ok im making a database for a tumble prosses at work
first problem: i have a yes/no field in a table "pull ontime" witch i want to be controled by "pull actual" witch it a time filled in with the now() comand trigered by a button in a form i want to make the "pull ontime" field read no if the time is over 1hr over a value "pull" and read yes if under this 1hr
second problem: there are machines that are loaded with parts i want to make it so when they enter the part # and the s/o # and stuff they will hit a loaded buton witch i want to make it put the Now() time in the "Loaded" them based on the operation witch has 2 cycles witch depending on the operation the first cycle could be 2 hrs and the 2nd could be 1.5 hrs i want it to based on the operation selected set the time that the oporator has to change the cycle "rinse" and "pull"
I am trying to create an attendance application for my group of 6people, does anyone have or know where i can find any to look at. I don't even know where to begin.
Daily in and out. Keeping tabs of our vacation days/sick days. I just need to know where to begin, or need a sample for ideas in creating this. I have looked high and low. Please show me/tell me if you have any or how you did it, if you have done it before. Thanks friends!
I posted this here but didn't get any response. http://access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=114099
I'm in over my head with something I've been asked to do at work as my access skills are pretty basic.
I need a sample database containing PRODUCTS and SUPPLIERS, that lets you book IN stock received from the supplier (and adds to the stock level) and lets you book OUT stock issued to staff (and reduces the stock level)
I'll have a go at reorder levels, form design, stuff like that myself, but I'm having trouble with these very basic requirements.
Does anyone know of a sample database that I can download to learn some of this from?
I finally got TreeView to work, by downloading the example database from this (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=80805&highlight=treeview) thread. I haven't had as much luck with ListView, though. Does anyone have a database they could post that has a working listview? I'd greatly appreciate it!!
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anybody would be kind enough to help me with a problem that I have with regards to a 'Contacts Database' that I found under the Sample Database link on this site - posted by MStCyr. When I try to navigate through A-Z buttons I am presented with a dialogue box which states " the object doesn't contain the Automation object 'RecordsetClone', whatever that means??
I would like to use this sample DB in my project however it is presently unusable unless I can figure out how to clear this problem. If this is not achievable could you please point me in the right direction where I could find a similar, downloadable file.
Hopefully a more experienced forum member than I could please help me out.........
I'm still working on this supplier database for my boss and the supplier filter section is still causing me problems.
Let me set the scene for you....
I have a form with 3 combo boxes on it. These are cboProg, cboPPS & cboSupplier.
I need to get the combo's working so that when you select a programme from cboProg it filters the list in cboPPS (Primary Product or Service) to show only products and/or services that are used on that programme. In turn I need to make it so that when you select one of these Primary Product or Service's from cboPPS it filters the list of suppliers in cboSupplier to show only suppliers that provide that product or service.
Essentially, I have a HUGE list of suppliers that I want to filter down to suppliers that work on a programme providing a particular product or service using the combo boxes in the order shown below.
Programme (cboProg) --(filters)--> Primary Product or Service (cboPPS) --(filters)--> Supplier (cboSupplier)
When I have filtered the list of suppliers down to a list that worked on programme X, providing product or service Y, I'd like to make it so that you can just double click on that suppliers name to open their details.
I've based my previous efforts on a sample database called dbcombos that I found on this forum (I've attached it to this post). The only problem with this database is that it’s 2 sets of 2 tiered combo boxes on the same form and not a 4 tiered set of combo boxes as I originally thought.
I am experiencing a problem with the mousetrap sample after I secured my database.
When I save on my main form and I try to go to my subform I keep getting the "Please Save this Record! You can not advance to another record until you either 'Save' the changes made to this record or 'Undo' your changed."
