Chinese Characters In A Query That Pulls A Date From A Form

Dec 3, 2013

I have a query that pulls a "fromdate" and a "todate" from a form, and runs a series of queries then a report. The first query is an append query. If I choose to just view the data, the two date fields in the query have chinese characters in them. There is no memo field, there is no Totals. I have reduced the query down to 3 fields: from, to, and "ticket number." Both the from and to fields are blank, until I click in one of them and 2 chinese characters appear. I have done a C&R, I have decompiled, I am completely stumped.

I imported two excel spreadsheets that I was going to have to do some quick work on (separately), call them A and B. I used A first, made the queries and the report and it worked great. Instead of redoing all of the code to look for B, I renamed A to Ax and renamed B to A. Everything broke then. I renamed them back to the original, I deleted them, nothing fixed it.

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Query Still Pulls Unwanted Information

Dec 13, 2004

This is the code that I used to build a query. But some of the data that I thought I removed is still showing up. Any guidance on why? As always all feedback is welcome.

SELECT final.[SSN P ], final.[SSN S ], final.[SP'S SEC Y97], final.[SP'S SEC Y98], final.[SP'S SEC Y99], final.[SP'S SEC Y00], final.NCCD, final.[TC-530], final.[ DOB ], final.[ DOD ], final.[ PRIMARY NAME (ENMOD) ], final.[ PRIMARY NAME CONT'D (ENMOD) ], final.[ STREET (ENMOD) ], final.[ CITY (ENMOD) ], final.ST, final.[ZIP 1], final.ZIP2, final.ZP3, final.ZP3, final.CNLY, final.C, final.YRLR, final.[ PRIOR YEAR NAME (ENMOD) ], final.PNLY, final.P, final.[XREF SSN ], final.[INOLEX XREF CD V], final.[ INOLEX XREF TIN V ], final.[INOLEX XREF CD I ], final.[ INOLEX XREF TIN I], final.[ PRIMARY NAME (IRPTR) ], final.[ PRIMARY NAME CONT'D (IRPTR) ], final.[ STREET (IRPTR) ], final.[ CITY (IRPTR) ], final.ST1, final.[ZIP 11], final.ZIP21, final.ZP31, final.TXPD, final.[#DOCS], final.[#_SUM], final.[WAGES ], final.TX_WTHLD, final.ALLC_TPS, final.INTEREST, final.MTGINTPD, final.POINTSPD, final.PRYRRFND, final.SAV_BOND, final.DIVIDEND, final.PENS_ANN, final.[IRA_CTB ], final.NONEMPCM, final.CPTLGAIN, final.RL_ES_SL, final.GRSSDIST, final.TXBL_AMT, final.FICATXWH, final.TFICAWGS, final.MEDPYMNT, final.TFICATIP, final.FICAMISC, final.DFRDCOMP, final.UNEMPCOM, final.[RENTS ], final.ROYALTES, final.MEDCREWH, final.MEDCR_WG, final.[OR_K1 ], final.GRWINING, final.STDLNAMT, final.[ORD_DIV ], final.ROIRACTB, final.SMPL_CTB, final.[FMV ], final.CD_S_SMP, final.STK_BOND, final.[ADV_EIC ], final.FISH_INC, final.OTHERINC, final.SUB_PMTS, final.GOLD_PAR, final.CROP_INS, final.TXSTTUIT, final.TX_GRANT, final.[AG_SUBS ], final.INTFORFT, final.ORISSDSC, final.BARTERNG, final.PROFLOSS, final.AMTDBTCN, final.PATRONAG, final.MSAGRDIS, final.[TX-PRD], final.[LFRZ-RFRZ], final.MODULE_BALANCE, final.[TC-150], final.TC150_DT, final.[TC150_DLN ], final.RETRCDDT, final.[TC-290], final.[TC-291], final.[TC-300], final.DC, final.[TC-301], final.DC1, final.[TC-420], final.[TC-421], final.DC2, final.[TC-424], final.PRJ, final.[TC-425], final.PRJ1, final.[TC-460], final.TC460_DT, final.[TC-462], final.TC462_DT, final.[COLL-ASG], final.CC, final.[TC-540], final.[TC-590], final.CC1, final.[TC-591], final.CC2, final.[TC-594], final.CC3, final.[TC-598], final.[TC598 DT], final.[TC-599], final.CC4, final.[TC-610], final.[TC610 DT], final.[ TC610 AMT ], final.[TC-611], final.[TC611 DT], final.[ TC611 AMT ], final.[TC-612], final.[TC612 DT], final.[ TC612 AMT ], final.[TC-670], final.[TC670 DT], final.[TC670 AMT ], final.[TC-671], final.[TC671 DT], final.[TC671 AMT ], final.[TC672 DT], final.[TC-672], final.[TC672 AMT ], final.[TC-673], final.[TC673 DT], final.[TC673 AMT ], final.[TC-678], final.[TC678 DT], final.[TC678 AMT ], final.[TC-679], final.[TC679 DT], final.[TC679 AMT ], final.[TC-922], final.[PROCESS CDS], final.[TC-960], final.[TC-961], final.[TC-962], final.[TC-976], final.[TC-977], final.TAXPRD, final.ADJRSN
FROM final
WHERE (((final.[TC-530])<>"TC-530") AND ((final.[ DOB ])>1929) AND ((final.[ DOD ]) Is Not Null) AND ((final.[TC-150])<>"TC-150") AND ((final.[TC-290])<>"TC-290") AND ((final.[TC-291])<>"TC-291") AND ((final.[TC-300])<>"TC-300") AND ((final.[TC-301])<>"TC-301") AND ((final.[TC-420])<>"TC-420" And (final.[TC-420])<>"TC-420") AND ((final.[TC-421])<>"TC-421" And (final.[TC-421])<>"TC-421") AND ((final.[TC-424])<>"TC-424" And (final.[TC-424])<>"TC-424") AND ((final.[TC-540])<>"TC-540") AND ((final.[TC-590])<>"TC-590") AND ((final.[TC-591])<>"TC-591") AND ((final.[TC-594])<>"TC-594") AND ((final.[TC-599])<>"TC-599") AND ((final.[TC-976])<>"TC-976") AND ((final.[TC-977])<>"TC-977")) OR (((final.[ DOB ])<1987));


