Check If The Data Already Exist

Jan 26, 2005


I put a Dlookup function to compare the new entry in a form and the code is like this:

If (Not IsNull(DLookup("[empno]", "Attnd_tbl" , "[empno]=[empnotxt]")))then
MsgBox "This Employee Already Exists"
cancel = true
end if
end sub

this works for comparing one field only, since I want to check if the employee is already entered on a certain date, how do I put two fields in this function to be looked up if for example "[empno]and[date]","Attnd_tbl","[empno]and[date]=[empnotxt]and[datetxt]"

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Check To See If A Record Exist

Nov 27, 2007

I would like help with a macro that looks to see if a record in my database table exists, then if it doesn't it adds a record with my data, but if the records does exist, it stops the routine and sends a message box to prompt if you want to continue with adding a new record.

The problem that I'm having is that my macro errors out when it doesn't find a record. I just want my macro to just see if a record exists or not. Then I can write my Iff statements based on whether it finds our or not. How do I just have my macro check for an record, then if it doesn't exist tell that it doesn't exist and not stop my macro. Is there some kind of IfExist() function or something?

Thanks for any help anyone can give me.

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Modules & VBA :: Check If Multiple Values Exist?

Jun 17, 2014

I am making an asset table which amongst other fields have fields for "serialNo" and "Manufacturer"

I am trying to write some code that after update of manufacturer in the form, will check to see if that serialNo and Manufacturer exist.

ive managed to do it for one value, using

If Not IsNull(DLookup("[serialno]", "Assets", "[serialno] = '" & Me!serialno & "'")) Then
msgbox "blah blah"

which works great, but am struggling when i'm asking it to lookup two values.

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Modules & VBA :: Check If File Exist On HTTP Server

Sep 13, 2013

I found and modified this code to allow me to check (fast) if a file exist on a http server or not (without downloading it).

Public Function CheckNetFile(WebFile As String)
Dim XmlHttpReq As Object
Set XmlHttpReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
XmlHttpReq.Open "HEAD", WebFile, False

[Code] ....

In the above code I managed to declare Webfile as a string so I can call on it later but one thing I still need to tweak is to also get a result out of the test code in a better way than having to publically declare the "CheckNet" variable somewhere else in my app.

First prize would something like this:

If CheckNetFile ("") = 1 then "Yes" else "No"

How do I build the 'booleon check' into the original function?

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Modules & VBA :: Insert Two Values From A Form In Table And Check If They Already Exist

Jan 27, 2015

I'm trying to write some Code with the target to take a value from a textbox (out of a form) and a pregiven value (in this case = 2) and enter them in a new record in a table. But only if there is not already a record with the exact same combination of these to values. When done, the same button should proceed you to the next form (but this code is not already implemented in the fragment below) even if no values are added because they already exist in this combination.

Public Function GetID_PatientStudiesGroup&()
GetID_PatientStudiesGroup = [Forms]![frm_PatientStudiesGroupTZP]![ID_PatientStudiesGroup]
End Function
Private Sub BPRS_T1_Button_Click()
Call GetID_PatientStudiesGroup&
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] ....

As you can see, I tried to use a function to refer to the value out of the form, because I didn't find out how to refer to a form in an SQL Code.

Just to give you a better overview: The table where the information should be added is named "tbl_PatientStudiesGroupTZP". The form where you find the Textbox "ID_PatientStudiesGroup" (with the value I need to transport) is named "frm_PatientStudiesGroupTZP". Every part (except the WHERE NOT EXISTS part) worked perfectly for itself, but not when thrown together.

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Forms :: Check / Uncheck Checkbox On Parent Form If Records Exist Or Not In Subform

Jul 23, 2015

I have a parent form which has a yes/no checkbox in the form's record source. Then in that parent form I have a sub-form. If NO records exist in the sub-form I want the checkbox to be UN checked. If records DO exist in the sub-form, I want the checkbox to be CHECKED.

