Check If A Form Is Open.

Sep 7, 2006

Hello everyone,

I have a question:

I have a form in wich I can add and edit employees.
I can open this "employee" form in 2 ways:
1. From another form
2. From the mainmenu

When I close the "employee" form I want to check if the otherform (1.) is open. If it is open I want to requery the other form. If it is closed I don't want to requery the other form.
How can I check if the other form is open?

I hope that you guys can help me and thanks in advance,

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How I Can Check If Form Is Open

Mar 10, 2005

How i can check if form is open ??? sorry for noob question

I want check with VB if form is open or close ???
How i can do it???

example in VC++

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Modules & VBA :: Lock Check Box On Open Form

Jun 29, 2015

I'm trying to lock a checkbox when the forms open and depending if one has role as admin, it should unlock it.When I add the below code in the on open form I get error:

Me.lock_case_admin.Locked = True
Me.lock_case_admin.BackColor = 12632256

This is the part that should onlock if it is admin:

Me.lock_case_admin.Locked = False
Me.lock_case_admin.BackColor = 16777215

Maybe it is me, or the checkbox is giving the error that causes the dialogbox to open to to choose the ID nr.

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Forms :: Data Input To Check And Open Second Form

May 15, 2013

I have a form called frmStartTimeEntry where a user inputs data using a barcode scanner. In this form there is a field called Part_No where after a value is inserted, I'd like the form to check if table_lines_per_part includes this part. If not found, then I'd like the form to open another form called frmLinesPerPart where the form would pull the same Part_No inserted in the previous form to fill in the Part_No field (which is hidden) and then the user would type in a qty for the LinesPerOrder. A user would then click a button btnOk to append this new record to table_lines_per_part and be returned to the frmStartTimeEntry to continue filling out the rest of the form.

This is the idea I have but I don't know how to code the part where the form checks after update if the part_no exists in the other table, nor how to capture the part_no to the other form and then append both the part_no and the lines per part to the other table.

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Use Check Box To Open Forms

May 25, 2006

I have a main form with 2 check boxes. The title of the first box is Manufacturing and the title of the second check box is Purchased. I have 2 different forms based on the titles of the check boxes. After the user checks one of the boxes, I want the user to click a command button which opens the correct form based on the box checked.

Using the On Click for the command button, I created this code, with no success:

Dim stDocName As String

If Me.Check14 = 1 Then
stDocName = "frmManufacture"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
If Me.Check16 = 2 Then
stDocName = "frmPurchase"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
stDocName = "frmError"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
End If

End Sub

Thanks for helping with this problem.


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Check If A Record Is Open With A Recordset

Jul 4, 2007

hey guys

having a corruption issue with my database, it happens when a user updates a record and a second user has that record open elsewhere. then when the second user closes they save their changes over the top, corrupting the whole record.

so i need to know with a recordset if there is a way to check if a second user is currently looking at the same record?


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Forms :: Make Image Appear In Form When There Is Check In Check Box From Table?

Jun 26, 2014

how can i make a image appear in my form when there is a check in the check box from the table?

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Check To See If A Table Is Already Open On A Click Event

Feb 4, 2005

Some of the things that bring me screeching halt really surprise me. I swear, this sounds like it should be so easy....

What I need to do is check, when the user clicks on a button, whether a specific table that is going to be modified/deleted later in the click code is already open. If it is open, I will msgbox the user to close the table first and exit the sub.

Any ideas?

All help, as always, is much appreciated!


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Modules & VBA :: Check Outlook Is Open Not Working?

May 21, 2014

My application relies on whether Outlook is open and more importantly, with the correct Exchange profile selected. To ensure this I have the following code which, on the work PCs (Windows XP and Office 2003) works correctly.


If Outlook_is_Running = True Then
Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application", "localhost")
Set myNameSpace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set colFolders = myNameSpace.Folders
On Error Resume Next


The work PCs are being upgraded soon to Windows 7 and Office 2007 so I have taken the application home and started to develop it on my home PC (Windows 8.1 64 and Office 2013 64). I have used PtrSafe where necessary and have compiled with no errors, but this code always returns false even though Outlook 2013 is open.

On further investigation, if I comment out the 'On Error Resume Next line I get the error Active X component cannot create the object (or similar) Error 429. This is the same regardless of whether Outlook is open or not

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Modules & VBA :: Check If Directory Is Open Before Saving PDF

Aug 28, 2013

I have some code that resides in a button on a report that allows me to save a PDF version of this report. My problem is that if i have the destination directory open on windows explorer, i get a runtime 2501 "The output To action was cancelled" error.Is there any way to check if the directory is already open, and cancel the output to, or close the window to avoid this error?