I have saved but it is still preventing me from going to the my subform. I numbered the Save Required msgs so that I know which one I am getting and I am getting the one from:
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) On Error GoTo Err_Form_BeforeUpdate
If Me.tbProperSave.Value = "No" Then Beep MsgBox "Please Save This Record!" & vbCrLf & vbLf & "You can not advance to another record until you either 'Save' the changes made to this record or 'Undo' your changes.7", vbExclamation, "Save Required" DoCmd.CancelEvent Exit Sub End If
Exit_Form_BeforeUpdate: Exit Sub
Err_Form_BeforeUpdate: If Err = 3020 Then 'Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit Exit Sub Else MsgBox Err.Number, Err.Description Resume Exit_Form_BeforeUpdate End If
End Sub
Above it is checking if tbProperSave.Value = "No" and in bSave you have Case vbYes: 'Save the changes Me.tbProperSave.Value = "Yes" DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord Me.tbProperSave.Value = "No"
So it's setting the value to no again?
I know it's not a permissions thing because I am admin and have full permissions on the forms.
I am trying to add extra validation in a sample db (done in A97 (converted to A2003)see attached.
I am attempting the following: Please not that the db has existing validation which I would like to keep (or change if advised) ...
Conditions: 1. Input into field "ID" must start with the letter P or p or R or r 2. If field "ID" starts with the letter P or p and field "Code" starts with the letter R or r, then a message stating that this combination is invalid should appear 3. If field "ID" starts with the letter R or r and field "Code" starts with the letter P or p, then a message stating that this combination is invalid should appear.
I would like to make some changes to the Northwind sample database.I need to have the Customers section completely removed as my company issues products to our own staff, not to external customers, so there is no Customers and shipping details needed.
Hi, I have a problem with form design, I want a form like in Northwind sample database: Summary of Sales by Year Report. It use Sorting and Grouping for Footer that I can't find it in Form design. Is it any other way to do it in Form design so I can get the same result like in Report design?. The reason why I want it, because I want to control the size. thankyou in advance for your help.
do you know where can I get a file sample of ms access database with the following features:
- entry of persons, - entry of projects, - calender of projects, - payement for their work, - print-out of vouchers, - on-line access for persons to DB (with password).
i've looked around the internet and couldn't find anything. I would love to have this just as an example, to build my own on-this-sample-driven database.
i've done something in PHP but since VB and PHP are not similar, i really would love to have an example.
I am on my way to building my first relational DB. Is anyone able to look at the attached sample and tell me if I am on the right track?
The DB is being desined to record Repair information carried out on a machine. (TblRepair)
The DB will also eventually record refurbished machines (TblRefurb) and also many other situations like stock control, etc.(yet to be designed). Before I go on I just want to check:
> Is this roughly correct so far? > If I create a new record in the existing form, why can I not enter both UnitID and EmployeeID? Relationship conflict? > Should I be building forms on a query? (I think the answer is Yes, just need confirmation). > Is it because of a problem with the query I cannot enter details correctly? (as per the above question).
Any pointers would be very welcome. PS Sorry its v.old A97!
I've read-up on getting random records, but I need a little help.
I have a table with 200,000 SSN records. Fields: SSN, Plan Number There are about 100 distinct plans. How can I select a sample (random) SSN for each plan?:confused:
Can someone post a copy of a sample mdw file so that I may observe the design of the database? I am very new to the concept of db security and would like to take a look at how the design is constructed. Thanks!
I checked the sample DB section, but could not find what I am looking for: a anonymous customer satisfaction database. Just a shell I can build upon. Does anyone here have anything similar I might be able to use?
hi i want to develop application in access like inventroy control.But i have no knowlege how to do it.Please guide me.I want some sample or frame to develop application in acess.Thanks in advance.
hi i want to develop application in access like inventroy control.But i have no knowlege how to do it.Please guide me.I want some sample or frame to develop application in acess.Thanks in advance.
Sorry if this is in the wrong place - I am very new to this site
I have asked this on another forum but have had no replies - hoping someone here can help
I am using Acess 2000 and I am not that good at it
Is there any way to merge two of the sample databases which comes with Access together - I would like to have the Inventory Control and the Order Entry databases as one database - can this be done? There is no data in the databases yet
In the Northwind DB, there is a query of the "Ten Most Expensive Products"
After looking at it, I can't figure out where or how it knows to only pull the 10 highest price products. It's probably right in front of my nose...but it's making me crazy!