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Queries :: Memo Field Appears In Query In Chinese Or Japanese?

May 16, 2013

Table shows memo text fine..

but when i run a query its shows the memo field with text like: 였A and 愊` and 謍�

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Modules & VBA :: ComboBox Pulls From Table Will Not Auto-fill

Nov 5, 2013

I am having problems having my combo box auto fill the next text box. The table it pulls from is called Code-LeaseProvision and it has only 2 columns in it. So when built the combo box it pulls the both rows. One is labeled "Code" and other other "ProvisionDescription" I have it set when you use the combo box it fills Code but it will not fill the next text box labeled "ProvisionDescription". So when I put the event into the ProvisionDescription afterupdate as a VBA code. This is what I have:

Private Sub desc_AfterUpdate()
Me.[ProvisionDescription] = Me.[Code].Column(1)
End Sub

It fills the combo box but will not fill and update the LeaseProvision Text box.

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Modules & VBA :: Random Test Generator Which Pulls Records Based On Category From Table

Oct 3, 2013

I'm having trouble with my VBA module.I have a random test generator which pulls records based on a category from my table into a temp table using a make table query. I use the following code:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "1", acViewNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenReport "WrittenExam", acViewPreview, "", "", acNormal
Reports!WrittenExam.lblTitle.Caption = "Exam Name"
DoCmd.OpenReport "WrittenExamAnswerSheet", acViewPreview, "", "", acNormal
Reports!WrittenExamAnswerSheets.lblTitle.Caption = "Exam Name - Answer Sheet"
End Sub

My querry makes the table, and then generates two reports (my exam, and the answer sheet). I'm getting an error 3211, saying the temp table is already in use by another process when trying to generate both reports. I used a Macro before, but I have a need for custom report headings, so I'm using VBA.

