Cleaning Up Code?

May 5, 2006

Ok, I am working on an exsisting database at work that has alot of code/forms/reports and so on. Whoever worked on this before me apparently didn't believe indenting code or anything like that. Now I don't want to to go all this code to clean up the structure of the code. I remember back a few yeras ago I found an app for VB that did this for you. No clue where I came across it at or even what it was called but I was wondering if there was anything available like that for Access?

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Cleaning Data

Nov 16, 2007

I have a table that contains telephone numbers.
The data is in a variety of formats.
Here are some examples:
087 123456

I would like to strip out hyphens, brackets, spaces, etc.

I hope to do this in a straighforward make table query.

Is there a function available that will strip out non-numerics characters?


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General :: Cleaning Up Name Field

Sep 5, 2014

In given table name is formatted as:


and I need to make it to "Felix Hernandez" How would I be able to clean up "/" , "JR," in my query.

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Queries :: Cleaning Up Table With SQL Query?

Feb 21, 2014

In a table, there's a column, "Siebel or Sales Ref". Some of these will have a long sales reference number or an ID from a Siebel sales system (pants), in the format 1-XXXXXXX. The problem is that some have two IDs, separated by a forward slash (/), so like 1-ABC1234/1-DEF5678. He wants to go through the data, and where there's a double ID, split it out, and create a new row with the second ID.

I'm not sure this can be done in Access, I would have done a loop in Excel, but it's his database.

INSERT INTO ActualBaseData
FROM (SELECT 'ITQ ID', Deadline, Lot, 'Bid Progress', 'Framework Type', 'Tender Type', 'Siebel or Sales Ref'
FROM TempBaseData
WHERE InStr('Siebel or Sales Ref', '/') = 0

[Code] .....

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Cleaning Up Access UI And Showing Only Form

Oct 27, 2014

I want to release an Access file which has eveything locked down and cleaned up so that my Form is showing full screen (and nothing else) for an optimal user experience.

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How To Handle A Large Data Cleaning Task?

Jan 11, 2006

I need to create a program that will regularly import a text file of over one million records into an Access table. I've been give a list of about fifty different updates to perform on the data to clean it.

I can't imagine performing all these updates in one query. However, creating fifty individual queries seems horribly inefficient from a processing perspective.

I'm accustomed to stepping sequentially through a table in FoxPro, which seems ideal to me for this type of situation. What is the best way to handle this in Access?

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String Manipulation: Cleaning Up Address Labels

Dec 28, 2007

PROBLEM: String Manipulation

"Cleaning up Mom's Christmas address labels"

I need guidance on the best string manipulation functions (Instr, Left, Right) to cleanup my mother's Christmas address list of 300+ names.

I have successfully imported the text file into Excel and exported to Access; fieldnames: FULLNAME, ADDRESS, CITYSTATEZIP

I have found instructions on how to breakout FULLNAME field into FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME.

But within the FULLNAME field are many combinations of titles (Mr., Mr. & Mrs., Dr., HON.) with inconsistent periods applied.

Which one of string manipulation functions:


would be best for extracting these various titles from this name field?

I understand the concepts behind the above functions, but not enough experience using them to understand the tedious syntax or which string manipulation function would be best for extracting the varying title entries to a separate created field called TITLES.

So far, I have deduced this will be a multi-step process. But asking for guidance:

1.) Which string function is best suited for this?
2.) Example of the function syntax for an update query?
2.) Suggested order to administer update queries?...

to extract misc titles from the FULLNAME field.

I am a novice-casual Access user.

Thanks, Greg

(If someone would copyright these steps into a book called "Cleaning Up Mom's Christmas Address List"... I am sure they could retire from sales on Amazon. :-)

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General :: Monthly Cleaning Program - Crosstab Query To Generate A Report

Jun 12, 2012

I want to create a report for the Monthly cleaning plan of a hotel. For each day, how many rooms need new sheets, how many need new towels etc.

At this point I can generate a report for any given day.

