Hello, I want to add a checkbox in my form which will update or enter a value to a field. To explain more better the form is access of application so the question will be does the user have Network Account. if the check box is checked then it should add a value to its own field or another field in the same table Network Account. If its not checked then the field should be blank. The way i am doing is i created a check box field and then there is seperate field hiden or in front of checkbox. The control source i put is iif([checkbox1]=-1,"Network",ISnull) this way i get the value in form field but its not linked anyway to table field.
Is there any easy way to populate a field i will be having couple of checkbox like this.
I have a column in a table that only is allowed one value, "Repealed" or simply left blank. I would like to have a checkbox on a form that enters the word "Repealed" or removes it depending on whether it's checked or not, rather than having the user enter the word "Repealed" each time.
Can anyone offer direction as to how to complete this? I've not had much experience with VB code.
How to use VBA..... I have set up a simple database to enter data into then upload to a client web portal.
I have a form to enter the data and the table this data goes into has a check box at the end which I want to have ticked/checked/True after I have exported.
I have created a query that shows me all data that is unchecked (not yet exported to an xls)
I have created a simple export macro that sends the query result to an .xls
I want the macro to finish by checking the "export" checkbox once I have done this....
I am using Access 2010 attached is a screen dump of what I have so far....
I have a relationship from one table to another. If one item is entered into one field, I would like it to auto-populate it into another field. But there are several more fields I would like to be autopopulated.
EX Table_1
item no, hull no, description
Table_2 item no, hull no, description..
I want to enter data into table 1 and have it auto populate into table 2. How is this to be done
i have a database am working on in access 2010. I want a field to take its value based on another field's combo.Example;i have a checkbox field called "Loan" "Yes/No" and i have another textbox filed "Status" (which will hold eligibility). I want the Status to read Eligible when the checkbox is No and Non-eligible when its Yes
Hello everyone, I have some experience with access but am having difficulty at the moment with a command. This is what I am wanting to do;
I have some checkboxes which when checked I want a separate field to display a number. i.e. When 'Taster' is checked 'Overall Price' will show '£225' but also when 'Meal' is checked 'Overall Price' shows '£500'.
i have created a form to enter details into a 'job' table.
here is the part of the form my question deals with.
FIELD- Airport DATATYPE- Yes/No FIELD- Terminal DATATYPE - Lookup wizard (the values 1-5 stored in a separate terminal table)
basically the system involves entering minicab jobs into the database. the job may or may not be at the airport.
if the airport checkbox is ticked (Yes), then the terminal value can be set (1-5) from the form. if the airport checkbox is unticked (No), then the terminal value cannot be changed from the form.
if this can be done, how can it be done? anyone..??
I'm fairly new to Access and have a question. I've been able to set up a decent database (my first) but am looking if certain Form functionality is available. I have a checkbox that is checked when a certain criteria is met. When that's checked, there's additional data that I need to enter. Is there a way to make those additional data fields either disabled or not visible at all until the checkbox is a yes? I appreciate your help!!!
I have a main order form with a subform for order datails (products, quantity, extended price, etc..). The default way of calculating a selling price is by using the cost plus a profit margin (the margin is a percentage defined on the main form)
But sometimes we want to define the selling price differently, bu using the List price instead, on which I can apply a discount. So what I did is put a checkbox field on my subform, and when the checkbox is "true" the selling price is now the list price field from the products table instead of the "cost plus" calculated field.
So far everything works perfectly as described. The only that I am now left to do is to be able to "ask" for the desired discount when the checkbox is selected. What I mean is that when the checkbox is clicked (true), I would like for a dialog box to pop-up and ask for the discount that should be applied to that record in the subform...Is there a way to do that with a "msgbox" or should I make a small form with only one field on it?...
The main reason why I want to do it this way is that I dont want to put the "discount" field on my subform as it would be on every item line and it is used only rarely because 90% of the pricing are bases on "cost plus".
I have a query which is run from a form via a command button. On this form i have a couple control sources (not sure if this is the correct term, but i have text boxes and drop down lists which the query uses in its criteria).
Everything works fine except i can't figure out how to filter my checkbox field (aka MyDeliv). I'd like to have a drop down box with 3 options: "yes", "no", and "ignore". i would like "yes" to return only records with the MyDeliv box checked, "no" to return only records with the MyDeliv box unchecked, and "ignore" to return records regardless of the MyDeliv checkbox.
Can a SQL query be written so that when the user runs the query, a prompt asks the user to enter the field they wish to see?
i.e. a query is written to return certain predefined fields, plus a field that is not defined. When the query runs an error comes up to enter the field it should search for.
It would be handy for the start of each month, when a new field (month's data) is required. It will avoid updating the query each month.
