Circular Reference Error

Mar 10, 2008


I've created a db I plan on using for pricing out parts, the issue I'm having is that I'm getting a circular reference error.
The way my db is setup is like this Partstbl contains the information for all parts made. Some of these parts can have subassemblies and these parts will also be in the "partstbl". In another table called "Subassemblytbl" I choice the parts from the "parttbl". Parttbl has a one to many relationship with "subassemblytbl" The error happens when I created a query that was to calculate the part cost. This cost would then be displayed in the subassembly subform on my main form. I'm having some difficulty explaining this
if anyone can help I'd really appreciate it

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Queries :: Circular Reference Caused By Query?

Jul 23, 2013

I created a query that pulls information from 2 other queries and everything was going fine until I saved the query. I now get a circular reference error

SELECT [CashValue Link Query1].Facility,
[CashValue Link Query1].[Financial Class],
[CashValue Link Query1].Date,
[CashValue Link Query1].Date,
[CashValue Link Query1].[Total A/R],
[CashValue Link Query1].Current,


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DLookup Returning Circular Reference Warning In Control Source

Oct 15, 2015

I'm working on my first report and am trying to get my textbox, tboJob to show a field value and not the ID. I have tried the following Dlookup in my control source with no luck.

=DLookUp("[JobName]","Jobs","ID=" & [tboJob])

JobName is the field I want to show from the table Jobs.

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Query Circular Error?

May 29, 2007

Noob! I am building an inventory db. I need a query(s) that uses a Qty available to add inventory added, subtract inventory used and put the final total back into Qty Available. I'd prefer to do in all in one query if possible. Any suggestions?

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Weird Reference Error?

Feb 21, 2007

I get this error when I send the mdb file to another computer and open the mdb file?

Your database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'IAIExplore.dll' version 1.0.

I checked my computer and that dll file is in my InterActual dvd player bin folder, and what that has to do with my mdb file I have no clue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Missing Reference Error

Mar 16, 2006

When i open the database i get an error message saying there is a missing reference. I cannot get into Tools - references to tick/untick boxes as the references is greyed out. Why would this be?

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Reference Is Not Valid FollowHyperlink Error

Sep 3, 2012

I'm creating a database with an Asset register which gives you a simple route to documents related to these perticular assets. My problem is when linking to Excel files. I use the FollowHyperlink method and reference to a Hyperlink in a row of the table. If this Hyperlink happens to be to an excel file (regardless of version) it generates an error stating "Reference is not valid". The odd thing is that the file opens, but is not maximised on opening. I have searched for weeks for a solution but can only find them for Pivot Table problems in excel.

My code is simply;

Private Sub FormName_ObjectName_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Application.FollowHyperlink [ColumnName]
End Sub

This works fine for any file that isn't an excel file. So my question is, what's missing or what needs changing to prevent the error from appearing. I have tried different compatabilities but have had no luck. I also tried a function called GoHyperlink, but had no luck in Access 2007.

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Modules & VBA :: Compile Error When Selecting A Reference

Dec 15, 2014

whatever Microsoft office program is open. The problem i get is that when i add the reference Microsoft outlook 14.0 object library i get a compile error "ByRef argument type mismatch".


Option Compare Database
Public Enum OfficeAppName
Outlook = 1
PowerPoint = 2
excel = 3
Word = 4
Publisher = 5
Access = 6
End Enum


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Modules & VBA :: Error - Invalid Reference To The Property

Feb 15, 2014

I have a form with 3 levels.

main - [Welders fm],
2nd level - [PipingQualificationTickets tbl Subform]
3rd level - [WelderWps fm] This is a pop up form but is related to the 2nd level formVBA Error

I have a dropdown box [Wps] (3rd Level PopUp) with an after update function to lookup a query [DLookUpWeldWPS Qy] and insert the text into [Wps(s)QualifiedFor] on the 2 level [PipingQualificationTickets tbl Subform]

Here is the code,

Forms![Welders fm]![PipingQualificationTickets tbl Subform].Form![Wps(s)] = DLookup("[Wps(s)QualifiedFor]", "[DLookUpWeldWPS Qy]", "[WelderWps tbl]![QualificationID] = " & Nz(Forms![Welders fm]![PipingQualificationTickets tbl Subform].Form![WelderWps fm]![QualificationID], 0))

I am getting an error - You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property form/report

The names are all correct to the forms.

