Clear Contents Of List Box

Oct 9, 2007

Hey guys,

I have created a list box that is based on a select statement using the value of another list box.

for example:
box1 lets you select aaaa
box2 shows a list of all the records that have aaaa

now I need to know how to clear the list as box1 is changed

right now it will give me


I need to know how to clear it so that
aaaa is deleted and bbbb shows when the code is stepped through a second time.

code is as follows:

Private Sub Car_Empty_GotFocus()

prefix_input = Form_Car_Loading.Prefix.Value
Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase blah, blah, blah
sqlstatement = "SELECT [prefix], [Car_number], [Date_loaded] " & _
" FROM Car_loading where isnull(Date_Loaded)= true and prefix= '" & prefix_input & "' "
Set record = db.OpenRecordset(sqlstatement, dbOpenSnapshot, dbSeeChanges)
Move first
Do Until record.EOF = True
Form_Car_Loading.Car_Empty.AddItem (record(0) & record(1))

End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Open Excel Workbook From Access - Clear Cell Contents

Dec 5, 2013

I would like to open an Excel workbook from MS Access and clear cell contents, or just delete some records in a specific worksheet.

If you open the test workbook, cell contents in RAW need to be deleted by calling from Access.

I have produced some code but it's partially working.

Sub TestFileOpened()
' Test to see if the file is open.
If IsFileOpen("test.xls") Then
' Display a message stating the file in use.
MsgBox "File already in use!"

[Code] ....

If you put this in a standard module in access, the function works, but the part that doesn't work is where it says "activesheet". It somehow tries to recognize it as a variable, but it's not going to be a variable.

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Clear List Box?

Feb 28, 2007

Where is the ListBox.Clear option??????

How can I clear the entire ListBox?

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Print List Box Contents.......

Mar 24, 2006

...seems such a simple thing to do but I'm completly stuck. Everything I've found on the forum suggests alternatives to doing to above i.e. setting the query that produces the list to produce that report print directly but that wont work for this situation unfortunately.:eek:

Some background....
I have a form (lucky me) in which the user enters 3 category levels and a branch id, they click a button to generate a list of 50 random stock ids so they can be checked at the branch. A preview of the Stockid's (along with description and Stocklevels) is shown in a list on the form. The stock manager then needs to print the list box contents. If the query is re-run it will differ from what is shown in the list so I need to avoid this.

Any help greatly appreciated.....;) :confused: ;)

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Clear Combo And List Boxes

May 1, 2005

on my form i have two unbound combo boxes and an unbound listbox. when i delete or go to a new record these still contain the data from the previous record. what is the code to clear them? have looked through the propeties and there is no useful 'clear' event that i can see. :confused:

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List Boxes - Clear For New Record

Oct 25, 2004

Hi Everyone again, (i'll try my best to explain) (Sorry if it doesn't make sense)

I have a main form - everything on the formn is linked to the User ID

I have created a List box1 which contains many selection. (Lets say a menu for food)
Once one item has been selected i have a button which adds the selected choice to another List Box2
this can be repeated to show Every item the client has selected.

I have linked both List Boxes to the User ID

This all works fine, it reconises the user IDs on every record but i would like the List Box2 to be clear
instead of holding all the previous records data when a new record is created.

Any ideas or am i barking up the wrong tree,

Thanks again.

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How To Clear List Of Recent Database

Jan 25, 2012

When you first open Access 2007 you can see a list of recent databases on the right under the heading 'Open Recent Database.'How do I clear that list?

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List Directory / Folder Contents In A Form

Mar 23, 2005

I have 12 folders (User1 - User12) located in "c:users..."
When I select a UserName from a combo box in a form e.g. User3 , a list of all files with extensions ".doc" in the respective directory (c:usersuser3*.doc) should render with a hyperlink to the file / s.

I have tried variouse "Select Case" and "FileSearch, FoundFiles" scripts, to no avail.

Any assitance would appreciated.

Current Version: Access 2000

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Need To Display A List Of Folder/subfolder Contents

Nov 15, 2006

In access, I need a way to display a list with folder contents, for example...



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Modules & VBA :: Clear SQL Stored Proc Param List

Jan 6, 2014

I am calling a stored proc and passing some params (sql). i need to loop through the execute a few times though before I kill the connection.

I am getting an error saying there are too many params on the second run through. What i need is to clear the param list once it's executed once.

Is this possible or to i need to keep killing the conn then re-connecting to the db?

