Choose Match Index In Access

Mar 19, 2012

I have a quite complicated formula that I run in excel and I am wondering whether there is an alternative to do this in access:

=CHOOSE(MATCH(B1,INDEX(LARGE(INDEX($B$1:$B$65536*( $A$1:$A$65536=A1),0),COUNTIF(A:A,A1)-(ROW(INDIRECT("1:" & COUNTA(A:A)))-1)),0),0),"1st","2nd","3rd","4th") & " best"

Which gives me the below

name/ score/ peronal best) -> logic if participant has only one score - this remains his/her first best; if more than 1 scores - then the lowest gets 1st best, second lowest - 2nd best, etc....

See below the output:

1st best

2nd best

1st best

1st best

4th best

3rd best

2nd best

1st best

2nd best

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Access Formula Equivalent To Index Match In Excel?

Sep 30, 2012






I have above table in access. I want to use this table in query to find value of any product using a formula (Value A*X)+Value B. The product and X query picks up from another table. The same can be done easily in Excel using Index, Match formula but how in Access.

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General :: How To Replicate Excel Index And Match Functions

Dec 19, 2013

I am trying to automate a data match I've been doing in Excel into Access.

Basically, I have 2 spreadsheets:

1. First has a "Start Date" for each user
2. Second spreadhsheet is a lookup table with 2 fields: Week Start Date and Week #. In other words, Dec 30 - Week 1, Jan 6 - Week 2, Jan 13-Week3, etc

For a given date in the first spreadsheet (e.g. Jan 10th), I am trying to figure out which week this falls into.
In Excel I use this formula where Column A stores the week start dates in the lookup table spreadhseet and Column B stores the Week#, with F4 being the "Start Date" in my first spreadsheet.

=INDEX('Enrollment Week'!$B$1:$B$53,MATCH(F4,'Enrollment Week'!$A$1:$A$53,1))

Is there a way to do this in Access?

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Access Index Problem

Apr 2, 2008

Hi all,

I have a problem with indexes in tables. I made an inventory DB where we can store items on several locations. Their are several difference items, each kind of item has his own table because they all have different fields that the user has to fill in.
The only thing they have in common is the place, they're all stored in the same room, which has numbered racks and each rack has numbered spaces (for example: Sample X is in Room 1, Rack A, location B)
The combination of Room-Rack-Location has to be unique, this I can do in one table by using indexes, but how can I combine the indexes of several tables?
Do you think it is better to keep the track of place inside another table but how can I do this?

Thanks for your assistance!


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Create A Ms Access Report Index

Jun 13, 2007

I am using MS Access 2000 to handle a help desk system. Each job is given a task number and users are able to output a report of all of there tasks, with full notes.

What I would like to do is create a index front page or section which lists just the task numbers and the page number they appear on.

Can this be done or is there somewhere to perform a search on a report?

Any help most appreciated.


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Forms :: Include Check Boxes In Interactive Access Form Allowing To Choose Output Field

Jun 27, 2013

Including check boxes (representing the query fields) in an interactive access form, in order to decide which fields should be visible.

I think the solution is building an invent in VBA for each check box, however I'm not an expert in Access VBA and don't know how to write the code.

In the example that I've uploaded, in the Form1, when I run the query, all fields are displayed, i.e. VENDOR, REGION, CUSTOMER and MATERIAL are displayed. How can I manage it in the form with a listbox to display only the REGION or MATERIAL for instance.

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Query - Access - Match Names

Mar 16, 2006

Quick question… I am trying to accomplish something that I believe it is fairly simple. At least in Excel, it is. I have two tables with names. I am trying to create a formula that will compare name in table 1 with a name in table 2. If the names match (exact matches only) it will let me know. Something like =IF (NAME1=NAME2,”TRUE”,”FALSE”) in Excel. I have trying using Iif, but it returns that I cannot divide by zero. I have linked the tables, so if I query NAME 1 and NAME 2, it will only display names on table 1 that are found on table 2.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Find Exact Match In Access Table Column

Oct 12, 2013

How to find an exact match in a Access DB table using Sql Query in VB6 ?I know that "Like" keyword will give out all those rows which contain the search-for-string. But I want exact match.

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Form Shows Similar Match In 1 Table - Alter Another Table?

Dec 16, 2014

I have two tables (Access 2010). One with a list of names (List1) and another with a very similar list of names (List2), but they differ in very small ways. For example, List1 might have John Smith, and List2 would have Smith, John L.; and Smith, John. List2 also has a unique ID associated with these names that I need to append to List1.

