Code For Closing All Opened Forms

Jun 28, 2014

I would like to ask if there is a way so that using vba code to be able to closed any opened form in my database.

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Forms :: How To Use Data On A Form When Running Code Before Closing The Form

Feb 4, 2014

I have a bound form with a few fields. I would like to run a sub after some of these fields are modified, but not others. I would like it to run only once, after user finishes his work on the form.

When using the Unload event - the form on the form is not there anymore (or did I get something wrong?).

Is there a way to trap Data on form just before the form closes?

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Run Code On Database Closing

Jan 22, 2007

Where would I access the event properties for when the entire database closes? Something like the On_Close event for a form, but for the whole database.

I want to have Access prompt to back up the database upon exit, so when someone clicks the close button, a dialog box opens and asks "Do you want to back up?" with an Yes or No option. Yes would obviously run the backup code, and No would simply exit.

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General :: Closing PDF Using Access Code?

Jul 15, 2015

How do I close a .pdf file using Access code? There has got to be some simple line of code that will do this.

I know the location of the .pdf. There has to be something like:


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Modules & VBA :: Code That Warns User Before Closing Form

Sep 17, 2013

I am very new to Microsoft Access...

Private Sub Command79_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command79_Click
'the following code is supposed to warn the user if there is no STOP filling time for each START filling time before the main form is closed

If [Text344] > #12:00:01 AM# Then
If [Text365] >= [Text344] Then

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Maximize When Opened By Macro?

Feb 19, 2014

I have a form that maximizes when it loads and that works fine, but when I run a macro to open it the command is bypassed. Is there a way around this?

I've tried setting the code to run on different events (open/activate) but that didn't change anything.

The reason I want a Macro to open it is so I can set the property to Add only, perhaps there's another way I can do that, perhaps as part on the form open event in VBA instead?

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Forms :: Refresh Form That Is Already Opened

Mar 17, 2013

I have forms that show commitments by Client, by Cost Centre, by Provider etc.

If I add new commitments or edit commitments it is done through the Commitments by Client form, as all other forms lead back to this one.

To create a new or edit an existing commitment, it is done through a Commitment Form, which goes into a query (query A)which does all the calculations. My client form has subforms based on Query A, however my other forms (commitments by Cost Centre etc) have subforms which have querys that are based on Query A . I hope that made sense.

My problem is that If I edit a commitment, the client form and subforms refrlect the changes imediately, even though they are open and I can see them changing when I change the commitments. However the other ones don't unless I close them and re-open them.

My navigation within the database is based on once a form has been opened it is set to be invisible untill called on again (i.e. visible = False).

How to requery all the forms without having to close them.

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Forms :: Copy Table In Currently Opened MDB File

Jan 8, 2014

How can copy table from another mdb file in current opened mdb file? If copy table is exist in current file table will be replaced.

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Forms :: Access Form Must Be Opened In Design View Before Use

Oct 1, 2013

I have a access form that has a text box that holds a search term. The search term is used as a variable in a query. The query results populate a list box. Selecting a result in the list box populates the rest of the form where the record can be edited. All of that works great...sort of. When first opening the form you cannot view any records. The search function works fine and the list box populates but selecting a record does not populate the rest of the form. Attempt to navigate (next, first, etc.) and you get a "You can't go to the specified record" dialog. There is a simple fix for this. Open the form as normal. Then switch to design mode. Do absolutely nothing. Switch back to form mode. All is well.

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Forms :: Macro To Close Report And Opened Form

Mar 10, 2015

I am using MS Access 2003.

I would like to open the form = VendorPayables_Maintenance_F
Choose a cheque number
Print the cheque

How to create a macro to
close the open report = d_One cheque information
and close the open form = VendorPayables_Maintenance_F

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Forms :: Hide Controls When A Form Is Opened Conditionally

Oct 7, 2014

I've searched and can only find information setting the visible property when selections are made on an open form--I want to set the visible property when the form is opened depending on which avenue the user chooses from the navigation form.

I have a navigation form (Form A) and a second form with a subform (Form B). The user will choose from a combobox, either an existing record or a new record on Form A. On Form A there are two buttons, one that will take the user to the correct record on Form B for editing and one that will open to a new record on Form B. Once Form B is open, all controls will be blank (if a new record is chosen) or with certain controls prepopulated if an existing record is chosen.

What I want to do is to hide controls on the main form (not the subform) of Form B if the user chooses an existing record. Form A's buttons work correctly to open Form B right now. I want to be able to hide prepopulated controls on Form B if the user chooses an existing record from Form A.

Here's the code I'm using to open Form B to an existing record. I'd like to set the visible property here if at all possible.

