Hey i have this really annoying bug, theres several tick boxes that im using to filter records but if i tick more than one i get a syntax query error? any idea what this could be? i have had several people look at the code and tell me theres nothing wrong.
Private Sub filter_Click()
'Variable to hold filtered SQL string
Dim strFilterSQL As String
If check_os98 = True Or check_osnt = True Or check_os2k = True Or check_osnt = True Or check_osxp = True Or check_fxpda = True Or check_fxpc = True Or check_fxas = True Or check_fxrs = True Then
strFilterSQL = strSQL & " WHERE "
End If
If (check_os98 = True) Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & "os98 = True"
If check_osnt = True Or check_os2k = True Or check_osnt = True Or check_osxp = True Or check_fxpda = True Or check_fxpc = True Or check_fxas = True Or check_fxrs = True Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & " AND "
End If
ElseIf (check_osnt = True) Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & "osnt = True"
If check_os2k = True Or check_osxp = True Or check_fxpda = True Or check_fxpc = True Or check_fxas = True Or check_fxrs = True Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & " AND "
End If
ElseIf (check_os2k = True) Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & "os2k = True"
If check_osxp = True Or check_fxpda = True Or check_fxpc = True Or check_fxas = True Or check_fxrs = True Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & " AND "
End If
ElseIf (check_osxp = True) Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & "osxp = True"
If check_fxpda = True Or check_fxpc = True Or check_fxas = True Or check_fxrs = True Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & " AND "
End If
ElseIf (check_fxpda = True) Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & "fxpda = True"
If check_fxpc = True Or check_fxas = True Or check_fxrs = True Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & " AND "
End If
ElseIf (check_fxpc = True) Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & "fxpc = True"
If check_fxas = True Or check_fxrs = True Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & " AND "
End If
ElseIf (check_fxas = True) Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & "fxas = True"
If check_fxrs = True Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & " AND "
End If
ElseIf (check_fxrs = True) Then
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & "fxrs = True"
End If
strFilterSQL = strFilterSQL & ";"
Me.RecordSource = strFilterSQL
End Sub
I ve got a big problem:) What i am trying to do is CRM , this crm has some informations about the companys. ----->
I have form where are all the informations about companys entered by users of CRM. One of the informations is size of the company. What i did is that i have put three check boxes ( small , middle, large ) and bound them with the main table company ( companyID, companysmall ( YES/NO ), companymiddle(YES/NO), companylarge ( YES/NO ), companyfax, ... ). When you mark the check box ther is an yes in table for a size of company and no for the other two options.
What i would like to do is to create another form where i could filter companys by ther size. But the tricky part is, that i would like to filter with check box so that i can filtr for example small and large companys at same time.
How can i do this - can you help me - mabe some examples.
i have a small for you probably problem! I tried to find something here but only bits and pieces could help only a little!
well here is my problem!
i have a form with a subform! the subform is a datasheet by a table!
In my main form I have a check box! what I want to achieve is to filter my subform by current date when i mark the check box and remove the filter when i uncheck it!
i could have it done by query or something but it was a last minute idea! thus i would have to change a lot of stuff doing it that way! the table is already filtered by a combo box record selector!
----------------------- i have used a code but it does not work probably because there is no filter to activate!
Private Sub Today_Filt_Click()
If CheckBox = True Then Me.FilterOn = True If CheckBox = False Then Me.FilterOn = False
End Sub
So could i put the filter parameter on the vba part???
I'm having a hard time with this (what I thought) was a simple filter. I have an unbound checkbox (chkFlag) and an unbound text box (txtfilter). The filter was working fine till I decided to also try to filter on the checkbox.
I'm trying to filter records that either have either a check in the [Flag] field or have some part of the text in various other fields. The problem is I can get the records to filter if the checkbox is checked or on text in the various fields, but not both. I've tried using AND and OR, but it's not working.
I have a query which is run from a form via a command button. On this form i have a couple control sources (not sure if this is the correct term, but i have text boxes and drop down lists which the query uses in its criteria).
Everything works fine except i can't figure out how to filter my checkbox field (aka MyDeliv). I'd like to have a drop down box with 3 options: "yes", "no", and "ignore". i would like "yes" to return only records with the MyDeliv box checked, "no" to return only records with the MyDeliv box unchecked, and "ignore" to return records regardless of the MyDeliv checkbox.
On my continuous form, I have a field that is a checkbox. I would like to place an unbound checkbox/radiobutton in the form header so that when the it is checked, it will display only records that are checked, and when it is unchecked, it will only display records that are unchecked.
