Class, Sessions, Attendees, What Is The Relationship?

Feb 6, 2007

After long, long, long hiatus of doing other stuff, I wanted to get around to update the database. One thing I had set up wrong was the attendance rosters.

I just need to be able to create a new class, which may have more than one sessions, then make a list of registrants for a particular class, then be able to track their attendance per session for this class.

However, my Google-Fu is lacking as every templates I've looked at doesn't really answer my question, which how three entities relate to each other.

I know for sure that Class-Attendees is a one many relationship. Same attendee can register for more than one class, so that's no brainer. Likewise, Class-Session should be also be one many relationship for obvious reasons. However, if I relate Session to Attendee, it would create a circular relationship between the three entities.

I've toyed with the idea of having a hierarchial tables of Class -> Attendees -> Sessions, but that does not relate the sessions to the class, which is necessary.

I wonder if I should create a fourth table to contain attendances and use Session and Attendees as FK, but that still wouldn't fix the possiblity of a circular relationship?

Any insights will be greatly appreciated. TIA

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ACCESS & Sessions

Nov 28, 2007

Hello all!

I've got a problem...

My application is protected with username and password. According to the user who has done the log in, some options will be available and some not.

Then, are there sessions in access?? How can I know who is loged in with which role otherwise?

My idea is to have a table, and say, loggin ok for the user X, but there may be one or more users at the same time. Then, how can I know which user is who if two are logged in in the same application by remote connection?

bfffff.... hope i make myself clear...

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Counting Sessions

Apr 23, 2008


Here is our problem:

id port connexion | idSession
1 20 1005 | 1
2 20 1005 | 1
3 20 1009 | 2
4 20 1009 | 2
5 20 1009 | 2
6 21 1009 | 3
7 21 1009 | 3

The first column is auto-incremented (primary key).
We would like the last column to be a counter which identifies each session regarding a port number and a connexion number.

Is there a SQL or Access function which would allow us to do that?

Thanks a lot.

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2003 Runtime Multi-sessions?!

Jul 18, 2007

Hi All,
We're currently rolling out 2003 Runtime and I've had a few users requesting multiple open seesions of the same database. I thought sure no problem, and then found that it doesn't look like it's possible with Runtime.
Can anyone confirm whether there is a way around this?

It's just that they all had full version of 97 before and now were limiting them all to Runtime! :D

Any suggestions as always much appreciated.


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Queries :: Return List Of Students Attended Certain Number Of Sessions At Gym

Sep 2, 2013

I'm trying to return a list of students in a particular team who have not attended a certain number of sessions at a gym, between two dates. For some reason i get the error. At most one record can be returned by this subquery. (Error 3354).

SELECT [Student ID], Count(*) AS ["Number of Times Attended"]
FROM Gym_Attendance
WHERE [Gym Date] BETWEEN [Forms]![SV_Attendance]![txtStart].Value AND [Forms]![SV_Attendance]![txtEnd].Value
AND [Student ID] Like
(SELECT [Student ID]
FROM Student_Sports
WHERE [Sporting Team] = [Forms]![SV_Attendance]![lstTeam].Value)
GROUP BY [Student ID]
HAVING Count(*) < [Forms]![SV_Attendance]![txtNo].Value;

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Appointment Based On Sessions - Send Method Not Working?

Jul 17, 2013

I have a module in my database that creates an appointment based on a table of sessions. The module works in all respects, except two:

1) When I declare optional attendees it sometimes shows them as required attendees in the actual meeting in outlook, but not always

2) The .Send method does not seem to work. It creates the appointment on my calendar as the originator of the appointment, but does not send to the other recipients.

Below is the code:

Private Sub SchedOutlook()
Dim rsEmployee As DAO.Recordset
Set rsEmployee = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM Employee INNER JOIN tblSession ON Employee.EmpID = tblSession.EmpID;", dbOpenDynaset)
Dim rsMentor As DAO.Recordset

[Code] ....

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Class Certificate

Nov 8, 2007

I have been asked to create a certificate for completion of classes given at work. Is there any way to use a report or will the need to be done through word?