But I want this to happen as records are added or deleted from the sub-form. In other words, if the parent form is opened and no records exist in the subform then the checkbox should be unchecked. But as soon as the first record has been entered in the subform, the checkbox on the parent form should be checked. Likewise, as soon as the last record has been revoved from the sub-form, the checkbox on the parent form should be unchecked.

What code do I need to accomplish all of this?

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How To Reference Data That Does Not Exist

Aug 1, 2006


I have an access database with 8 tables and as many queries and forms. Our company uses an application that performs backups of other companies data, this data is imported into access into one table. The backups are scheduled to run overnight, but sometimes they do not start for whatever reason. We need to use a query to identify when a backup does not start, so therefore to identify when data does not appear or exist in the table.

This problem is only concerned with two tables. In one table i have the backups policies (Backup Policy) and the details about when the backup should run. In the other, the main table (Backup) is the actual data that has been imported. So far I have queried only the backup policies that should run, but i need to go one step further and compare this to data in the Backup table that does not exist.

Im not sure whether this should be a bit of code in the query that compares data in the Backup Policy table with that in the Backup table when it is not present.

Ideally i need something that says. "If a particular policy name does not appear in any record in the Backup table, report back a list of policy names."


(Lookup a list of policy names in table backup policy,

if these policy names do not appear in the backup table, report back a list of the policy names,

if these policy names appear in the backup table, do not report back a list of the policy names)

If anyone has any ideas if this is possible, and how, I would be most grateful. Also, if it involves the use of code or functions etc I may need a little bit of guidance!!

Let me know if you need any more details of the table structures.

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Show Field In Form If Data Exist

Feb 9, 2006


I have to rethink and change the way of display in my form.

I have a form bound to ID.
I want to show 2 fields if they contain data, otherwise hide them
How do you do that?


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Queries :: Return 0 Where Data Does Not Exist For A Particular Month

Mar 13, 2015

I'm trying to make a query to return payroll data, but I'm not sure how to get Access to return 0 where data doesn't exist for a particular month.

For example, imagine this table:

Name MonthHours
John 1 160
John 2 160
Dave 1 160
Dave 2 160
Matt 1 160

How would I get this ouput:

Name MonthHours
John 1 160
John 2 160
Dave 1 160
Dave 2 160
Matt 1 160
Matt 2 0

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Forms :: Validate Field Data If Result Exist In Query

Jun 19, 2013

I have a form that contains two text fields i.e.; [Scat_text] and [STyp], which each can be changed by the users. I would like to combine the results of the two fields together and validate if the results exists in a query. What would be the best way to accomplish this?

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Reports :: How To Build Weekly Report Even When No Data Exist For A Week

Jun 11, 2013

how to build a weekly report to count the number of computers that have entered a defined process. I have four processes and I need the report to show counts for each process even if it's zero. The report is supposed to show the history of each process and not just the current week. Is this possible to do in a single query? Or do I have to make multiple queries?

I have a table that holds the history of each workstation including the workstationName, date of the record, the phase of the workstation, and the status of the phase. Another table holds the phase codes and phase statuses for lookup purposes.

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Modules & VBA :: Checking If Data Entered In Form Field Exist

Jan 17, 2015

I want to check if data entered in a form field is existed

The form is bounded to a table

I used this code

If DLookup("Telegram_Number", "tbl_Violation_Of_Building", "Telegram_Number Like " & Forms!frm_Add_Violation_Building!Telegram_Number) Then
MsgBox ("number existed")
Me.Telegram_Number = ""
End If

everything is ok but if the data is existed the database show the message and clear the field but i'm getting a Run-time error

'-2147352567(80020009)': the macro or function set to the beforeupdate or validationRule property for this field is preventing [ISF] from saving the data in the field

I guess the problem because the form is bounded to a table so he will save automatically

My solution is to unbound the fields and save the data via vba but is there any solution with a bounded form???

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Check For No Data Entry

Nov 4, 2005

I have some fields on a form that are update once a cmbo box is updated. They are updated by dlookups. However the fields that it looks up maybe empty so nothing is entered. So the user can enter the information themselves. On exit i would like to check to see if the field on the form is empty if so to flag up a msg.

if me.field = "" then
msgbox "You havent completed this field"
end if

However when i run this it doesnt detect that the field is blank. Is this because the field is being updated with a blank field from the dlookup. I have even tried = null.

