Column Value Gets Truncated, Any Type Conversion Needed?

Feb 26, 2008

Hi Gurus, need your help yet again.
I have a linked table in Access 2007(link back to SQL Server), and when i look into the values of a 'Memo' Column called "Column_1" in Access, it is just fine.
Now, In a query I am doing the following IIF statement:

Expr1: IIF([table_1].[Column_2]="Cost",[table_1].[Column_1]

But when i see the values of Column_1 now, some of the ending characters are being cut off, i only get half of the entire text.
Should i be doing any type-casting or anything to bring the entire text?

Any help is appreciated.


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Tables :: Field Value Got Truncated - Data Type For Storing Long Text?

Mar 10, 2014

I have encountered an issue when I was inserting a string (with newlines about 176 characters) into access table. This field in access has the data type TEXT and it was truncated after the insertion. It is strange because I have three other fields with the same format and no truncation at all. May I know what could be the reason and how/what is the recommend data type for storing long text?

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Data Conversion Help Needed

Apr 24, 2006

Hello I am a relative newbie for access and have searched many different sites hoping to find the solutions to my two (seemingly simple) problems. I thought I had found the answers several times but it is not the case. If you could possibly help I would appreciate it greatly.
First: I have a table with a field with the currency in Euros, i need to convert it into dollars and add 1 to the result. I have searched how to run calculations in access and would take the data out and put it into excel and run the calculation but I have too many rows of data and will be doing this calculation often so was hoping to find one simple solution.

Second: I have one column with text separated by a "-". I was looking to see how I could create two new fields with the first field having the data before the "-" and the second field with the data following. I found a query that allows me to separate first and last name but not a string of data separated by a -. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Brian

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Data Conversion Help Needed

Apr 24, 2006


Hello I am a relative newbie for access and have searched many different sites hoping to find the solutions to my two (seemingly simple) problems. I thought I had found the answers several times but it is not the case. If you could possibly help I would appreciate it greatly.
First: I have a table with a field with the currency in Euros, i need to convert it into dollars and add 1 to the result. I have searched how to run calculations in access and would take the data out and put it into excel and run the calculation but I have too many rows of data and will be doing this calculation often so was hoping to find one simple solution.

Second: I have one column with text separated by a "-". I was looking to see how I could create two new fields with the first field having the data before the "-" and the second field with the data following. I found a query that allows me to separate first and last name but not a string of data separated by a -. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Brian

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Type Conversion Error

Feb 13, 2007

i am importing from excel and i have a column that has account numbers and at some point i have an account like this... 2C1C18100

on the import i get an error.

i set the field to memo, numner or text and still get the same error..

any suggestions?

thanks in advance

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Data Type Conversion Failure

Sep 1, 2005

I feel a little silly bringin this up but I have gone through the solutions provided on this topic but it all doesnt seem to work.

I am trying to up date my Products table with data from two other tables (Sales and Stock Receipt). I have made sure the data types in all the tables are the same (currency) but I still get this message

"Microsoft Access did not update 5 field(s) due to a data type conversion failure."

This is the expression I'm using in the update query

IIf(IsNull(DSum("[Quantity]","Sales Detail","Sales Detail.[ProductID]=" & [Products].[ProductID])),[Products]![OpeningStockAmt],[Products]![OpeningStockAmt]-(DSum("[Quantity]","Sales Detail","Sales Detail.[ProductID]=" & [Products].[ProductID])*[Products]![CostAmountperUnit]))

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DLOOKUP Type Conversion Failure

Sep 3, 2005


I am having problems with a DLOOKUP expression in an update query.

I have set up a lookup table (imported from Excel and another table set up myself because of this error) with a date field and a week number field and I am trying to return the week number into another table for the date in another field. It is easy to do in Excel (VLOOKUP), but I have never done this in Access.

I am attempting to get the update query to update another table which has a Date of Booking and a new week number field. When I run the query, it has the error message that it cannot update all of the records, due to a type conversion failure. I thought that this error was due to fields have dissimilar data types and changed them until they were exactly the same - the Week Number are both Long Integer number fields and the dates are a General Date date fields.

The expression is: DLookUp("DLOOKUP Created.Week Number","DLOOKUP Created","Date = " & [2004 Lookup].[Date of Booking]). The lookup table is DLOOKUP Created and this is the return value I want. The 2004 Lookup table is the table that I want to update with the week number, using the date of booking.

Any help will b gratefully receive.

All the best,


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Type Conversion Failure - I Don't Want To See The Error Message.

Jul 21, 2005

Good afternoon all,

I have a macro that I run. In this macro, I've changed the "SetWarnings" to No. This works since I do not get a "Are you sure..." when I do a makeTable query and the table already exists.

However, I do get a type conversion failure error message.

Does someone know how I click Yes on this without any intervention on my part when the macro is running? Would entering keystrokes in the macro work? I don't think that they will since the next command is not called until the previous has executed ... and I'm getting hung up on the dialog box before the make-table command has finished execution.

