Coditional Format-Font Colour/Bold

Sep 22, 2004

Having got my database working, my manager has thrown a spanner in the works.

We have certain employees with the same grade as others "BUT" they have been given a "privilage".

I have put a true/false field in the table and in the report I would like, if the field is true, to print the last name in red or bold for instance.

My report is based on a query, from several tables.

If this can be achieved where to I do the code or whatever,
the table, query or report?

Have searched the forum but couldn't really find what I need.

Any help will be most appreciated.


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Font Type In Form Changes When Change Font Colour

Aug 1, 2014

I am experiencing a problem in MS Access 2013. I have a form which was working just fine until now. It has form labels in Calibri font and their font colour is one shade lighter than black. Today, I changed the font colour of the form labels to be Automatic - black (shows as 'Text 1' colour in the form properties). I did this in Design view.

I find that when I switch to layout view, the font of the labels appears as Century Gothic. This is the font that appears in the Form view. So while the font colour is correctly changed, the font name is not what I had set in the Design view. When I go back to the Design view, and change the font colour back to the original colour which was one shade lighter than black (Text 1, Lighter 50%), the font is correct in the Layout view and the Form view (Calibri).

So it seems that there is some sort of binding between the font colour (black) and the font name (Century Gothic). When I change the font colour, the font also changes. When I restore the original colour (one shade lighter than black), the font Calibri is correctly retained.

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Change The Font Colour For The Whole Form?

Jan 17, 2006

I've been working on a database for quite a while now, and i've now given it out for testing, and i've come across a little problem. One of the users is colour blind, and the colour theme i've used throughout this database is causing him problems.

I have a function that can single him out when he logs in, question is, is there a way i can change the font colour for the whole database in one go through code??

I have around 12 forms with many controls and labels, i'm kind of hoping i don't have to name each control and label separately to change the font colour.

Please tell me that there’s some clever piece of code that can change the font colour on a form in one hit…..



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General :: Changing Font Colour Of One Record In Access Database

Jan 12, 2015

I would like to get a third party to edit a database and record those edits by changing the colour of the font. I know this can be done in layout mode, but it changes the font in all records, I only wish to change the font colour in one record, how I can do this, without changing all the records in the database.

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Can You Make Just One Part Of The Text In A Text Box Bold Or A Different Font Size?

Aug 20, 2004

Is there a way to make just part of the text in a text box bold, or to use different font sizes in the same text box?

Something like this:

Heading in bold: description in regular (not bold)
(a smaller height line used as a line space)
Another "normal" line
a larger height line
a normal line....all in one text box!

One thing I'd like to be able to do is to specify the line height of a blank line in a text box. I'm using carriage returns created with: Chr(13) & Chr(10). I could see defining the font size of a hidden character, but I'd need to know how to assign a font size to a piece of the text in a font box.

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!!!changing Font Colour - Simple Question, Quick Response Required If Possible!!!

Feb 14, 2006

i have a text box which displays the current stock level of an item, when the current stock level reaches 1 i need the font to change colour from black to red.
for example, if the stock is 2 - font is black
if one item is sold the stock will become 1 - font changes to red

how do i go about this? any help is VERY VERY welcomed and muchly appreciated. thanx alot.

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How To Change The Colour And Other Format Properties Of A Menu/ Toolbar?

Oct 9, 2007

Hi All,

If it is possible to change the format properties of a menu/toolbar could someone please point me in the direction of some guidance/ let me know how to go about it I would appreciate it.

Specifically I'm trying to change the menu bar's /database window's property to match my forms (and company branding).

I've Googled various phrases in both UK and US spellings (to be on the safe side) and searched a few forums (this one included) and cannot find much beyond creating customised menu/tool bars.

Many thanks

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Bold Textboxes

Jun 29, 2005

I currently have a if statement checking for values greater than 0

if(x>0) Then

Is there a way for me to set the property Bold to the text box in the case that x >0?

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Make Part Of Default Value Bold?

May 26, 2006

Is there a way to make only part of the text in Default Value to be Bold or Italics? That would be cool so I dont half to make boxes throughout my paragraph for only bold text! :cool:

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Is There A Way To Display BOLD Texts In Msgbox

Jun 12, 2006


Anyone of you have idea how I can make my texts bold or colorful or place smilies while displaying the msgbox ?

I don't know if there is a way to do this. But if there is, it would make a diferent look.

With kind regards,


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Is There A Way To Display BOLD Texts In Msgbox

Jun 12, 2006


Anyone of you have idea how I can make my texts bold or colorful or place smilies while displaying the msgbox ?

I don't know if there is a way to do this. But if there is, it would make a different look.

With kind regards,


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How To Create A Message Box With Bold Text

Jul 11, 2012

I want to create a message box with bold text


MsgBox "1. Hello!" & vbCrLf & "2. How are you?" & vbCrLf & "3. See you again!", vbInformation, "Message"


1. Hello (this line is bold)
2. How are you?
3. See you again

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Bold Within Email Body Generated Within Access

Nov 21, 2006

Hey, I was wondering how I would tell Access to set bold on my email message. I use this code to generate the email:

Private Sub Email_Click()

strToWhom = [EMAIL]

strMsgBody = "This is my email body, I would like this word bold"

DoCmd.SendObject , , , strToWhom, , , "Subject", strMsgBody, True

End Sub

Thanks for any help provided.

