I have tried the attached code from a previous post http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=98727&highlight=table+exists but some of the code doesn't work on Microsoft Access Project.
Does anyone have any ideas how I would amend this code so that it works?
the problem is that sometimes the table doesn't exist... Instead of trapping the error code, is there a way I can check to see if the table exists? If it doesn't I'll simply skip this step of my code and move on.
I am trying to check if a record exists, but I keep getting a error!!!
Private Sub Command10_Click() If DCount("*", "tbl", "[ID] = "") <> 0 Then MsgBox "This record already exists. Else stDocName1 = "McrAddNewRecord" DoCmd.RunMacro stDocName1 End If End Sub
I keep getting the error message "Table TempMsysAccessObjects already exists" when I try to compact/repair my database. The only help I've found in the MS knowledge base just says to delete the table. I keep deleting it, but it keeps coming back. I've tried the decompile cmd line option, no change. Do I need to just rebuild this db, or what?
I know this can be done i MySQL and with SQL Server but is there a way to drop the table but check if it exists first in Access before running a query ?
I have a problem where a user would enter a project code eg 113-099. I put in a list box that filters all the project codes for instance if the user enters 1 it will show all codes starting with a 1 and every additional number they enter it filters the list box to show which codes already exists! I hope this makes sense.
The problem i have is i need to check when they enter the project code that it is a unique value. The Database developer we got in didnt index this field as no duplicates allowed and as result we have large amount of duplicate project codes.
I have started to experiment with Dlookup but with no great success.
If anyone can help it would be much appreciated as i dont have much experience with access.
The field name on the form is
[forms]![projects_frm].[project_job_number] and the table which stores this information is [projects]
Is there any way to check if a particular table already exist in MS Access Database using ACCESS VBA?
Actually I'm creating temp table on the file but I want to check if temp table already exits then need to delete before creating.
e.g. I can check if query defniniton already exists using below code:
Code: If .DCount("[Name]", "MSysObjects", "Left([Name],1) <> '~' AND [Type] = 5 AND [Name] = '" & strTempQueryName & "' ") <> 0 Then .DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, strTempQueryName .CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Refresh End If
I need urgent help, I am required at my job to come up with a command that will check to see if a table exists, and if so, delete the table. The whole process goes like this:
There's a form, and a listbox. 2 buttons...1 is import a file and 2nd is generate report. In the listbox theres 3 excel files. You select one excel file then click on Import, followed by clicking on Generate Report button.
The whole technical process is this: 1. A csv file is imported into a temp table 2. A temp table is created and named "_ImportedSKUS". 3. An append query is exectued to add the data from the "_ImportedSKUS" temp table to the final table, "Imported SKUs". 4. Then the temp table, "_ImportedSKUs" is closed and deleted.
I have a delete command at the end of the sub, which goes like this:
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "_ImportedSKUS".
But I'm also need to generate an If statement before the loop that will check to see if the "_ImportedSKUs" table exists, if so, delete it (using same code listed above) and end if.
We have an application which is used in a couple of offices and on a number of terminals. The data is stored in a back-end database on the server on each site.The databases are getting to the stage that we cannot roll out changes to the back end table layouts relatively efficiently. What I want to do through vba if possible is basically have a blank local version of each table and say:
check tab_1 on linked_backend, if tab_1 layout <> tab_1_local layout then update the back end layout to mirror that of the local layout.
We cannot overwrite the data, but on occasion, we need to add an extra field to a central table as new bits of the application are developed.I've tried a few searches here, and am probably using the wrong phrases, but not getting any results.
I have a group of databases, with one that I keep global values in (among other things).On initial load, I link the table to other databases, but the linked tables pile up.How can I verify the linked table exists, so I don't have to link it again?
table A has 10 records where 1 field is set as REQUIRED/UNIQUE. the table B does not have any record but have a same field like table A. what I want is that if user insert the record in table B it should first check whether record is already present in table A or not, if already exists it should not accept insertion. and if not already there in table A it should insert record in table B.
- tbl_Positions {containing information on a specific job role} - tbl_Office {containing information on an office} - tbl_StaffDetails {containing information of all staff in the company, including a relationship with tbl_Office to say which office they are working out of}
I want to do a simple query saying what type of staff are working out of each office:
If in Office 1 I might have a managing director, CEO and 2xOperations managers etc.
If in Office 2 I might have 5xAdmin, 3xHR, 6xIT Support etc.
What sort of query can I run to return just a list of job titles for those present in the office I choose.
I have a table called tblAccounts and a form called frmEnter_new_accounts. In my frmEnter_New_Accounts form is a Text Box for Account #. I want to have it so that when the user enters an account # it checks the tblAccounts table for a duplicate account # and then displays a message box (or Pop-Up form) to tell the user that the Account Number entered already exists. I would also like that box to offer the user the option to either Close that form without saving or return to the form to reenter a different account #.