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Chinese Text

Aug 3, 2005

Hi, People. I have a centrally located works database on my server. this database. Basically gets leads and sales put into it. I.e name ,address , kitchen, and commision and value of deal.

For some reason a couple of the fields in 2 of the leads have changed a few of the input criteria to chinese text and left some the same, But the money values are all just random very large numbers.

has anyone seen this before and/or is it something to do with a virus on a users machine?

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Report Looks Like Chinese!

Aug 8, 2005

I have a db with many reports and suddenly one of the reports, instead of printing text it comes out with characters that look like Chinese! I have tried deleting the report and then importing the same report from a back up copy to no avail. I have tried renaming the report - no good. I have tried compact & repair, nope. I went to a backup from a month ago and the report ran once ok but when I made some minor design changes to bring the report to it's current state, saved it and ran it again...back to Chinese!!!
Any help greatly appreciated..this really sucks!

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Chinese Records!

Aug 18, 2005

One of my database users set up a new record a few days ago, entered all the information etc. He's now gone to have a look at it and it appears to have been translated into Chinese or something! The text fields have changed to things similar to 潩の＀ㇾ′敆湲慤敬, the autonumber field has changed to 520099398 whereas it should be 5702 I think. The date entered has changed from 22/7/05 to 30/12/1899. Any ideas what the problem is or what could cause it? :confused:

Also, I've just been taking another look, and although the autonumber field is showing as 520099398, if I open the table and filter on that field with 5702, it filters down to that record. If I filter on the date entered using 22/7/05 it also retrieves that record, despite it showing 30/12/1899.

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Chinese Text

Aug 29, 2006

I have a database in Access 2003 which is currently in creation but keeps getting errors and changes a records font into Chinese symbols.

The 'corrupt' record also jumbles the fields around so the text that doesn't turn into Chinese font is in a different field completely.

I've gone through having it in 2000 and 2003, with FE/BE and still the problem persists.

Any help would be much appreciated.

- Further testing to break it makes it look like this is a locking issue of sorts, but I still can't find out how to solve.

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General :: Date Conversion From Text Value (5 Characters)

Mar 1, 2013

I have a date value in text format that is 5 character and want to convert it to a proper date format. Here is a sample of the data:

07301 actually represents 7/30/2011. How to actually convert that value to the date format of mm/dd/yyyy?

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Export To Excel Coming In Chinese Instead Of English

Mar 20, 2015

But in my access database I have a SQL code in which excel sheet opens automatically with required data. Now problem is one column in the excel sheet since this morning is showing up in Chinese instead of English. I don't know what to do.

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Reports :: Chinese Text Showing In Memo Field

Jun 26, 2015

I have a report which when I open it by clicking the button in the form shows what looks like Chinese text in the memo field. To open the report the following is in the event properties for the referencing button

Private Sub cmdPrintSumReg_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
If Me.Dirty Then 'Save any edits.
Me.Dirty = False

[Code] ...

When I open the same report from the reports menu on the left of the database it is just fine. But obviously it is showing information for all contracts and not the any one contract.

I haven't changed anything in the table that contains the memo field and this only started happening yesterday afternoon after using this db for over a year.

I found an earlier post in this forum with a similar problem but the only difference I see is that the user changed the field from a text to a memo. I haven't.

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Reports :: Memo Text Displays As Chinese Character Or Square Box

Jun 25, 2014

I am using Access 2007. I recently converted my table field from text to memo. When I run a query and report linked to the qry the memo text is displayed as Chinese character or square box (if field is empty). In some forum posts this is shown as a font bug e.g. with Calibri. I changed from Calibri to Arial as this was reported to correct the bug. It did not work.

My field is set to Grow and Shrink, and table font is Rich Text also as mentioned in other posts. Still not working out.

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Characters In Query

Feb 19, 2007

I want to ask something simple but because i am new i am dont know it!!! If you try to make queries in Access, untill how many characters you can put in each query???

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Left Three Characters From String Using Query

Sep 8, 2005

In MySQL I can use the LEFT(3, field_name) command, but I essentially want access to pull all records from a table where the the first three digits of a number field match those pre-selected by a form drop down.

