Cleaning Up Access UI And Showing Only Form

Oct 27, 2014

I want to release an Access file which has eveything locked down and cleaned up so that my Form is showing full screen (and nothing else) for an optimal user experience.

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Showing Photos In An MS Access Form

Aug 5, 2004

Access 2003, Win XP Pro

I have tried to find information on how to do this but everything I try fails.

I have a form on which I want to display JPG photos which are stored in a folder called FCP. The path to each photo is stored in the database table. Each record will have one photo only and the path looks something like this:

C:Documents and SettingsBKALProjectLRFCP4.jpg

Can someone tell me exactly how to design a form picture field that will display the relevant photo?


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Forms :: Access Sub Form Not Showing All Data From Table

Jan 14, 2014

I am relatively new to Access 2007, I am having an issue with a sub form not showing all the data from a table.

Basically I have 2 tables: Headers and Line Details, they are linked via an order number. The headers will only ever have 1 record per order number but there can be multiple records on the line details table.

I have imported the data into both tables. When I open my main form, all the data from the header file is all visable and all correct for all records. However when I look at the data in the sub form, it is only showing data for some of the records.

I have checked and the data is correctly linked, and if I change the "source object" to point directly at the table in the sub form it shows the record is there. When I point it back to my sub form it is blank.

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Forms :: Access 2010 Form Calculated Field Not Showing

Sep 18, 2014

We have a recent issue on client PC. After application running for a while, all the sudden the calculated field on the form not showing the details, though there is data on the control. After restart the PC, the calculated field display correctly. We guess this may be due to the theme we use.

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Cleaning Up Code?

May 5, 2006

Ok, I am working on an exsisting database at work that has alot of code/forms/reports and so on. Whoever worked on this before me apparently didn't believe indenting code or anything like that. Now I don't want to to go all this code to clean up the structure of the code. I remember back a few yeras ago I found an app for VB that did this for you. No clue where I came across it at or even what it was called but I was wondering if there was anything available like that for Access?

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Cleaning Data

Nov 16, 2007

I have a table that contains telephone numbers.
The data is in a variety of formats.
Here are some examples:
087 123456

I would like to strip out hyphens, brackets, spaces, etc.

I hope to do this in a straighforward make table query.

Is there a function available that will strip out non-numerics characters?


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General :: Cleaning Up Name Field

Sep 5, 2014

In given table name is formatted as:


and I need to make it to "Felix Hernandez" How would I be able to clean up "/" , "JR," in my query.

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Queries :: Cleaning Up Table With SQL Query?

Feb 21, 2014

In a table, there's a column, "Siebel or Sales Ref". Some of these will have a long sales reference number or an ID from a Siebel sales system (pants), in the format 1-XXXXXXX. The problem is that some have two IDs, separated by a forward slash (/), so like 1-ABC1234/1-DEF5678. He wants to go through the data, and where there's a double ID, split it out, and create a new row with the second ID.

I'm not sure this can be done in Access, I would have done a loop in Excel, but it's his database.

INSERT INTO ActualBaseData
FROM (SELECT 'ITQ ID', Deadline, Lot, 'Bid Progress', 'Framework Type', 'Tender Type', 'Siebel or Sales Ref'
FROM TempBaseData
WHERE InStr('Siebel or Sales Ref', '/') = 0

[Code] .....

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How To Handle A Large Data Cleaning Task?

Jan 11, 2006

I need to create a program that will regularly import a text file of over one million records into an Access table. I've been give a list of about fifty different updates to perform on the data to clean it.

I can't imagine performing all these updates in one query. However, creating fifty individual queries seems horribly inefficient from a processing perspective.

I'm accustomed to stepping sequentially through a table in FoxPro, which seems ideal to me for this type of situation. What is the best way to handle this in Access?

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String Manipulation: Cleaning Up Address Labels

Dec 28, 2007

PROBLEM: String Manipulation

"Cleaning up Mom's Christmas address labels"

I need guidance on the best string manipulation functions (Instr, Left, Right) to cleanup my mother's Christmas address list of 300+ names.

I have successfully imported the text file into Excel and exported to Access; fieldnames: FULLNAME, ADDRESS, CITYSTATEZIP

I have found instructions on how to breakout FULLNAME field into FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME.

But within the FULLNAME field are many combinations of titles (Mr., Mr. & Mrs., Dr., HON.) with inconsistent periods applied.

Which one of string manipulation functions:


would be best for extracting these various titles from this name field?

I understand the concepts behind the above functions, but not enough experience using them to understand the tedious syntax or which string manipulation function would be best for extracting the varying title entries to a separate created field called TITLES.