I hope this makes sense. Thanks

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Using A Combo Box To Check Data

Dec 17, 2006

Hello (Again!)

I have a form that is mainly used for data entry (for call logging). Ideally it will be linked to 4 different tables, however I need to get the basics working.

My new problem is being able to look up data that is selected in a combo box to see if it is out of date. I shall clarify, as stated the form is for call loggin, when someone calls I ask for their postcode, this is in the combo box.
I want to then use the postcode selected to data from another table that lists services due, and if the service is due for that postcode within two weeks highlight the text box in red.

Any ideas?

(access newbie so please bear with me!)

Many thanks.


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Check And Delete Data

Jul 9, 2012

I have data, in which want to keep Job Id as primary key. Now, there are some Invoices as well as Invoice reversals with the same amount against those invoices. Check those Invoices & Invoice reversal of the same amount & delete that data of that Job ID. How to do it in Access or is there any other way to do it?

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Check Box Based On A Data Field

Jun 14, 2006

When a part number is set up in our manufacturing software, the user clicks a check box to mark the part as purchased. I'm creating a similar form and want to have a check box display the same information. The manufacturing database stores the check box as Y when checked and N when not checked.

I tried 2 different ways to add code in the BeforeUpdate but neither is working.

First Example:

if Purchased = "Y" then check295 = True
else checkbox295 = False

Second Example

If Purchased = "Y" then check295 = -1
else checkbox295 = 0

What changes do I need to make to this code to get it to work? Thanks for your help,


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Calculate Data If Check Box Is Checked

Oct 19, 2004

I have a user input form to enter traffic counts. There is a subform within that form that shows the total. I want to have a check box which, if checked, will multiply the data in the box by two. I have tried building expressions, macros...nothing worked. Dont know what I'm doing wrong. Any idea?

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Check For Duplicate Data Before Importing

May 21, 2007

Hello All,

I have a database where a user imports data into a table monthly. She saves the Excel file and then clicks a button in Access to import the data. My instructions say to only click that button once, but so far, she has clicked it THREE TIMES, thus importing the data three times. How can I prevent this? Here is a copy of my import code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Function ImportTableData()
On Error GoTo ImportTableData_Err

Dim strPeriod1 As String
Dim strMM1 As String
Dim strYY1 As String
Dim strYYYY As String
Dim strFormName As String
Dim strMDPath As String
Dim strMDFileName As String
Dim strDCPath As String
Dim strDCFileName As String

'No Warnings
DoCmd.SetWarnings False

'Import Current Month data in a temporary table
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEnterAgingDates", , , , acFormReadOnly, acHidden
strFormName = "Forms!frmEnterAgingDates"
strPeriod1 = Forms!frmEnterAgingDates.Period1.Value
strPeriod1 = Format(strPeriod1, "mmddyyyy")
strMM1 = Left(strPeriod1, 2)
strYY1 = Right(strPeriod1, 2)
strYYYY = Right(strPeriod1, 4)
strMDPath = "S:FinanceAccounting OperationsNational AccountsAccount Recs116405.100 and 117630.300116405.100-AR Due from PAR Plans NASCO"
strMDFileName = "MD AR Due from PAR Plans_" & strMM1 & strYY1 & ".xls"
strDCPath = "S:FinanceAccounting OperationsNational AccountsAccount Recs116405.100 and 117630.300117630.300-AR NASCO Refund Due from PAR Plans117630-2007"
strDCFileName = "DC AR Due from PAR Plans_" & strMM1 & strYY1 & ".xls"

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet , acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "tblData_temp", strMDPath & strMDFileName, True
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet , acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "tblData_temp", strDCPath & strDCFileName, True

'Append tblData_temp to tblData
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryAppend_tblData_temp_to_tblData", acViewNormal, acEdit

'Delete any blank rows that may have resulted from the import
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryDeleteBlankRows", acViewNormal, acEdit

'Delete the temporary table
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryDelete_tblData_temp"

MsgBox "The file has been successfully imported", vbInformation, "Files Imported"

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume ImportTableData_Exit

End Function

Thank you for your help!

