Checkbox Selection

Jan 30, 2006

I want to make sure that only one check box can be checked and also to make sure that on is selected, i.e. to display a warning that one is not check if someone is going to save the record. Any ideas guys?


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Record Selection Using Checkbox

Aug 22, 2005

Basic premise:
I'd like to list all records in a table accompanied by a checkmark. If the checkmark is checked then this record will be edited (saved to a 'list' for editing). If not checked, then the record will not be edited (not saved to a list).

What I've done thus far:
I have a table with all the fields in it (pulled from a master table) and the checkmark associated with each record on a datasheet form. That works..I can select each record using the checkmark and use mod code to check if the checkmark is true or false.

But what I would like to allow is:

Filtering on a field and allow the checkmarks to be selected individually as well as a 'Select All' button. Thus, when the form is first opened - all records appear. The user then 'filters' for all Telephone Number field starting with area code '222'. With that new set of records, the user can then select each record individually by checking the checkmark box and select all records by clicking the 'Select All' button.

As an example: Lets say a company with telephone number 222-xxx-xxxx recently moved to a new area code. Instead of changing each record individually - I'd like to list them, filter them down to '222', then perform a 'global change' to all records.

Hope that makes sense,

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Print Report Based On Checkbox Selection

Oct 19, 2015

I'm having difficulties with building a printing option for specific goods selected on the list.

I have a form which contains a subform. On the main form user is able to select supplier and based on the supplier can choose article that he's interested in. On the subform user gets the list of all the goods that are connected with that specific article.

I want be able now to select specific goods from subform list (using checkbox value) and based on the selection print a separate label for each goods.

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Forms :: Combo Box Selection Controlling Checkbox Availability

Oct 6, 2014

I have a project database where I keep track of the work in progress on monthly bookkeeping for our clients. I have a form where I use a ComboBox to select the client and another ComboBox to select whether a sales tax report must be filed Monthly, Quarterly or Annually. I have 17 CheckBoxes one for every month, quarter and year-end. I want the selection in the sales tax reporting ComboBox to trigger which CheckBoxes are available to check.

That is, if "Monthly" is selected in the ComboBox, then only the 12 monthly CheckBoxes are available to check (the 4 quarterly and 1 year-end CheckBoxes will be disabled). If "Quarterly" is selected in the ComboBox then only the 4 quarterly CheckBoxes are available to check. Of course, "Annual" is the third option. The disabling of CheckBoxes must be on a record by record basis. "Monthly" could be selected for one client (one record) and "Quarterly" for another client (another record).

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Forms :: Nomination Form - Combobox Selection List Not Updating After Each Selection

Oct 27, 2014

I am designing a nomination form (web database so no vba macros can be used).

The form has 3 combo boxes: cboStaffName, cboLevel, cboNominee.

The form is bound to the tblSubmit table where the submissions are populated.

I used a select statement:SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List; to populate the combo box for the Staff Name selection.

This is the select statement to populate the job level combobox:

SELECT Staff_List.Level, Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Staff_Name)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboStaffName]));

The select statement to populate the combobox for the nominee combobox:

SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Level)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboLevel]));

The problem is that the staff_name in the first combobox is still found in the nominee combobox which should not be because a staff cannot nominate self. There is a field in the Staff_List called YesNo that should be activated for each staff that is selected so that the select statement on the nominee combobox can be updated accordingly to remove items with the field "Active"

How to get the checkbox selected for each corresponding staff.

Sample of the database has been attached.

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One ComboBox Selection Filtering Selection Of Second.

Jan 12, 2005

Porbably a stupid queston for most of you, but I am new to the game. Trying to get the selection of one combo box to filter the selections of a second combo box. Have one table called Sections with the colums SectionID and SectionName, a Second Table called SubSection with Colums SubSectionID, SubSectionName, and SectionID. Third Table called Points which has a column for Section, and SubSection, need to have the section combobox selection filter the SubSection combobox selections. Any help would be appreciated!

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Checkbox Help!

Feb 28, 2005

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Hi to all

I got 2 checkbox.

checkbox A
checkbox B

When I check on checkbox A, checkBox B is also checked.
can this be done?