NOTE: "Form A" and "Form B" are not the actual names of my forms--it's just easier for illustration purposes here in my question.

Private Sub cmdAddLogEntry_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Form B", acNormal, , "Activity_ID = " & Me.cboINum
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Form A", acSaveYes

End Sub

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Which Tabel Was Opened, Who And When Opened It

Apr 26, 2006

I want to see Which tabel was opened, who and when opened it.
And if possible I want to see what is changed.
I want to see as I mentioned above as a "log file"

Thank you
Sedat ONAT

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Forms :: Access 2007 - No Records Shown When Continuous Form Is Opened

Dec 21, 2014

IN Access 2007 when a Continuous form is opened there is no records shown.

Only after hitting the page down records are shown.

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Forms :: Populate Combo Box Control On Form2 Depending On Form1 Which Opened It

Sep 6, 2013

I have a database of books. I have a combobox listing 3 different status W M R.

W is for Whats next to read, M is for more books too read and R for books read or reading now. I can enter a new book by calling up the add a book form from any of those 3 forms.

If I forget to enter a letter in the combo box then the book is lost to those 3 forms as what they see depends on that status letter and I have to go to the table and enter a letter from there.

I want to know if I can auto populate the field (W M R) depending on which form opened the add a book form.

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Forms :: BrowseTo Opens Form As NewRecord Depending On Opened Record

Apr 2, 2015

I'm using a navigation control to switch between forms. In one of those forms, I have a continuous subform which is a list of Projects (source is a query) that is read-only. To edit a project, I can click on its name, which switches the form displayed in the navigation control via docmd.BrowseTo (with acEditForm as the last parameter). This works fine. The proper form opens, with the proper project being displayed.

Now, on this second form, I have on the right the list of tasks contained in the project in a continuous subform (source is a query), and on the left another subform which is kind of an "edit bar" that I use to actually edit the individual tasks. So, when I click on a task in the task list, the OnCurrent event triggers a docmd.BrowseTo command that updates the "edit bar" subform and passes the ID of the task as the WhereCondition parameter. This updates the values displayed in the Edit Bar to that of the selected task, which I can then edit.

Now here's the thing: depending on the project I open, the Edit Bar doesn't work. Actually, it looks like only one of the projects is working, while the others are not (and I managed to have a different project working, but only one works at any given try). When it doesn't work, the Edit Bar is in "NewRecord = True" for some reason. All the other properties of that subform seem to be the same between when it works and when it doesn't.

So, it looks like the same command (docmd.BrowseTo with acEditForm) opens the subform properly in acEditMode when it works, and in something else when it doesn't, depending on the parent record that's being opened.
This really gets me, I really can't figure out how that's even possible.

I suspect it might have something to do with locked records, maybe?

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Closing All Forms Except...

Dec 31, 2004

Does anyone know a line of code I could write that would close all other forms, besides the form the user is working on?

I can't stand it when a new form opens up and the old one is still open. I have written individual macros to close the forms, but that is getting rather cumbersome. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Forms :: Closing All Forms And Saving Records First

Jul 14, 2015

I have had some issues caused by users exiting the database entirely when they realise that they have entered something incorrectly; this in turn has caused problems re-opening the half finished record (the last step of the record creation is to allocate it a unique reference number, which is then used to re-open the record for editing on a point and click form) - now, this is entirely my fault for expecting users to clear up behind them or to exit properly.

So, I am making some changes - when the dashboard form opens it removes the database window close button. I have a separate close button which has the following code:

Private Sub cmdGoodbye_Click()
Do While Forms.Count > 0
DoCmd.CLOSE acForm, Forms(0).Name, acSaveNo
End Sub

However, I would like to add a line to automatically save any records before closing each form - is this possible?

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Opening & Closing Forms...

Sep 15, 2005

I have an unbound start-up form with a button that I want to open another form. When the user is done with the second form and clicks a close button, I want to bring up the first form.

Q. Is it best to leave the first form open in the background or close and re-open it? (And why?) :confused:

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Closing Forms As Others Open

Aug 31, 2006

To try to keep a sane user interface I would like to close forms as another form opens.

If I put a Command button on FormA that opens FormB and it is set to find a record on FormB ... how can I close FormA when FormB opens.

I tried putting DoCmd.Close either before and after the code that opens FormB and ...

If I put it before the code - it just closes FormA without opening FormB ... if I put it after the code, if opens FormB and closes it.

Is there a way of saying on a form 'close the form that just opened me'? (like in javascript where you can reference the form with window.opener)

Thanks for any help.