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Command Button Text Bold When Onfocus

Oct 1, 2004

When a command button is onfocus, how do I make it bold or a different color and when it's not onfocus to return to it's default format? I know that this is possible with text boxes but I don't know how to do it with command buttons.
Please help. Thank you!

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Make Text BOLD On A Report (criteria).

Feb 5, 2008

Not sure if this is possible but here goes (even if I make a fool of myself for asking).

I have a report that lists data based on criteria set in a form. The main criteria is Month (Month4Report) and Year (Year4Report).

The report lists all jobs that started that month and also any jobs that had work done during that month - even if they started in the previous month.

What I would like to do is highlight any job that has an actual start date prior to the current searched month (Month4Report). By making it bold or other way.

Is this possible?



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General :: Bold And Underline Certain Text In Email

Nov 22, 2013

I have created an automated e-mail quote for a client database. I have created several strings that make up the body text for the e-mail (some with info drawn from the database fields). Is it possible to have certain strings underlined and bold face? How would I go about that?

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Bold Portion Of Text In Memo Field

May 1, 2012

I'd like to set the value of a memo field on a form so that part of it is in bold. For instance, I want to say:

[memo_control] = "This is not bold" & "this is bold" & "this is not bold"

How do I do that in VBA?

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Queries :: MS Access - Selected Query To Appear In Color And Bold

Mar 24, 2013

I have this Access file with Tables & Queries.

I want selected queries to appear in RED colour and if possible BOLD too.

Possible ?

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Forms :: Datasheet View - Change To Bold Column Text

Apr 20, 2014

Is it possible to change to bold font the text column of a datasheet view?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Make Particular Text Field BOLD Based On Value From Query

Jul 20, 2015

I am using MS Access 2007 and have a report which display the list of values (say 10 fields) from the basic SELECT * FROM table query.

I need to dynamically set the BOLD based on the particular value for the fifth field which was assigned from Query. if it doesn't match it should display normal.

If Field_5 = "Agent" then
Field_5.FontBold = True
Field_5.FontBold = False
End if

I tried the aforementioned code and it dont work. ALso i tried achieve it using below listed options.

Me.Field_5.FontBold = True
Field_5.Properties("fontweight") = 700

But nothing worked.

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Modules & VBA :: Identifying Highlighted Or Bold Cells To Import Into Access

Jun 12, 2014

I receive a bunch of excel files with items to be added to a database. some of the items are to be added as new, some to be deleted and others to be modified.

I identify the action (add/delete/modify) by looking at a column in the excel file e.g. column A.

At this point I am fine with the add/delete because I can filter the data or bring all the files to a temporary table in an Access database via vba script and then running queries to do the rest.

My issue is that the spreadsheets have a lot of columns and for the modifications what they do is use the same file for instance, make changes on the cells (any cell) that need modification and then highlight, bold or underline only the items that need modification and ignore the rest of the file (a tedious process since I have to then open each file and manually modify the database).

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Modules & VBA :: Bold Column Headers After Exporting From Access Into Excel?

Dec 7, 2013

I would like to export from access a recordset into Excel and bold the column headers.

My current code works for the most part, except for the bolding.

You run the code in Access module and the code does the following:

1) checks to see if the excel file is open

2) if excel file not open, it opens the file, clears existing records, and starts copying and pasting new recordset into the RAW worksheet

3) it is then supposed to bold the column headers.

bolding is not working.

Sub TestFileOpened()
Dim lastRow As Long
' Test to see if the file is open.
If IsFileOpen("c: est2003.xls") Then
' Display a message stating the file in use.
MsgBox "File already in use!"


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Outline Font

Jul 25, 2006

I think I already know what the answer is going to be, but is there a way of putting an outline around the text on a form so it stand out.

The problem I have is that I have our company Logo as the background and I want the font colour to be consistent. It is white, however there is a small area on the backround which is white. This causes the text to be unreadable.

I don't want to put a box around the field or change the background of the text box, or the colour of the text (Due to the look and feel of the form).

Does anyone know if this is possible.

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Condtion For Red Font

Apr 5, 2007

Hi Dears

I have continuous form.
I need red font for some records and in the same form other record as defult font.

condition cause I have important records need to be red font

By conditional formatting who can write to me the procedure for condition


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Showing Changes With Font Color

May 26, 2005

I did some searching on changing the color of a font if you change the data. I found a few posts but they really don't fit the need.

I am using a continuous form (which makes this even more difficult) and when someone changes data in a field I want that forecolor to change from black to red.

Is there an easy way (I know not everything is easy) :) in the conditional formatting to create an event? I am thinking not but thought I would ask.

My GUESS is that I need some sort of temp table to verify the data against then return with the forecolor change.

I am using A2k.

Thanks RichB

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Tab Control Box - Font Color

Oct 5, 2005

I believe thats the proper word for it. Attached is a screenshot of a section of the database that I have started working on. It is to track placement for a college. Its my first ever and I am fairly good at making things look good, but as far as function - I am terrible.

I can change the raised box that the tab control sits on to a dark maroon when someone has a felony (so it notifies the user of this status)

Private Sub Form_Current()
If [Felony] = True Then
Felonybox.BackStyle = 1
Felonybox.BackColor = RGB(159, 19, 44)
Felonybox.BackStyle = 1
Felonybox.BackColor = RGB(208, 207, 202)
End If

End Sub

I also have this done on After_Update.

I am trying to change the font on the Tab Control to Red when this occurs as well (only change the 'Criminal History CONFIDENTIAL' to red). I can not find this option anywhere, is this something that has been done or CAN be done?

Using A97

John D

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