I need to design a form that will allow me to look up names in List1, and have it return all names that are similar in List2. I then need to be able to choose with record in List2 matches with the List1 entry (based on a few other columns in List2, such as birth date) and have the form add that unique ID to the List1 record.

PS: I am using Access 2010

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Choose Higher Value

Aug 8, 2005


Is there a way to automatically choose a value such as 0 if the expression goes to a negative number?

E.g. I have a query that will subtract a numeric field from 10. If 10 - [numericfield] is less than 0, then I only want it to display 0. Otherwise, it can display the value if it is positive.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Choose Order By

Feb 19, 2008

Hi everyone,

I am looking for some help with a particular problem. I have a report based on a query and at the moment it is ordered by a particular column.

What I want to be able to happen is that the user chooses what they want the query (and subsequently) the report to be ordered by before they run the report by means of a combo box or something like that.

Is this possible in anyway?


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Use 1 Form And Choose From Which Query

Jun 2, 2005

I have a requirement to filter some queries periodically on the date field.
What I want to do is create a form that lets you choose which query to use and filter and not create alot of single forms.
The filter will be only be applied whilst the form is open.



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Using IIF Criteria To Choose Between Two Different Like Selects

Aug 26, 2014

I am setting up an Access database for a small school. The database contains a record per person. When we get a duplicate lastname field we set a family_id field to lastname followed by a number.

So for example the first Smith family needs to family_id. But the second Smith family gets a family_id of smith1. To select an ordered list of Families I need a query that will use the family_id if it is set and if not use the the lastname to collect family members.

My query uses a presorted table, CurStuByGrdTbl , of current students to produce the families directory by grade and alphabetized.

The WellSchoolCommunityAll table is the entire database. So if the student entry has a valid family_id, matching pattern "*#" then

I perform a Like with otherwise I perform a Like with lastname.

This query gets me nothing, no records.

IIf(([CurStuByGrdTbl].[family_id]="*#"),[CurStuByGrdTbl].[family_id] Like [WellSchoolCommunityAll].[family_id],[CurStuByGrdTbl].[lastname] Like [WellSchoolCommunityAll].[lastname])

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Parameter Query - Using Choose Function

Aug 24, 2005

I need to allow a user to select criteria as part of a query.

Running the query manually I would type in either:

"Core Stock"
<>"Core Stock"

in the criteria field of the column.

I tried using the following parameter in the design grid:

Choose([Select 1: Core Stock 2: Not Core Stock : ],"Core Stock",<>"Core Stock")

The "Core Stock" option works but the <>"Core Stock" returns no records.

I would prefer not to use a form if possible . Any ideas ?


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Choose Table In Parameter Query

Oct 23, 2005


I would like to set up a query that uses two tables. One of the tables, the 'main table', wil be used every time the query is run. Each time a new record is created in the main table a 'new table' is created containing a subset of data - the name of this table uses a ref ID from the main table. I would like to be able to select which 'new table' to use in the query as part of a parameter query.

eg. Main table record 1 has a field JID of J0001 and a corresponding 'new table' titled J0001. record 2 in main table has JID J0002 and creates a 'new table' J0002 etc

so I would like to set the query up such that when a record is chosen in 'main table' the query knows the name of the 'new table' corresponds to the JID of the record in 'main table' ....

Have seen the same question asked but no answer - is this possible ?

any pointers appreciated..

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Update Query To Choose Criteria

Mar 2, 2007

Hello, i was wondering if you could help.
I want to run an update query, taht updates prices in a table. But i would like to be able to choose the criteria when the query runs, for example a message box appears, that will allow me to enter a certain amount for the prices to change by. Could someone guide me on how to do this? thankyou, its much appreciated

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How To Choose Field Based On Criteria

Jun 1, 2007


I am building a database that calculates freight costs for shipments.

I have one table that has order data with fields such as [Order Number], [Origin], [Destination], [Service Level], [Weight].

The service level is one of 4 values: PRE 9, PRE 12, NEXT DAY, NEXT DAY +1.

The origin and destination use country codes such as BE, AT, CZ, PL for Belgium, Austria, Czech, and Poland respectively.

I also have rate sheets from carriers such as DHL and UPS and they provide their rates in the following format (numbers are made-up as real rates are confidential): [Origin], [Destination], [Service Level], [0 to 0.5 kg], [0.5 to 1.0kg], [1.0 to 1.5kg], [1.5 to 2.0kg], etc all the way up to 30kg. The rate is then in the appropriate column and the row gives the origin-destination-service level combination.

(sample freight rate table uploaded as zipped excel sheet in attachment)

I need to return the rate from the appropriate row based on the [Origin], [Destination] and [Service Level] fields (easy enough), which is easy enough.