This could be an example of what I want to achieve

------------ Date | Date+1 | Date+2 | Date+3
New Sheets 2 1 0 2
New Towels 1 3 0 1
Full Clean 0 1 2 0

"Date" is a date tat you can set, after which you'll get the following 30 days("Date+1","Date+2" etc)

I thought that a CrossTab query would give me what I want,but using the wizzard I can't get the result that I want.
Haven't worked with crosstab queries before so maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe this isn't even possible with a crosstab query.

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Cleaning Up "Grouped" Data

Oct 26, 2005

I have a question and I'll apologize in advance because it may or may not really be an Access question.

I have a large ASCII spreadsheet that I have imported into Access. It has 4 columns, and has these headings: CodeID, Group, Division, Account. Many Division and Account combinations can exist within a Group, and there can be many Groups under a specific CodeID. Unfortunately the way I received the data was in a grouped fashion, like so:

CodeID Group Division Account
1234 1111 0001 0001
0002 0002
2222 0001 0001
0003 0003
1235 1111 0001 0001
0003 0003

Is there a way - easy or otherwise - to populate the blanks with the appropriate information? Essentially to "ungroup" I guess. I need to do this so I can sort and modify the data. Obviously as it is I can't do much with it.

Note, when I imported the data I had Access add unique counter as a primary key. That is allowing me to keep the data in order, but doesn't help beyond that.

Any suggestions???

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Please Review This Code, (simple Code) New With Codes

Feb 16, 2006

Works great, but when I hit the number "3", (3 times in row) it will let me into the form. I want it to not let me in IF I don't know the password.

Where did I go wrong?

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim pw As Variant

If InputBox("What is the password?", "Password") = "1" Then
MsgBox "Invalid Password", vbCritical, "Sorry Charlie"
If InputBox("What is the password?", "Password") = "2" Then
MsgBox "Invalid Password", vbCritical, "Sorry Charlie"
End If
End If

End Sub

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Using Code To Unprotect And Protect Viewing Code

Jan 14, 2007

I protect my code from people being able to read it by setting a password on the code from Tools > Properties, selecting the Protection tab and entering a password, and clicking "Lock Project"

Is there a way to write code that will remove that Lock Project check and check it back on?

I've looked through the Application.SetOption command and it doesn't seem to be one of the choices. It would be very helpful if someone knew how to do this.



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Code Help Please!

Apr 27, 2005

I have a button that runs a macro to insert NOW() into a text box.
This is how it is coded;

Private Sub Start_transferred_job_button_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Start_transferred_job_button_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "Start transfered job"
DoCmd.RunMacro stDocName

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Start_transferred_job_button_Click

End Sub

How do I write the code to populate the [start Time] text box with NOW() when the button is clicked without using a macro???

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Need Help With Code

Nov 22, 2005

Need a little help here. I have this code on a command button that open a form that displays a chart. The chart work great as long as there is data to display. However, if there is no data then the chart is blank. So what I'm trying to do is add a dcount to catch the 0 and give an error. So the 1st query makes the table where the data for the chart come from. The Qry-Test for Zero query, queries that new table if dcount is 0 it should error.
My problem is that I can't get this to work with the 0 if I make it 1 then I will get the message box if there are no records and if there is 1 record 2 and greater work fine. So my question is why won't the code catch the 0?

Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Qry-Makes Table"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal ', acEdit

If DCount(" * ", "Qry-Test for Zero") = 0 Then
MsgBox " There is no data for this time frame to chart. Please re-enter your Date range"
Exit Sub



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Need Help With Code

Nov 22, 2005

Need a little help here. I have this code on a command button that open a form that displays a chart. The chart work great as long as there is data to display. However, if there is no data then the chart is blank. So what I'm trying to do is add a dcount to catch the 0 and give an error. So the 1st query makes the table where the data for the chart come from. The Qry-Test for Zero query, queries that new table if dcount is 0 it should error.
My problem is that I can't get this to work with the 0 if I make it 1 then I will get the message box if there are no records and if there is 1 record 2 and greater work fine. So my question is why won't the code catch the 0?

Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Qry-Makes Table"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal ', acEdit

If DCount(" * ", "Qry-Test for Zero") = 0 Then
MsgBox " There is no data for this time frame to chart. Please re-enter your Date range"
Exit Sub



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Code Help?

May 19, 2006

I use the code below on a search form. I would like for the results of the list box search to populate a report instead of the list box. Is it possible to take the the sql and move it to a report? Thanks..

Dim strsql As String, strOrder As String, strWhere As String
Dim dbNm As Database
Dim qryDef As QueryDef
Set dbNm = CurrentDb()

strsql = "SELECT SiteIssues_tbl.IssueID, SiteIssues_tbl.SITE_ID, SiteIssues_tbl.IssueID, SiteIssues_tbl.AdminDate, SiteIssues_tbl.Occurring, SiteIssues_tbl.Issue, SiteIssues_tbl.Administrative, SiteIssues_tbl.Technical, SiteIssues_tbl.IssueComments, SiteIssues_tbl.CandidatesAffected, SiteIssues_tbl.RecordCreated, SiteIssues_tbl.User, SiteIssues_tbl.DateModified " & _
"FROM SiteIssues_tbl"

strWhere = "WHERE"

strOrder = "ORDER BY SiteIssues_tbl.AdminDate;"

'Set the WHERE clause for the QueryDef if information has been entered into a field on the form
If Not IsNull(Me.txtIssue) Then '<--If the textbox txtCenterName contains no data THEN do nothing
strWhere = strWhere & " (SiteIssues_tbl.Issue) Like '*" & Me.txtIssue & "*' AND" '<--otherwise, apply the LIKE statment to the QueryDef
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtAdminDate) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (SiteIssues_tbl.AdminDate) Like '*" & Me.txtAdminDate & "*' AND"
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.txtSite) Then
strWhere = strWhere & " (SiteIssues_tbl.SITE_ID) Like '*" & Me.txtSite & "*' AND"
End If

'Pass the SQL to the RowSource of the listbox

Me.lstSearchResult.RowSource = strsql & " " & strWhere & "" & strOrder

With Me.lstSearchResult
If .ListCount > 0 Then
GetListCount = .ListCount - 1 'Headings count
GetListCount = 0 'Headings don't count if no items listed!!
End If
Me.Text31 = .ListCount - 1

Dim ctl As Control
End With
If Me.Text31 = -1 Then
Me.Text31.Value = 0
Me.lstSearchResult.RowSource = ""
DoCmd.RepaintObject acForm, "SitesIssues_qry"

MsgBox "No Records Found."

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Or ctl.ControlType = acCheckBox Then
ctl.Value = Null
DoCmd.RepaintObject acForm, "SitesIssues_qry"
Me.lstSearchResult.RowSource = ""
End If
Next ctl
End If

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VBA Code

Jun 1, 2006

I have written the code below, which should work, however I am receiving an Error: Run Time Error '13' Type mistmatch on line:

Set cn = Application.CurrentProject.Connection.

Can anyone help?

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdRun_Click()

Dim NICode As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection

Dim strSQL As String

Set cn = Application.CurrentProject.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
NICode = "txtLetter"

strSQL = "SELECT " & NICode & "1a, " & NICode & "1b, " & NICode & "1c, " & NICode & "1d & NICode & "1g & NICode & "1h FROM [WorkPlace NI Breakdown]"

rs.Open strSQL, cn

If Not (rs.EOF And rs.BOF) Then
MsgBox rs.Fields(NICode & "1a")
MsgBox rs.Fields(NICode & "1b")
MsgBox rs.Fields(NICode & "1c")
MsgBox rs.Fields(NICode & "1d")
MsgBox rs.Fields(NICode & "1g")
MsgBox rs.Fields(NICode & "1h")

End If

Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing

End Sub

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A Code

Jan 3, 2007

Hi all,

I have code bellow which is bringing a tab called Heffalump from the excel spreadsheet into table. Now, what I need is to create a text box where I will be typing PI1228131313 and it's going to be changed in the code bellow.