I have a sub form with checkboxes. Each check box represents one of the columns/fields in my query. If one of the boxes is checked, I only want the column that matches with the check box to appear. I have done some research and have came upon the ColumnHidden property.How would one do this in a macro or VBA format.
Hi all, firstly please forgive me if i'm a little slow, i haven't done any access work for a year or so and i'm a bit rusty :o
Basically i have a customer database which holds customer details and orders. It's been created and working fine for a couple of years, but i recently found something that i'm having trouble with. tblCustomers holds most of the data and links to other tables such as tblCustomerPostCode/tblCustomerEmail with the primay key CustomerNumber. I put certain data such as these in other tables because i was taught to not include fields with lots of blanks and these wouldn't necessarily always have data. The relationships table is attached - relationships.jpg
I also have a main table for customer orders - tblCustomerPurchases which holds data such as date of purchase and purchase cost. This has a primary key field called PurchaseNumber, and links to tblCustomers with a CustomerNumber field. This meant i could have many purchases for one customer, etc.
Everything has worked great as i said and i have many forms, reports etc with no problems, and the problem i have hasn't shown itself until now.
If i have a query with tblCustomers and all the relevant other tables linked to it, all fields work perfectly and i can add, edit etc whatever data i need to. See qselcustdetails.jpg attached.
The moment i add the tblCustomerPurchases or anything that uses it to the query however, i can no longer add data to some of the fields such as tblCustomerPostcode, tblCustomerArea, tblCustomerEmail etc. If there is data in the field already then i can change it, but not add new data. See qselcustdet&purchase.jpg attached.
I believe it must be to do with the fact that tblCustomerPurchases uses the CustomerNumber field as well? And it then doesn't allow tables such as tblCustomerPostcode to create new data? But i can't understand why. Like i said i'm a little rusty and i can't figure it out at the mo :confused::rolleyes:
Also, can anyone tell me any suggestions for the easiest way of fixing it? The database already has 5000 customers and plenty of forms, reports etc.
I have a colleague who executes a make-table query that reads a txt file. While doind this, he wants to convert two columns (binary format) to checkboxes (Yes/No format). Is there a way to do that?
I'm looking to create a "Same As Billing Address" check box that would automatically udpate the address in an order to reflect the customer's billing address.
I understand how to sync a combo box to an option group ( -- great article by the way)
I Guess what I'm looking to do is:
1. Sync a "Same As" Checkbox to multiple text boxes in the form (Unit, StreetAddress, City, Province, Postal) such that these fields are UPDATED (writen to) with the same information as the billing address
2. [U]IF the "Same As" Option is selected, I need the updated fields to lock, allowing no further update... but must by unlocked if the "Same As" option is NOT selected.
Please help me out with this one guys.. I really need it.
Does anyone know how to automatically enter the current date into a specified field by simply clicking on a check box. I imagine the IIf function would work when entered into 'Control Source' but I also need the check box to be linked to the underlying table. i.e. I tick the 'Paid' checkbox and the current date is automatically entered into the 'Date Sold' field. I also need the -1 generated by clicking on the checkbox to be stored in the table.
Any suggestions would be appreciated, although I am no good with code, so if you could post an example or an easier way to do it I would be most grateful
I have 2 tables both linked to SQL Server 1 has policy information and the other has error information both tables are linked with the relationship policy Ref. The error table(table2) has fields Pol ref, Error_Type,error, Comments, response_comments and response_Date.
There are 25 types of error so what I have done is copy all fields from table 2 25 times exlcuding the policy ref and Error_Type but to make them relate to the relevent error I need to setup some VBA code that does an if Error1_checkbox is ticked then make Error_Type ="error1" and Error=1 else if error1_checkbox is unticked then make error_type null(blank).
I have a database with two memo fields. Both have exactly the same properties in table design view.
One field is called 'notes' and when I want a new line I just have to hit ENTER. Result is as wanted.
The other field is called 'responses' and when I hit ENTER, the cursor jumps to the next field (as if these were a text rather than a memo field). it does not start a fresh line. However, this field has not length restriction; I can copy and paste any number of lines into it. But I must not hit ENTER, and I cannot produce a line break.
As I said above, both fields appear to have exactly the same properties in Design View. Why then do they behave differently?
I have a date/time field on a form. I have a calculation that adds number of days to Date() and enters the answer in the field. Example:Date()+30. If the answer comes on a week end, can I get the date entered to be the next occuring week day? Thanks
At work I can enter +15 in a date field and it automatically sets the date 15 days after todays date. Our companies computer is operating on a ERP system. I would like to do that in an Access database I'm designing for a friend. Any hints.
Right now on a form I have code that runs when the used DoubleClick on that field. Users want to have the code run when the EnterKey is pressed as well but when putting the code in the onEnter command line it would run the code when you tab thru the field.