Combining Records From Two Databases

Mar 9, 2007

Is there an easy way to combine records from two separate databases with the same data fields?

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Combining Records

Jun 22, 2007

I'm modifying a database for someone in our marketing department. The DB tracks shirts that are given to employees.

The area I'm having a problem with has to do with the shirt style.

The current categories offer:

Long Sleeve (White)
Long Sleeve (Black)


I want to combine those two so they fall under the simple category "Long Sleeve"

The problem I'm having is that when I do a find/replace, it will allow me to change all of the Long Sleeve (White) to Long Sleeve, but then when I go to change Long Sleeve (Black) to "Long Sleeve", it creates duplicate entries because the same order contained x amount of Long Sleeve (White) and x amount of Long Sleeve (Black).

Is there an easy/ automated way to combine these results into "Long Sleeve" and add the quantity fields together to show the total amount of shirts ordered?

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Combining Records

May 7, 2007


I seem to have a similiar problem to others and I tried to read through this forum, but I am not well versed in the code and I frankly find some of the explanations way to complicated. I was hoping someone can help me with a problem. I have data that looks like this:

Name Comments
J Smith 1/1/07-ATO
J Smith 1/10/07-UAU
S Smith 1/13/07-ATO
D Smith 1/2/07-OT
D SMith 1/3/07-OT
D Smith 1/4/07-ATO

I want it to look like this:

Name Comments
J Smith 1/1/07-ATO, 1/10/07-UAU
S SMith 1/13/07-ATO
D Smith 1/2/07-OT, 1/3/07-OT, 1/4/07-ATO

ANy suggestions?

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Combining Records

Aug 18, 2005


Currently in our database we several companies entered several times. Due to different branch addresses. What we are looking to do is create a form that combines displays all the addresses related to that customer name.

Does anybody know of a way we can do this?



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Transfer Records Between Databases

Sep 18, 2006

ok, basically our website will input form details directly into a database. this database will be held online obviously..

once the details are inside, how easy will it be to transfer a record into a table of another database.. (our main database.. which is offline for security purposes).

im assuming it wont be too hard.. both access versions are the same.. and they can both be open at once.. etc..

can anyone shed some understanding on this issue

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Transfer Records Between Databases

Nov 2, 2006

can anyone direct me to a good tutorial regarding transfering records between two databases..

i need some example that is quite simple to understand..

where it shows you where to put the table names.. and the field names.. and the database location.. etc

thanks in advance..

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Combining A Number Of Records Into One.

Jan 17, 2006

I have a table that contains a number of email addresses. I need to combine a number these into a single record to allow me to email a report to a number of different recipients depending on the client the report is for.

At this point I’m not even sure were to start.

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Combining Records From Two Queries

Dec 10, 2007

Can I use left and right outer join at a time? Means I want all records from both the table, and it should put 'null' whenever value is absent.

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Combining Records From 2 Tables

Jan 3, 2008

Hello all,

I have two MS Access tables; table1 contains installing records (fields = serial, installdate) and table2 contains de-installing records (fields = serial, deinstalldate). Tables are structured as followed:

serialX installdate1
serialX installdate2
serialX installdate3

serialX deinstalldate1
serialX deinstalldate2

I'd like to combine the above two tables to get:

serialX installdate1 deinstalldate1
serialX installdate2 deinstalldate2
serialX installdate3 null

Is it possible? Right now, whenever I joined the two table on serialX I got 2 deinstalldate's for each installdate, e.g.:

serialX installdate1 deinstalldate1
serialX installdate1 deinstalldate2
serialX installdate2 deinstalldate1
serialX installdate2 deinstalldate2

Thanks in advance for your time and help! I'd appreciate it!

Best regards,


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Queries :: Combining Like Records In Union Query

Nov 25, 2013

How can I add the resulting records from a union query. The results of the union are something like this:

Quantity Item

2 Cats
3 Cats
1 Dog
4 Mice

What I need to display is

Quantity Item

5 Cats
1 Dog
4 Mice

How can I get the query to "do the math"?

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Combining Multiple Columns Into One Longer Column (without Combining Fields)

Jul 17, 2013

I trying to combine three columns that I have into one column without combining fields.

