Close Form Leaves Grey Space

Oct 23, 2005

Hopefully just a simple one??? I am using a popup form to input data into a display form which is on one page of a tabbed control. The display form updates through an afterupdate requery command. This all seems to work OK but when I enter the new record via the popup form then close it, it leaves a greyed out space and I lose input ability. I need to close down and when opened up all records are OK. If I drag the popup box on the screen it leaves a grey trail behind it. Any ideas on what could be the problem?


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Open For Append Leaves Additional Characters.

Mar 2, 2007


I´m using the open for append method to write to a text file which is then converted to an xml file.

I loop through some lines in excel and for each line I´m writing it to the text file.

The problem is every string begins with " in the xml and ends with the return character. This means it doesn´t work as an xml file.

Does the write command leave these things or have I done something wrong?


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Forms :: Web Browser Control Leaves Process Running After Quitting Application

Jul 1, 2014

I'm on Access 2010

I am using a web browser control on one of my forms The problem is that when I close my application down, after using the form with the wbc, an access process keeps running in the background. More severe: every time I start my app again and close it, another access process is added to the processes that are already running.

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Grey-out Txtbox

Mar 30, 2006

I have a form that has several fields that a user will enter data. When finished, the data is inserted into a table. Works great. What I want to do now is look at one of the fields entered and if it is equal to a certain value, I want to disable one of the other text boxes (fields) on the form AND pop a screen that will allow the user to enter a list of names that will update a different table.

So, if user inputs a directory name GENERIC, the txtScriptName box needs to be disabled/greyed-out and I need a form to pop so the user can put in a list of script names. If any other directory name is entered, the txtScriptName box needs to remain editable. (For directories equal to GENERIC, there will be multiple script names instead of just one)

I've been successful at getting the form to pop if GENERIC is entered but can't figure out how to grey-out the txtScriptName field. I tried using Me.txtScriptName Locked in the Before Update of the preceding field but it didn't work - could still update the txtScriptName field.

Any other sugestions?


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Grey/disable Fields

Sep 16, 2005

quick question... i have a form with a "Save" button. i wanna disable/grey all the fields when user push the button, so they will not be able to make change... please help.

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Grey Option Button

May 23, 2006


I have a group of option buttons. A user can select more than one. However, currently all of the option buttons have a grey spot in them except for the first one which is blank. I want all of the option buttons to be blank.

Any thoughts?


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Grey Box Inside The Checkbox

Oct 13, 2006

I have a checkbox that has a grayed out box inside of it. What causes this/ what is it? I looked up the record and there should be a checkmark in the box. In the table it is set to have one.

I know that if the prefeances of Enables is set to No then all of the check box and the text label box is all grayed out, But in my case it is only the inner part of the box…. (And it is a Checkbox…)

The box name is ABC1 and it just reads the record, that’s it... It is used for reports later down the road. So there is not any code set to this check box.

Anyone have any ideas?



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Empty Space Around The Form

Feb 15, 2006

I started creating the form, thought I'd have a larger size form. Then I found
that all of the users have a screen resolution of 800x600 and I was using
1024x768. So I reworked the form so that it would fit onto their screensbetter.
I moved things around, put this over there temporarily,
put that down there, pulled this out of the way, etc., so for a brief time
my form was twice as big as it normally is.

Now the sliders are way out there on my form and they won't go back. So I
have a huge amount of blank space around my form and it appears to the
user as though there's something out there. How can I shrink it back down?

Here's a picture, notice how most of it is empty space?:

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Cascading Combo Box - Grey Out If No Options

Aug 1, 2006

I have a form with two cascading combo boxes. The options available in the second box depend on what is selected from the first.

Some of the selections which can be made in the first box do not have any options to be selected in the second box and so it currently just pops down empty.

Is there a way that I can make the second box "greyed out" if there are no options for it?



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Forms :: Remove Grey Bar From SubForm

Nov 3, 2013

This seems like a really simple question but I have searched everywhere and can't find a solution.

I have a main form with a subform. The subform is in datasheet view.

How do I remove the grey bar from the left of the subform. I.e the row selectors where you click to highlight the entire row

I have attached an image in case

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Help Re Creating A Space For Comments On A Form PLEASE!!

Feb 6, 2006

Help please!!!!

Firstly, I would apologise as I am not overly familiar with the correct terminology!

I need to create a "space" on my form whereby I can add comments etc which will exceed 255 characters: these comments will be specific to each record. I have tried having an "unbound" text box in design view but this makes the comments the same on each record.

I know this is probably "as clear as mud" but if anyone can help I would be really grateful.



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Odd Query Problem Giving Me Grey Hairs.

Mar 10, 2008

I have a query that updates a field on a table with the value in another field. When I run the query from the Access control panel, the query does exactly what it should do, 100% perfect. When I call the query using DoCmd.OpenQuery in VBA in an OnClick function on a form, it does not work properly, only appending certain amounts of information, leaving some fields blank.Can anyone shed some light on this.the SQL for the query is:UPDATE tblHolding SET tblHolding.CostGRV = [tblHolding]![OrderCost]WHERE ((([tblHolding].[Item Code])=[tblHolding]![Item Code]));It populates another field in the same record in the same table as itself.tblHolding is populated by a Subform on the Form that has the button that calls this query when clicked.Hope I am making sense.

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General :: Using Check Box To Grey Out Certain Text Fields

Oct 24, 2013

I am trying to use a check box to either grey out certain text field(s). For example If the box is checked true then certain fields would become available to input data. If the box is not checked it stays grayed out.

