Combo Box Validation

Jun 13, 2005


I've been looking on the forum to try and find my answer but am struggling to find anything!

I have a combo box which I am validating by using IsNull. This works fine untill someone fills the combo box and then decides to delete it leaving the combo box empty again. My IsNull then does not work. Have tried putting in "" too but this does not seem to work either

Below is my example
If IsNull(Me.cboInt) Or [cboInt] = "" Then
MsgBox "You need to choose an interviewer first!", vbCritical
End If

I know this must be simple! Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

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Validation Rule With Combo Box

Apr 15, 2006

What validation rule could be used with a "Combo box" field so that only the data in the combo box is accepted.

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Set Validation For A Combo Box In A Form

Feb 25, 2008

Hello there,

This is probably an easy question for most of you out there, but it has me stumped as a novice in this field.

I have a combo box on a form that has a row source defined to come from a query. I have the "limit to list" option set to "YES" in the properties of the combo box.
My issue is this, when a end user enters a value into the combo box manually, instead of using the drop down data, and that value is not in the related query, can I define what is said in the text box that appears, in place of the access default error message?

Second question is related to that, the system will not let me continue until I enter a value in the combo box that is on my query. Can I, from the text box that I have come up, jump to another form where I can update the records that the query is pulled from?

Here are the specifics for my database.
Combo box is on a form dealing with my "tote tracking" table. The box specificlly deals with the "serial #" field on that table.

I do not want the to be able to 'move' a tote unless that tote serial number has been enterd on the "tote setup" table, which the combo box is limited to search from.
If you try to enter a tote number that has not been setup, the "limit to list" feature will not let it happen. I would like my own error message to come up, and woud like to hit a control on that message to go to a form that enters records in the "tote setup" table. Then you will have the chance to 'set up a new tote' and create a record on that table from which the origional form would be able to pull.

Any help you could lend on this would be appreciated, I am new to access and trying to learn on my own...


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Forms :: Normalized Relational Database With Cascading Combo Boxes - Field Validation

Aug 7, 2013

I've been able to make a normalized relational database with cascading combo boxes, etc.

How to validate a field? The format needs to be according to the following:

<0 AND <=9999 [Optional: followed by a capital letter]

Examples of Valid Data:

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Apr 25, 2005

how can i validate a field so that the data entered must be between the values of 1 and 10?
thanks in advance

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Dec 4, 2006

I have a table called Inspection, there are two fields:

- Damage To Property // data type is Yes/No
- Damage Comments // data type is text

How would i go about setting the validation - if Damage To Property is data type "No", disable the "Damage Comments" field. (ie grey it out).

any help would be greatly appreciated..

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Possible Validation

Apr 18, 2007


Can someone tell me how to do a validation. The one I am trying to do is check Track No is not duplicated.

I have added my database if you may need it.

Can someone help me please!


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Validation Or VB

Feb 7, 2005

Hey peeps,

I have a problem. I want my field to become "[field], An " etc. when I type "An [field]" For example, if I type "The Hundred Years War" for the field, it automatically updates to "Hundred Years War, The". I would be happy with a simple validation rule that prohibits the use of "The, A or An" in the beginning of the field but i don't think that is posibble. If this requires VB, I don't know how to use the language and never worked with it. I am completely a novice in VB, but would still love to learn how to make it. :) If you could start me out then, I would appreciate it greatly. :D

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Validation Help

Mar 30, 2005

Hi im new round here but am working on a database and sum of the validation rules are confusing me now.

Ok i got a couple of things to ask:

1) What rule do i use to make sure only text is entered into the field, i cant use input masks as the size of the text put into the field will vary, as its names of people.

2) Is there a way to check that all the fields on a form have been entered? So if there not all entered an error appears?

3) Finally, is there a way to reset Autonumbers? or do i have to delete all the records and start frm scratch as my autonumbers have gone abiit crazy as sum records have been deleted so my table looks rather strange.

Thank you, help greatly appreciated :)

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Apr 14, 2005

Need a a validation rule to allow only "a" or "p" to be entered as data into the relevant fields, can someone help?

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Iif In Validation

Oct 11, 2005

Is it posible to use a iif statment in a validation statment ?
i have one table project and i want to check the occurens.

IIF ([ProjectStatus] = 1 ,[ProjectCompletedDate] = NULL, [ProjectCompletedDate]<> NULL)

when the projectstatus is 1, the date cant be filled in.
is this possible in access ?
or can it only be done form based?

thanks for the reply :)

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Validation Help

Dec 7, 2005

I have 2 fields called confirmed and paid.

I want to have a validation which will only allow confirmed to be clicked when paid is selected. I put this validation "Confirmed"<"Paid" in the properties part of the table but it doesnt work.

Can anyone help?

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Validation Help

Jan 21, 2006


For my Year 12 Computing course, I need to develop a database which will take bookings for a village hall. The database consists of a Bookings Table, a Customer Data Table and a Hiring Cost Table. It is in the Bookings Table that I am having the most trouble.