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Showing Grades Of Students In A Class?!?!

Jun 13, 2005


I can't quite get my head around this - any help is much appreciated.

I have (amongst others):

tblStudents (containing basic info. name etc)
tblClasses (containing a list of studentIDs with classes they are in, so, for example, there may be 3 entries of studentid "1", each with different classes next to them, to show that studentid 1 is in classes: a b and c for example.
tblGrades (containing studentID and masses of fields with different grades for different subjects in.)

What I would like to do, is select the class name from a list (which I can do, no problem).
Open up a form listing all the students in that class, with all their grades next to them.

This SOUNDS simple - but I don't think it really is! I could just be having a VERY simple moment though too - if so, I apologise!

Thanks in advance!

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Access Help .... Design .... 1st Class... Should B Easy

Feb 9, 2006

I have a project in which i have to make a database. Its nothing real complex it has to have 3 tables.

heres my idea

An address book database.... "I know how orignal lol"

anyways here is what i have.... Looking to get my primary keys and forign keys established

AddressID "Pri Key"
Postal Code


College "Yes or No"
If Yes Where

So I need to get 3 FK keys and 2 more primary keys... This isnt jumping out at me as to what i should use.

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Modules & VBA :: Class Does Not Support Automation

Jul 31, 2015

I get the message "The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface"

I receive the message on a PC running Windows 7 Professional using the Access 2013 Runtime. This pc does not have Access 2013 installed.On my pc, I do not get the error. I have Access 2013 installed and run Windows 7 Professional SP1. The "code" which gives the error is as follows and is invoked by clicking a button on a form

MsgBox "1"
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
MsgBox "2"
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
MsgBox "3"


The error takes place after Msgbox "2" and before Msgbox "3".The strange thing is that I can run without a problem a sophisticated software package on the pc which gives the error, using Access 2013 Runtime. This package I converted from Access 2003.

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Object Or Class Not Supporting Set Of Events

Nov 12, 2012

This is the error I'm getting. A little obscure, I know, but this is happening in an executable Access application (2010 accde) when I click the close button on a form.

The code behind the form is checking a lot of stuff (data validation, etc.), but "Object or class does not support the set of events" is the error. Then the application continues as if nothing had happened.

The app was converted not long ago from XP ACC2003 to Win 7 ACC2007-2010.

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Report Deleted But VBE Class Object Remains

Dec 8, 2005

Hello all. I have deleted a Report but the underlying reference in the VBE editor in the CLASS OBJECTS list remains for the report and is giving me errors during run and compile.

Any idea how to delete the Class Object once the object has been deleted?

Any other suggestions?

Version: Access 2000

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General :: Object Class Does Not Support Set Of Events

Aug 14, 2015

I have Access 2007 database.

I and trying to link to Outlook 2007 using the "External Data/More/Outlook Folder option and keep getting the "Object Class does not Support the Set of Events" error message.

I can link to a DBF and Paradox file without any problems.

I am running Office 2007 Professional and Access 2007 and Windows 10.

I have also done the following:

1. Removed Office 365
2. Decompiled the Access VBA code and corrected any issues
3. Compacted/Repaired the database

I have attached a screen shot of the references that I have selected.

This is a new setup as I recently purchased a new PC and Windows environment. I still have the old PC running Windows XP with the same configuration and it also experiences exactly the same error message.

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Modules & VBA :: Object Or Class Does Not Support Set Of Events

Mar 19, 2014

I have this below which some people cant run and some people can. All are using 2010 runtime version. Apart from the one guy who can run the macro who has full 2010 version. I have 2010 runtime installed and i can also run the macro fine.

Private Sub Option12_Click()
On Error GoTo Option12_Click_err
Dim CntlPay As String
Dim Lable As String
CntlPay = "D"


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Queries :: Function To Show Players In Certain Class?

Jun 2, 2013

Any function or how to create query that shows the players in a certain class.

I have a table for class, for players & and one that shows the players for each class...