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If Check Box Is Ticked / Data Must Be Entered

Nov 29, 2012

working through validation rules etc at the minute on my database. Have come across this one is sort of stumping me. I have a tick box in the field "Medication to be repeated" the next field after it is "Date to be repeated on". I am looking a validation rule which makes it that if the checkbox is ticked then date to be repeated must contain a valid date value.

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Check Boxes Saving Log In Data?

Mar 20, 2014

What I would like to happen is when either of the check boxes are checked it will either save the username and password or just the username, something like if you would log in to facebook and it asks do you want it to remember you log in details that's basically what I would like to have.

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Auto Fill In And Check Data From Other Tables

Mar 15, 2007

I am new to Access, and I need some help for this project I am working on. Please let me know if my question doesn't make sense.

I have created four tables: Clients, Tenants, Property, Contract

Client ID | Client Name |

Tenants ID | Property ID | First Name | Last Name

Property ID | Client Name | Contract ID

Contract ID | Clients ID | Client Name | Tenant ID | Tenant Name |Property ID |

Is there a way that when I enter Client Name in the Contract table, Client ID would automatically come up and check against other fields in the table if the information entered in Contract table is in sync and relevant against to data entered in Client, Tenants, and Property table?

Please let me know if this is not clear and I need explain more. Thank you.

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Copy Data From One Table To Another & Check For Duplicates

Aug 8, 2005

hi, I have 2 Tables: tablea & tableb. The field names in both tables are: user_id, firstname, lastname, from these i have 2 querys (querya & queryb) both of which just look at the fields from the repective tables, & from this i have 1 form (entry form) that pics up the fields from querya. I would like to be able to enter details (records) into the entry form which puts all the data into tablea then automatically copies all the information into tableb, then automatically checks to make sure there are no duplicate records in tableb and finally deletes all the records out of tablea (probably after the form closes). This might sound a bit strange why i want to do this but I hope if its possible it could be used in a larger database.

I think i need to do querys but not sure what I need to do, Any advise would be very helpful.

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Check Box Is Checked Depending On A Data Field?

Nov 9, 2005

I have a data field (status) that is either Graduated, Terminated, or Current. I also have a report that has a check box representing each (such as a check box for graduated and another for Terminated etc).

I am trying to get the report to read the status and check the appropriate box in the report.

I have tried this in the control source of the checkbox
but this does not work

I have also tried this on the OnOpen

If [status] = "terminated" then
termcheck = true
termcheck = false
end if
end sub

But this does not work either - what am I doing wrong :confused:

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Modules & VBA :: Check Data On New Record Entry?

Oct 14, 2014

We have a table, JobRegister that people enter information on using a form, FrmOrderEntry

I would like to run a check when a serial number is entered in the field SerialNo to see if the same serial number exists where CompletionDate is null.

this would stop duplicate open orders being put on the system, or new orders being entered where the previous order hasn't been completed.

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General :: How To Check Numeric Input Data

Jul 17, 2015

I have an input box and wanted user just to input 7 digital data. However, I am afraid user may enter string data. Is there any way to check and ensure user can only input 7 digital data to that input box?

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Automatically Check Yes / No Box Depending On Data In Another Field?

Oct 9, 2012

I have a form (Access 2010) that we use to keep track of client data. When I enter a number equal to 6 or above in one field (Client Rating and this field is actually formatted as text because it could be 6 or 6a, b, c or 7 or 7a, b, c, etc), I want anything =>6 to automatically check a box in another field which is the Watch Indicator box (a yes/no box), how would I do this?

I tried to create an expression like the below on the Watch Indicator check box and it does not work - not sure why - it did not say it was incorrect, I think I may have it in the wrong place?

I used "After Update" on the Yes/No Box

=IIf([R Rating]<=6,Yes,No)

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