I have a reservation form and I want to tick a checkbox that will filter the form based on what is in the "Reservation Status" combo box.When the checkbox is ticked, the code would remove all records that have "Complete" as a status in the "Reservation Status" combo box. The non-working code that I currently have is:
Code: Private Sub chkHideComplete_AfterUpdate() On Error Resume Next If Me.chkHideComplete = True Then Me.filter = "[ReservationStatus] = 1" Me.FilterOn = True
I need to add an additional filter to my unbound form and can't seem to get the syntax right -
I have a text field in my form "[B Style]" that has either a "Y" or "N"
I want to add a checkbox on my main form where, if checkbox=True then [B Style]="Y"
Private Sub ckBStyle_Click() Dim stFilter As String Dim stDocName As String stDocName = "Modify_OpenItems" If Me.ckBStyle.Value = True Then DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , ("[B Style]" = "Y") Else: DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName End If End Sub
I'm trying to transfer records from a table in one subform to another subform (on same form) using a checkbox as a filter:
Private Sub TransferAndReview_Click() Dim db As dao.Database Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "INSERT INTO Forms![Extra Work Report Checksheet]![Equipment Input Subform1].Form[(QuantityUsed[, HoursUsed])] VALUES (QuantityUsed[, HoursUsed]) FROM Forms![Extra Work Report Checksheet]![Equipment Checksheet Table Subform] WHERE [Extra Work Report Checksheet]![Equipment Input Subform1].Form[EquipmentUsed]=True;" Set db = CurrentDb db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError End Sub
I keep getting the error "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement" which points to 'db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError' and I don't understand why. Neither of the fields [QuanityUsed] or [HoursUsed] are lookup fields, etc.
I have created a query which search all fields in my database from one text box. Is it possible to search only records which have checkboxes ticked by ticking a checkbox on the search form/in the query.
Hi, Im trying to build query that filters my recors by checkbox value in form. I have field id_reason with numeric values, my idea is that when checkbox1 = 1, id_reason is filtred by value 11, when checkbox1 = 0, id_reason <> 11.
i tryed this formula as criteria in design grid: IIf([forms]![form1]![check1]=1;[id_reason]=11;[id_reason]<>11) but IIF is not operator, so it doesnt work...
I've been looking through the forum for this, but I've only found how to add/count checkboxes in queries, and how to make a query based on checkboxes...what I need is to add a checkbox to every result on a query, I need this in order to add the ticked items to a record table, this is, the ticked items are accomplished tasks and therefore need to be registered (in the table) and the unticked tasks weren't accomplished and therefore shouldn't be added to the registry (table). Can anyone tell me just how to add the checkbox to the query? I would thank any help on this.
I have a Form that I am doing for my local sporting Club that keeps a check of the games played each week by individuals. On my form I have a Textbox (txtGames) and a number of checkboxes that are to be checked if the player plays a game that week i.e.
TotalGames....Wk1...Wk2...Wk3...Wk4 etc to Wk14
If the individual has played for the week, they are checked off under the appropriate Week.
My question is, how do I populate the TotalGames textbox to count the number of checks for each Player. I have searched on this Forum and have not found anything that resembles my problem. I am very grateful for any help I can get. Thank-you!
Hello, Can someone tell me how I can set a checkbox by running a query.
Here is what i want to do... On click of a button, query a table and if the field being queried is a Y mark the checkbox, if it is an N, do not mark the checkbox.
I can do the query with no problem, but how would i make it put the result into the checkbox?
I have a Mainform with a subform linked to a table. Within the subform i have a number of individual checkboxes and a field [Year]. One checkbox, [checkboxIssue] i have wanted to link two update queries in order to update the field[Year] with the contents of a [textboxValue] on the Mainform, depending on the state of [checkboxIssue]. I have run both queries manually, one after the other and the table was updated perfectly.
The problem is that when i link it to the click_Event of [checkboxIssue] in the subform i get zero updates.
Linked to the Dirty_Event of the subform i get good results for all except the last ammended record and zero results if ammending only one record.
I am a relative Newbie and have learned a great deal from this forums expertise. Can anyone enlighten me to what i think will be my very basic error.
Basic or not i have driven myself mad trying to solve it..:-(
I am trying to create a form using VBA which will be a list of people, in a particular group, with a checkbox next to each name. The point of the form is so that the user can check those individuals who shoud not be included in a particular process. The names are the result of a query and the list will be of different lengths each time. I have tried to create a query with the first field being the person's name and the second field a checkbox, which would default to No. Then I would be able to use each name with it's checkbox to accomplish this. What I really need help with is the query, so that one of the output fields is a checkbox.
Hi All, I have read a few posts on here but can't quite get a solution to my particular issue.
I have two tables in a query:
tbl_suppliers tbl_supplier_perf
tbl_suppliers is right joined with tbl_supplier_perf by
[Location Name]----->[Supplier]
No as part of tbl_supplier_perf there is a YES/NO checkbox, where it can be ticked if there is an issue with a supplier delivery. This field is called [Issue?].