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Test Import Specification", "K:FIDCPGCCGPI1228", True, "Heffalump!"


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A Code

Jan 3, 2007

Hi All,

I have a code bellow which takes data from Excel spreadsheet and puts it into table in access. I want to see this code in txtbox and be able to change the path's.. Please advice. I tried typing.. Me.mytextbox.value = but for some reason doesn't work..
Should I use Ufter Update or something like that..?

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Test Import Specification", "K:FIDCPGPI1206", True, "Heffalump!"

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Any Help With My Code;

May 3, 2007


I 've converted the code to ADO method. It was working fine in DAO but know I get the following error and i can't figure it out the soloution.

Run-time error ‘3265’

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal

Function ChangeQuantUnit(Material, quant_a, unit_a, unit_b)

Static M As New ADODB.Recordset
Static Mat_SQL As String

ChangeQuantUnit = 0

Mat_SQL = "SELECT SAP_Materials.Material, SAP_Materials.K, SAP_Materials.Base_K, SAP_Materials.KG, SAP_Materials.Base_KG, SAP_Materials.MTR, SAP_Materials.Base_MTR, SAP_Materials.ST, SAP_Materials.Base_ST FROM SAP_Materials WHERE (((SAP_Materials.Material)=""" + Material + """));"
M.Open (Mat_SQL), CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

If unit_a = "LB" Then
ChangeQuantUnit = (quant_a / 2.2)
If M(unit_a) * M("BASE_" + unit_b) > 0 Then 'this is the line that crashes
ChangeQuantUnit = quant_a * M(unit_b) * M("BASE_" + unit_a) / (M(unit_a) * M("BASE_" + unit_b))
End If
End If


End Function

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Can Anyone Help With This Code Please

May 8, 2007

Can anyone help with this code please. I keep getting Error 13, type mismatch on the on click event of a Command button.

Private Sub Command6_Click ()
Dim tmpFilePath AS String
tmpFilePath = Me!Text1

DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Expire"
DoCmd. TransferDatabase_ acImport,"MicrosoftAccess",acTable,"tmpFilePath","Expire","Expire",False

End Sub

What I am trying to do is delete a table and replace it with a table of the same name in another db. the path to the file is stored in Text1. The delete part works OK then the error message arrives, when I run it with a static file path it worked ok, but I want to pick up the path stored in Text1 on my form.:confused:

Thanks for your help

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To Code Or Not To Code.

Mar 21, 2007

In the database I am creating a table that houses “subjects’ names” and their “unique IDs”, which are both indexed with no duplicates. The Unique ID is used as a FK to connect all the tables that contain information from the subject. When subjects are enrolled in one of our studies they are assigned a “Unique ID”, which is assigned sequentially. The IDs are alphanumeric, and consists of 4 characters with the first character being a letter:

A001, A002…A999, B001, B002…C001 etc.:

To help avoid data entry errors, I would like to automate the process of assigning these Unique IDs as much as possible. So my question is:

Is it better to manually insert all the possible Unique IDs into this table upfront and then use a code that allows the user to assign the next Unique ID to the subjects they are enrolling (ie search the subject names column for the first null field and enter value there)? Or would it be better to set up a code that looks through the IDs that are already in the list and then automatically generates and assigns the next sequential ID to the person they have entered.

Also, where might I find some pre-established code to get me heading in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!:D :confused: :confused:

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Need Help In VB Code

Aug 22, 2006

Good day,

Iam traying to get result of my record as below

If next record is biger than previous show "1"
If next record is same previous show "1"
If next record is smallest show "0"
if next record is same previous show "0"


110:00:00 AM1010905 0
46410:00:34 AM1010906 1
62610:00:56 AM10109061
152310:02:16 AM10109040
156810:02:21 AM10109040
156910:02:21 AM10109051

the code gave me correct result for some filed and other incorrect !

Could you please check the code and correct it for me.

I have attached the DB for any correction

Note: the command bottons on Form1 of Forms Object.