Please help and thanks a lot.

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Help With QBF And Checkbox

Mar 31, 2006

Hello all,

How do I write a QBF query such that when a check box on the form is clicked, the name of query runs based on the name of that checkbox.
I have a form called, QBF_Form, which has a series of checkboxes. Each checkbox has a name. I have a table, "Type", and I would like to run a query based on the information on the form, ie. when I click a check box, the query gets the name of the check box and runs the information based on that.I know the basic qbf is:

[Type] Like [Forms]![QBF_Form]![Type] & "*" Or [Forms]![QBF_Form]![Type] Is Null

But I don't know how this would work if I have a check box for values in field "Type" in my table.

Thanks for your help!

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May 9, 2006

Iwant to suppress the message "The macro or function set to the Beforeupdate or ValidationRule property for this field is preventing Microsoft Access from saving the data in the field".
The message is correct-Iwant to prevent updating the checkbox if certain conditions aren't met.
Any ideas?

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Aug 29, 2006


I do NOT want to create one field for check mark in the table. I just want to make temporary checkbox to select the record in the continuous form.

But, When I put a check mark on one record, the check marks are shown on all records in the continuous form.

How can I fix it?

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Checkbox Help...

Oct 27, 2006

I have a form that has a business address, business name and business number. I have a checkbox in the form, if they click the checkbox i'd like to have it copy the fields above to anther a field. What do i have to do in order for that to work? I've never did anything like this...Can someone please help

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Yes/no Checkbox Problem

Jul 12, 2005

I have successfully created a mailmerge in word 2000 using an access table for data.

There is an access field which is a Yes/No Checkbox and it does not display the way i need it to in the merged document. Instead of seeing a ticked or unticked box i see o 0r -1. Can anyone please help me?!

I am no great computer wizard and would appreciate fool proof help!!! :(

Many thanks in hopeful anticipation......


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Checkbox Not Working

Nov 28, 2005

I installed Microsoft Office 2003 on my computer. It asks me to register the product otherwise not all functions will work properly. I was curious so I didn't register it and started an Ms Access Application. Interestingly, when I clicked on a checkbox in a form , nothing happened.
After registering the product and going back in to the mdb the checkbox worked just fine.
Any one ever seen this before or know what causes that?


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Help! With A Checkbox Problem

May 31, 2007

hey all, i have a supplier table (Supplier), that has a yes/no check box column field depending if they are active or not. About 200 suppliers in all, many of which not active.

I want to be able to automatically set the active field to True within the supplier table depending on the condition that records exist in my delivery schedule table (Schedule)

SO for instance if a supplier name "Power" exist in my delivery schedule, then i want supplier "Power" in the supplier table to be checked i.e True. I guess some form of dlookup is needed here, but not im not sure where to start. Any help appreciated!

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Checkbox Issue

Feb 3, 2008

Hi Guys,

I am having an issue with my programing an access database for my business. I use access a lot and i am profecient in the area.

I want to be able to select services from a sub from using check boxes. The selected check boxes are then assign to the customer using a unique id that is generated from customer_table.

I have created a the sub form and the check boxes and have attempted to do to the above by building queries. For information on the queries i used please let me know.

Anyway, I am now looking for a solution in the sub form that i click on a button it then assigns the unique ID to the services so that i am able to see customers details the services that have been selected and the total sum.

Any help would be appreciated on this as i been working solind on this now for more than 72 hours and i am drawing blanks.

Thanks in advance


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Using A Checkbox In A Query

Sep 6, 2005

I have created a query which search all fields in my database from one text box. Is it possible to search only records which have checkboxes ticked by ticking a checkbox on the search form/in the query.

Thanks in advance

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Value A > Value B, Checkbox Problems

Mar 20, 2007

I have a standard Select query with various fields, three of which are:

- Quantity Ordered (number)
- Quantity Delivered (number)
- Short Delivery (checkbox)

Basically I want the check box to be checked if the qty ordered value is greater than the qty delivered.

I have this code in the criteria of the Short Delivery Field and it does not work

IIf([1A-Quantity Ordered]>[1B-Quantity Received],1,0)

Can anyone give me any pointers, also should I be using an Append or Update query?