I've attached the error message text that I'm seeing.

Thank you for your time and help.

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Tables :: Type Conversion Failure And Key Violations

Jan 23, 2014

I am trying to import records from Excel and I have two issues:

1) I have imported the excel file into a new table and I get type conversion errors just for fields 25, 26, 28 and 29 (and only for rows 2 to 25) but there aren't that many fields in the table.

2) The second is that I get key violations even though the indexing for all the fields for "table_candidate" is set to "no" (apart from the "cand_ID").

I can't see anything wrong with the records.

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Queries :: Type Conversion Failure With DateSerial

May 12, 2013

I have an update query:

Query: DateExtractor
Type: update query
Field: ProductionDate
Table: Production
Update To: DateSerial("2000"+Val(Mid([Code];1;2));"Mid([Code];3;2)";"Mid([Code];5;2)")

Field [Code] is a Text field and ProductionDate is Date/Time type, with short date format.

As I run query, there's an error that says "Microsoft Access didn't update 99 field(s) due to DateSerial,..."

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Queries :: Cannot Append All The Records - Type Conversion Failure

Dec 23, 2013

I keep getting the above error in access 2010 and cannot see where the error is. I have checked that datatypes are the same. It keeps referring to type conversion failure and didn't add (1) record due to a key violation.

INSERT INTO Requests ( [Request no], [Date-time received], Customer, Dept, Type, [Service level], [Received by], [Date-time due], Quantity, [Cust requestor], Status )
VALUES (9896, NOW(), 'DEMO', 'Demo Ltd', 'I', 'S', 'LT', NOW(), 1, 'LT', 'O');

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Queries :: Type Conversion Failure - Error Database

Sep 2, 2014

I am trying to import an Excel spreadsheet into an Access 2007 database. Each time I import, Access creates a 'type conversion failure' error database.

I set up the first field in my .db to be a TEXT field because the Field will have both numeric and text characters. The field name is [estimate number] with numbers such as 656111 or 65611A being imported. All the fields with the numeric and alphabetical combination (i.e. 65611A) are not being imported (which results in the creation of the error db).

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Conversion Made On Field Type For Linked Tables?

Feb 10, 2012

I have a linked table using ODBC. The table linked has improper field type: all numeric fields are linked as decimal. Because of this if I want to import the contens of this linked table in one new, the database has high dimension.

find a place where I can set the field conversion for linked tables or to make Access to performe the better type conversion (if the field is integer on source table to be integer on linked table as well and so on).

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Having Trouble Woth Type Conversion When Importing From Excel To Access

Feb 16, 2005

I have getting type conversion errors for numeric and currency fields when importing an Ecxel spreadsheet into a Table in Access. I have tried changing the data type to text in Excel, and that is what it says I have done when I examine the field formats in question. How can I force this to be text, it keeps reverting,
i.e. the fields in question, to numeric and currency. Can anyone help? Thank you.

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Automate Data Type Conversion At Text File Import

Jul 7, 2005

hello once again,
I need to import a text file into an existing table in Access. The text file has been imported once and is working well and everything. However, since I had to change some of the datatypes to be able to query the table correctly, I now cannot import the text file anymore unless I change the datatype of the table itself. Since someone other than I will be doing the imports from here on out, changing the datatypes everytime is out of the question. I was looking at the TransferText event, but I didn't seem to see anything about converting data types. I can think of two options, and neither are probably possible:
1. import using the wizard. Since I didn't see anything related to the types of data, I don't think this will work...
2.import using TransferText. This doesn't seem to give me any opportunity to change the datatypes either. Is there anyway to programmatically change datatypes, or is there possibly an easier way that I'm overlooking??
thanks in advance,

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Tables :: Import To Existing Table (Type Conversion Failure)

Dec 12, 2012

I need to import an excel spreadsheet into an existing Access 2003 table. Due to regulations, the spreadsheet cannot be linked.

When I try to import the spreadsheet, I receive a 'Type Conversion Failure' associated with a 'Product ID' field. In the Excel file, this column is populated with two types of values-- either a 9 digit number, or a 9 digit alpha numeric value. The 9 digit numbers import correctly, but the alpha numeric values fail.

Field names/layout in the excel spreadsheet are identical to the Access table, and the field type in the existing Access table is set to 'text.' There is no set Format, or Input Mask.

What I could change with the existing table to make this import work? I'd like to avoid importing a new table, as this would force me to recreate a number of relationships after each import.

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Queries :: Calculating Rates Based On Two Fields - Type Conversion Failure

Apr 24, 2013

I have created a make table query and using expressions for two of the fields. I have set the field properties (format) to "Percent". The expressions are calculating rates based on two other fields. The expressions are currently as such:


I'm using the IIF function to avoid potential errors should one or both of the values ("PTD_CM_REPT_PGM" or "PTD_CM_REPT_ER") be zero.

However, when running the query, I am getting the "...type conversion failure is caused when the data in one or more fields doesn't match...." error.