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Help.. I Got This Error: "an Expression That Has An Invalid Reference To The Property

Sep 1, 2005

I have three forms that are related to each other. When i click on a button on the second form I get this error: an expression that has an invalid reference to the property form/report. But why do I get this error??

At the third form I have two sub forms.This code are in the first sub form: Segment_subform.
Sub Form_Current()

Dim ParentDocName As String

On Error Resume Next
ParentDocName = Me.Parent.Name

If Err <> 0 Then
GoTo Form_Current_Exit
On Error GoTo Form_Current_Err
End If

I think it's something wrong with
Me.Parent![Blokk_Subform].Form.Requery. It doesn't recognize blokk_Subform.

Somebody knows..???? Please help me....

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Forms :: Error 2455 - Invalid Reference To Form

Jan 23, 2014

For further details see here: [URL] .....

I have a form with two subforms (the second is the child of the first). I want to filter a combo box in the second subform using the record of the first as the filter.

When I open the form from the object list I get this '2455' error. When I press "end" and the form opens the requery does what I want it to do with no further error, using this code in the "got focus" event of the combo box in the first subform:



I have included this before the requery:


On Error Resume Next

I have seen the use of


.recordsource = "..."

instead of the requery

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Circular Ref??

Jan 10, 2007

Hi all,

I have a query which i'm trying to link to a listbox on a form.
One of the colums i'm trying to get in the listbox is from a lookup.
It should return either "in" or "out" but is returning the number values 1 & 2.

i'm trying to write some criteria in my query that says if=1 then "in" etc

Here's what i've got but i'm getting a circular ref error.
In-Spec / Out of Spec: IIf([In-Spec / Out of Spec]=1,"IN","OUT")

Can anyone help please.

Spinkung. :)

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General :: Open Recordset With A Query That Uses Reference To Form Control - Runtime Error 3061

Aug 2, 2012

I'm trying to open a recordset in vba and I'm getting the 3061 runtime error,Expected 1.

I'm trying to open a recordset with a query that uses a reference to a form control.

searchtable1 = "qInVisio_RSV"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(searchtable1, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)

This is the sql of the query:

The highlighted parted is the form referance ( I know it's obvious, just for easier spotting )

WHERE (((dbo_FOLIO.KIND)=101) AND ((dbo_FOLIO.CHKIDATE)>=[Forms]![frmCleaningPlan]![DTPicker]));

also as you can see it's a datepicker control, so the value is a date...

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Circular References

Jul 12, 2005

circular references caused by alias 'filed name' inquiry definition select list? What should i do


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Circular Referance

Nov 8, 2005

I have (for this post) 2 tables.

pk | d_id
| d_fund
fk1 | d_status_code_id
| d_department
fk2 | d_building_id
fk3 | d_contact_id
fk4 | d_note_id
| d_modified
| d_user

pk | c_id
| c_banner
| c_last_name
| c_first_name
| c_middle_initial
| c_job_title
fk1 | c_department_id
| c_department_text
| c_email
| c_phone
| c_modified
| c_user

As you can see there is a circular reference between them as each need the other's pk to ref a contact and department respectfully.

This will cause a problem during data entry will it not?

And if so, would removing the "req" status on either on remove the issue?


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Tables :: Is It Appropriate To Have Circular Relationships?

Feb 3, 2014

This is how I have my database set up currently, except the part highlighted in red.

I was asked to see if I can use the CAT (one) to narrow down the CLIN (to many) and this is how I think it should be structured. Is it okay to have this kind of circular relationship within the database?

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Update Records With A Circular Many To Many Relationship

Feb 27, 2006

Hi Foks,

I'm sure this has been asked and answered many times but I'm not having much success in searching for it as I can't think what to put in the search engine. My apologies in advance for the longwindedness of this posting.

Anyway, I have a database for tracking projects. As the projects evolve, they are sometimes amalgamated, split, dependant on other projects or implemented under a common contract with one or more other projects. Thus, a project can have none-specific relationships with multiple other projects.

