Chek Properties Of Closed Forms

Jun 25, 2006

I have a remote DB with some Forms. Some forms have commandButtons in them, and some don't.

I have a Table called "test" in my current DB.

I need to look for command buttons in each Form, and populate their names into my "test" table.

Is it possible???

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Closed Records - Archive Or Label As Closed?

Oct 17, 2006

Evening All! (Old enough to remember Dixon of Dock Green (stupid enough to mention it!))

I'm working on a small database for a small team of support workers with a
client base of 60 clients at anyone time, although the turnover is quite

I have done some searches on archiving records but am concerned that once
archived a record would be difficult to re-integrate in to the live database,
particularly if there have been changes to it?

I have considered that I may be just as well slapping a big label over every
record that has a date in the [CloseDate] field and if a closed case is
re-opened, the closed date is removed and the label disappears.

I'm still open to being convinced that the archiving is the way to go, but
in the mean time I hope someone will be able to help with the expression
needed in the form on_current procedure to make the label visible. If it was
just a tick box I'd be flying by now, but I can't get my head around getting
a populated [CloseDate] field to initiate the CloseRecordLabel.

Thanks in advance

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Check To See If All Forms Are Closed

Oct 17, 2006

I've been stomping around in the forums for an hour now and I have to ask for some help because I really don't know what it is I am looking for.

I am interested to know if there is a way to write VBA code that reopens my menu form if all other forms have been closed. The database window is hidden in my app and normally when all windows close this will exit Microsoft Access too.

If there's not an easy, established way for this, I'm not really in a spot that requires me to use this, I just wanted to know for future forms.

I guess my real question is how to you build events for the entire database, not just a single form or report?:confused:

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Modules & VBA :: Check If All Forms Are Closed

Apr 9, 2015

I am creating a few forms one of which is the MAIN FORM that closes upon opening another form.

What I am looking for is when another form closes, if no other forms are open, then open the MAIN FORM again.

Can I use this : If CurrentProject.AllForms("BUT KEEP THIS EMPTY").IsLoaded Then ???

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Forms :: Lock Fields Once Record Is Closed

Aug 29, 2013

I have several forms in my database that have a closed (1=Closed) option button. Is there a way to make all of the fields for that record readonly if the closed option is set to equal 1?

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Forms :: How To Hide Database Objects And Show Once Closed

Jan 5, 2014

I have a database with a main menu which opens up on start-up it works fine and all but I want to go the extra step, I wish to disable / hide the ribbons (Top and Bottom) - Or Hide the whole Microsoft Access Window and display my form with the desktop behind it.

The next thing is once I click the X or the button to close the form I want Microsoft Access to appear again as in everything to show itself again.

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Table Column Name Properties/Combo Box Head Properties

Dec 8, 2006

Hi, I would like to change the properties of either the column heads in a combo-box or the column names for tables. I don't think there's any way to adjust the column head properties, and I'm doubtful there's a way to change the column caption properties.

Some of my column titles are long, and I'd like to be able to word wrap them essentially. Anyone know if this is possible? Thanks.

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Forms :: Lock One Field So That Once User Input Data It Never Change Until Closed

Nov 28, 2013

I have a form in Access2000 with 5 text fields which get transferred to the table for each new record. Is there a way i can "LOCK" one field so that once the user has input that data it never changes until closed. I can already lock the field but once i create a new record the field then goes blank.

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Set Properties In Non-loaded Forms

Feb 17, 2006

Hi all,

I would like to set the filter property in some forms that are not loaded. Does anybody now how these forms and their properties can be accessed via VBA?


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Forms :: Setting Properties In A Subform

Mar 9, 2015

I am trying to get the properties of enabled and locked set in a continuious subform depending on a yes/no field in each record. I have tried using the answer in thread 160062, but this only works when it is not a subform (unless I have done something stupid!)If the main form is frmMain and the continuious subform is frmSub, where am I going wrong with this code which is in the subforms Class Objects?