So far, I have deduced this will be a multi-step process. But asking for guidance:

1.) Which string function is best suited for this?
2.) Example of the function syntax for an update query?
2.) Suggested order to administer update queries?...

to extract misc titles from the FULLNAME field.

I am a novice-casual Access user.

Thanks, Greg

(If someone would copyright these steps into a book called "Cleaning Up Mom's Christmas Address List"... I am sure they could retire from sales on Amazon. :-)

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General :: Monthly Cleaning Program - Crosstab Query To Generate A Report

Jun 12, 2012

I want to create a report for the Monthly cleaning plan of a hotel. For each day, how many rooms need new sheets, how many need new towels etc.

At this point I can generate a report for any given day.

This could be an example of what I want to achieve

------------ Date | Date+1 | Date+2 | Date+3
New Sheets 2 1 0 2
New Towels 1 3 0 1
Full Clean 0 1 2 0

"Date" is a date tat you can set, after which you'll get the following 30 days("Date+1","Date+2" etc)

I thought that a CrossTab query would give me what I want,but using the wizzard I can't get the result that I want.
Haven't worked with crosstab queries before so maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe this isn't even possible with a crosstab query.

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Access 2013 - Hiding And Showing Access Window

Apr 6, 2015

I am trying to Hide or Show the Access Window by using two buttons on a Form. Running Access 2013 in Windows 7 64bit.

I have used code from the Internet as below but added the PtrSafe item to the Function Declaration as below:-

Option Compare Database
'Hide Access desktop screen and float Forms on pc desktop
Private Declare PtrSafe Function IsWindowVisible Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long

Dim dwReturn As Long
Const SW_HIDE = 0

[Code] ....

I then have two buttons on a form coded as below:-

Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmd_Hide_dbw_Click()
Call fSetAccessWindow("Minimize", False, False)
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_Test", acNormal
End Sub

[Code] .....

I have attached a Test Database which demonstrates the problem I am experiencing.

Do the following sequence...............

Open the Test Database. DO NOT ENABLE CONTENT
The Access 'Ribbon'Test_Database.accdb is active and usable
Open frm_Test in Design View in order to inspect, all should be as shown above.
Now click the Enable Content warning
Switch frm_Test to Form View

Click button Hide dbw. Closes the Access Window
Click button Show dbw. Opens the Access Window...HOWEVER....

Attachment 20252The Access Ribbon is locked and usable !!!

I cannot find a way to re-activate the Ribbon

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Showing JPGs In Access 2002

Aug 5, 2006

I'm having problems with showing jpg files in access 2002.

I have a database which holds the path name for photos, based upon the stock item name. When I press a show image button I want to see the image. This is a programme I made using access and vba about a year ago and it has worked fine. However I have recently had to reinstall access and since then the programme isn't working. could anyone tell me why I am unable to see these images in my database anymore. I have checked the path etc and it is all set up correctly, so I don't know why it won't show.

I get the error that the file size may be too big or try converting to gif or bmp. However I have seen the same pictures in my database previously so I know they are not too big.

I have hundreds of images, so I don't want to convert them all to gifs or bmps if possible, I am reguarly adding to them too so this would be a real hastle.

Any help on how to restore the images to showing would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance

Steve Atkin.

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Data Access Page Not Showing All Records

Oct 7, 2005



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Modules & VBA :: Showing In Access If Email In Outlook Has Attachment

Oct 15, 2014

I found a code that will go trough an emailbox and export all emails to a table in access. This part is working OK (except the received date). I also wante to show in the table if the email contains an attachment, but that part is not working at all. The project actually is meant to store the emails on a shared drive and attachments and have the emails in Access so I can see them all and recall the one needed.

Private Sub Command14_Click()
Dim TempRst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset


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Some Fields Intermittently Not Showing Data In Access 2013

Feb 12, 2014

I've recently moved up to Access 2013 (from Access 2010) and everything went well, until one day my splash screen was blank and the program had empty fields...after seeing that all the links to the BE were OK, I re-booted and everything worked fine....until the next day the same thing happened...... The program randomly falls over about once or twice a week and I have to re-boot to cure it.....

My splash screen has a standard dlookup ( [=DLookUp("Banner","tblCompanyInfo")] ) to display the active company name...and sometimes its populated and other times its not..... if its not populated then loads of other fields on the forms are also blank - even if they point to valid data in the database!!!!!!

Win7 (both 32 and 64bit) with Access 2013 32bit on three PC's - same problem on all!!!!

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Form Not Showing

Mar 1, 2005


I have copied a form and changed the table it is linked to. however, now it just shows a blank screen, not any fields.

