Click Thumbnail Image To View Original?

Dec 26, 2006

How can I enable a user to click a thumbnail image or other object on a form that will open the bigger orginal image file in a separate browser window (or other photo viewer)?


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Thumbnail Images To Full View Image?

Dec 14, 2006

My database contains an embedded thumbnail image, one per record, and I would like to be able to click something on the form of that record to open the full-size image in a picture-viewer of my choosing.

Can someone give me some direction?


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Queries :: Double Click On Results In Order To Go To Original Record Or See More Details

Jun 2, 2015

Is it possible to once you have run a query be able to somehow double click on the results in order to either go to original record or see more details? Similar to "show details" in excel?

I have made some queries that are working well however they are specific in nature and once found display a list of results. I have left a field that uniquely identify them and are after a quick way to view the details of the results from the query rather than take the ID# and manually search the original table.

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Click Image Hyperlink In Form To Load Image To Form

Jun 16, 2006

Hi guys,

I'm in desperate need of help and want to know if it is possible to load an image on a form once a hyper link is created.

For example, I have a form with a hyper link to an image created, currently, when you click on the hyperlink, it opens the picture in the browser, can you change it so that it loads teh image embedded into the form instead of loading it into a browser?

If so, how?


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Forms :: Click On A Image Opens A Folder

Jul 13, 2014

how can i make a folder from my windows 7 opens when i click on a image?

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General :: Click On Image In Form And Leave A Mark

Jan 30, 2013

I have a form with an image embedded in it. I want to be able to click on the image and leave a "dot" or "mark" where i have clicked, allowing me to click in multiple places on the image and leave multiple "dots"

I am assuming i need to crate a new shape each time i click, how is this done?

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Forms :: Change Image Back Color On Click

Apr 30, 2014

I have images in my form, say, Image1 and Image2 . The default background color for all of them are white. If the user click image1, the background color has to be red. If the user click image2, the background has to change to red and the image1 retains its default color ( White ).

I have six images to loop through these. Image1 to image6.

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View Attached Image

Sep 21, 2006

Okay, my boss gave me this killer project and I just have a brief question to see if anyone thinks I can do this.

Right now, I have a database for business card management.

I have 2 tables

1)Contact Info - Has various contact info fields
2)Business Card Table - Have 2 fields, CardID and Card (field is OLE object to attach business card to the database.

I have the CardID field in a relationship with the same field in Contact Info.

I have 2 questions:

1) I am using Access 2000, and would like to know if there is a way to allow the OLE field to be a jpg attachable field. I did not see it as an option, only .bmp Cry

2) Is there a way, that when I pull the information up in a form, it can display the attached business card that is attached to the database?

What can I do?

Thanks for any help in advance.

Shannon Ann

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Display Linked Image In Form View

Mar 12, 2014

I want to display the linked image in form view. 'ole object' has the property 'display type' as content or icon. but both settings shows only the icon and file name. 'attachment' field does show image in form view but attaching images (jpeg or png) will increase database size.

what is the solution?

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Forms :: Access 2010 / Show Image Based On Click Continuous Form Record?

Oct 29, 2014

I have continuous form in Access 2010 and I would like when user will click on record, the image, for instance, imgTest become visible for that record. But for other records the image not visible. How it to do?

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Reports :: Can Get Image To Show In Report Print View

May 29, 2013

I have a report which gets it's records from a table which has OLE Object data type being a "file.jpg". can I get the image to show in the report print view and also print it with the report?

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Thumbnail In Access

Feb 6, 2007


I am sorry if this subject has been covered before, but I couldn’t find it. I am making a Library booking system, for a University project and I would like to add a feature, that when a CD, Book or DVD is viewed there will be a small image of the cover with the information of the viewed item. I have pretty much just started using access and have watched a few video tutorials, so I know the basics, but I’m having trouble with this. Any help you can offer will be greatly received.