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Forms :: Creating A Class Roster From Combo Box

Jul 15, 2013

I have a form that the Training Admin will use to select students to a new class.they select the Class Name from a ComboBox tied to TblClass.they select an Instructor from a ComboBox tied to TblInstructor and then, I am trying to to use some method to select students by identifying information (EmplID, LName, FNAme, MName, EMP# from TblEmployee) one at a time (from a combo box, or some other easy select method) that will pass the students information to a list, viewable and editable (remove a name) before it is committed to a TblCompletedTraining

I looked at a cascading combo-boxes, and that looks like a good method to selecting from the large number of employees in TblEmployee, but I am unsure how to store each selection on the form, and then allow the Training Admin the ability to delete members from the pool prior to committing. I am reluctant to use the multivalue field as a solution for a couple of reasons;

- It explicitly states to be used for relatively short lists only (no value limit given; so I assume 100 or less items)
- will probably need to convert this database sometime in the future.

I thought I had figured this out, by using a combo-box selection to generate a filter, but it leaves me with only one selection in the end..

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Initialize Class Module

Sep 16, 2013

How you automatically initialize a newly instantiated class?

So when you create a new instance it will run a procedure to set attributes.

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Modules & VBA :: Object Or Class Does Not Support Set Of Events

Oct 21, 2013

I have wrote a database in access 2010 and the database works fine for me (I am the db admin with full control).I gave the database to a group in which most of them also have no issue with the file. They are able to use the database with no issues..One of those members gets an error message when completing the initial step in the database: (select a drop down item from a combo box)

The expression After Update you entered as the event propoerty setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events

Something I cant seem to understand is why is this happoening on 5 machines but not on the 6th, they all have the same PC set up so there should be no error on one particular machine.

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Modules & VBA :: Returning Values From A Class For Date

May 19, 2014

I have two class variables (both arrays) among about 10 other class variables, that are not returning any values but "" for the string or #12:00:00AM" for a date. Here are my class variables:

'UPSData Class Module
Private p_LetterArray() As String
Private p_date() As Date
Private p_LetterArraySize As Integer

My Properties

Public Property Get LetterArray(index As Integer) As String
LetterArray(index) = p_LetterArray(index)
End Property
Public Property Let LetterArray(index As Integer, NewValue As String)

[Code] ....

As I said, tLet and tDate result in "" and #12:00:00AM# respectively. When I step through the code, the values for tmp.LetterArray(0) is assigned "src" and tmp.UPSDate(0) stores "12/25/2013" correctly.

When I assign tLet and TDate, the same thing happens when stepping through the code. I'll use the LetterArray property to describe what happens:

Get LetterArray is called. p_LetterArray(0) does equal "src"
Let LetterArray is called. NewValue is "src" and p_LetterArray is "src" when End Property is highlighted in the debugger
Scope returns to Get LetterArray with End Property highlighted. In checking the values, LetterArray(0) = ""

Same steps happen with the same results ("12:00:00AM" vice "")

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Modules & VBA :: Collections Class On Continuous Forms

Jul 31, 2013

Any way to make objects to support adjusting continuous form controls making them unique in a sense to be able to change info like captions or whatever.

I've been working with collections for a while now tapping into event handlers such as the mouse inputs and or sizing of objects real time using collections but I can't seem to nail down any un-documented way to serialize controls on a continuos form.

I have tried when the new user creates the record adding another control to the collections class tying it to the id of the record but still this does not seem to be enough.

I do not know if there is a paint method or something of the sort I can override to get the desired results and most people without even trying will tell you this can't be done but how many have said that you can't move and resize objects in access but we are doing that now...

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Modules & VBA :: Referencing ActiveX Control In A Class

Jun 26, 2015

I'm using Access 2003. In "References" (Tools > References > Browse...), I've added in "Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6)" (c:windowssystem32mscomctl.ocx).

I've then created/inserted an instance of the control "Microsoft ListView Control 6.0 (SP6)" on a Form ("MyForm") and given the listvew control the Name "MyListView".I wanted to decorate MyListView with some custom methods so I've created a new class module ("DecoratedListView") which contains a member field called "lvw".