Currently what I have:
(see image below)

What I want:

The list I have will be much longer and will be changing frequently, which is why I can't just go on excel and manually do this.

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Combining Records With Attachments From Separate Computers Into A Master Database

Jun 21, 2013

We're a small shop building a modest database to keep track of our product listings on eBay. Two people on non networked computers are doing the data entry into cloned copies of our database. This includes attached photos for each record. At the end of each week, we want to combine the records created separately into the master database on my system.

It seems like it would be simple enough to just cut and the paste the records from the two databases into the identical master. The problem I'm anticipating concerns the attached photos.

Some strategies are to transfer the records from the data entry computers to the master database while keeping the attached photos intact.

Is there an effective, efficient way to set this up or would it be best to use the OLE format for the pictures instead of attaching them (which I prefer)?

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Combining Multiple Tables With Multiple Records

Jul 16, 2007

Here is the situation that I'm hoping that someone can help me with. I'm working with a database that tracks our condo units - from prospect coming into the system until we close them as a buyer. All the units are setup in the system so a salesperson will select from the units available. All that works fine when I create reports. The problem is trying to get the parking and storage on the same reports with the unit information. The problem is that there are multiple parking/storage units "attached" to a single unit and I cannot figure out how to get them to all appear on a single row of the report. As an example -

I have units A, B, C
Parking units p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6
Storage units s1,s2,s3.

Unit A uses parking units p1, p2, p5 and storage unit s2.

Unit B uses parking unit p3 and storage unit s1.

Unit C uses parking unit p4, p6 and storage unit s3.

How do I write a query/report that would show:

Unit Parking Storage
Unit A p1, p2, p5 s2
Unit B p3 s1
Unit C p4,p6 s3

Chester Campbell

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New To Databases: I Need Some Advice

Jun 2, 2005

I'm creating a database that keeps track of printing jobs at a printing company... I started my project by drawing out how I want the databases to be configured.

I was going through a book that was made for access 2000, but I need to create this in access 97 because that's what the company has on their computers. One of the features in Access 2000 thats not in 97 is subdatasheets...

Basically, what I want to do is for each printing job, there can be a bunch of different tasks that need to be completed and billed for. For example, on one printing job, they need to design a logo, and then they need to print it out and send samples across the globe, and then they need to create a pdf, etc. This is going to be different for each job.

What I figured I would do is create a separate table to take care of all of the different tasks that are related to each job. This table would have the primary key of the job from the main table for each individual job, and then they would be related in a one (MAIN entry) to many (tasks) relationship.

Is this correct in how I want to do that? How will I do this inside a form, I want them to enter the information in table that expands as they put more tasks in?

This might be a very simple question, I just want to know if I'm going in the right direction.

Thanks much!

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MDE/Splitting Databases

Jul 14, 2005


I have been reading a lot about splitting databases on this forum. I still have some questions.
1) Will the FE (Front End) still show the tables?
2) Will users still be able to edit the forms, reports, etc.?
3) Will my code be hidden
4) Will all the users have up to date data showing when they open the Database?
5) Can more than one person open and input data in the database at the same time?

I also want to make an MDE copy, do I split first or make the MDE and then split?

The whole point is the following: I want the people (maximum 10) that will be using this database to only be able to do enter and view data. They should be able to generate the reports but not create new reports. I only want ONE person to be able to edit the forms, code, and reports. How would I do this.

Your help is much appreciated

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Read Only Databases

Aug 9, 2005

Forgive me if this is in the wrong forum, so MODS, do what you will.

I'll come out and admit it right now, I'm a newbie here and have just started using Access2003. I'm in a city government so I need other users to be able to view and access my database, BUT I don't want them to be able to edit or change things. I want to be the Owner/Administrator of the database and no one else. I want to be the only person that can make changes.

Is this possible in Access 2003? Can other users only open it in Read-Only format but when I open it, it's editable?

Any info would be greatly appreciated. TIA!


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Merging Databases

Aug 24, 2005

I am new to Acess, I am trying to merge 2 Access DBs and am not sure of the steps to accomplish this, if it can be accomplished and/or are there any tools to reach the same goal.