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Forms :: Click On ID In Subform Datasheet To Open Single Form View

Apr 3, 2014

I have a Project form, which holds StockArtProduction_Subform in datasheet view. I need for them to be able to click on the ID in the StockArtProduction_Subform datasheet and it open a single view form (StockArtProduction) with the correlating ID.

Ideally, it would also work for new entries in the StockArtProduction_Subform, but the StockArtProduction form would have to "auto populate" (did I use it right?) with the ID of the currently open Project form.

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Reports :: Selected Field From Table Not Show Up When Click View Report?

Aug 30, 2013

I am using access 2007. I click on a table for example. I then click blank report to make a report.

I then insert a text box and then go to control source to select a field from that table. The field doesn't show up when i click view report?

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Thumbnail As OLE Objects In Database

Jul 11, 2005


I want to display 8 thumbnail images at a time per form of records that matched a search critera in a form. But it seems like a form is suppose only to have one record at a time? I want to have a "next 8 thumbs"-button so it gets easy to browse the pictures.

I'm very thankful if you could help me with this! Please give me some advice.


Best regards

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Forms :: Display Appointments For A Dentist And Click Customer And View Their Teeth Details

Feb 1, 2015

I am creating a dentist booking system and i need some way to display appointments today for a certain dentist and then from their to click the customer and view their teeth details that the dentist will use to update...

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Modules & VBA :: Changing Image Path - Set Picture Property Of Image

Dec 4, 2014

I have a form that I would like to update a picture on using VBA. The source of the picture path is in part a query that is not bound to the form. So far I have the following code that is pretty much working, but with a couple flaws.

Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub
Sub LoadDefaultPicture()
Dim db As DAO.Database

[Code] ....

This is working. However, when I change the record the picture flashes the current picture once and then loads the new picture. It is like it reloads the current picture then loads the new one. I'm hoping there is a way to get rid of the flash.

Also, the code fails here:
strDefaultPictureName = rs.Fields("AttachmentName")

When the query does not return a record. I can definitely fix this by adding an if statement to check for a record, but I'm kind of perplexed at why it is failing at that line. I would expect it to assign an empty string to that variable name and then fail on the next command where I try and set the ".Picture" property of the image.

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How To Embedd Image In Image Control Using Imagelist.

Feb 6, 2005

Hi all ,
Can anyone tell me about how to embedd image in image control using imagelist.
I added the 5 images in imagelist at design time and added the following code.
but iam getting error.error no :2110,cannot open the file .
thank u,

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General :: How To Reference Original Records ID

Apr 8, 2014

So I have a list of records in a continuous form. Within that record is a checkbox called GRT. GRT stands for Gross Receipts Tax, when it is checked I have an after update event that adds a new auto-generated record for the GRT entry. The new record copies the date from the origional record, calculates GRT from the origional records amount field and some other things like that to create the new record. Creating the GRT record entry has went well.

But, if the user removes the GRT checkbox from, or deletes the origional record, I need to delete the corresponding auto-created GRT record. I thought I could do this by simply grabbing the origional records ID and copying it into the auto-generated records field called "AssociatedID".

Problem is, when I reference the origional records record ID, it always comed in as "-1". I can display the ID on the form and it shows correct, but if I msgbox the records ID, it shows as "-1". I cannot figure out how to capture the origional records ID so I can insert it into the new auto-generated record so the two records are linked so I can later use that link to delete the proper associated record.

How do I reference the original records ID.

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Forms :: Change Combo Box To Original Value?

Jun 11, 2014

I maintain a large database of employees. I have a form with a combo box (cmb_department) which I can use to select a particular department. I have written an After Update event procedure which updates the relevant fields on the form after I've selected a department - e.g. their new manager's name, phone number, etc. based on my departments table.