Here is my code:

Private Sub CmdSavePDF_Click()
Dim MyFileName As String
Dim MyPath As String
'Dim CompanyName As String


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Modules & VBA :: Check If Database Is Open (Read Only Mode)

Jul 16, 2015

I would like to be able to check if a db is open and if it is to prevent the user from proceeding.

I use the Access 2013 Runtime. I can check if a db is open by trying to open Exclusively, using something like

Code: [URL] ....

But if the db is already open Not exclusively and I try to open it exclusively it does not raise an error and it allows the user to open the db in Read Only mode.

I would like to be able to prevent this, because careless and/or inexperienced users may open several instances of the db.

Of course, if the db is already open exclusively it does not allow you to open it exclusively another time.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Check If Field Value Exists Using Open Recordset

Nov 25, 2014

I am storing values of pictures and the location of them in a table, this works fine!... using OpenRecordset. The problem is that when the function is called to store the information, it just keeps adding the same values of each file in the folder over and over again in a word "Duplicating" the information.

I have tried various methods using the OpenRecordset, but cannot seem to find the correct manor of applying the code.

Below is the function I have for storing the data...

Public Sub GetFilesNamesFromFolder(strFolderPath As String)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim objFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim objFolder As Scripting.folder
Dim objFile As Scripting.File

[Code] .....

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Reports :: Set Unbound Check Box To False On Open Not Working

Dec 3, 2013

I have a report with an unbound checkbox which has a null (greyed out value) when printed. I'm just trying to set it to false when the report opens.I have

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.CheckNotPaid = False
End Sub

but it just says 'Runtime Error -214..You can't assign a value to this object'

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Kindly Check What Is Wrong In Checking An Excel File Open Or Not

Sep 17, 2004

halloo everybody
Here is my code to check an excel sheet wether it is open or not.
It is working good in the following situations.

1.if the excel file is not yet opened. then it is opening and bringing a value from some cell of the sheet1.
2.If the file is already opened and not yet closed. it is not opening again it is understanding that the file is already openrd and bringing the cell value.
3.It is working when it is closed by the user and again clicked the button to open. It is opening and bringing the value.
4.NOW the problem starts.
IT IS NOT WORKING , If I click the button again to open. It is opening another copy of the same file. I did't understand why is it working perfectly? before I close the file and not working if I close the File.

please kindly check my code and respond to me .
here is my code but it is not working when the file is already opened.

Private sub Cmd_Click()

Dim XL As New Excel.Application
Dim wbk As New Excel.Workbook
Dim ws As New Excel.Worksheet

WorkBookName = "Book2.xls"
If Not WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName) Then
chk = 1
Set wbk = XL.Workbooks.Open("C:Dokumente und EinstellungenKiran KarnatiDesktopEXCELBook2.xls")
Set wbk = Workbooks(WorkBookName)
End If

Set ws = wbk.Worksheets("Sheet1")
If chk = 0 Then
With ws
Label48.Caption = .Cells(1, 2).Value
.Cells(1, 3).Select
End With
With ws
Text49.Value = .Cells(1, 2).Value
End With
End If
XL.Visible = True

Set SA = Nothing
Set XL = Nothing
Set wbk = Nothing
End Sub

Function WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName As String) As Boolean
'Returns TRUE if the workbook is open
WorkbookOpen = False
On Error GoTo WorkBookNotOpen
If Len(Excel.Workbooks(WorkBookName).Name) > 0 Then
WorkbookOpen = True
Exit Function
End If

End Function

Thank you.

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Queries :: Yes / No Field As Bookmark In Table With Names - Open To Last Or First Check

May 21, 2013

I have a yes/no field as a book mark in a table with names. How can I query it to open to the last or the first check?

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"Check If File Is Open" Quandry.

Jun 16, 2005

Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
Set objExcel = New Excel.Application
Dim strFileName As String
strFileName = objExcel.Application.GetOpenFileName("Select CSV file, *.csv", , "CSV file")

MsgBox "File is currently open. Please close and re-run this program.", vbInformation, "Program Error"
GoTo end_:
Set objworkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(strFileName, , False)
objExcel.Columns("A:B").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
objExcel.Range("A5").FormulaR1C1 = "Account No"
objExcel.Range("B5").FormulaR1C1 = "Invoice No"
objExcel.Range("A6:A" & Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row).FormulaR1C1 = Range("D1").Value
objExcel.Range("B6:B" & Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row).FormulaR1C1 = Range("F1").Value
objExcel.Rows("1:4").Delete Shift:=xlUp

objExcel.Application.ActiveWorkbook.Close True
MsgBox "CSV file formatted.", vbInformation
End If

Set objExcel = Nothing
Set objworkbook = Nothing

Hi there,

I use the above code to open any CSV file, format it as required, then close/save it.