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Contents Of A Field Based On The Contents Of Another Field

Jul 14, 2006

I'm making a form where the contents of a field is determined on the contents of another field in another form. I thought an IIF function would work, but when I tried it the contents says #NAME.

I put it in the control source.


Any ideas?


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Database Contents GONE!?!?

Jul 26, 2005

I go to open my Access 2000 database this morning and the contents: tables, queries, forms, reports, macros...all gone! The database file is still there, and when I go to view it's properties, I verified that it is the database that I created back in April and not somebody that overwrote my database using the same filename.

Is there any technical explanation as to how this could have happened? Or is it undoubtedly the result of human intervention?

I placed it on a network drive here at work.

I kept a copy thank god, but the copy is a couple weeks old and I'll lose alot of recent data. I've put in a request to have them restore the file from when it was last used Friday.

Just wondering what could have happened so I can prevent this from happening again.


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I Cant See A Table's Contents As It Is

Jan 21, 2007

sorry for the title. i didnt know what to write.
this is the situation:

i have a form where it populates a table in access (ssmdata) from an oracle table w_ssm_data). this works perfectly.

Then the form read the hole new table in access (ssmdata) to update a specific field.

If i open the access table (ssmdata) it is sorted by the flight fields. However, when the form reads the table in order to update the specific field the table seems to not to be sorted by the flight field.

More info:
The ssmdata table in access has many primary keys (flight, departure,arrival,caterer,frequency and aircraft).

If i take a look to the W_ssm_data table in oracle it is not sorted by flight and it is sorted in the same way the form is reading the ssmdata table in access.

table in access:
flight dep arr caterer aircraft frequency
1 a b a 111 67
1 a b a 222 134
2 c s c 111 5

table in oracle:
flight dep arr caterer aircraft frequency
2 c s c 111 5
1 a b a 111 67
65 t h t 252 1

when the update step starts it reads the access table as it looks in oracle. but if i open the table in access it looks sorted by flight.

thx 4 your hlp again, max

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Contents Of Combo Box

Mar 10, 2006

I have a new job at a company that had someone else develop their Access application. My boss has asked me to print out all of the options in several comboboxes so he can have me either add to or delete some of the items in the list.

Is there a way I can copy all of the items in the list of a combobox? :confused: These comboboxes are not bound to any tables.

I hope I have explained this well enough for everyone to understand what I am asking.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Clear A Combo Box

Jan 13, 2006

what's the best way of clearing the contents of a combo box? i don't want to change the row source, just make it blank as though a selection has not been made.

i have two unrelated combo boxes on a form; there will probably be more later. when i pick a value from one i want the other(s) to clear.

on the after update event of each combo i've tried clearing the contents of the other combo with these:

- me.othercombo = null
- me.othercombo = 0
- me.othercombo = ""
- me.othercombo.value = ...
- me.othercombo.undo
- etc.

'= null' clears the other combo.
'= 0' also clears the other combo.

but i think i'm missing something here. each combo also has a cmdbutton that will take the user to another form based on the selection made.

if i use '= 0', the other combo clears but its cmdbutton still works. even if the combo appears to be empty its associated cmdbutton still opens the next form (it should produce a msgbox asking the user to make a selection).

'= null' clears the combo and its cmdbutton produces the appropriate message to make a selection. so that's what i'm using right now. is this the best way? can something = null?

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What Is Best Way To Clear Tables?

Apr 2, 2007

I need to b able to clear records from 3 tables with one click

I tried opening each as a record set and looping through deleting each in turn with a loop, however this I know to be poor practice and it also errors as i cannot delete a record that is part of a relationship.

is there a more suitable way to do this?

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Clear All Values Except N/A

Feb 10, 2008


I have a table setup to enter dates for each person that requires safety quizes for the month those that don't have an "N/A" for the month by thier names.

Each year I have to start over and it is a real pain to manualy delete all the dates for each person for Jan through December.
I only want the dates gone not the name or the N/A values.

Is there a sub or query that will search each record and only delete the dates?


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Clear A Listbox???

Feb 21, 2005

I'm using access 2003, and for some stupid reason they decided to remove the "clear" method from listboxes... In previous access version I could clear a listbox using "listbox.clear", but now I have no idea. Does anyone know a good way to clear listboxes in Access 2003.