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Forms :: Blank Space At Bottom Of Form

Feb 20, 2014

I have a continuous pop up form which, at the most, will contain about 10 records. The ten records take up less than half the screen space - but there is a bottom half to the form - even though there is nothing there. How can I get rid of the unused space on my form?

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How To Get Rid Of Empty Space In Detail Section Of Form

Mar 13, 2014

I made a form with a subform - in the form header it just has the title, in the details it has details about level 1, then in the footer it has level 2 with all records assigned to level 1's ID. My problem is in form view the detail section takes up half the page, I only need it to take up an inch or so. I tried dragging it in design view and it seems to work in design view but once i switch to form view it still takes up half the page. I also tried changing the numerical height for the detail section in properties but it wont change.

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Modules & VBA :: When Press Space Key On Keyboard It Will Exit From Form

Jan 13, 2015

i want that when i press the space key on my keyboard oi will exit from the form. i searched on the interne t but i couldn't find the proper one. I don't know exactly what i have to write in vba.

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Forms :: Hide Form Controls And Resulting White Space

Sep 20, 2013

I have a checkbox that determines whether or not to display certain form controls. How can I also hide the resulting white space that comes from hiding the form controls?

Can I put all of the controls in some sort of container and hide the container? The form objects are all displayed in order, so it shouldn't cause issue.

Can I create a subform for the objects and hide it? This would make the main and subforms based off of the same table.

Occam's Razor would be the preferred philosophy in this case. Nothing too fancy is needed.

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Prevent Form From Displaying New Record And Save It When Form Requery Or Close

Aug 26, 2014

I have a split form that's like a list of pending tasks. The data source is a linked SharePoint 2013 list where users submit requests. The user takes the information from each record and performs an action. When it is done, the user presses a button and the task status changes from "Pending" to "Processed". The form record source is based on a query that finds only records with a status of "Pending" so when the user changes the status of the task, it is removed from the list. It works fine except when there is only one task left in the work list. If the user processes the last task, the form refreshes and it goes to a new empty record and I get an error message that says I must enter a value into one of the required fields. I tried making the field non-required but it just creates an empty record in the table.

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Forms :: Requery Form And Subform After Popup Form Close

Aug 19, 2013

I tried all sorts of permutations of the requery command but apparently I'm too dense to figure it out.

Form 1
subform 1 > button to open pop up form
subform 2
subform 3

I'm trying to requery a combo box (inside of subform 1) based on a table that is updated from the pop up form.

On pop up form close, what's the correct syntax for re-querying subform 1?

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Modules & VBA :: Removing Form Instance From Collection Does Not Close Form

Nov 17, 2014

I am using the method from allen browne [URL] .... to open a form and add it to a collection and when removing it it closes. actually, usually it does work so but i have now a form which does not close until i am hitting the reset button in VBE , is there something i could check why it's not functioning as desired ?

Just to add, this form has a subForm as well (might be the cause ?)

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Modules & VBA :: Close Form With Another Form Saving Record First

Jul 30, 2015

I have a timer form which closes the database after a period of time with DoCmd.Quit. Another form is open at this point but if a user has left it in the middle of editing it I want to be able to save the record in the other form and close it before the timer form closes the database.

What VBA do I need in the timer form to save the record and close the other form before DoCmd.Quit? Just to be clear the code is...

Private Sub Form_Timer()
On Error Resume Next
Me.Tag = Val(Me.Tag) - (Me.TimerInterval / 1000)
Me.Caption = "The database will exit in " & Me.Tag & " seconds"
If Val(Me.Tag) <= 0 Then


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Close The Form

Mar 1, 2007

When the user clicks to close the form the Before Update event runs, and has the following code to check that all the required fields are completed:

If IsNull(Me.ToxReceived) Then
stdresponse = (MsgBox("You must enter the toxicology received date before continuing." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _
"Do you want to do that now? Click YES to return to complete the form, click NO to undo the record", vbYesNo, "Missing Data"))

If stdresponse = vbYes Then

Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
End If

If the user clicks no, and the record is undone, how do I get the close form event to still continue?


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When I Close The Form

May 9, 2005

i put a button that run the command "docmd.close" but i found when i click it it close the form but with saving all data in field in the table, but this button should cancel record insertion, i hope i can find the answer here.

Thank you
Best Regards

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When [How?] To Close A Form..

May 13, 2005

I have a form that I want only to be opened from another form (i.e. the user presses a button from form1 and form2 is magically displayed).

My solution: In form2, I check to see if form1 is open in "use" mode. If not, I display a message and close form2.

The problem: The close code (docmd.close) is at the beginning of Form_Current. Apparently, Form_Current doesn't like to be interrupted. I receive a run-time error 2585 (This action can't be carried out while processing a form or report event).

Ok, so, umm, how exactly am I supposed to close the form? I tried the check during Form_Load instead, using the cancel variable instead of the docmd.close. However, I don't think this code got executed. It's almost like the form was already loaded or the Form_Load occurs after Form_Current (In my handy chart here, it says that Form_Current occurs when a form containing data is first opened and when you move to a different record.. so, I suppose it is possible).

Any thoughts?

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Close Form

Jan 13, 2006

I'm trying to close one form by using a button on another. This is my code:

DoCmd.Close acForm, frmSimCount

It dosen't work but comes up with an error:

Run-time errer '2493'

This action requires an object name.

I thought that was the name of the form, which is frmSimCount, could someone put me in the right direction please.

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Form Won't Close

Dec 9, 2012

why a form won't close. Each time I try to I am prompted to save and when I do, the form doesn't close. When I closed the DB and reopened, none of the changes were saved.

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