I want 'lvw' to point/reference to MyListView, but I don't know what reference type to use in its declaration. Importantly, I also want to capture lvw's ColumnClick event.

I've tried:

Public WithEvents lvw As Object
Public WithEvents lvw As Control
Public WithEvents lvw As MSComctlLib.ListView.2
Public WithEvents lvw As MSComctlLib.ListView
Public WithEvents lvw As CustomControl

and none works when I

set lvw = Forms!MyForm.MyListView

The first try (Object) doesn't even compile. I get the exception "Expected: identifier"
The second try (Control) doesn't compile either. I get the exception "Object does not source automation events"
The third try (MSComctlLib.ListView.2) doesn't compile and throws the exception "Expected: end of statement"
The fourth try (MSComctlLib.ListView) compiles but fails at runtime with the exception "Type mismatch". Using TYPENAME() on the control returns "CustomControl".
The fifth try (CustomControl) compiles but fails at runtime with the exception "Object or class does not support the set of events".

I can't believe I'm the first person to have tried to capture an ActiveX Control's events in a separate class.

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Class Payments Form - First Record Value Changing

Oct 12, 2015

I have built a simple database for a dance school.

The junction table that handles enrollments is behaving a bit weird.

I have a form that deals with class payments. This is linked to the enrollments table via datasheet.

When i refresh the datasheet (which is embedded in a form) after a payment the first record in the enrollments table changes its value.

Effectively the first student changes to whatever class i am currently viewing.

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Modules & VBA :: Class Event For Multiple Controls On Userform

Mar 5, 2014

Basically I have a class event that works for all controls on any userform.

Its all working fine but I can't add an event to trap the click or mouse move of the userform itself.

Basically so when the cursor moves away from a control the label clears.

User Form Code

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'Define a collection and initialise the commandbutton event class
Private col As New Collection
Private newCmd As New clsEvents

[Code] .....

And here is the class Module

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'catch the event of Commandbuttons
Private WithEvents C0 As SubForm
'Private WithEvents C1 As CheckBox

[Code] ....

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General :: Front End - Object Or Class Does Not Support Set Of Events

Oct 17, 2014

I have distributed my front end on the shared drive for users to copy to their desktops.

In one form I have a formula in the query that show's the word 'Gap' if any of the 15 questions on the form is equal to 'fail'. It runs on current when the user is in a record it shows the word 'Gap' at the top header part of the form.

When the user opens the form they get an error message pop up that says "The expression On Current you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events."

Once they click 'ok' they are able to work in the form until they attempt to filter records by their name it pops up again.

I've tested on my end and no errors or issues come up.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating And Initializing Custom Class / Object

Jun 13, 2013

I've been playing around with creating my own class in VBA but I'm having problems calling its methods. My class is pretty basic, its called cDentist and the properties are just Name, Address, DOB etc and one method AddDentist. AddDentist will add the details to a sql server table.

So I create an instance of the class in a module called Dentist. At the very top of the code i put..

Option Compare Database
Global Dentist As cDentist

I have a method then in module Dentist, where I initialise the instance of class cDentist and i populate it's properities...

Sub RecordDentistDetails()
Set Dentist = New cDentist
Dentist.Name = Forms!frm_enterdetails!txtName


When I click 'Save' I get error, Method or data member not found. And '.AddDentist' is highlighted. I'm a little confused why it's not seeing AddDentist as a method of class cDentist.

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Modules & VBA :: Error Passing Variable To Class Module

Jan 30, 2014

I am trying to pass a boolean variable to a class module

Set rps.ViewS = View

the code in the module that this in theory is calling reads as


Private ViewC As Boolean

Public Property Set ViewS(ByRef ViewA As Boolean)
Set ViewC = ViewA
End Property
Public Property Get ViewS() As Boolean
Set ViewS = ViewC
End Property

However I am getting the error message

Quote:Definitions of property procedures for the same property are inconsistent, or property procedure has an optional parameter, a ParamArray, or an invalid Set final parameter.

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