Private Sub Form_Current() If Me.MaterialIssue = True Then CRMSignOffDate.Enabled = True
CRMSignOffBy.Enabled = True CRMSignOffDate.Locked = False
CRMSignOffBy.Locked = False Else CRMSignOffDate.Enabled = False
CRMSignOffBy.Enabled = False CRMSignOffDate.Locked = True
CRMSignOffBy.Locked = True End IfEnd Submany.

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Forms :: Data Properties Appears To Be Overridden

Oct 18, 2013

I have a form called frmElements which has its Data Entry and Allow Additions properties set to 'No' so that only existing records can be edited, this is all good and works fine when used from the Navigation Pane.

I have created a macro which opens this form from a button on the ribbon, this is where the problem lies because it opens the form and allows new records to be added, I know this because there is an empty record with an '*' at the bottom of the form. If I change to design mode the Data Entry and Allow Additions properties are still set to 'No', when I then change back to form view the form functions as it should.

It does not seem possible to set form properties using the macro builder and it appears to override the forms property settings.

I am using access 2010 on a Windows 8 machine.

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Forms :: Determine Which Form Is Displayed After Current Form Is Closed

May 1, 2014

I have a series of forms that become current in a certain order. For example a menu form comes up. This is followed by a search form where the user gives search parameters. Then appears the results list. If the user wants a detail form comes after that, etc. Now when the user closes the last form I want the form before that one to show up and when he closes that one the one before that and so on. That is I am going to use the close button to go back to the previous step. How can I do this.

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Forms :: Locking Row Source Fields In Properties Menu?

Mar 5, 2013

Is there a way to lock the row source fields in the properties menu as currently it keeps creating exceptions (WHERE) onto the end of the SQL this is subsequently causing me major issues in the view of the form/datasheet as fields keep appearing as blank when there is actually values stored within the table.

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Forms :: Textbox Default Value - Reference To Object Properties

Jun 4, 2013

I want to refer to an objects properties in form: ie...

set a textbox's default value = (

How do I set this in the form's default value (...without using VBA).

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Forms :: Setting Button OnClick Properties To A Function

Feb 3, 2015

I am try to open a form from another and set a button's OnClick properties to a function and I keep getting an error message..Run-Time Error 2450Cannot find the referenced form ..And this is the code I am using.

Case 113
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_View_Defects_On_Screen", acNormal
Forms!frm_View_Defects_On_Screen.RecordSource = "qry_1st_Adv_Report_Combination_111"
Forms!frm_View_Defects_On_Screen.btn_Back_to_repor ts.OnClick = JumpBackToAdvancedReport()

I just don't want to create another form just for one button.

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Forms :: Access 2002 - Modifying Properties Of Subform Fields

Feb 2, 2014

I have a Form with embedded Subform, everything works well as far as moving through records. Scrolling through records on main table via Form brings up correct records of child table on Subform, so the link between the 2 tables is done properly.

I use this logic to lock/unlock a field in the subform.

Private Sub Form_Current()
If IsNull(Me.Parent!Spec2) Then
Me!Value2.BorderStyle = Transparent
Me!Value2.SpecialEffect = Flat
Me!Value2.BackStyle = Transparent

[Code] ...

I confirmed with debug that the logic does set the properties properly. They are updated once and that's that. Any further passes through the logic do not update on the form. They do pass through correctly, changes are just ignored.

It doesn't matter if I use the logic from the Form and refer down, or in the Subform and refer up, the Subform never gets updated. I tried Repaint, Refresh, Requery, nothing works. I cannot count the permutations I've tried.

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Forms :: True / False - Form Properties Based On Field Value

Sep 10, 2014

On my form ECOs

When my text box RELNUM is > 0 I want form properties AllowEdits set to FALSE.

When RELNUM is null I want form properties AllowEdits set to TRUE.

This must be possible, but not entirely sure where to start.

Since I can scroll through records in this form I'm thinking I have to put an event in ON LOAD, bbut beyond that I'm at a lost.