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Modules & VBA :: Opening A Query With Parameters - Data Type Conversion Error

Jun 11, 2013

Here's my Goal: To open a saved query that has a parameter, setting that parameter via a VBA sub.

Here's my Problem: I was getting various errors, but after debugging my program a bit, it comes down to a "Data Type Conversion Error"

Here's my Code:

Set db = CurrentDb
Set qd = db.QueryDefs("qryMY_DATA")
qd.Parameters(0) = Me.txt_ReferenceID
Set rs = qd.OpenRecordset("qryMY_DATA", dbDynaset)

'*** Database Variables
Dim db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset, gq As DAO.QueryDef, prm As DAO.Recordset

I've been all over the forums and tried several different approaches, all to no avail. The Query runs fine in the QDT, but kicks back an error when I try to run it from my sub.

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'Different' Type Of Autonumber Needed

Sep 29, 2005


I need to substitute either random, non-duplicating 9 digit numbers in a field that held ssn's or to have a 9 digit 'autonumber'.
The 'number' can actually include alpha characters.

Any ideas?

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Getting "Type Conversion Failure" Message

Jan 17, 2008

I've got a CSV file that was created using SAS software. The CSV file has column titles in the first row. When I attempt to import the CSV file into Access 2007, some fields give a "Type Conversion Failure" error message.

These offending fields usually start with data that appears all numeric, although the column should be text, and the error occurs when an alphanumeric cell is encountered. In other words, it seems that Access 2007 is automatically switching to numeric based on what is initially encountered in a column.

Is there a way to tell Access to not do this type of recognition? Is there something else I must do to prevent this error from happening? Is there perhaps a piece of code I could use to eliminate these errors?

Thanks in advance to all who reply....looking forward to hearing from you!

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Truncated Memo - Transfer Spreadsheet

Apr 21, 2006

I am using

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , qName, wFilepath, True

to export a query to a spreadsheet. I am using this method as it seems to solve the problem of memo fields being truncated.

It seems however that using this method if the spreadsheet file already exists (and is of a differant structure) nothing happens and no error is thrown.

Is this correct? - Thanks Paul

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Truncated Memo Field On Export!

Feb 10, 2006

Hello! I have a problem resulting from some previous issues I had with a memo field, and you can see the original problem here:

I'm starting a new thread because I have a somewhat unrelated problem with the same query. I have a memo field that has quite a few many as 15,000 characters or more! After running some commands to trim the spaces out of the memo field, I'm trying to export a query with the memo field to a text file. The query is a Select query that matches the memo field with the appropriate order detail from another table where each record has the same order number. All of the tables are actually links to tables on a SQL server.

The query works perfectly. But, when I try to export as a tab-delimited text file, the memo field gets truncated after about 512 characters or so. To clarify my steps, I am right-clicking on the query, select Export, select a Text file from the drop-down box, then select Delimited, Tab, Include Field Names on First Row, and the Text Qualifier is {none}. Please help me! I am using Access 2003 SP2. Thanks so much in advance!!

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Memo Field Is Truncated By Query

Mar 14, 2007

I am using a 'memo' field in a table because the field size needs to be more than the maximum for a 'text' field (255 characters).

Although the text appears in full in the table, when I run a query to select certain records from that table the text in the memo field is truncated to 255 characters.

Anyone know how to correct this?

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Tables :: Truncated Long Text Field?

Oct 9, 2013

I have been using Access 2013 to make a database which outputs values to PowerPoint. Everything has been working fine up to now that I'm trying to add to the presentation.

I have two tables with data in which are both brought together in a query which my VBA code relates to to output it to Powerpoint. Both tables contain data in 'long text' fields. The data from one outputs into PowerPoint textboxes without any issues regardless of the length of the data but the data from the other one is truncated to 255 characters. It definitely says it is a 'long text' field - is there any reason it would truncate the output?

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Tables :: Truncated Output From One Table But Not Another - Long Text Fields

Oct 14, 2013

I have been using Access 2013 to make a database which outputs values to PowerPoint.

I have two tables with data in which are both brought together in a query which is the recordset my VBA code relates to to output it to Powerpoint. Both tables contain data in 'long text' fields. The data from one outputs into PowerPoint textboxes without any issues regardless of the length of the data but the data from the other one is truncated to 255 characters. It definitely says it is a 'long text' field - is there any reason it would truncate the output?

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Importing Data From Excel To Memo Field In Access Is Truncated After 255 Characters

Nov 16, 2007

I haven't seen anyone run into this particular problem on this forum...

I'm importing data from an excel spreadsheet to an MS Access (2007) table. One of the fields in the table is a text memo field able to support more than 255 characters...

The issue is that any cell in Excel that is greater than 255 characters is truncated when imported to MS Access even though the field is a memo field. There isn't any documentation on Microsoft's website about this and I don't see any way to work around it other than manually copying the data from excel to MS Access.

Anyone have any input on this matter?

Thanks in advance!

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