The hard part is selecting the correct field to return. I tried usign a Choose expression but Access rejected it saying it was too complex (maybe because too many choices?).

So I'm stuck. And working towards a deadline... :-)

Can anyone help please?

Many thanks,

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How Can I Have A Listbox Let Users Choose What Query To Run?

Jan 6, 2008

I want to have users be able to choose query "x" "y" or "z" from a listbox. Upon selection of query "x" "y" or "z" from the listbox, I want the query to run? I want to run this query from form "RunQueries" Does anyone know how I can do this? Thank you in advance for any suggestions, I appreciate all the help I can get

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Choose From Combo-box, Or Manual Entry. Help!

Apr 6, 2005

Can't seem to figure this out.

I built a db for tracking and entering sales info but I'm having a problem with one of my combo boxes. To make entering data easier, I created a combo box that you can select a sales persons name from, then based on who is selected, their Title and Office location also populated.

The problem I have is when I want to manually type in the Name and other info for a temporary sales person. How can I allow users to choose from the drop down or just type it in if that person is not in the list?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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Choose In Combo Display In Field

Sep 1, 2006


Can anyone create a form with a combobox where you can select a form and this form will display in an static area.
Then you can choose another form in the combobox and it will display in the same spot.
the forms that will be displayed are exactly the same size.

This would help me very much



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ListBox To Choose Monthly Reports

Sep 3, 2004


I'm trying to create a pop up form that asks userto select months for a report to preview. I've writtent he query and done the report. I can do the command button to get the selectmonth form to pop up, but not sure how I pass the selected months into query for the reports. Any tutorials on this or can someone help. I've been looking around but nothing quite fits. Quite new VB also, but have a good understanding programming generally.


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Queries :: Choose Function With Parameters

Dec 27, 2013

UMMonth1: Choose([Enter Qtr],[OperationsAuditData]![1],[OperationsAuditData]![4],[OperationsAuditData]![7],[OperationsAuditData]![10]).But I keep getting an error message "You tried to execute a query that does not include

"UMMonth1: Choose([Enter Qtr],[OperationsAuditData]![1],

[OperationsAuditData]![4],[OperationsAuditData]![7],[OperationsAuditData]![10])' as part of an aggregate function."

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Reports :: Choose What Data To Be On Report

Aug 11, 2013

I have Access 2013 but am new to Access and am learning as I go along!I am making a database of song lyrics so have made a table of the title of the songs with the lyrics for each verse as different fields. I want to be able to choose multiple songs by their title to then show the full lyrics on a report.

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Queries :: Using Choose Function In Query

Sep 28, 2013

I have an option group that lists a variety of categories which I want to query on.

I know that the option group only returns values.

In the Option Group, On Time = 1, Over Due =2 ,,,,

I am using a Choose function in my query. That is working fine. But ... I would like to have a last choice called "All" such that when selected all data is shown (i.e., On Time, Over Due, ....).

I am using the following:

Choose ([optiongrpStatus],"On Time", "Over Due", .... ,???) as my query criteria.

Have not figured what I can put in the last choice to get all data.

Tried "Is Not Null", tried "On Time or Over Due" - know these don't make sense -just wanted to try.

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Button To Choose Data Type

Feb 5, 2012

I am new to access. What I want to do is to set up a button in where the value that I typed in a text box besides it, be transferred to the corresponding cell type.

Let's say I typed 100, and then I click Income or Expense, If I press Income it will be sent over to the cell containing the incomes and etc. A check box works too.

Next thing that I want is to create a sub category.

If I have a large categories list like in the personal account ledger template, I want to be able to select a main category and if it has a sub category, give me a drop down box to select the corresponding one.

I enter my value, choose whether its income or expense, date and etc, then if I choose the "Home" category, I want it to allow me to also select whether its "Phone", "Water" and so on.

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How To Choose The 10 Latests Entries In A Table (from A Form)

Aug 10, 2007

I'll start by saying that I'm not sure which sub-forum to choose, as my question(s) covers several areas, so I have tried with this one first.

I'm currently making a database, which among other things contains a 'Port of Call list' table. I have a form, where I can add data to this table, meaning, that whenever a vessel has left its port, user can update following: Port name, security level, arrival date and departure date.

What I need is two things (it might be more or less the same):

1. When user click a "Generate" button on a form, the 10 latest port calls from the table, should be shown. I'm not sure what kind of control is the best to should the list on the form. Code is also needed.

2. I would also need to be able to print the list. It should be part of a report. Again which controls/which code to be used is needed.

I hope that someone are able to assist, as I have no clue what to do.


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