Combo Box Items In A Lookup Query

Jul 18, 2007

I have a Combo Box based on a table list on a Form. I want to choose several items from the list to feed a Lookup Query. Can this be done? :rolleyes:

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Selecting Two Items For Query From Combo Box

Jul 22, 2015

I have a combo box that has three items in it. Name, ID_Num, Date

I need to use ID_Num and Date to filter the results of query. I can use one or the other but not both. I have tried ListIndex but apperently am writing it wrong in the expression builder.



I have tried =0, =1, =2 after the

[ListIndex] but it doesn't work.

How do I use two items from combobox in a query?

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Adding Items To A Lookup Table

Dec 6, 2006

I have made a few lookup tables in the database I'm working on using the lookup wizard and entering the text I want in them. I made a form and they come over fine on them.
My question is that I thought that there was a way when you entered something other than was in that field it would automatically add it to that list and you could just select it next time instead of typing it in again. Is that possible or am I thinking of something else.

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Lookup Value On Multiple Items In A Comma Separated Field?

Nov 16, 2013

I have a table like this below:

ProductID ProductName

I have a field in another table, like this:


I need a field in one of my queries that will return the related products field data like this:


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Forms :: Unbound Combo Box - Lookup List Of Numbers Through Query

Oct 2, 2013

I have an unbound combo box that looks up a list of numbers through a query but on the drop down list it does not go all the way down to the bottom of the numbers. For instance the combo box will only go down to the number 27453 but I know there are more numbers than that in the table. I can even type in a number and get the info but it still doesn't show up in the list...

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Filtering Combo Box Based On A Value From Another Combo Box (in Multiple Items Form)

Mar 11, 2012

Let's assume we have 3 tables:

Order_Category (Order_Category_ID, Order_Type_Name) with 2 records:
1, Minor
2, Major

Order_Type (Order_Category_ID, Order_Type) with 4 records:
1, Book
1, Pencil
2, Car
2, House

Orders (Order_Category_ID, Order_Type, value) with 2 records:

I want to create a Multiple Items form presenting Orders table with two Combo Boxes:

1. A combo box to select Order_Category_ID.
2. A combo box to select Order_Type. When 1 (Minor) is chosen in the first combo box it should show Book and Pencil, when 2 (Major) is chosen it should show Car and House.

Examples in the Internet show how to do it on a 'single row' forms using the RowSource property. I tried to use a query like:

SELECT Order_Type
FROM Order_Type
INNER JOIN Orders ON Order_Type.Order_Category_ID = Orders.Order_Category_ID
WHERE Order_Category_ID = [comboBoxOrderCategoryID]

But it sets same values for all records in the Multiple Items form and it should return different values in each rows based on value in the first combo box (Order_Category_ID).

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Selecting Items In Combo Boxes

Apr 30, 2005

i have a combo box containing dates, however it will only display the date at the top of the list, no matter which date is selected.
any help would be gratefully excepted!

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Adding Items To Combo Boxes

Sep 4, 2005

Hey Guy and Ladies,

In one database (Originally an Orders Database created by wizards)

This code to add items to a drop down list in the “orders details subform” works fine.

Private Sub ProductID_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_ProductID_DblClick
Dim lngProductID As Long

If IsNull(Me![ProductID]) Then
Me![ProductID].Text = ""
lngProductID = Me![ProductID]
Me![ProductID] = Null
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm "Products", , , , , acDialog, "GotoNew"
If lngProductID <> 0 Then Me![ProductID] = lngProductID

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_ProductID_DblClick
End Sub

When the same code runs in my new database

Private Sub OptionID_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_OptionID_DblClick
Dim lngOptionID As Long

If IsNull(Me![OptionID]) Then
Me![OptionID].Text = ""
lngOptionID = Me![OptionID]
Me![OptionID] = Null
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm "Products", , , , , acDialog, "GotoNew"
If lngOptionID <> 0 Then Me![OptionID] = lngOptionID

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_OptionID_DblClick
End Sub

I get the error message

“You tried to assign the Null value to a variable that is not a Variant date type”

Any suggestions?

Also if anyone knows a better way to add items to a list box “On the Fly” I would really appreciate it.