I have spent hours on this, please can somebody show me what I have not changed. i have attached the database.

thanks in advance


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Form Min / Max Not Showing

Mar 6, 2012

i need to size a form so that it does not fill all the window, i have tried enabeling the min and max buttons but they will not display for some reason, i changed the borderstyle to sizable and the controlbox to yes the min and max buttons are enabled , but still not showing the min and max buttons, the close button shoes and thats it? i am running 2010.

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Queries :: Access 2010 / Query Not Showing Results From Combo Box?

Aug 13, 2014

Access 2010. This has worked before but I don't understand why this is not working for me now. When i select an item in a combo box in a form and click on a button to run a query with the results, the query is blank. If I run the query alone, it prompts for an item, I can type it in and it works. I have even tried the DoCmd on the combo box but still same results. Attached is a dummy down DB. If you run the query, it will prompt, select Paper or Rock, see results. But run the form, the drop down will not show the results. What am I missing?

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General :: Some Fields Intermittently Not Showing Data In Access 2013?

Feb 13, 2014

I've recently moved up to Access 2013 (from Access 2010) and everything went well, until one day my splash screen was blank and the program had empty fields...after seeing that all the links to the BE were OK, I re-booted and everything worked fine....until the next day the same thing happened...... The program randomly falls over about once or twice a week and I have to re-boot to cure it.....

My splash screen has a standard dlookup ( [=DLookUp("Banner","tblCompanyInfo")] ) to display the active company name...and sometimes its populated and other times its not..... if its not populated then loads of other fields on the forms are also blank - even if they point to valid data in the database!

I run Win7 (both 32 and 64bit) with Access 2013 32bit on three PC's - same problem on all!

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Access 2013 Report Data Showing Up As Number Rather Than Text

Aug 13, 2015

I have a people table; Ethnicity Table; Program Type Table; Attendance Table.

I enter the people into the people table then enter people into the attendance table with lookup for name from the people table and a lookup for program type from program type table and enter date attended. I then run a query on the attendance table to remove duplicates. I created a form from the attendance query there are 3 headers Program, Ethnicity, Name. but the program type comes up as the ID number and not the text name.

The Ethnicity did the same thing but when I added the Ethnicity from the people table to the ethnicity header it show up as the name and I hide the box with the number but when I add the program type from the program type table to the program header is changes the source of the report to the program type table and then nothing shows up. It did not do that when I added the ethnicity type from the ethnicity table to the ethnicity header.

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Cleaning Up "Grouped" Data

Oct 26, 2005

I have a question and I'll apologize in advance because it may or may not really be an Access question.

I have a large ASCII spreadsheet that I have imported into Access. It has 4 columns, and has these headings: CodeID, Group, Division, Account. Many Division and Account combinations can exist within a Group, and there can be many Groups under a specific CodeID. Unfortunately the way I received the data was in a grouped fashion, like so:

CodeID Group Division Account
1234 1111 0001 0001
0002 0002
2222 0001 0001
0003 0003
1235 1111 0001 0001
0003 0003

Is there a way - easy or otherwise - to populate the blanks with the appropriate information? Essentially to "ungroup" I guess. I need to do this so I can sort and modify the data. Obviously as it is I can't do much with it.

Note, when I imported the data I had Access add unique counter as a primary key. That is allowing me to keep the data in order, but doesn't help beyond that.

Any suggestions???

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Access 2007 DB Shared Through Network Folder Showing Record Lock

Feb 6, 2013

I have an Access DB shared through a network folder. It is currently frozen and showing a record lock, however, none of the users have it open. Is there a way to kill the lock so I can restore it?

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Form Showing Entry

Nov 1, 2007

I have got a db when I enter a new client in the client form it saves it in the table but when I return to the form the client I have just entered is still there so I cant enter a new client it does'nt clear the text in the text box can anyone help


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Second Form Showing Same Record As First?

Mar 22, 2005


I have a main form that displays records with a couple of sub forms and it also has a button to open another form which is based on the same table main table but different sub forms.

All I am trying to do is open the second main form by clicking the command button and to automatically display the same main record as shown on the first form before clicking the button.

Sounds simple but I can't find how to do it.

Any ideas appreciated........Stuart

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Form Not Showing Records

Sep 15, 2005

Hey Gang,

Thanks for all your help on my previous problem but I now have another one that just seemed to start out of the blue. When I open my form the record selectors don't allow me to browse through all the previously entered records. This is a huge problem because if changes need to be made I can't call up the record to do so. I plan on adding a search funtion to the database soon but for now I need to be able to search through the records on my main form. Is there something I should look for or do you have any suggestions?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


axsnub (access newbie)

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