The database that I currently work with has the option chosen to compact and repair on close so that if I am not present when there is trouble the users can close the db and the problem is usually corrected. I currently have a close button on the Main switchboard that closes the db. Is there a way to make a button or another way that will close the db that will by pass the compact and repair choice? I know that I can use task manager, but that usually creates db1, db2 and so on.
i have close button on my form made thru the command button. But it does not show an error message when the form closes if information has not been entered in the reqired fields. it does not save the field though. how can i get the error messages to be shown before the form closes asking the suer to enter the missing data. thanks
I have a form that is loaded through a hyperlink from another form. On this form I have placed a command button which closes the form (DoCmd.Close) I have also used the full syntax including form name and no save prompt. When i close this form using the command button I get a request for two paramter values that are used in queries in this form (I don't want this to happen) when I click the close button on the control box "X" this doesn't happen also it doesn't happen if I use file close. This problem only occurs on some of the slower machines in my workplace, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The is one combo box on the form in question which is set to run a macro after update, this macro requeries the 52 list boxes on the form.
I am building a database to track employees. I have a form to input the personal information and want to close this form and open a new form to input the employee's training information. I have a cmd button to open the Training form for the individual, however I can not make it close the employee input form.
i am abit confused.. i have a save button on my form.. this is where field validation occurs and where the closeForm statement is (at the end). I need to keep the form's "X" button enabled.. how would i go about doing this exactly.. can i keep what i currently have (in the cmdSave_click event) and in the form_close event i can maybe have if me.dirty then... call my cmdSave_click event?.. Else.. closeform. Is this the right way to go about it??.. if so.. will my formClose statement (in my cmdSave_click event) be alright?
I use a close button to close a form. There is list box in this Form. If the list box is empty, then simly close the form. However, if there are projects in the list box, I want to give a warning. If the user say YES, then everything in the listbox will be deleted and the form will be closed. If user say NO, tehn the form will not be closed. They then can use anotehr button to save teh projects.
I wrote the follwing code. The delete portion itself works. But it seesm comfused with msgbox. Could you pelase help me correct this code? Thank you very much for your help.
lbDestination -- list box name
Private Sub Close_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Close_Click
If IsNull(Me.lbDestination) Then DoCmd.Close Exit Sub End If
If MsgBox("You have unsaved initiatives. Are you sure you want to close?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, _ "Delete?") = vbYes Then
Dim rsDestination As DAO.Recordset Set rsDestination = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbInit", dbOpenDynaset)
rsDestination.MoveFirst Do While Not rsDestination.EOF
I have a form which I want to disable the close button. On the properties of the form I set Close Button option to 'NO'. When I open the form the form close button is disable, but as soon as I maximse this screen, the close button becomes enabled again. Any Ideas as to why this is happening and how I can disable this button comlpetely on this form?
I have a database that uses a switchboard with a close button that runs several instructions before it exits. The problem is that some users have access to the database window and I need to prevent them from closing the database by hitting the X in the upper right.
I have a startup splash screen with a "OK" button, similar to Nortwind database. The OK button works as far as opening my switchboard page. But how do I get the Splash screen to close after I click the OK button? So I can see my switchboard page.
I am tying to create a cmd btn called "Report" that when clicked opens a form [quick report] in dialog window. I have that done easy enough. But what I want is if that form [quick report] is open, and you click the same button "Report" for it to then close the form.
I have to write a code in a form so that if nobody is doing any activity for 5 minutes then after 5 minutes automatically press Close button named BtnClose in that form.
Everytime i want to make some changes to my "Testing" Database , always got somebody using it / opening it...
I am trying to create a button , the function of the button is close "Testing" access database who using it or opening it , Example : 5 users included me in a company , when I click a button , 4 of them will received a notification with close "Testing" database message , can do that ?
Getting error '2450' when click Access close button to exit.
Run-time error '2450': ECN cannot find the referenced form 'frmLogin'.
Note: After login my login form is visible to, cause to get login user id into "frmECN" Form. But When I'm in "frmECN" Form and enter data then close to exit Access main close button I'm getting 2450 error.
I am at my Login Screen, I want it to return to the Login Screen if you select "NO" and Close the DB if "YES"
Here is my current code:
Private Sub Form_Close() If MsgBox("Would you like to EXIT the Database?", vbYesNo, "Quiting Database") = vbYes Then Application.Quit Else ??? End If End Sub
I'm just about done with my database and will be putting it on the user's computer shortly. How often, generally, should we compact and repair the DB? Is this something I should set as an event everytime the file is closed? Is there any disadvantage to doing it too often?
I have a database that will not compact (using 97) the error message I get is the microsoft jet engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the data at the same time.
I copied this database on my desk top, and absolutely no one is using it. I can 'repair" it, but not compact it.
Hi, I have a problem compacting a database. i used to do this all the time at my old job, yet here at my new company, all I get is the usual blank Access screen, the sandtimer mouse icon, and if I select any other program in Windows and the switch back to Access, it crashes "MS Access (not responding)
I appear to be having problems with the Compact/Repair feature of MS Access. When I compact/repair an .mdb file, even if it is empty (no tables, no queries, no forms, etc) access will make a db1.mdb file, but not follow up with the rename. I have had no troubles with a large multiuser database for the last 5 years and just recently noticed the db1.mdb, db2.mdb, etc appearing.
When compacting a database on a network an extra database is created and left called db1.mdb. I don't see this problem when compacting locally. Any suggestions?
Since we have installed the latest Windows critical security updates, upon closing an Access database, the database gets corrupted. Error code is c000020c.