Check If In A Table

Jul 17, 2007

I have two tables:

one with all the policy numbers, and another with a few of the policy numbers. How would i make a query, that each policy number is in the other table, then it returns "Yes", otherwise it returns "no"?

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Forms :: Make Image Appear In Form When There Is Check In Check Box From Table?

Jun 26, 2014

how can i make a image appear in my form when there is a check in the check box from the table?

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Check For Table

Nov 23, 2006

Hi all

I'm looking for some code that will do the following

If a table exists called "data" then delete it

Any ideas??

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Doing A 'where Used' Check Before Deleting A Table

Jul 3, 2006


I wonder if any of you could help me with what I assume to be a simple request, but one I've stuggled to find an answer to in the 'help' searches that I've done.

I'm working with an Access 2003 database that was originally designed to use a copy of a live table held elsewhere (this copy only used a subset of the fields from the main table). I now need to change the database so that it references the live table only, to ensure data integrity. To do this, I want to remove the 'copy table' and make all forms, queries, reports, macros etc. refer to the live table instead.

Is there a 'where used' procedure that I can run to find all the objects that use this table, rather than my having to go through every single one and check if this table is referenced (there are hundreds of such objects in this database)?

Thanks for your time,

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Check If Value In Table Already Exists

Nov 20, 2006


I have a problem where a user would enter a project code eg 113-099. I put in a list box that filters all the project codes for instance if the user enters 1 it will show all codes starting with a 1 and every additional number they enter it filters the list box to show which codes already exists! I hope this makes sense.

The problem i have is i need to check when they enter the project code that it is a unique value. The Database developer we got in didnt index this field as no duplicates allowed and as result we have large amount of duplicate project codes.

I have started to experiment with Dlookup but with no great success.

If anyone can help it would be much appreciated as i dont have much experience with access.

The field name on the form is

[forms]![projects_frm].[project_job_number] and the table which stores this information is [projects]

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How To Check If Table Already Exists

Aug 12, 2012

Is there any way to check if a particular table already exist in MS Access Database using ACCESS VBA?

Actually I'm creating temp table on the file but I want to check if temp table already exits then need to delete before creating.

e.g. I can check if query defniniton already exists using below code:

If .DCount("[Name]", "MSysObjects", "Left([Name],1) <> '~' AND [Type] = 5 AND [Name] = '" & strTempQueryName & "' ") <> 0 Then
.DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, strTempQueryName
End If

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How To Check All Yes / No Records In A Table

May 12, 2012

I have a Yes/No field in a table with all values unchecked by default. I ran a query to meet a specific criteria and now I want to check all Yes/No records of the result so they become Yes. Is there an easy way to do it? Because when you select the column there is no option to "mark all as checked".

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Please Can You Check Table Structure/concept

Nov 8, 2005


i need a db to monitor attendance (I know there are examples that do this but I need to satisfy my own curiosity and haven't seen one exactly like i need). My plan is to set-up the tables as below. I now have one-to-many relationships. There are many students. each student will study many courses.

I would like a form that shows the student info and a subform that shows all the courses they are on and weeks 1 -10. i could then use the yes/no attribute to record an abscence. later i would then need a query to see which students had missed two weeks in a row or more than 3 in total.

I think i need a form bound to tblStudents with a subform control that is displaying a form that is bound to tblStudentCourse. i am then a bit stuck as i need another form that will display the course records for each student. am i off track??? any ideas would be great. thanks.

StudentID (PK, number)

tblCourseID (PK, number)
Week1 (yes/no)
Week2 (yes/no)

StudentCourseID (PK, autonumber)

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Add Field To Table Then Check For Null

Feb 10, 2008

I need to add a Yes/No field to a table. I know I can do this in design view. Next I want to loop through the table and set it to Yes if certain fields are null. What I need help with is the VBA looping part and setting the boolean field to Yes if the fields being checked are null.

