Clearing Table In Another Database

Apr 14, 2008

I urgently need a way to clear a table in a different access database, this table is not and connot be a linked table. Please help.



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Command Button Clearing Table?

Apr 27, 2007

Is there a way to have a command button on a form, when pressed change all fields in a Table to show unchecked? I am using a Table that has nothing but Yes/No fields in it. If this is possible, what might the code look like? Table name is "InputH-1".

You guys/girls are awesome! Thanks in advance for all your help!

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Modules & VBA :: Clearing Values From Excel Table

Nov 25, 2014

I'm trying to set up code to clear values from an excel sheet. I need to leave the header row in place, and clear data from the sheet. Here's what I have:


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub ClearSignUsedXL()
Dim wb As Object

[Code] ....

This has been alternately throwing me a 438 Object doesn't support this method error and a 1004 Application or Object defined error as I've tried variations on Range, Row, Delete, Select etc.

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Clearing A Field........

Apr 28, 2005

Hi All, I'm looking for a simple way to clear a all of a specific field in a table (check box). I've put a control on the form but I'm not sure what/how to make it work. Any ideas/suggestions welcome. Thanks, Tim

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Clearing Question

Nov 28, 2006

I'm developing a database with a field call tag. Users are tagging records by puting specific numbers into that field. It works well, but I need to clear them.
I need a button on a form that once I press it will automaticly clear tag field for all the records. Any ideas?

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Clearing Up Data

Mar 21, 2006

Hi all

Im not sure what is the best way to go about this.

I have a table with 8000 records and on one of the fields the department name is wrong. eg should be "Marketing", but some records have the name "Marke" or "Marketi"

Is there an easy way to update this field to add on the missing characters ?

Thanks in advance

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Clearing A Filter

Nov 27, 2005

On a form I have 2 search unbound fields called keysearchword and guestsearchword. Each has an On Exit event that performs their respective searches.

If IsNull([Keysearchword]) Then
strLinkCriteria = "[Keywords] Like '*'"
strLinkCriteria = "[Keywords] Like '*" & Me!Keysearchword & "*'"
End If

DoCmd.OpenForm strDocName, , , strLinkCriteria

However, after the first find, I see a "(filtered)" next to the correctly displayed records. At this point however, I can't even get the cursor into the second guestsearchword field.

What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?

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Automatically Clearing Data

Feb 1, 2006

I have been tweaking my friend's database for him. I included some sample data in the main table (ficticious names and addresses etc.) and in a linked table.

I want to leave the sample data in so my friend understands how the database works. However, once he has tested it, he will want to blank those tables (not all tables, though), and reset the primary keys to start from 1 again.

Can I have a button on a form that will do this? Obviously with an OK/cancel message box. If so, how?

The tables are called Main and Workshops.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Clearing Parameter In Query

Aug 31, 2007

I have a query parameter that I'm running from a form and it works fine the first time. Pops up and asks me for the parameter with no problem and the query runs fine. However, if I run the same query again it doesn't ask me for the parameter - it just takes whatever I entered the first time. How do I clear this so it always asks me for the parameter?

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Clearing Password Input Box

Apr 21, 2005

I have set up a simple password system to allow someone to have access to some forms within my database that I don't want others to see. I have created a pop up form for the password based on using the Input Mask Password. The password log in works fine but the password stays in the input box so if another user clicks on the button that brings up the password pop up form, all they have to do is press enter or click the command button and they are through.
How can I get the password input box to clear itself - probably on closing the password form?
I'm sure it's a simple piece of code but my knowledge of VB is limited and everything I have tried brings up an error of one sort or another.
Thanks for any help.

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Clearing Fields In A Form

May 8, 2006

I have a one page form set up into 4 different sections. Each section has its own command. First section is Radio buttons with a drop down list. The next three are text boxes. I have a rather simple question, next to my OK command button I want a to create a button that will say "Clear" and I want it to clear the text inside the text field but if possible to clear the radio buttons and the drop down list too. Its not a main concern about radio buttons because you can just unclick it. But I was not sure what the VB is for clearing text inside a text box.
Thank you.

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Clearing A Textbox In A Form

Oct 12, 2006

I have a command button on a form which i would like to click on to clear all the textbox on a form. Witihn the event procedure of the command button i have tried cylindernumber = "". This does clear the text box however it deletes the information from the table to, which i do not want to happen. I just wnat the text box to be clear once the button is clicked on without deleting the information from the table.

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Clearing Fields On Form Or...?

Apr 16, 2008

I'm looking for a way to clear the fields from a form after I finish entering data into all the fields (enter button or something). The form only displays one record at a time. My problem is that after a distraction (phone call, etc) I sometimes wind up coming back and entering data in the last displayed record which messes up that record. Or is there a way to automatically advance to a blank form when finished with a record?......


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Clearing MS Outlook Reminder

Dec 28, 2005

I have created an email message to be sent via a closing button on a form, using the DoCmd.SendObject command. It all works fine except that MS Outlook then puts a message box on the screen with a countdown bar saying that MS Access is trying to access Outlook and to press Yes if this is to be allowed.

Is there any way that I can disable this message box please. I appreciate that this is more an Outlook problem than an Access one, but some database programmer has probably come across the same problem before.

Many thanks

Newcastle, UK

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Clearing Fields In A Form

May 8, 2006

I have a one page form set up into 4 different sections. Each section has its own command. First section is Radio buttons with a drop down list. The next three are text boxes. I have a rather simple question, next to my OK command button I want a to create a button that will say "Clear" and I want it to clear the text inside the text field but if possible to clear the radio buttons and the drop down list too. Its not a main concern about radio buttons because you can just unclick it. But I was not sure what the VB is for clearing text inside a text box.
Thank you.