I want to report all suppliers (not just those with records in tbl_supplier_perf) with a count of the amount of records created in tbl_supplier_perf with a tick in [Issue?]. So if no records in tbl_supplier_perf have [Issue?] ticked it will just report 0.
Basically the query needs to report all suppliers with a count of how many records have been ticked "YES". It is a check box so I believe they are recorded as 0 and -1.
I believe I need to use Dcount but I do not know how to get that in to my existing query!
I need some serious help! I am an Access newbie and I think I am trying to do something more complicated than my skills. Any help will be extremely appreciated!
Here is the situation:
I have a table of volunteer records that record each volunteer's availability and areas of interest, which are checkboxes. The volunteer information area of the form basically looks like this:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday etc. Morning O O O Afternoon O O O Evening O O O
O "Trails" O "Greenhouse" etc.
The "O" designates the checkboxes saying "yes" they are available at that time and "yes" they are interested in that area. I did it in checkbox form because it is the most visual and simplest way for my users to understand the record. My users' thought process is going to be this: I am having a greenhouse clean up this Tuesday evening. I need to run a report of all our volunteers that said they are available Tuesday evenings to work AND said that they want to work in the greenhouse. What I would like next to happen is they load the database I'm designing, click the switchboard to a search form that has the same checkbox layout as the volunteer record. They check Tuesday evening, check Greenhouse, then click run report. Report appears on screen that they can view, which they can choose to print so they can call the volunteers.
I have seen samples of listboxes and dropdown boxes as search criteria on a form, but the additional problem is that my end users are over the age of 65, scared of computers, nice ladies. They wouldn't understand the listbox of fields, and it would be a disaster trying to get them to understand AND/OR statements and the entering of yes/no on a list of search criteria, especially if they have more than one time availability and area of interest that they want to run in one report. Hence, sticking to the easy checkbox format for the never-used-a-computer-before ladies to run the reports they need, spitting out the information to the question they are asking, like "Who are all the volunteers that said they are available weekends to work special events? I need to call them to see if they would work the special event coming up in 3 weeks."
I am completely lost about how to go about doing a checkbox form to run a query of checkboxed data that spits out a report with the results :[ I would appreciate a simple sample or an explanation in layman's terms of the steps involved to achieving the results I would like. I am the type who would like to try to figure this out, so that I learn, but I am completely in over my head with this one :[
All patience and help with this will be greatly appreciated!
Hey all this is my first post so thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
I am trying to use multiple checkboxes on a form to try and make a select query, when the box is checked the data is queried when unchecked it is not, sounds simple enough, here is my problem.
I set the query criteria with an expression like this: [Forms]![frmMainLookup]![Check Box Alarm Number]="-1" As long as the checkbos is checked everything seems to work fine. If I uncheck the checkbox then none of the data is shows up. I still get the columns to show up just no data.
I am sure there is something simple I am missing but the Force is not with me today.
I am new to access forms. I am trying to use the 2 checkboxs for my make table query.
Future cost checkbox and marginal cost checkbox.
If future cost is checked, then I want 00 as criteria for the field cost type in the query, if marginal is checked then 01. If both checked, then I want both.
Seems like a iif statement is not working in my query. I am trying to create an event now but I do not understand the VB codes.
I am using the Multi Search from that's available in the template forum, and currently it's working perfectly. I am trying to add one checkbox (chkIncludeManifests) to the form to do some filtering.
When the box is checked, I should search all records. When the box is unchecked, I should search only records with no manifest number [manifestnum].
I've tried setting up an IIF statement to filter out the values that are empty but it's not working.
I have some VBA code that generates a query and saves it. The query is a list of people who will be sent a communication along with the formatting for the communication. After producing the query I want to look through it and decide if there is anyone I don't want to send the communication to. I can't delete records from the query without deleting them from the database or I would simply do this.
I thought I could add a checkbox in the query that I can tick to stop a communication being sent to that person. I only want the setting saved within the query and then when I have finished it be deleted along with the query.
I have a query that produces a report for charges to the client. On the form I have a checkbox that when the client is charged it is ticked. What would be better is that when I run the query to export to excel, it should check all those checkboxes and the ones that are blank, fill them in (tick the box). Then I need to add to the query that that field should contain only blanks so it will show me only the ones that where not charged and then after producing the report check those boxes so it keep track of all the clients charged (to avoid double charge).
I have a colleague who executes a make-table query that reads a txt file. While doind this, he wants to convert two columns (binary format) to checkboxes (Yes/No format). Is there a way to do that?
I need to design a query that contains about a dozen fields for stationery items along with another dozen fields (checkboxes) to show whether these items were delivered (Yes, I know, not great db design).
I ran out of space with the the query criteria window.