It would be nice if you could type in the value and it would automatically add it to the list for future use.

Thanks for all of your help,

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Filtering Out Items In Combo Boxes

Aug 3, 2006

Need some help here....

I am designing a database to keep track of workers for a haunted house. I have a Roster table, a table of all the nights we are open, a table of Spots in the house, and a table to record who works what nights and what spot they are in. This table has a Room combo box and a Spot combo box. The Room combo has a Row Source of SELECT DISTINCT SpotsAll.Room FROM SpotsAll ORDER BY SpotsAll.Room; The Spot combo is then populated with VB code all the Spots that are in that room. That works fine. This is what I'm trying to accomplish: When a Spot is assigned to a Worker for that night, I want that spot to no longer be available in that list FOR THAT PARTICULAR NIGHT. So, lets say Joe Somebody works in Spot 1 (out of 4 lets say) of the Library Room, when we assign another person to the Library room, I don't want Spot 1 in the Spot list.

Can this be done with a query or VB code? If I'm not making sense, please let me know. I can also upload the Database I am creating so that you can play around with it and see what I mean.

(I have attached a word doc. that shows the table relationships.)

Thanks a lot ahead of time!!

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Selecting Multiple Items In Combo Box...

Feb 1, 2005

Is it possible to select more than one item in a combo box? I have attached a sample of a database I am working on. I have a table called Interests and on the Bookings form, I would like to be able to select more than one interest in the Interests combo box, but I can't figure out how to do it. In databases I have seen, you simply have to hold down ctrl or shift to make multiple selections - that's what I want to do.

Can anyone help, please?

Thank you!!

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Forms :: Limit Items In A Combo Box?

Aug 12, 2013

I have a combo box in which I wish to show the Person_ID's of every record in the table TBL_Person, except those which are returned by a separate query. Is this possible at all?

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Forms :: Counting Items In Combo Box

Aug 27, 2013

I have a form that has three cascading combo boxs, plus a subform. The third combo has a list of questions, and you put your answer in the txt box in the subform.

What has to happen is that the combo box has a number of questions and each has to be answered, is there a way to know if all these questions have been answered by knowing what listindex or listcount ect that has be used and to have something set to advise the user that there are more questions and what ones are to be answered.

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Forms :: Combo Box With 3 Items Not Displaying

May 7, 2013

I have two synchronised combo boxes that are working brilliantly except for 1 thing.

The two boxes are Site and Building. I find a site from the Site box dropdown and only the buildings for that site are shown in the Buildings box dropdown. Perfect!

However, I have got 3 fields showing in my Buildings dropdown.

Private Sub cboSite_AfterUpdate()
Me.cboBuilding.RowSource = "SELECT BuildingName, BuildingCode, Status FROM " & _
"BuildingT WHERE SiteID = " & _
Me.cboSite & _
" ORDER BY BuildingName"
Me.cboBuilding = Me.cboBuilding.ItemData(0)
End Sub

that is BuildingName, BuildingCode and Status.

All three show in the dropdown
only BuildingName shows in the actual Building Box and I would like all 3 to be visible once I have decided on the building name I need!!

Can this be done by changing

Me.cboBuilding = Me.cboBuilding.ItemData(0) (as above)
Me.cboBuilding = Me.cboBuilding.ItemData(0), Me.cboBuilding.ItemData(1), Me.cboBuilding.ItemData(2)
or something similar??

Or do I need to create 2 new boxes to return the other values?? I am so close to achieving what I want with this form!!

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Combo Box To Add Data Items Based Upon Table

May 13, 2005

I have a small database, that I would like to use a combo box to allow user to select a value based upon values already entered on table, and then if value is not found enable the user to enter a new value that will then become part of the selection for future record adds.

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Forms :: Combo Box Allowing Not In List Items?

Sep 29, 2014

I am using the following code in a textbox (CountryID) to show a country name (CoName) from a table (tblCountry). If the comboBox (cmbCoName) in current form (frmCountry) has no entry then CountryID remains blank, great. If I use the form to add a new entry then CountryID flashes because it does not recognize the entry. Can I use "or" to add another condition in the IIF statement so that it allows the "not in the combobox list" entry?