Here is my code, which works well:

Private Sub cmb_department_AfterUpdate()
If (Me.is_leaver = "" Or IsNull(Me.is_leaver)) And (Not IsNull(Me.employee_number)) Then
MsgBox "This member of staff is an internal HEY employee. Their departmental details will not change to that of the department, however they can still be set up with GP Browser access."

[Code] ....

However, I'd like to do two things which I'm currently unable to get working...

1. If I delete the department name from the box, or select a NULL value, I get a VBA error - run time error 94, invalid use of Null. I will sometimes want to select a Null value to "unassign" a person from this particular type of department but I'd like a way of selecting a Null value and having it simply set to Null which if the form's default value for this field.

2. As you can see I have a MsgBox which checks to ensure you want to overwrite the existing data for the member of staff. If I select Yes then it overwrites. If I select No I'd like for it to set the value of cmb_department back to the PREVIOUS value. At the moment my script sets it to NULL which doesn't really work - for example, say someone is currently set to the Sales department, and I accidentally click to change them to the Warehouse department, I'd like clicking "No" to revert them back to Sales...

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Deleting Duplication But Keeping Original

Jun 12, 2013

I would like to execute a code to remove the duplications in the MS Access Query but keeping one one data of the duplications.

For example, in the below data, I want to check for the data in the column Part No. The part number 123 and 234 are repeated twice so I want to delete the part no 123 and 234 that repeated second time and keeping the one data.

I'm complete new to MS Access.

Part No


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Code Triggered From Label On Click Behaves Differently From Command Button On Click

Nov 7, 2006

Often I use Labels as buttons due to the fact I can colour them the way I want, and use the on click event to trigger code.
The code below however works for a command button, but not a label button.

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmdatetime"
Do While Forms!frmdatetime!OKFlag.Caption = "False"

When this code is run by clicking on a command button, it works fine.
If run by clicking on a label, frmdatetime opens, but the mouse will not work on either of the 2 open forms unless you go down to the windows task bar, jump onto another window, and back onto frmdatetime.
If I remove the loop with the DoEvents in it, then the problem does not occur.

Can anyone enlighten me as to why this behaviour occurs.



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General :: Can't Copy A Form When Editing The Original?

Sep 19, 2013

In A2010 I maintain a database originally created in A2003. The original version was locked down tight. In A2010 I struggled to do the same but got there in the end, as well as allowing me a back door way in.

Now I have an unexpected problem - in the object browser (or whatever it's called) on the left hand side I can no longer copy any object. EG, I want to copy a form for safe keeping while I edit the original.

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Concatenated Fields And Writing To Original Table

Nov 3, 2014

I concatenated 2 fields CR_Numbers: = CR_Number & [Sub Number] to display 12.01: from 12 and 1. I am now wanting to lookup the CR_Numbers to edit or add information into other fields.

I want to use a pop up form to edit/add data without having the form add an entire row to the table. How do I reference the Table ID so that it will go to the equivalent row to add the data in?

Main Table = Change Request
Email Table = AORB_Email
Fields in Form!AORB_EMail: Change Request (CR_Numbers), Priority (Pri_Name), Hours (Hour)

I plan on using the Priority and Hours in the email to set some dates and expiration times as well as in the subject of the email. I have figured out the email setup, and if I manually fill in the Priority and Hours fields everything works as it should.

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Changing Recordsource Then Go Back To Original - Query Is Faster

Oct 11, 2006

I have some drop downs on my form, which has some code that decides which recordsource to use.
When I first select an option from the drop down, the query takes 10 seconds to load data.
I then select another option, which runs a different query, which takes x seconds.
If I then select the original option from the dropdown, the data loads onto the form in less than a second.

Why is there a delay the first time round and not the next? Has Access saved some kind of query plan? If so, why doesn't it save it permanently?

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General :: IIF Syntax For Returning Original Character If False

Apr 9, 2013

I have an access query where i want to write a syntax to return US if my table field is blank, but return the original field characters if not blank

this is what i have so far, not sure how to specify return original characters if not blank?


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