I believe I have already solved my double booking dilemma by making the Date of Event and Type of Event fields in the Bookings Table into a composite key, thereby prohibiting the entering of data where Date of Event and Type of Event are the same, making them unique.

Here is my main problem at the moment, I need a validation rule on the Date of Event or perhaps the Date of Booking field which means a booking must be made at least a week, and no more than two months in advance of the date of event. The thing is this validation rule is only needed for occasional bookings. Present, again on the bookings table is a Booking Type field which has a lookup consisting of the following “Regular” and “Occasional”, regular meaning bookings that are made at the start of the year, for the whole year.

Ideally, I would like to have it so that when the booking type field is set to regular, the validation rule for the date isn’t needed, and when the booking type field is set to occasional, the validation rule for the date is needed/present.

Could anyone help me with this? As any help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

If anyone would like any screenshots of the Bookings Table, email me at

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Mar 12, 2006

How can I set validation for a text field where I restrict the number of characters? For example, if I only want the user to be able to input 12 characters or less, and more than one. >=1 And <=12 would that be correct?

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Age Validation

Sep 19, 2006


I'm really new to Access and need help with a validation rule

Right, i have a 'Date of Birth' field and what would the validation rule be if i only want people over the age of 12 to be able to go any further?

I've tried various other rules found online but some just don't work...

Any help would be great!


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Dec 5, 2006

Hi all, Very new to using ACCESS. I am trying to set a validation criteria to ensure that a postcode is imported correctly. An example of a UK post code is SP10 3PB - it may be entered as SP103PB. I need to set a validation criteria to allow either two. What is the format of the criteria to achieve this? Any clues please. Thanks Mike

Are there any useful sites that set out examples of validation criteria?

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Age Validation

Apr 29, 2007


I have a field for date of birth, however I want to make sure that the person is older than 17.

This is what I have at the moment but it doesn't seem to work:

So what's the best way to do it?

Can you help me?

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Validation Help

Apr 9, 2005


I am currently making a system for a sports centre and I need some help, I have created several forms one of which is for the coach's details.
On the coaches table we have a combo box which has all the different qualifications in it, we have 5 of these boxes but we want to it so that when one has been entered it cannot be repeated in the other boxes, also we want it so that when level 4 Tennis has been entered - levels 3,2 and 1 cannot be entered.

Any help on this would be great,


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Dec 14, 2005

Hi Guys,

I need to set validation rule on a field. I have done the the below:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

If IsNull(Me.SlideType) Then
MsgBox "You have not entered SlideType!", vbExclamation + vbRetryCancel, "Incomplete Form!"
Cancel = True
End If

It works fine, but I cant get it ignore it if I press cancel. Sometimes this data is not available so it has to stay empty. When I press retry it should take me to that field to make changes and with the cancel click it should allow me continue with the last command/action before the msgbox was brought up. Can anyone please help, thanks.

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Jun 21, 2006

Hi, does anyone know how to set fields(como-box) on a form to pop up a validation message when form:confused is attempted for saving without any data selected on the field. I have 5 fields and I wanted my users to get a message for each when left please:confused:

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Nov 21, 2006


i have a form that requires validation. i am using the following code:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

If IsNull(Me.number) Then
MsgBox "number is required", vbOKOnly
Cancel = True
End If

i have repeated the above code for other fields.........

The problem i have is, if i click 'x' and before it allows me to exit, it brings up the validations, one by one (so annoying).

Is there any way THAT it can show all the validations at once??? in one message????


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Nov 27, 2006

Is there a way to set up validation so that:

1: The system will not allow a car already hired, to be hired out again

I have a loans form, but i've noticed that, it lets me hire out any car, even cars that are already hired out.

any tips on how to set up the correct validation?

cheers guys

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Oct 3, 2004

How do make a validation rule where a statement is not allowed to appear more than 5 times?

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Need Help With Validation

Jan 16, 2005


wat would i enter as a validation check if i wanna
make sure that all the data entered has its first letter
ranging from only A to G....
i need help urgently ....

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May 15, 2005

hi all

The following code isn't working

If Me.txtScore > Me.txtMaxScore Then
MsgBox "Outside score range"

I'm using an ADO unbound form to add records.

the txtMaxScores comes from a data table with its properties set as text. (I've tried using number but I can't get that working either)

The txtScore is an unbound text field. the user eneters a score and I'd like the above validation to trap incorrect scores. But there's something I'm missing. I've tried setting the txtScore properties to general number... no luck there either.

Any ideas are appreciated.

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Sql Validation Please

Jun 30, 2005


what is wrong with this sql query?

SELECT id, state, datePart('yyyy', date) as 'year', datepart('mm', date) as 'month'
FROM availability
WHERE year = 2005
AND month = 6

using asp and ms access


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