Iam very appreciated for assistant . :)


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Help With SQL Code

Dec 23, 2006

I need a littlle help adapting this piece of code to my purposes:

SELECT Clientes.[Codigo Cliente LAE], Clientes.Nome, Clientes.Endereço, Clientes.Cidade, Clientes.[Codigo Postal], Clientes.Telefone, Clientes.Fax, Clientes.[Numero Contribuinte]
FROM Clientes
GROUP BY Clientes.[Codigo Cliente LAE], Clientes.Nome, Clientes.Endereço, Clientes.Cidade, Clientes.[Codigo Postal], Clientes.Telefone, Clientes.Fax, Clientes.[Numero Contribuinte]
HAVING (((Clientes.[Codigo Cliente LAE]) Like "*" & Forms![Pesquisa de Clientes]!PCTextPesq2 & "*"));

I need to replace "Codigo Cliente LAE" by "Forms![Pesquisa de Clientes]!PCComboPesq" (I need to keep the [] of the the original code, just replace "Codigo Cliente LAE"). I've tried several ways but still get a sintax error.

Thanks in advance.

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Vb Code Help

Apr 21, 2005


I am calling a stored procedure..through vb.SP expects 2 parameters.

but i m getting error "operation cannot be performed when the object is closed".This is the code

Dim db1 As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd1 As ADODB.Command
Dim prm1 As ADODB.Parameter
Dim prm2 As ADODB.Parameter
Dim rs1 As ADODB.Recordset

Set cmd1 = New Command
Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset
Set db1 = rtnConnection

Set cmd1.ActiveConnection = db1
cmd1.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmd1.CommandText = "spname"

Set prm1 = cmd1.CreateParameter("param1", adChar, adParamInput, 3, BMF)
Set prm2 = cmd1.CreateParameter("param2", adInteger, adParamInput, 4, chnnlstobook)

cmd1.Parameters.Append prm1
cmd1.Parameters.Append prm2

Set rs1 = cmd1.Execute

If Not rs1.EOF Then
txtfield= rs1(1)
End If

On rs1.eof it gives me that message

Pls any help on this i am trying a lot to find the solution for this.

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If Then Code

Aug 11, 2005

In the code below, I am trying to autofill a field called WOSD (Work Order Start Date). It works for the Door Types or just the -4 option.

However, if the SpecialColor checkbox is checked, it needs to subtract 6 days from the LotDelDate. I must have something typed wrong.

I have been trying to get it to skip weekends as well with no luck.

Can anyone give me a hand?

Private Sub LotDelDate_AfterUpdate()

If Me.DoorStyle = "Eagle" Then
Me.WOSD = Me.LotDelDate - 5
If Me.DoorStyle = "RP-9" Then
Me.WOSD = Me.LotDelDate - 5
If Me.DoorStyle = "H/E" Then
Me.WOSD = Me.LotDelDate - 5
If Me.DoorStyle = "F/E" Then
Me.WOSD = Me.LotDelDate - 5
If Me.DoorStyle = "RP-9" Then
Me.WOSD = Me.LotDelDate - 5
If Me.DoorStyle = "RP-22" Then
Me.WOSD = Me.LotDelDate - 5
If Me.DoorStyle = "RP-23" Then
Me.WOSD = Me.LotDelDate - 5
If Forms!FRMDELIVERY.Form.SpecialColor = "YES" Then
Me.WOSD = Me.LotDelDate - 6
Me.WOSD = Me.LotDelDate - 4

End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If

End Sub

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What Does This Code Mean?

Oct 5, 2005

Hi, I'm analyzing a program made with MS Access. It has a whole bunch of tables and queries already made, and a form with lots of code behind it. I'm looking through and I'm not sure what the following means:

With CurrentDb
.QueryDefs("qry_cur_pier").SQL = _
" FROM qry_cur_resource AS RE " & _

qry_cur_pier appears to be an already existing query. AIRPORT_RESOURCE_NAME and AIRPORT_RESOURCE_KEY are fields in that query. AIRPORT_RESOURCE_CODE is not in the query though. What does the RE. and the AS RE do here? Thanks in advance.

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