Checkboxes On Forms
Sep 2, 2006
I am very new to Access, so bear with me please.
How do you create a form that will query a list from a table, and then separate each invidivual entry from the query into its own checkbox?
*run query or something similar, and 3 items are brought up*
Tracking Form 00001:
Item1 [x]
Item2 [x]
Item3 [x]
Each individual item in the query might change, so I want to keep it flexible. Once all of the checkbox options are organized and put onto that section of the form, I want to append all of the values that were checked off into a field on another table. So for example let's say the person inputting the form checked off item1 and item3, the field on the table linked to it would now have field1="item1, item3".
Is there a way to do this without a lot of coding, possibly just using the menu-driven interfaces and maybe a coded query? I am not that familiar with Access so any help is appreciated.
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Nov 8, 2013
I have a single-user application about to become multi-user.
There is a table, displayed in a form as datasheet, where we do lots of things with the selected items.
MyID MyItem IsSelected ....
1______ItemA__ Yes
2______ItemB__ Yes
3______ItemC__ No
The user checks the IsSelected (bound to a checkbox) for the items required for further processing, does the processing and starts over. The function of the column IsSelected is to hold the boolean signifying whether or not to process the record, and to bind to the checkbox in the form.
How to retain the user interface (i.,e. selecting using one or more checkboxes) if the database is to be used by more than one user?
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Dec 12, 2013
I have a form register with student names and three columns with checkboxes showing whether they were present, absent or late. The form runs an append query that records the data into a historical table, however on submission the checkboxes remain ticked. way to clear the checkboxes once the data has been submitted?
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Apr 6, 2015
I already have a form where I can enter data.
In that form I would like to have different check-boxes (three of them), representing actions done that day.
Let's say each form represents a contact, and I need check-boxes for:
- Called
- E-mailed
- Visited
This is something I am now able to do. But.... I would like these check-boxes to be cleared automatically the next day.
So when the database is opened the next day, these check-boxes start unchecked.
And I would also like that as soon I check a check-box on a certain day, there is an entry for that action and date is being entered in the record of that contact, so I am able to check later on what day, what action was performed.
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Jul 26, 2013
I wish to filter the records in a listbox by using checkboxes.
The listbox (list1) and the checkboxes are in the same form (form1)
The listbox displays the records from a query (query1) related to a single table (table1).
Each record (assuming a list of videos) has a field called "Typology". The "video typologies" are: Movie, Documentary, Animation. So the table1 has a column called "Typology" which displays one of the three typology in simple text.
When entering a new record (in a specific form) user can choose the typology selecting an option in a combobox. The combobox is a "value list" one and I wrote the typologies in the "row origin" line:
So we have a single column in simple text for all the typologies, but limited choiches.
So far everything is working well.
Now I wish to filter the records in the listbox by typology. Each typology should be related to a checkbox, so when I check a checkbox then the listbox returns only the records form a specific typology. Also, I wish to check more then one checkbox in order to display records from multiple typologies rather than one.
I've already made a button which resets the form, displaying once again all the records and eventually unchecking all the checkboxes.
About option buttons: I've managed filtering the listbox results using option buttons in a frame (option group?) and it works fine, but in this way I can choose only one typology at a time (and the typology field in the tabel1 of course is not simple text, but numeric: 1=Movie, 2=Documentary etc).
I thought this could be solved using the click event on each checkbox:
-If the checkbox "Movie" is checked then the listbox shows only the records which have the text "Movie" in the Typology field. Else, show all the records.
-If the checkbox "Documentary" is checked then the listbox shows only the records which have the text "Documentary" in the Typology field.
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Sep 17, 2014
I have 6 different check boxes that I want to attached to one button. If a check box is marked I want a specific form that is related to that checkbox to open when clicking the OnClick button.
[x] FormA
[ ] FormB
[x] FormC
Action: Click 'OnClick'
--> (now forms 1 and 3 should open)
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May 7, 2015
I have a form where you can select four different options: Health, Dental, Vision, and COBRA, with a button to run a census. Right now, the button runs a DoCMD.OpenReport to open a report named "Census" where there are four text boxes, "Health Coverage Type" "Dental Coverage Type" "Vision Coverage Type" and "COBRA Coverage Type". I want the user to be able to select a checkbox, then filter the report to only enable the text boxes of the corresponding names.