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Table Column Form Check

Apr 7, 2006

Hi,I've searched forums for something similiar, but didn't find anything (or maybe missed, my english is bad), so sorry if this was asked before.I've just started to use MS Access and i need something i can't makeThe thing is that my table has a column with data that has to be like this:same_text_always={{{{[any_text];any_number(nr_next);any_nr;any_nr}};any_nr};{{{[any_text];any_nr;any_nr;any_nr};{[any_text];any_nr;any_nr;any_nr}};any_nr};{{{[any_text];any_nr;any_nr;any_nr};{[any_text];any_nr;any_nr;any_nr};{[any_text];any_nr;any_nr;any_nr};{[any_text];any_nr;any_nr;any_nr}};any_nr};{{{[any_text];any_nr;any_nr;any_nr};{[any_text];any_nr;any_nr;any_nr}};any_nr}}Is it possible for access to check all column data to be like this and display all mismached fields in a new datasheet?any help, hint, tip would be very helpfull, thanks.I'm using MS Access 2002

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Qry On 2 Tables Using ~15 Check Boxes In Each Table

Nov 4, 2007

I have 2 tabels, Docs and People
Each table has about 15 check boxes to further specify the doc/user.
-in tblDocs which groups of users this document is intended for and
-in tblPeople which document the user should be trained in and a tickbox if training has been completed.

e.g. if tblDocs chkA is ticked then all people that have there chkA ticked should be trained in that procedure, if tblDocs chkS and chkE are ticked, all people that have either chkA or chkB in tblPersons ticked must be trained.

What I'm looking for is a query that can can check this on a form.

I know how to set it up so that all values from a form with all details of a person are transferred into a query, but I just cannot work out how I then check the tblDocs for documents that do NOT have the corresponding boxes ticked. In other words, I'd like to see if people have been trained in all documents they should have been trained in.

I have no idea how to handle that.

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Check Dublications Immediatelly From Table

Jun 8, 2006

Hi There,

I use a form to add data to a table. The first field in my form (PolicyNumber) must check the entered value in the form directly from the table. *(Now it notifies me when I completed all the other fields in the form and when I ready to add this as a new record in the table).

I tried this with After Update/Before Update/Enter/Dirty events:
If IsNull(DLookup("PolicyNumber", "tblPolicies", "PolicyNumber = " & Me.PolicyNumber)) Then
'...Not found process onwards
'...Opps found a duplicate number.. do some other actions..
End If

tblPolicies is the name of the table, PolicyNumber is both the fieldname in the table and the controlname in the form.

Often Im prompted with Error 2001 'You cancelled the previous operation', any ideas how I can get this working??


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Check Boxes To Appear With Table Names

Mar 13, 2008

What I want is check boxes to appear on a form with the name of the tables.

i.e. I Currently have 3 tables (there are more tables in my database but for this example I will only use 3) - MPI_CORE, MPI_IDS and REFF_DR.

I want some code to put the table names as a check box i.e.


*please note [] = a check box

How could I do this using VBA?

Thanks in advance for your help

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Modules & VBA :: Validation Check Against Another Table

Jul 26, 2013

I have a lookup which selects a 'Recipient'.

I need to add a check to see if this 'Recipient' (user selected) already exists within another table.

If so, I need a pop-up to appear.

If not, I want the user to continue unimpeded.

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Queries :: Check (and Get) Value In Other Table Field

Sep 18, 2013

I have one query (lets call i Q1) and I have two tables with identical structure.

Table 1:
- id
- iddesc
- comment

Table 2
- id
- iddesc
- comment

Table 1 consists of an imported xslx-file. The idea with Table 2 is to use it to edit content. Sometimes only one field is edited in Table 2 and in those cases i need to get the other values from Table 1. Q1 should (but doesnt) generate something like this:

- id [always from Table 1]
- iddesc [from Table 2]
- comment [from Table 1]

My question: How do i, in a query, check if data exists in a field in Table 2 and if it does, add data from that field and not from Table 1?

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Check If Record Exists In Table

Feb 6, 2013

I am trying to check if a record exists in a table.

Dim cert As String
Dim existingRec As Variant
existingRec = DLookup("[Certificate]", "[Fire]", "'cert' = 'cert'")
If existingRec = Null Then

MsgBox "The Certificate " & existingRec & " is in the database"
End If

Note - Certificate is a column in the table "Fire"

Problem is that existingRec only finds the first value in the Certificate column, How do I get to check the entire Certificate column?