I know I would probably do this in the LostFocus event or BeforeUpdate.
Does anyone have any ideas or samle code to assist me in this adventure?
I currently need a way to check to see if a a field already exists. To be exact I have an access application that imports data from multiple sources and saves the file name of these imports into an import tracker table. The table has four fields, file name, Date Imported, Import Type, and Number of Records. I am writing some code that checks a Boolean given by a form. If the Boolean is true It skips over checking.
If it is false It needs to check my import tracker file names to see if the file was already imported. If it was then it will skip over the file and the algorithm will check the next file given by an array. So I was wondering..How would I go about making it check if the file already exists in the table. I was thinking of turning the File Name Field into a primary key, since there will only ever be one File Name of every type.
Background: In my Access FE, I have created a "linked table" to a file on our AS400 database. I know I can check the MSysObjects table for the linked table name, but sometimes the file actually does not exist on the AS400.
The file can be in one of three states.File exists with data.
File exists, but is empty.
File doesn't exist.
Question: What is the best way to determine the status of this linked table (file)?
Hi all. I want to check for not null value constraint for all tables in database . I tried the following but when i run it i get the following error:
Compile error: Invalid Next control variable reference
I be happy if some one one help me fix this error.if i remove the bold lines the program workes well but it does not put not null for table fileds that requries value.
Code:Option Compare Database''This module displays field name and type in a massage boxFunction ShowFields(pTable As String) As StringDim db As DatabaseDim rs As RecordsetDim I As Integer''Dim j As IntegerDim n As Integer''Dim NL As StringDim strHold As String, ST As String''Dim x As Variant''NL = Chr(13) & Chr(10) ' Define newline.Set db = CurrentDbSet rs = db.OpenRecordset(pTable)n = rs.Fields.CountReDim x(n - 1, 1) As String'''ST = "Create Table " & pTable & vbCrLf''adding Create table and table name to statementST = "Create Table " & pTable & vbCrLf & "("For I = 0 To (n - 1)For Each fld In tbl.Fields ST = ST & rs.Fields(I).Name & " " & FieldType(rs.Fields(I).Type) & "," & vbCrLf If fld.Required = True Then ST = ST & " NOT NULL" & " " Else ST = ST End IfNext Irs.Closedb.CloseSet db = NothingShowFields = ST '' returns the fields name to main functionEnd Function
on click even code
Code: For Each T In db.TableDefs '''Skip the system tables If Left(T.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then ''' this line determines the primary key of the table ''' by calling GetPk function from module pk = Left(GetPK(T, db), InStr(1, GetPK(T, db), "<-") - 1) cont = cont & ShowFields(T.Name) & vbCrLf & " primary key " & "(" & pk & ")" & vbCrLf & ")" & vbCrLf End If Next T ''' This line of code post the generated table statment to a massage box MsgBox cont
I am developing a form where students have to enter their ID number but I want my form to check through a table of students and their IDs and flag up if the ID number does not exist in the table.
In the current db there are some tables and queries, forms designed around them
With one table Test http://members.optusnet.com.au/~lukechang/access/table_d.JPG
That has 3 records in them http://members.optusnet.com.au/~lukechang/access/table.JPG
Just won't show in form anymore, at this stage http://members.optusnet.com.au/~lukechang/access/form.JPG
The Form was working previously. This is the second time this problem has came up, I thought it would go away if I made a new form and pasted all the controls and codes. It indeed went away for a while until this problem hit me again...
This db is in Access 2000 format and designed using Access 2003
I would appreciate if anyone is willing to point me to the right directions, many many thanks in advance
Table in my access 2010 is configured to have a unique records (no duplicates)which has now records more than 2000 so i copied the table and pasted Structure only. what i would like to have is that new table which presently is empty should not add any record which is already available in old table. While entering data in new table i would like users to see the error if they try to enter the record which was previously entered in old table.
Query_Rates (Actually this is the result of a query): Unit R_Date Sold_Rate A 24-AUG-15 145
So what I want is a list of all the records from the Query_Rates table where the absolute differences between the sold rates between Query_Rates & [Sent till date] (matching the unit # and the dates) is greater than 1 and the record shouldn't be displayed if it is already present in the [Sent till date] table. But if you notice the first record which has unit A is already mentioned in the "Sent till date" table and shouldn't be repeated again in the query result.
I am trying to achieve the following - I want to query a table to see if a record exists with a particular field blank. If so, I would like to prompt the user for data.
In real world terms, when assigning an item to a user I would like to first make sure that the item is not already assigned to somebody else. I have 4 fields, UserName, Item, IssueFrom, IssueTo. So when an item is assigned to a user, the first 3 fields are populated and the IssueTo remains blank, until that item is assigned to somebody else.
At the minute I have nothing in place to prevent a user from assigning the same item to multiple users and having multiple records for the same item in the table.