So if someone selects Health & Dental, I want the report to run with the "Health Coverage Type" and "Dental Coverage Type" textboxes enabled/visible, but the other two to be blank.
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May 5, 2015
I have a table tblMessages, with a yes/no column called Available I have a form with three checkboxes chk1, chk2, and chk3 the when i click chk1 the other two check should be checked which this code seems to do but what it is not doing is going to the table and selecting the data where the ID is 2. what am i missing here?
Private Sub chk1_Click()
Dim strSQL As String 'Holds the SQL statement for this command only.
If chk1 = True Then
chk2 = True
chk3 = True
strSQL = "UPDATE'[Available]' FROM 'tblMessages' WHERE '[ID]'= 2"
chk2 = False
chk3 = False
strSQL = "UPDATE '[Available]' FROM 'tblMessages' WHERE '[ID]'=2"
End If
End Sub
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Dec 16, 2013
I have a listbox with checkbox's based on a table.
The listbox reflects everything great, except it shows an extra checkbox at the end of the list that does nothing.
I think this is the "next record" from the table, but I don't want this to show. How do I hide or get ride of this extra checkbox?
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Jun 30, 2014
I've got a field in a table that is a multiple drop-down list. In the form, I don't want it to be a drop down list, but I want the options in the drop down list to be checkboxes instead (not within a drop down).
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Mar 18, 2015
From a dropdown field in the form it's currently possible to choose a geographical region for which to generate a report. The data populating this dropdown is pulled in from a Value List as follows:
" ";"*";1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;EU;WD
I now need the ability to choose various different regions simultaneously which is not possible with the current method. I've looked into a nested continuous form and a multi-select combo box or list box, but none of these are as user friendly as my preferred method.
What I would like is 15 checkboxes plus a 16th to select/unselect all. When any of these checkboxes is checked, I need to create something like a dynamic value string or temporary table to hold the list of chosen regions until the generate button is clicked at which point the data is used to generate the report and cleared. I also need a piece of code to check/uncheck all the boxes.
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Jun 1, 2015
I'm on my way on creating a simple Database for a company. This database contains several tables, one of the tables will record information about the training that had been completed by each employee. There are about ten sections of training that should be completed.
For instance, I have two tables called 'Development' and 'CSA_Lisence'. 'Development' is the table that record the information about training which containing ten checkboxes (which represent ten sections of training) and CSA_Lisence will be automatically requeried when all of the checkboxes on Development are fully checked.
Here's the step I've been worked on :
First, I made a function called 'CheckCompletion' to ensure whether all the checkboxes are checked :
Public Function CheckCompletion() As Boolean
Dim blnComplete As Boolean
Dim strCompletionSummary As String
strCompletionSummary = Basic_Inspection & Certifying_Staff & Safety_Management_System & Regulation_Part_145 & Part_M & EWIS & Fuel_Tank_Safety_Level_2 & Dangerous_Goods & Human_Factor & Basic_Supervisory_Training
[Code] ....
Second, I made a function called 'UpdateEmployee' to handles if all boxes are checked :
Public Function UpdateEmployee()
Dim emp_numb As Long
Dim emp_name As Long
Dim strsql As String
emp_numb = [Forms]![development].[employee_number].Value
[Code] ....
Then, I put this code on every checkbox's after update event (example only) :
Private Sub Basic_Inspection_AfterUpdate()
Call UpdateEmployee
End Sub
The problem is, nothing happened with the tables. However, when I managed to remove the 'If checkCompletion' condition, it worked and the 'CSA_Lisence' is requeried, but I will have ten multiple records with same contents (I just need one record per employee). I guess there's something wrong or missed in my code. Or i need to remove something?
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Aug 27, 2014
Access 2003. Job booking data base with up to group of 10 different users. At the end of the month, I need to count the total amount each user has checked a particular check box and then automatically calculate the total of the whole group.I have only a basic working knowledge of Access 2003....