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Forms :: Updating Form Properties Dynamically - Command Button To Display Mode

Apr 16, 2014

I have a single form which becomes either readonly or editable or addnew using a circular toggle switch. The toggle switch is activated by a command button and the caption of the command button is used as the display of the mode.

The SetAddModeBt is a separate command button that initiates the add mode. The problem is that various form or field properties when defined on the fly are not stored and they get lost when you open the form again. Look at the code below:

Sub tglEditBt_Click()
' Circular toggle button to change display mode of the form
' ReadOnly - Edit - Add
' On Error GoTo NotFound
Dim ForName As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim FMode As String

[Code] ....

Here the first two cases fail when executing the last statement saying it is not supported.

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Forms :: Copying Command Button Appearance Properties To Other Command Buttons

Dec 17, 2013

I am rewriting an old Access 2003 database in Access 2010. When creating new command buttons, the current theme gives them a default appearance. I need to apply this appearance to old command buttons. I know there is a way to select the default button and apply its properties to others quickly. I have done it before but didn't write the process down .

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Forms :: Unable To View Object Properties In Form Design View (Access 2010)

May 16, 2014

Why the ability to view the properties of an object within a form is not available when you double click on it in design view?

I was happily working away double clicking on a command button to edit some code when for some reason the next time I tried to edit it did not open up for me.

I was unable to access it even by right clicking on the object & selecting properties as that also appears to be disabled, not greyed out or anything but just does nothing when selected.

Have I inadvertently changed a setting somewhere that prevents the properties from being displayed?

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Make Form Open When All Others Closed

Jun 15, 2007


Is there any way to make a form open up when every thing else is closed.

Can I make a macro that will check if everything else is closed and then open the startup form again?

Is anything like this possible?


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Requerying / Refreshing After Form Is Closed.

Sep 25, 2005

Hi all,

I am stumped as to how to get a form to update/refresh. Heres what I have!
My main form:[Daily Log From] is opened, with a subform:[DailyDSQry subform] populated by a Query. This form has a command button that opens another form: [NewDSLog] in "acAdd","acDialog".
What I need is: when the [NewDSLog] form closes, the [DailyDSQry Subform] needs to requery/update so that it displays the new entry.

I have tried the following in a command "CLOSE" button in form [NewDSLog]:
docmd.Runcommand AcCmdRecordSave
Me!Forms![Daily Log]![DailyDSQry subform].Refesh
Me!Forms![DailyDSQry subform].[Query].!Requery

but no LUCK.....Keep getting errors
Any Ideas
Thanks all, I do appreciate the help

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How To Check Property Of A Closed Form

Nov 23, 2005

I have a DB with 20 forms. All of the forms are closed. I opened a new form and added a button. I would like to do the following when the button is clicked:

Check the "Tag" property of each form and count whichever is not null.

Can anybody help me out??::o

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Evaluate Open And Closed Dates

Jun 23, 2006

I have two date fields that I am using a form to show the open and close date of an investigation. The opened date field is controlled by a textbox elsewhere on the form, but the date closed is controlled by the vbCalendar control. What I am trying to do in coding is to evaluate whether or not the closed date is before the open date. If the date closed is before the date open I would like a message box to open that prevents the user from moving forward and reminding them that the date closed is earlier than the date open. Is it possible with the vbCalendar option being able to change its focus continually.

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Form Stores Data When Closed??

Oct 6, 2006

I have a form which is associated with a table. When I put some values in the fields which are connected to the database and try to close the form, it gives me an error that "Can't insert record the primary key might be duplicated"...! and then it closes.

Does the form store a record in the table while closing??

If so is there a way to prevent it??
Please reply..

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Possible To OPEN Switchboard Again When A Form Is Closed

Mar 15, 2013

I would like to have the Switchboard I created open when the database is selected. I used Tools/Startup to set this up. It works to a point. The database window opens and THEN the Switchboard opens (on top of the database window). There are some who I wish not to see the database navigation window). Also, is it possible to OPEN the switchboard again when a Form is closed?

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