What I need to do is to find out if the file I have selected is already open and, if so, not to proceed with the code (see If "FILE NOT OPEN" line above).

I have tried several statements but am having no luck.

Thanks in advance,

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Forms :: When Open A Form / Want To Open Another From At Same

Jan 14, 2015

when i open a form i want to open another frm at the same time. i have a main form with some buttons in it. when i click on a button and a form opens then i am not able to click on a button to open other forms from the main form.

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Closing An Open Form From Another Form That Is Open

Dec 17, 2004

Is there a way to close a form that is open from another form that has the focus. I tried using the Unload event, but I received an error message "Cant load or unload the object". I would appreciate any help!

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Forms :: Button In Form To Open Different Form And Chose A Customer Based On Last Form

Mar 26, 2013

Basically I have a Customer Form, which I have a New party button on it,this button opens up the party form to a new party, what I would like it to do is open up a new party but make the new party for the customer I had selected in the previous form.I have tried the GoTo macro's but cannot seem to get it to work.

I am thinking on clicking the button it will need to get the Customer ID, and then open the party form, create new party, and paste in the Customer ID, which then updates the Name - Date - Address - Company Fields.

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Form Check Box

Jul 17, 2006

if check box 1 is true then i want to allow the user to select true or false in check box 2. if check box 1 is false the user cant select check box 2

how do i do this:rolleyes:

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A Bug In My Form, Can Any 1 Help With This Check Box

Jul 26, 2006

Hi, sorry but i have a new issue. Ok, here it goes.

I have a check box on my form that "black lists" that related record. I wish to warn the user that when they click/after update the check box, they will no longer be able to work with this contact unless an administrator unblocks the record.

Here is the VBA for what i have done so far.

Private Sub orgMisc_AfterUpdate()
Dim intAnswer As Integer
intAnswer = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to Black List this contact?" _
, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Time Saver")
If intAnswer = vbYes Then
orgMisc = True
orgMisc = False
End If
End Sub

This works fine except for 1 problem. It prompts me if i change my mind and uncheck the check box. So basically, if (default) is False Then OnClick i want the above VBA to execute. If the check box already isset to TRUE then ignore the above VBA and orgMisc (checkbox) change to FALSE.

If any 1 can offer advice or knows how to solve this issue, that would be great :)

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Check Box In Form

Dec 26, 2006

I have a table -'client' with 5 fields,
mobile no

Through a form,I want to list only those clients who has email id - by using check box

I know its simple but not so simple to a layman like me

Please help

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After Open Open Another Form

Jul 26, 2005

I want to open another form automatically when an initial form opens, both are non popup) I have tried open and load events - but still the calling form appears on top of the called form.

How do I get the two forms to open form 1 and then form 2?

Also I cannot use the timer event as this is doing something else.


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Form Check Box Query

Dec 20, 2005

I have a form that has unbound check boxes on it. They are linked to a query. The query has the following script in the criteria section


This is set up so that when I put a check in the checkbox and press the control button it envokes the query. I have 6 boxes on the form with the same script for the exception of the [Check0] number.

Right now the way it is set up I have to check the exact sequence in order to get any data. Is there a way that I can simply check a box and pull up all the records that are checked. (Ex. I check "Box 1" and push the control button. I want it then to show me all the records that have a check in "Box 1" regardless of what the other check boxes are.) So far I have not found a way to do this.

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Check Box On Form From Query

Jan 24, 2007

I have a form that displays the results from a query.
I have a check box that users select in order to show they want to print that record
However, it has stopped letting me change the check box, and simply gives me the helpful windows 'bing' when I click on it.
All the controls are set to allow me to write to it.
Has anyone got any ideas of why this might happen?
Ben salt
P.S. If I go into the table directly, I can still change the status of the check box

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VAT Check Box On Order Form

Jan 31, 2005

OK....I have done a search but am still none the wiser regards allowing for VAT (added to an old thread but no luck!).

I am designing a little DB for an accountant at work. He wants to be able to keep tabs on orders he places with various vendors (currently uses excel) but he needs to generate reports etc. I have done this but would like to afford him the ability to add VAT to the order total if required.

So here is what I want to do. I want to add a check box to an Order Form that will add VAT at the current rate. If the VAT rate changes at some point in the future I do not want historic data updated to the new rate.

I want to add it to the Order Form as not all companies being invoiced are VAT registered. This will give the user the option to add VAT or not.

I have had a little play (see attached) but do not know how to get it all working!

Help, advice appreciated (or if anybody has a working example of VAT?).

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