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Clear A Form

Apr 12, 2005

Hey all,

I have some code that looks like this to control a form;

Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
Dim UserName As String
Dim Initials As String
Dim Password As String
Dim OutlookName As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

'Check each control, is their a value? if not, set focus to control
If IsNull(txtUserName) Then
MsgBox "You did not enter a new UserName nobby!"
Exit Sub

ElseIf IsNull(txtInitials) Then ' return value of UserName variable;
MsgBox "You have not entered any initials for user: '" & Me!txtUserName & "'"
Exit Sub

ElseIf IsNull(txtPassword) Then
MsgBox "You must create a password for user: '" & Me!txtUserName & "'"
Exit Sub

ElseIf IsNull(txtOutlookName) Then
MsgBox "You must enter a Outlook name for: '" & Me!txtUserName & "'"
Exit Sub

End If
' Pass the variables to the table.
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(("Users"), dbOpenDynaset, [dbSeeChanges])
With rst
![User] = Me!txtUserName
![Password] = Me!txtPassword
![Initials] = Me!txtInitials
![OutlookName] = Me!txtOutlookName
![Level] = 1
![Select] = 0
![dummy] = Null
Set rst = Nothing
End With
End Sub

Private Sub btnCancel_Click()
' Confirm Cancellation Box
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to quit?", vbYesNo, "Caution") = vbYes Then
End If

End Sub

What I really want to do is once the update has occured is set a label I have as hidden, to show and to clear all the controls.

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Clear The Form

Jun 5, 2005

Now I can populate text fields by selecting any one of the combo box selection.

But I need to clear the form to insert next record. Currently I am inserting record by using Save_cmd button. I can insert second record but couldnot clear all the fields after inserting automatically. So I am doing clear all the fields manually or overwriting values.

If there is anyone pl. help me.


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Clear Up Value On Next Record

Feb 16, 2006

Hi everyone

I have a part of the form with the following fields


Address2(street) field is a drop downbox, once selected the area text field will be automatically shown
what I got in AfterUpdate event on Street is as below
Me.txtArea = [cboAddress2].[Column](2)

the problem with this is, even when I move to another record the Area field doesn't clear up which is still using the old Area info that has been selected before,

I belive I have to have some Clear Up function on somewhere, not sure exactly where and what Code will clear up the value,

Can anyone help please!!

Thanks in advance

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Clear Form

May 5, 2006


I would like to put a button on a form I am making so that you can clear it without saving the data.

eg you open the form input a load of data, it is all wrong so you click clear form and start inputting data again

I have the button what do i need to do to get it to do this



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Clear Button

Nov 15, 2006

i have a form that allows to add details to the table "tab_main".

ive got a clear button, it clears all textboxes apart from the textbox "date_issued". i get the following error message:

'Run-time error '2113':

The value you entered isn't valid for this field.'

Why am i getting this?

ive checked the table field and im inputting the right value!

in the command button under EVENT PROCEDURE, im using following code:

Private Sub Command25_Click()

Dim intResponse As Integer

intResponse = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to clear the text Boxs", vbYesNo, Change)

If intResponse = 6 Then
Me.number.Value = " "
Me.username.Value = " "
Me.cost_centre.Value = " "
Me.phone_model.Value = " "
Me.imei.Value = " "
Me.sim_no.Value = " "
Me.puk_code.Value = " "
Me.date_issued.Value = " "


End If

End Sub

Help me!!!! thanks

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Clear Form

Mar 7, 2006

I have a SQL Database that is housing my tables
I have an Access Front end that is Allowing users to view and edit the data residing on the SQL Database.

I have write/modify rights on the database and as such I wrote the code , OnLoad of Form, to Automatically set the Form to "Add Record", thus clearing all the TextBoxes and ComboBoxes. That works alright.

My problem is when a user without write/modify rights opens the Form I am getting an Error "Cannot go to specified Record". If I understand this right this is happening because they do not have suffeciant rights.

How Can I get a form to load and display all the textboxes and ComboBoxes BLANK....this only way I can think of is to set the form to Add Record.


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HELP ! How To Clear A Filter ..................

Jun 14, 2006


How do I clear a filter ? When I re-open a form that is based on a stored parameter query, I get a message about "apply/filter that cannot be applied..."

So, as a result, I put in some code for that command button that closes the form, then reopens it, and I get my prompt from the query. Isnt there a way to clear the filter without closing the form? It looks funny to me and I know the users will have a cow. I sure appreciate any ideas.Im digging around to see what I can do quickly, but I cant find anything that works. thanks a lot!

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Clear On RecordsetChange

Jul 19, 2006

Private sub Form_DatasetChange()
End Sub

I am wanting to move between records but when I return to the records I have just moved from I want to clear some of the text boxes. This code is not working though. Any suggestions

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