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Query By Checkbox Value

Mar 23, 2007

Hi, Im trying to build query that filters my recors by checkbox value in form.
I have field id_reason with numeric values, my idea is that when checkbox1 = 1, id_reason is filtred by value 11, when checkbox1 = 0, id_reason <> 11.

i tryed this formula as criteria in design grid:
but IIF is not operator, so it doesnt work...

Can anyone help with this one? :cool:


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Checkbox In Query

Apr 2, 2008

Greetings to everyone,

I've been looking through the forum for this, but I've only found how to add/count checkboxes in queries, and how to make a query based on checkboxes...what I need is to add a checkbox to every result on a query, I need this in order to add the ticked items to a record table, this is, the ticked items are accomplished tasks and therefore need to be registered (in the table) and the unticked tasks weren't accomplished and therefore shouldn't be added to the registry (table). Can anyone tell me just how to add the checkbox to the query?
I would thank any help on this.

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Assigning Value To Checkbox

Feb 15, 2005

I think this should be a simple question, but I just cannot figure it out. I have a form which contains a check box. I want to set the value of a field in a table to 0 if the box is unchecked and 1 if the box is checked.
How can I do this


R Tomalin

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Checkbox Problems

Jun 22, 2005

I have a form with a checkbox field. When the checkbox = true I want a popup box that asks for additional information (data to go to the same underlying table or as a sub-table).

I am able to get the popup box to activate via code in the After Update
If Me.SP = True Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSponsorshipDetails", acnormal, "", "", , acNormalWindow
End If
End Sub

Two problems seem to occur with this.

1. Records are not synchronised ie subform always defaults to record 1
2. Once I've closed the sub-form and try to create a new record I get an
error msg stating that someone else has made changes to record.

I have identical ID fields in both forms - how do I get the forms to link and work together?

Or must I use a sub-form? If so is there any way to make the sub-form a pop-up box?

As ever, am slow to grasp the complexities of coding *sigh*



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Yes/no Checkbox How To Default To Yes

Aug 22, 2005

Be gentle with me, for I am new, I can't write code, my database is all done by macros etc.

I have created a subform which incudes a yes/no checkbox. I want this to default to 'checked'. The subform is used to record an audit of the position of valves. It is based on a query combining two tables, one containing valve details and the other the results of the audit. I have set the default value for this field as '-1' in the audit results table, and also in the subform checkbox field.
However whenever the query is run, the subform contains a list of valves with thier checkboxes stubbornly unchecked. How can I make the query return a list of valves with the checkbox ticked?


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Bound Checkbox

Aug 23, 2005

Hi everyone, I have a bound checkbox on a continuous form and I want the user to be able to select only one checkbox at a time. At the moment they can select as many as they like which is not what I want. Anyone know how to do this?

Thanks for any help

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Checkbox.value Misbehaviour?

Oct 7, 2005

Updating a single Yes/No field to show if the record should be visible.
Have a continuous form with a bound checkbox to supply the new value.

OnClick event for the displayed data innitiates an immediate table update.

Values were not updating.

The problem:
However stepping through the onclick procedure in debug window shows that irrispective of the state of the checkbox checked/unchecked the value is 0.

After trace the the state is always as it should be.

Any thoughts chaps? :)

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Oct 29, 2005


I ve got a big problem:) What i am trying to do is CRM , this crm has some informations about the companys. ----->

I have form where are all the informations about companys entered by users of CRM. One of the informations is size of the company. What i did is that i have put three check boxes ( small , middle, large ) and bound them with the main table company ( companyID, companysmall ( YES/NO ), companymiddle(YES/NO), companylarge ( YES/NO ), companyfax, ... ).
When you mark the check box ther is an yes in table for a size of company and no for the other two options.

What i would like to do is to create another form where i could filter companys by ther size. But the tricky part is, that i would like to filter with check box so that i can filtr for example small and large companys at same time.

How can i do this - can you help me - mabe some examples.

Thank you,


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Checkbox Issue

Dec 13, 2005

Hi All,

I have a continious form with checkboxes. How can I write code that users can only select one! checkbox?

regards, martijn

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