I have a combo box on a form and when an item is selected other controls are populated from various tables. I'm currently using the OnChange event, but have tried others. It works great if you select an item, but is you type text in it does not work properly. I've tried lots of things but with every scenario am able to break it by typing certain text.
Is there any way to put a drop down list on the form (that is NOT a combo box)? Another option I found under "More Controls" is a "Microsoft Forms 2.0" combo box which you can set to be a DDL, but other features of it do not seem to work properly on the form. I'm not able to populate it with data. Documentation on MSDN is extremely light. Is there a way to populate this with a list?
Is there any event for the standard combo box that only fires if you select an item from the list - not if you type in text?
I have the following code in the on change event of a combo box:
*Surname is the name of the combo box... Is there any code i can put somewhere so that the list part of the combo box disappears when an item is clicked?
I know how to assign an event to a combo box, but I want to be able to launch a specific link, app, or email template, based on the actual selection from the combo box. So when I make a selection, whatever program or event I assign, to that specific selection, will launch.
I have a form with a subform that contains a combobox where I choose companies to add to a project that is on the main form. If the user types in a company name that is not in the database, I run code on the NotInList event that passes the company name using openargs to a company entry form.
After this form is closed, I return to the subform to choose the company name that I just added, only it is not there because I can't figure out where to automatically requery this combobox. My duct tape solution that's working, is a command button that runs this code when clicked:
I have tried putting this code in the OnCurrent, OnFocus, Onclick, OnEnter....etc on the subform and on the combobox itself. So far the only way it requeries is if I use the command button.if you want to see the NotInList code, and the code on my company entry form.
On clicking a button to open a form I want to filter a list in a combo Box located on the forms subform
The main form is called 'Frm_orders' The sub form is called 'sub' The combo box field is called 'CostCodeID' and I want to filter column 0 of the combobox which is Tbl_InvoiceCostCodes.Type to show records with a type of 'Repairs'
I'm working on a bit of code that before a combobox is changed checks with the user to confirm that they want the change to go ahead, if yes a recorded is added to a table
This all work fine apart from if no is selected - I am trying to get the combobox to undo the change however when you select no the msgbox pops up fine but the combobox does not undo
Can't see where I'm going wrong I thought undo worked for comboboxes
Code: ' Displays a message box with the yes and no options. Response = MsgBox(prompt:="Do you wish to change the status of this Job? 'Yes' or 'No'.", Buttons:=vbYesNo) ' If Yes button selected If Response = vbYes Then
I have a Main form with a combo box that pulls names from a table. Alongside the combo box is a command button that opens a form which allows the user to edit the names in the table.
The problem: When a user edits a name and closes the edit form, the edit is not immediately displayed in the combo box. However, when the Main form is closed and reopened, the edit is properly displayed. Can I somehow refresh the combo box in the On Close event of the edit form?
I am populating a table using combo boxes in a continuous form. The box box alone works fine without any issue of repeated data. But as you know obviously the combo box only populates data in a single column of the table, in which case mine is the LASTNAME; so now I am attempting to populate a unbound textbox with the FIRSTNAME side-by-side with the combo box for the same record.
In the After Update event of the cboLASTNAME:
Code: Me.txtFIRSTNAME = Me.cboLASTNAME.Column(3)
However, after updating the the combo the textbox data is repeated.
I am trying to populate a list box with an event after update in a combo box. I can get the formula to work using 2 criteria, the problem is i nee to add a third criteria. When I try to add it I get the run-time 13 error.
Here is the code I am trying to use:
Private Sub cboStatusRFQ_AfterUpdate() Me.cboSupplier.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCT [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool.RFQ Contact] " & _ "FROM Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool " & _ "WHERE consolidated_master_req_pool.Complete = FALSE AND [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool.RFQ Supplier] = '" & Nz(cboStatusRFQ.Value) & "'" And "[cosolidated_master_req_pool.Status] = '" & "[SUPPLIER_RFQ FOLLOW-UP]" & "'" & _ "ORDER BY [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool.RFQ Contact];" Me.cboSupplier = Null End Sub
I have a data entry form which allows users to add data to table A. On the form is a combo box populated from table B, that creates a list of values the user can pick from during data entry. If the user doesn't find the desired value in the combo box, then the value needs to be added to table B before it can be added to table A. On the combo box, box I have the event "NOT IN LIST" set to launch a macro to open a form that will allow an item to be added to table B. But its not working. In fact, nothing happens at all.
To get around this, I added a button to my form that allows the users to open a form which will allow the new value to be added to table B. But this isn't working correctly either since the combo box on the data entry form for table A doesn't show the new value.
1) a delete button (to delete a record) 2) a Search Payee box (that lists all payee names) 3) an SSN text box
I have code in the "On Enter" event of the SSN text box that pops up a message box asking which way to format the SSN (regular or as tax id). This works fine when entering a new record.
I just discovered, however, that when I delete a record then this message box comes up as well and I don't want it to. Instead I want to use the code "srchPayee.SetFocus" after a record is deleted to move the cursor/focus to the Search Payee box so that the SSN message box does not invoke.
I've tried putting the "srchPayee.SetFocus" in events on the form and also on the delete button, but no matter what I do the SSN message box still pops up after the record is deleted. Which event can I put this code in so that after deleting the record the focus moves to the Search Payee box and the SSN message does not appear?
Form1 has a sub form, Form2, which have a tab control with a number of tabs. One of them, Tab4, includes a sub form, Form3.