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Oct 14, 2013
I have an issue with a couple of my combo boxes. When in form mode the drop down menu displays a list of options (taken from my source table), this is fine, but the problem is that it allows the user to select more than one of the options in the form of checkboxes. This is not what I intended.
I've attached to pictures to demonstrate the problem. The first is ComboBoxQuery (the one with the problem) and the second is ComboBoxQueryWorkign (the one without a problem).
I'm not sure why this is happening and I've tried comparing all the properties of both these combo boxes and changing some of them to see if I can eliminate the problem without any joy.
I use a very standard SELECT statement to pull the data for the combo box:
SELECT CountryID, CountryName FROM tblCountryInfo ORDER By CountryName
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Jan 20, 2006
Any idea how I can display this information a lot neater?
Its a bunch of check boxes (I wasn't sure how to go about doing this without them, as they can choose multiple things, if it was just 1, I would have used a dropdown).
I've been trying to fiddle with this for a while now with no good ideas coming to mind.
Anyone have any ideas or examples of how I could go about this?
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Jan 14, 2007
I am trying to use check boxes as a yes/no answer about whether members have completed training modules, and bind them to a table.
I get this error when tick the boxes, and try to close the form; "The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. (Error 3022)"
When I reopen the form the check boxes are greyed out until i tick them (not getting values from table) :confused:
Any help appreciated :confused: :)
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Apr 11, 2007
I have a form that uses checkboxes to list all the fields in a table. How would I create a query based on that form?
For example -
Field Names - RMA_Num, Qty, Date_Rec, Part_Num, Desc, CC_Primary, CC_Secondary, CC_Tertiary, OF_Appearance
A user may choose to see Qty, Part_num, CC_Primary, CC_Secondary, and CC_Tertiary. How would I set up the query?
For testing I tried having RMA_Num, Qty, and Date_Rec in a query. I set the criteria for RMA_Num as IIf([Forms]![frm_meta]![Check0]=True,[tbl_Mfg_RMAData]![RMA_Num])
With the box checked the query will return results for all the fields. But if the box is unchecked the query returns nothing.
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May 4, 2006
I have 4 check boxes represent 4 grade levels. When I click on a grade I have a query run for me a list of all 9th graders or 10th graders or both together.
When I run the form for the first time, all four boxes are check, when I unclick all of them and I click which ones I want the form does not work. But if I leave them click the report will work. Basically what is happening is when I unclick them, the lose their value.
I have the check box set up with a Default Value as "09" or "10" base on what Grade Level there is.
So my two questions are, how do I keep the value of the check boxes after I unclick and click again and Secondly, is there a way to have the boxes unchecked when I run the program?
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Dec 14, 2006
I have form, with a number of orders on there, i wanted to be able to give the user the option to select all the orders and update each record, however when i give the user the option to seleect all the orders on the first line is updated. how can i get all the records to be updated the code i am using is shown below, any help will be greatly appreciated.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim String2 As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim StrSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("kell")
For i = 1 To Me.Quantity
Stringy2 = InputBox("The Cylinder/Cylinders Will Be with the driver
from The Specified Date Below:-", "Spec Gas 2006, (DD / MM / YY)", Me!Text68 & "")
If StrPtr(Stringy2) <> 0 Then
rs![Line Number] = Me![Line Number]
rs![Time of Transaction] = Me![Transaction Date]
rs![Cylinder Barcode Label] = Me![Cylinder Barcode Label]
rs![Cylinder Number] = Me![Cylinder Number]
rs![ProdNo] = Me![ProdNo]
rs![Status] = Me![Status]
rs![AberdeenWONumber] = Me![AberdeenWONumber]
rs![Works Order Number] = Me![Works Order Number]
rs![CustNo] = Me![CustNo]
rs![Customer Order Number] = Me![Customer Order Number]
rs![Date of Transaction] = Stringy2
rs![User name] = Me![User name]
rs![Employee ID] = Me![Empoyee ID]
rs![A Number] = Me![A Number]
rs![New Status] = "With Driver"
rs![Date of Transaction] = Me!Text68
Me.Text71 = "With Driver"
Me.Text71.ForeColor = vbRed
Me.Text74 = Me.Text68
MsgBox "The cylinder is now with the driver", vbInformation, "Returned Successfully"
End if
Next i
End Sub
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Jan 7, 2005
I have a database which uses checkboxes, however I only want my users to be able to select one or the other, not both.