To accomodate this:

I have a juction table, tbl_Related_Projects, with fields Project_ID and Related_Project_ID set up as a joint PK.

The PK of tbl_Prj_Details has 1-to-many relationships to both of these fields to create a "circular" many-to-many relationship between the tbl_Prj_Details.Project_ID field and itself.

A comment field in tbl_Related_Projects describes the nature of the relationship between the projects.

;) I hope I you're still with me and following this!;)

On my fdlg_Prj_Details, I have a subform for tbl_Related_Projects. A user can select related projects from a drop down list (Combo Box). So far so good.

Here (finaly :eek: ) is the question: When a user selects a related project (Project B) on the related project subform for Project A, how do I get the reverse relationship to show for Project B i.e. Project A is to appear in the related projects subform of the Project B record, along with the same comment?

I can't even begin to think how to achieve this but as it is a relationship issue, it must be what relational databases are all about and have been solved many times.

Currently a user must select the appropriate project in the related project subform for each record and enter the comment twice. The possibility and liklihood is that the relationship will not always be noted for both ends i.e. A will be related to B, but B not related to A.

:cool: Small caveat for any helpers here, I can copy, cut, paste and stumble/modify code, but at this early stage in my database carreer (ha!), I cannot write it from scratch - too many traps for beginners.

Having re-read this a number of times before posting, it is occuring to me that this is a more complicated problem than I thought it was. Many thanks in advance for any help and advice.



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Feb 24, 2006

Please help, how can I refer to the field of a subform in Visual Basic when the (main) form is open?

Private Sub supplierID_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Private Sub supplierID_AfterUpdate()
Forms![details1 Segédűrlap]![KombináltLista4].Requery
End Sub

These don't work. (The main form: INVOICES; the subform:DETAILS1 Segédűrlap; KombináltLista4 is the name of a combo box)

The version B work, when I open the form and the subform together, but of course I'd like to work only on the form (where the subform is displayed as well, but I can't refer to it...)


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How To Fix A Reference

Feb 24, 2005

I created a new database and i am getting an error.

Your ILFdatabase database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'SearchCtrl.ocx' Version 1.0

Can anyone help?

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Change A Reference

Apr 29, 2005

I need to change the reference "Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library" in Access 2000 with the "Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library" but I can't de-select it 'cause it's used by the program. Another problem is that I tried to import the 11.0 copying the file and when I select it from the panel control it seems to import without problems, but when I search it in the list, the 11.0 doesn't exist.
How can I import it?

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Best Access 03 Reference?

Nov 1, 2005


In your opinion, what is the best Microsoft Access 03 Reference book for learning?


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Reference Problem

Jan 12, 2006

Hi, I have been designing a database on my computer which seems to be working fine; 2 more users in the company should be able to use the database.In order to see if everything was working properly on other computers, I have put a copy of my db on the server and tried to open it on the other users computer station. Unfortunately, the reference library that I have been updating during the design of the database doesn't seem to apply to the other computers. I have been trying to update it on the other machine but the references on the tool menu in open module is not available.
I didn't expect this to hapened and I am not sure what to do, what would be the apropriate method to make the library available to the other computers?

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Reference Calendar

Aug 19, 2006

Is there a way to insert a calendar on a form from which a user can select a Month year and day similar to using the calendar on Outlook or Lotus Notes to set up or view appointments or meetings?

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Reference Problem In An MDE.

Apr 19, 2007

I have created an mde that was installed on more than 30 computers. All of them work fine but one who gets a message saying that there is a broken or missing reference. How can I repair this knowing that I cannot access the references in a mde?

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Adding Reference

Feb 6, 2008


I have an SDK that I normally use with VS.NET. I cannot seem to add the .dll as a Reference in my MS Access 2003 database. Is there something I am doing wrong, or a workaround to get it to work? I have .NET 3.0 installed on the PC.


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Subform Reference

Apr 7, 2008


I have a form (frmSWL) with a subform container on it (subfrom1) which has a source object called frmSite. How do I reference frmSite from another form so I can apply a filter to it??

I am trying:

forms!frmSWL!frmSite.Filter = "......."

, but it is not working.


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