This database is in Access 97. Is there a way to compare the first x number of digits using SQL only, or do I need to run each line through code first, and then check it (I really don't want to do that)?

example numbe rin field:


SQL checks to see if 123 matches value selected on a form.

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Query To Find Rows With Only 5 Characters

Aug 30, 2006

How do a write a query to find those rows in a field that have only 5 characters?

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Query For Certain Characters In A Char Stream

Jan 5, 2007

I have this test file I am using. I want to figure out how to make a query( using the wizard or other functions are fine) . In this stream it always has Invoice Number: 385152769: I want to query to get 385152769 for every line. Is this possible?

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How Can I Remove The Last Alpha Characters In A Query?

Aug 16, 2007

I have field called [LOCATION] that varies in length. I need to remove any alpha characters at the end, if there are any. Listed are some examples.

PA 109S 55W 2N 1A PA 109S 55W 2N 1
WC 155A WC 155
PB4 68N 1UNH PB4 68N 1
B 3E 1P B 3E 1
XB1 203S 14W 2N 6PU XB1 203S 14W 2N 6
PB1 6 PB1 6

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Query Field For Number Of Characters

Nov 1, 2007

I need to query a field for any records where this field has less that 10 characters. Any suggestions? The reason is depending on the type of customer the field can be 10 or 11 digits. IF there are less than 10 but not blank they need to be pulled for correction.

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Japanese/Jorean Characters In Query

Apr 11, 2008

Just curious to know. When I run certain query from A SQL Table in Access, the result is what looks like japanese characters. Anyone encountered this? Is this an error(it has to be, right)? This is an an email field

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How To Set Query Criteria Based On # Of Characters In A Field

Sep 15, 2005

Maybe it's the day's 'brain drain', but I need to set a criteria in a query whereby it will select answers in a field that are a specific number of characters in length.
i.e., answers that are 5 digits long (without knowing any of the digits)


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Access Query Field Limited To 255 Characters

Jan 24, 2007


I have created a query using the query builder by concatenationg several fields using the expression builder. Once concatenated, the total number of characters is greater than 255, and is therefore truncated. Since this is a query field and not a table field, there must be a way around this limitation. I can't even create the query and dump the results into a memo field because the dump will still only contain 255 char.

I could probably create the query using VBA, which creates a table containg a memo field, which is then populated by a variable containing the concatenated fields, but I would like a simpler solution.

Any ideas on how I can generate a query field that contains more than 255 char? The query is used to populate a report.

Thanks in advance.


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Queries :: Replacing Wildcard Characters In A Query

Jun 5, 2013

I am trying to replace a # character and all characters after in a text field.

U set up a Select query and used the following expression:
Expr1: Replace([Part Number],"[#]*","")

It doesn't change any of the records. Is this possible to do in Access 2007?

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Query To Return Records Containing 2 Characters In A Field

Sep 5, 2013

I have a field in Access 2010 called Section Number which generally holds two characters. The characters can be numbers, letters, or a combination. Examples are:


Sometimes this field holds three characters, such as:


I want to write a query that returns only the Section Numbers that contain two characters. The instances where the field holds three characters are too numerous and changeable to use a parameter that says, for example: not "01a" and not "02b"

Is there a way to write a parameter that means "not Section Numbers of three characters" or "not Section Numbers of more than 2 characters"?

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Query To Check Whole Field To Make Sure That Nothing Is Over 20 Characters?

Jan 1, 2015

I have over 270,000 records in my database with 4 fields. And for each field I need to make sure they dont go over a certain number of characters for example field1 can't go over 20. Is there a way I can make sure that they don't go over that? When I go to design view and go to the Data Type of each field I change the filed size to 20, but if something is imported into that field that is over 20 characters long will I get a message saying it won't import? Or can I write a query to check the whole field to make sure that nothing is over 20 characters?

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Queries :: Possible To Query A Field For Special Characters In A String?

Oct 11, 2013

Is it possible to query a field for special characters in a string? I want to find any records that have characters other than A-Z, 0-9

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