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Modules & VBA :: Forms Are Not Closing

Sep 11, 2014

I have a form which opens as a pop up when the system starts. On here are several buttons, which open other forms.Some of these just open another form and the user starts using the system, other close that form and open another one, and take go further into the structure of the system, then the forms that open have the same etc.For each of the buttons the code is very similar..For forms that open another one and don't close the main form:

Private Sub cmdescalations_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEscalations"
End Sub

for those that close the form:

Private Sub cmdStock_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name, acSaveNo
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMain_Stock"
End Sub

Just the main of the form it opens changes, and sometimes with ,,,dialog in the options if its required.The opening part works every time without fail, but the form doesn't always close and I end up with two forms open instead of one. If I close the newly opened one and press the button again it works fine. This is purely random and only started a few days ago, up until then it has been working fine.

There is a hidden form that is open as well when the system starts, which check for something on a timer event every 60 seconds. If that event is firing would the focus shift to the hidden form, between me pressing the button and the event firing and the hidden form is getting closed? then the new form opening?

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Closing Datasheet Forms Within Each Other

Nov 23, 2012

I've got a Datasheet form which has a Datasheet Subform within it. By default, none of the subforms display, and the user clicks the "plus" on the leftmost column. What I'd like to do is prevent a user from having multiple subforms open at once. Basically, when the user clicks to open another subform, the first one closes.

How can this be done?

Also, is there a way to do conditional formatting (either using the wizard or with vba) on datasheet forms?

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Closing Pop Up Forms After Loading Report

Apr 24, 2006

Hi All.

I have look through the forum but can not find a solution to my problem.

I have a popup form set to "popup" and "modal" "frmJobBookOut" which passes data to a query "qryJobBookOut". In the query there is a field called "job_no" and I have set the criteria to reference the "frmJobBookOut" ** [forms]![frmJobBookout]![job_no] ** and a report "rptInvoice" based on the query "qryJobBookOuit". This all works fine.

The report loads with the popup "frmJobBookout" form still displayed. I know that the popup form is still displayed because I have the setting "modal" and until I click on the close button it will remain on screen.

Is there a way I can close the popup "frmJobBookOut" form after the report has loaded.

I have tried many ways but not the right way.

Many thanks if you can help.

Kind regards

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Forms :: Closing A Query From A Form

Dec 24, 2014

I have created a form with buttons which runs queries. The parameters I need for the query are being passed through just as I wish and the relevant query is run correctly. However, if I then press the button on the form with different parameters I get the results from the previous query. I can only solve this by closing the query before pressing the button. Is there an easy way to close the query to prevent this from happening. In case this is relevant, the only data which I am returning from the query is stored in the windows clipboard.

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Forms :: Closing Form With Subform

Jul 8, 2014

I have a form with a subform. There is a close button on the main form which I have applied a key command of Alt + c and when the focus is on the main form it closes the form as you expect. But if the focus is on the subform, using Alt+c does nothing. I am trying to give the user a way to avoid using the mouse (so they do not have to click on the button from the subform. Also it is confusing that the key command doesn't always work in the view of the user, and in reality he is on the subform.)

So my thinking is:

1. Can I create a close button on the subform (and give it the key command of Alt + c) and in the code close the form and subform, if so - how to I refer to the form/subform?

2. Is there some way to apply the key command of Alt + c on the subform to activate the close button on the main form?

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Forms :: OnLoad Runs When Closing Form

Oct 9, 2013

I have an A2007 application running on XP. From main form, Form1, another form, Form2, is opened.

When I attempt to close the application by clicking in the cross in the rh-corner of Access window, I get a crash midway through the OnLoad of Form2. I cannot figure out why the heck the On Load event fires when the form is being closed, and have some difficulties stepping through the code.

I recall having heard of OnLoad firing when trying to close a Form.

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Forms :: Go To New Record On Subform After Closing Pop Up Form

Jul 9, 2013

I have a form (frmAuditEntry) that includes a subform (sfrmAuditDetail). The user will enter audit information on the subform. There is a check box on the subform to identify containers that had errors in selection. When the box is check by the user, a pop up form opens where the user can enter the details regarding the type of error. The audit number and the container ID are carried over from the main form to the pop up form to link the information.

This is the code I have in the AfterUpdate event of the checkbox:

Private Sub Errors_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As Object
Dim strBookmark As String
strBookmark = Me.ContainerID

[Code] ....

This works great and keeps the focus on the record the user checked having errors so the right information transfers tot he pop up form fields. When the pop up form is closed, the focus goes back to the subform but keeps the focus on the container ID control of the record that the user previously checked as having errors (hope that makes sense).

What I would like to happen is this: When the pop up form is closed, I want the focus to go back to the subform but to go to the last blank record on the subform (if the user moved off the record before checking the error checkbox) or go to a new record (if the user did not move to a new record already before checking the error checkbox).

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