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Forms :: Requery Not Clearing Box

Mar 13, 2013

i have a form with cascading combo boxes, all of which are set to requery the combo boxes below, however i have one which is Service SubType, and it should requery Provider and Subjective, however it only clears the Provider and the previously selected subjective is still there, when you click on the downarrow it does give you the new list of subjectives.

my code looks like this:
Private Sub cmbServiceSubType_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

how to get it to clear the boxes I have asked it to requery.

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Clearing Tables Results In Nonworking Db

Oct 5, 2004

I finally finished the database.

So I decided to remove all the test data.

Now I get errors like

the linkmasterfields property has produced this error "the object doesnt contain the automation object

when I try to enter new, live data.

Also, I get

The microsoft jet database engine cannot find a record in the table ... with key matching fields ...

I know the fields are there. I know it works. What in heavens name is going on????

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Automatically Clearing The YesNo Boxes

Oct 25, 2004

Hi all. I'm just getting into Access, so I am still learning pratically everything. Here is my issue-

To learn Access (2000), I have created a very simple database (from scratch) for creating a grocery shopping list.
The database works very nice and is useful to creating a shopping list. I created a table of grocery items with a YesNo field indicating that the item is to be put on the grocery list. I then created a form that shows the stores (that I shop at) with a subform that shows the grocery items on the list. The subform can be altered so I can check the box (for the YesNo field) for the items for the grocery list. Then I print a report that displays the grocery list based on the Yes in the checkbox.

What I would like to do is to be able to clear the check boxes all at once when I create a new gorcery list. This way I do not have to go through 50 items and manually unchecking the boxes before creating a new grocery list.

Is there a way to do this? I appreciate any responses- I am a hardware troubleshooting pro, but not fluent in programming- So please go slow !!!

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Problem With Clearing Combobox In Access2003

Feb 10, 2006

I am using Microsoft Access 2003. I want to clear the contents of a combobox in vba code. I found that there used to be a method called cmbbox.clear() but cant find this method in Access2003. Can someone throw some light on this.

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Clearing Buttons From An Option Box Menu

Jun 20, 2006

I have a switchboard which gives two selections. Upon selecting a menu item, the new menu appears. If I select from this new menu, it runs as it should do. However, upon returning to this second menu, the button remembers where it was instead of being cleared to select the same item, if desired, again. How can the option box button be cleared as do the switchboard buttons?

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Forms :: Clearing Multiple Checkboxes?

Dec 12, 2013

I have a form register with student names and three columns with checkboxes showing whether they were present, absent or late. The form runs an append query that records the data into a historical table, however on submission the checkboxes remain ticked. way to clear the checkboxes once the data has been submitted?

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Queries :: Clearing List Box Then Requery

Sep 24, 2013

I have two list box that control 5 subforms. i have a Run button that works in sorting the subforms according to the listbox. I have a rest button that i want to clear the selections of the listbox and then requery the subforms as if the criteria were null - or return all records. i have the selections clearing, it is just my forms are not "going back to all" on the requery.

Private Sub Command62_Click()
Dim varItm As Variant
With clinicLbx
For Each varItm In .ItemsSelected
.Selected(varItm) = False
Next varItm
End With


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General :: Clearing Text In Specified Columns

Oct 31, 2013

I am creating a database that keeps track of everyone who is currently "In" at work. I am giving a set number of people "administrative" access to the backend where they can view the status of everyone. The plan is to have them export each daily report into an Excel document. Every morning when the administrator comes in, he/she will need to click a button that clears everyones status so they can start over. The employees names and payscale stays the same and does not clear.

I am all about automation! If there is a way where the specified fields automatically clear, say after midnight.

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General :: Clearing A Date Combo Box

Oct 7, 2013

What do I use in VB to set a date combo box to nothing. In other words I want the combo box to be blank after an update event.

This does not work
Me![Combo2] = " "

I get an error "the value you entered isn't valid for this field" ....

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Multiple Checkbox Filtering And Clearing?

Dec 4, 2012

1. I have a table with 5 check box columns, I would like to filter the records that have no check marks in any of the columns, but keep the records if there it is checked off in any of the columns. Is this possible? I am a beginner with access.

2. Is there a way to removed checked entries all at once so i have a clean slate to use for a different report?

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Handling Errors In Subforms And Clearing Data

Jul 8, 2004

Picking up on some previous conversations with people, I have a form (Interconnect Register) within a database that I am trying to add a "cancel" button to which would close the form without saving. I can do this now, but the problem is there is a subform (Sheetsubfrom) within the main form. I have struggled to get the subform data to clear (was trying to use the DIRTY property but it wouldn't work - believe me, spent ages on it!) but have now got the following in place which I thought would work.

Private Sub Command41_Click()
Dim retval As Integer

'Check main form
On Error GoTo Sub_Form:
Forms![Interconnect Register].SetFocus
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, acUndo, , acMenuVer70

On Error GoTo Error_Handle:

Forms![Interconnect Register]![SheetSubform].SetFocus
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, acUndo, , acMenuVer70

End Sub

The problem has come full circle, in that when nothing has been changed ie nothing to cancel, an error occurs saying "nothing to undo". I believe this is something to do with having an error handling procedure nested within another error handling procedure, as from what I can make out from the help files Access backtracks to the level above. So when I have an error in the Sub_Form part, the whole thing crashes.

Any ideas guys and gals? I could try posting then DB on here if that would help, providing I can zip it up ok



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