How do I disable the second box when the first one is checked?
Thanks in advance
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Jun 6, 2007
Sorry, but this is killing me. I can't find anything in the archive which directly relates.
And it's complicated. I'll try to simplify.
In a nutshell:
As I scroll each Employee on a Parent form, I'd like a subform with functionality to check off any Certifications earned by this person and write the EmployeeID and CertificationID to a junction table.
Seems to me it should be simple, but...
Anyway, here is the probably overcomplicated version here:
The one side tables are 1. Employees and 2. Certifications
The junction table records which certifications employees possess. This table contains some Boolean fields.
The Parent form knows the EmployeeID.
My goal is to create a subform on which to display the full list of Certifications, something similar to the attached image, with a button to add an EmployeeID to the junction table AND tick off the Boolean checkboxes.
I've based the subform on a query showing ALL Certifications and all (Junction) records where there is a match
Because the junction table only stores related Employees and Certifications as entered, the checkboxes on my subform cannot be bound directly to the fields in the junction table and, at the same time, allow me to check off the Booleans.
Perhaps a little db redesign? Any help greatly appreciated.
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Mar 15, 2008
Let me just start off by saying, I don't have any code to post as it is just an idea I have.
This is a Lease return project for work. We have an excel sheet that is broken up into tabs. Master List, Not Returned and then a tab for every month.
Here is what I would like to do.
If someone checks the box that says the leased computer was not returned, can I grab a certain batch of fields to automatically populate another Tab in this Access 2003 Form?
The second part to this would be if a person unchecks "Not Returned" in the Not Returned Tab, can I get that record automatically removed from that list view?
Similar principle for the Monthly shipping by a certain date. If the user enters in a shipped Date by say March 1, is there any way to populate a another tab into a list view?
Thanks for any advice that you gentlemen and ladies can provide.
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Jan 3, 2006
i have checkboxes on a form and want to run a query based on the amount of times the checkbox(es) have been selected...
i have done this and attached a report however because the value of the checkboxes is -1 obviuosly the sum of this is a negative number and so on the report the total selcted is negative....
is there a way to change these to positive numbers...
and if so where do you put it.
cheers in advance
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May 22, 2006
The other day I check with various people on how I might get column information added together as it relates to checkboxes. Yet, I am still having trouble making this work, please read the following. Any help is appreciated.
Example: Item A (if checked)= 33%, Item B (if checked)= 33%, Item C (if checked)= 33%. Once adding (if A & B are checked) shows that I have 66% completion on that particular project.
I was instructed to...........create a text box on a form, set the format property to 'Percent' and the 'Control source' can look like this:
This will add these three items up and give you the percentage. You can also do the same in a query to based your reports on these percentages.
Yet, It isn't working properly. Any ideas?
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Jan 22, 2005
I am new to Access coding. I'm trying to do the following in Access 2000.
I have a form which includes some tabs. On one tab I would like to display a list of items from an Access lookup table with a checkbox next to each item. The list needs to be drawn dynamically from the table since the table contents can change. I tried using the subform/subreport control with a querry as the source object but the display is not very nice. Basicly I want the tab to look like the picture enclosed but dynamically drawn from the values in the lookup table.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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May 22, 2006
The other day I check with various people on how I might get column information added together as it relates to checkboxes. Yet, I am still having trouble making this work, please read the following. Any help is appreciated.
Example: Item A (if checked)= 33%, Item B (if checked)= 33%, Item C (if checked)= 33%. Once adding (if A & B are checked) shows that I have 66% completion on that particular project.
I was instructed to...........create a text box on a form, set the format property to 'Percent' and the 'Control source' can look like this:
This will add these three items up and give you the percentage. You can also do the same in a query to based your reports on these percentages.
Yet, It isn't working properly. Any ideas?
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