I have an SQL statement that I want to run (using DoCmd.RunSQL) when Form3 is shown on screen the first time, e.g. when Tab4 activates. I've tried OnClick for Tab4, OnActivate for both Form3 and Tab4 along with a dozen other events with no result. Maybe the problem is that the tab control is also in a subform?
I have a combo box with 'yes' and 'no' as options. The default is 'no'. When a user changes it to 'yes', I need to make several text boxes visible on the form. Q. Would it be better to user the OnChange or AfterUpdate event and why?
Can someone help? I am working on an event database (based on Microsoft 2003 event database template). At present when I register attendees, I can preview an invoice which is generated based on the information I have entered.
I have set up another option to preview a Letter of Confirmation based on this same principal. As I am "Visually Basic" challenged, I simply 'copied & pasted' the event procedure and made the changes as needed to ensure the correct report was opened (ie not the Invoice report but Confirmation Letter report).
However, when I click the button to open preview the letter, the "Print Invoice" box also opens up (as it does when previewing the invoice). I don't want this box to open as I don't need to enter any details.
Can someone please have a look at my VBA event below to see what I would need to delete to stop the "Print Invoice" box from popping up.
Private Sub LOC_Click() On Error GoTo Err_ConfirmationLetter_Click If Me![Attendees Subform].Form.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "Enter attendee and registration information before previewing the Confirmation Letter." Else DoCmd.OpenReport "ConfirmationLetter", acPreview, , "[RegistrationID]=" & Forms![Attendees]![Attendees Subform].Form![RegistrationID] End If
Exit_ConfirmationLetter_Click: Exit Sub
Err_ConfirmationLetter_Click: If Err <> 2501 Then MsgBox Err.Description End If Resume Exit_ConfirmationLetter_Click End Sub
Many thanks for any help. Kath Price Auckland, New Zealand
PS - Below is the original 'Preview Invoice' event that I copied: Private Sub PreviewInvoice_Click() On Error GoTo Err_PreviewInvoice_Click If Me![Attendees Subform].Form.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "Enter attendee and registration information before previewing the invoice." Else DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70 DoCmd.OpenReport "Invoice", acPreview, , "[RegistrationID]=" & Forms![Attendees]![Attendees Subform].Form![RegistrationID] End If
Exit_PreviewInvoice_Click: Exit Sub
Err_PreviewInvoice_Click: If Err <> 2501 Then MsgBox Err.Description End If Resume Exit_PreviewInvoice_Click End Sub
Hello, In an empty field how to detect that the RETURN key has been pressed, i don't know hot to differentiate the RETURN KEY and the field exit by clicking the mouse in an other field because in the 2 cases the value of field is set to "", is there a way to test VbKey in a field ?
This because i want to set my field to a default value only when i press RETURN and i don't want the LostFocus or Exit set my field to this default value if nothing has been typed in my field. (I must precise that for some reasons in my form the KeyPreview is set to TRUE.)
In my database I track a program called Bridge. Once you open bridge you can have anywhere from 1 to 7 "Sessions". Each bridge is assigned a number IE LT175A. If there are mulitple sessions they are numbered LT175A, LT175B, LT175C etc. I have a check box in my database that shows if bridge is installed on that PC. If it is then my section for session numbers are visiable, if bridge is not checked then the session numbers section isn't visiable. I currently have my Event Procedure in the After Update section. My code works because if I unclick on bridge my sessions disappears. However when I go to the next record if bridge is checked then my sessions are visiable but on the next record where it isn't checked it still displays the session section. So it isn't adjusting itself from record to record. Does my code need to go someplace else or am I doing something else wrong? Here is the code I have:(and it's under After Update)
i have been sick for quite a while,But back on track now.In the past i was building a car event db and would like to finish it.I have checked it out and there seems to be a few errors that i can't remember anything about.
you must have outlook installed otherwise some missing references come up.also there seems to be a problem with the date on the invoice form,the backup section in utilites.
If someone could have a look and point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.
I'm working with a database with employess info in access, When I click on an employees name in a form, I want to fire off another form with there info, what I have now it does nothing.
I used the following code in the on close event of my form and it works when the value of [maingameformation.playid] is not previously entered but if there is already a value there it won't overide it? Is this possible to do?
Private Sub Form_Close() [Forms]![gameentryfrm]![maingameformation.playid] = Me.playid End Sub
I have a form with a subform. I have an event on dbl-click on the subform's detail section, I want to display yet another form - frmDatePopup depending on a value in that subform. frmDatePopup has an Eval(Forms!frmDates!Start) for criteria for my date field. The problem is that when I dbl-click on the subform's detail section, frmDatePopup comes up blank, as if it ignores the Eval statement. Any suggestions on what I need to change to make this work? Thanks.
I have just joined this forum so I apologize if this question has already been asked, although I did do a search first. Here is my question:
I'm reading the Microsoft Press book, "Microsoft Access Version 2002, Inside/Out" by Helen Feddema. On page 846, in talking about how to use Form Event Procedures, she shows how to open a form's object property then click on the event tab so that you can enter code for the appriate event procedure. Her event tab of the form properties sheet shows more events than my pc does for Access 2002 (my Access help shows I'm running version 2002). Her event tab starts with "On Current" then "Before Insert", "After Insert" then "Before Update" while mine starts with "Before Update". She shows many more events than what my PC has and I need to use some of the missing ones. Anybody have an idea what's wrong or what I have to do to get the missing events to show up on my PC?
hi , i am new to access ,specially in designing forms . I have two tables Table1 and Table2 .I have created forms ,Form1 and Form2 respectively. now what i want is ...when i enter the value in Form2 ...Table1 filed should be updated. Table1.field1=Table1.field1-Table2.field1 how can i perform this type of action ?