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Table To Clear Check Boxes

May 24, 2014

I have a simple table with Text [item] and check box [Needed].I would like the table to clear the check box upon opening each time.

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Check Book Registry Table Design

May 2, 2005

Hi all, Im updating my current checkbook registry database. Just want to be sure that table look ok to everyone before starting the coding process. This will be a multi user - multi account program. I have attached the relations diagram.
Please give me some suggestions as to what fields i might need to add.

Also check to relations.

Thanks a bunch.

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Check Box For Criteria In Make Table Query

Jul 29, 2005

having used a query to generate data from a set of records where i can select the criteria (they are two letter abrv and are in a single field in the table but there may be multiple criteria). As I would like others to do it without using the query my first thought was a form with a series of check boxes tick for inclusion in the query or not. As i have built the query am I looking at changing that or taking it all into VB and using some code to pull the relavant 'ticks' across............ and how the hell would i do that......

many thanks in anticipation......

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Check Box For Criteria In Make Table Query

Jul 29, 2005

having used a query to generate data from a set of records where i can select the criteria (they are two letter abrv and are in a single field in the table but there may be multiple criteria). As I would like others to do it without using the query my first thought was a form with a series of check boxes tick for inclusion in the query or not. As i have built the query am I looking at changing that or taking it all into VB and using some code to pull the relevant 'ticks' across............ and how the hell would i do that......

many thanks in anticipation......

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Copy Data From One Table To Another & Check For Duplicates

Aug 8, 2005

hi, I have 2 Tables: tablea & tableb. The field names in both tables are: user_id, firstname, lastname, from these i have 2 querys (querya & queryb) both of which just look at the fields from the repective tables, & from this i have 1 form (entry form) that pics up the fields from querya. I would like to be able to enter details (records) into the entry form which puts all the data into tablea then automatically copies all the information into tableb, then automatically checks to make sure there are no duplicate records in tableb and finally deletes all the records out of tablea (probably after the form closes). This might sound a bit strange why i want to do this but I hope if its possible it could be used in a larger database.

I think i need to do querys but not sure what I need to do, Any advise would be very helpful.

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Check For Values In Form Field To A Table

Mar 23, 2006

I'm certain this question has probably been asked before, but I can't seem to find it!

I have a form field called fldTitle, and want to ensure users write something that is meaningful by evaluating words within the title to a table of keywords (tblKeywords). I know how to write the IF/ENDIF and the other stuff required, but am struggling to find the right commands to do the comparision. Could someone help me out?

Many thanks.

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Check To See If A Table Is Already Open On A Click Event

Feb 4, 2005

Some of the things that bring me screeching halt really surprise me. I swear, this sounds like it should be so easy....

What I need to do is check, when the user clicks on a button, whether a specific table that is going to be modified/deleted later in the click code is already open. If it is open, I will msgbox the user to close the table first and exit the sub.

Any ideas?

All help, as always, is much appreciated!


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Tables :: How To Check That Linked Table Exists

Apr 16, 2013

Background: In my Access FE, I have created a "linked table" to a file on our AS400 database. I know I can check the MSysObjects table for the linked table name, but sometimes the file actually does not exist on the AS400.

The file can be in one of three states.File exists with data.

File exists, but is empty.

File doesn't exist.

Question: What is the best way to determine the status of this linked table (file)?

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Tables :: Check If Client Name Exists In Table?

May 28, 2013

Using VBA (in Access), what code should I use to check if a client name already exists in a table.

Say, client name is "Smith", my table is called tblClient and the field name in the table is called fldClientName.

I just need to do the check, that's all.

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Tables :: How To Get Access To Check For A Condition In A Table

Apr 25, 2014

I'm relatively new to Access 2010.

I want Access to look in one table for a certain condition, and if it is true to autofill text in a different column but I've never done this before.

Specifically, I have a column in a table that is named "Letter Received" and another named "Letter Received Unsigned" which is in date format. I want Access to write "N/A" in the "Letter Received Unsigned" column if there is a date entered in the "Letter Received" column.

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