

I'm requerying a subform based on selections made on the main form. One of the fields is a check box. This is the code I've got on the Show Data button

On Error Resume Next
db.QueryDefs.Delete ("Search_Query")
' TO DO: Turn normal error handler on when this condition is finished.
On Error GoTo 0

where = Null
where = where & (" AND [IDTrans]= " + Me![Combo2])
where = where & (" And [IDTransPd] = " + Me![Check7])

Set QD = db.CreateQueryDef("Search_Query", "Select * from qryTransWork " & " Where " & Mid(where, 6) & ";")

If DCount("*", "Search_Query") <= 0 Then
MsgBox "No Records Found"
Exit Sub
End If

Forms!frmTransWork!sfrmTranscriptionistsPd.Form.Re cordSource = "Search_Query"
End Sub

I'm getting a type mismatch error on where = where & (" And [IDTransPd] = " + Me![Check7]) so I'm obviously referencing the check box incorrectly but not sure what to do.



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Problem With Check Box

Oct 18, 2004

hello, i'm newbi to access

i have a check box bound to a yes/no field, my problem is that when i mark/unmark the check box the value of the field is not yes/no,
it is show me a drawing of the state of the check box in the field.
how can i make it to get the value yes/no?

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Check For Duplicates

Feb 14, 2006

Hello everyone,
This is code with which I choose records from one table and I put them to another table (OdabranaOprema),
can I add code with which I can stop choosing the same record twice?
I would like in that case have possibility to change the quantity of the record which is selected twice,


Private Sub cmdOdaberi_Click()

On Error GoTo Handler

Dim strRedak As String
Dim strOdabranaReferenca As String
Dim rsPonudjenaOprema As Recordset
Dim rsOdabranaOprema As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim intRedak As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQLOdabir As String


Set db = CurrentDb

strSQL = " SELECT Napajanje.Referenca As Referenca, Napajanje.Opis as Opis, Napajanje.Visina " & _
" FROM Napajanje " & _
" WHERE (((Napajanje.PickFlag)= True))"

strSQLOdabir = "Select OdabranaOprema.Referenca, OdabranaOprema.Opis, OdabranaOprema.Kolicina, OdabranaOPrema.Visina " & _
"From OdabranaOprema"

Set rsPonudjenaOprema = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot, dbReadOnly)

Set rsOdabranaOprema = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLOdabir)

Do Until rsPonudjenaOprema.EOF


rsOdabranaOprema.Fields("Referenca").Value = rsPonudjenaOprema.Fields("Referenca").Value
rsOdabranaOprema.Fields("Opis").Value = rsPonudjenaOprema.Fields("Opis").Value
rsOdabranaOprema.Fields("Visina").Value = rsPonudjenaOprema.Fields("Visina").Value
rsOdabranaOprema.Fields("Kolicina").Value = txtNapajanje.Value



Set rsPonudjenaOprema = Nothing
Set rsOdabranaOprema = Nothing

Set db = Nothing


End Sub

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Check The Properties

Mar 27, 2006

I was doing my assignment with the table in access, and my sister came up to me and ask me “why it is important to check the properties of each field in a table before developing a form based on that table.” Can anyone help me and answer this, because I don’t know how to answer her question.:confused: :confused::confused:

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Check Box And Update Help

Apr 12, 2006

I have a database that consists of applied, accepted, and enrolled students in which I have three separate tables for each. In each table I have SSN, Year, and HighSchoolCode. I also have check boxes in each for accepted and enrolled. My question is, how can I get the check boxes in my applied table checked if the SSN and Year exist in the accepted or enrolled table respectively? Please help

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