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Distributed Databases

Nov 28, 2005


I have an MS Access database on a server which acts as a back end, with about 30 users using the data. They each have a copy of the MS Access front end located on their PC's.

Every time I make a change to the front end, I have to redistribute the new version to each PC.

What I am wanting to do is put a single copy of the front end on the server, and adding a shortcut to this front end on everyone's PC's. This would allow me to make changes to the front end without having to redistribute to all users.

What I was wondering is, if I put a single copy of the Front end on the server and simply shortcut to that front end, will it cause any problems, or are there any issues that I should look out for?

Any help or advice much appreciated!

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Linking Databases

Dec 15, 2005

I have a Form that refers to two Reports, both of which refer to two query's one for each. the whole lot(1 Form, 2 Reports, 2 Querys) is in one mdb file and the actual database is another mdb file. How do I get my objects to get their data from the main Data Base File? the 5 objects are acting as a small report making application.

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Linking Databases

Jan 11, 2006

:confused: Does anyone know if there is any way to link to seperate databases so that any information entered in one will update the same information in the other and visevirsa?


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Integrating 2 Databases

Jan 19, 2006

My company has a database. I downloaded a copy of it to my desktop to work on it. Can I integrate my changes to the original? (copy/paste,export etc) I hope so.

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Three Databases One Switchboard

Oct 12, 2006

I have three different databases, engineering, properties, and my contacts.
I would like to have one switchboard that I can put on my desktop to access all three databases. Is this possible?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

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Network Databases

Oct 20, 2006

Just trying to get some more replies...

This post is really aimed at someone that has experience of network databases and the problems they can pose but if you can help at all that would be great!

I work for an insurance company and we have created a database for registering complaints on. The one we currently use is a single .mdb file which can be shared by up to 60 people at any one time. This is creating a lot of problems when the queries and some VBA code are run. I therefore made a server file which is just an mdb file with data tables in and NO forms or queries. This file is stored on a shared drive on the network server. We then created a client file which contains all of the forms and queries and code. This file contains linked tables to the server so when data is entered into the form, it "Sends" it to the server mdb file. The client is installed on each of the local machines c:. The problem with this was that if we made a change to the database, we would need to reinstall the client on every single user pc. This would of took ages. I therefore made an auto-update function that checked the version number on the server and if the server number was greater than the client number, a simple .bat fiile was run which copied the updated client file from the network to the relevant users local disk.
The problem we have now is that our IT department are concered that if we make a change to the client and all the staff log in at 9am for example, it will start doing multiple copying of a file around 8mb in size to around 60 machines. They are only running on a 2meg pipe so this could cause some problems. We are not looking to change the client & server idea but does anyone know if this will have a big impact and infact if the updates for 60 machine is the equivalent or lesser of 60 people sharing the single file i mentioned earlier. If the IT dept are happy with 60 users accessing the same file at the same time, which they currently are, why are they unhappy with it updating these machine using the new method.

Would really apopreciate any thoughts anyone has..

Thanks a lot.

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How To Merge Two Databases To One

Nov 12, 2006

I have a database with two tables, Buyer and Products, with one-to-many relationship. The key of Buyer is an autonumber ID, which is the foreign key to table Products.

The problem is that i have two copies of this database with different records (with ID starting from 1 to each one) and i want to merge the databases into one.

Any ideas how to do this without lose the connection of the records?

Thank you in advance.

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Help How Do I Merge Two Databases????

Mar 30, 2007


How do I merge these two datbases? I have downloaded them from Microsoft online templates, here
and here
and I want to have the two databases as one so that there will be a fourth tab on the cintact management database with the order form on? I want to be able to link the two so I can have all the customers details and orders together and print off reports. I really have not dealt with Access before so I really dont have a clue. Any help would be truly appreciated. I am sure it is easy but I just cant work out how to do it.

Thanks very much

Danny :)

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Merging Databases

Oct 25, 2007


We are using an Access database for off-site data entry. We therefore have one master database we keep in the office and then a "template" version -which is identical to the master version except no records - we bring to each site, do the data entry and then merge that data back into the Master database.

Can anyone help suggest ways to make the data merging process more efficient. The database has approx 12 tables, so I dont' want to create an append query for each one every time. Is there a way to just "merge" two identical databases??


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