=IIf(IsNull([txtCoName]),"",DLookUp("CoName","tblCountry","Country_ID = " & [Forms]![frmCountry]![txtCoName]))

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Tables :: Combo Box - Record Tagged With Two Items

Jan 16, 2014

So I've been reviewing cascading combo boxes and I am finding some good stuff. But here is a preliminary step I need. I need to tag each record with something like what month are they assigned in, and what products. Then I need the combo box to display what that month is that they are tagged in, and then populate the second combo box. It is the second combo box that will show the record on the form. Its possible that there will be two items they are tagged with.

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Tables :: Select Multiple Items In Combo Box In Form?

Mar 6, 2015

I have a form with a combo box named 'Venue'. The combo box values comes from a Table with a list of about 200 countries. As of now a user is able to select only one country. However, I want users to be able to select more than one country.

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Forms :: Change Items In A Combo Box Based On A Field

May 29, 2014

So I have a combobox that pulls values from a table. I am being requested to do an update to the database which means that I have to filter some values on that combobox based on a field on a previous form.For example:The main form is called "frmcontacts" and has a table field called "txttypeofcustomer" which can have two values: "customer" or "dealer".

The form that contains the combobox is called "frmnewissue" the combobox is called "cmbissuetype". "frmNewIssue" is opened through a button on "frmContacts". This combobox pulls the values from a table "tblissuetype". The values in that combobox are then: "Repair" "Return" "Question" "Replace".

If the value on txtTypeofCustomer is "Dealer" then all the values for the combobox remain visible. If the value of txtTypeOfCustomer is "Customer" then "Replace" cannot be visible or has to be greyed out.

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Forms :: Populating Text Box Upon Selecting Multiple Items In Combo Box?

Nov 28, 2014

Now I have a combo box "cbo_items" and a text box "txt_selectedItems", I want to populate text field with items selected from the combo box, every time i select an item it appears in text box and to be separated with comma, so text box appears like this ( item1, item2, item3), and after finishing the whole thing the result appears in lable "lbl_result" as "total items selected: 3 items".

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Combo Box Lookup

Mar 8, 2005

I have a form with a combo box (unbound) that gets its values from a table.
I also have another combo box which is supposed to get its values from a query:

SELECT Vehicle.Registration, Vehicle.Make FROM Vehicle WHERE (((Vehicle.Customer)=Forms![New Job]!Customer));

I have made the first combo box refresh/requery the second one onChange, but I get no options in the combo box.

I am pretty sure that the first combo box is Forms![New Job]!Customer. and there are matching values in the Vehicle.Customer field.

The database can be downloaded from: (996KB)
or if you can unzip (who can't?!?) (86.1KB)

Cheers for any help


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Modules & VBA :: Combo Box Will Display Specific List Of Items - Form Asking For Parameter

May 5, 2015

I have the below code behind a form so that a combo box will display a specific list of items based on the data in another combo box on my form.

I have two copies of this same form for two different departments. One of the forms works like a dream. However, when I copy that form, change the name, and update the code as pictured below, the form is asking for a parameter FROM MY ORIGINAL FORM and will not requery the combo box. I can't figure out why...there is no reference to the original form in my VBA as you can see below. I tried deleting the form and re-creating it, I tried deleting the code and re-typing it to no avail.

Private Sub cmboType_AfterUpdate()
Me.cmboAction.RowSource = "SELECT tblStatusList.Status FROM tblStatusList WHERE (((tblStatusList.Department)=[forms]![frmInquiryFraud]![cmboType]));"
End Sub

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Cascading Combo Boxes - Open A Form And Add Multiple Items To A Table

Mar 12, 2011

I have been trying to modify a sample database to suit what I want to do but I am getting stuck on the very first part cascading combo boxes i want to open a form and add multiple items to a table - first i want to select, from a combo box a department - then select a supplier from all the suppliers/manufacturers related to that department then select a stock item based on the description from all the items available from that supplier

I have attached the database I am using to modify and my database.

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Lookup Using Combo And Text Box

Mar 29, 2005

Hey guys

This is the problem,

I have 2 fields in a table. Cityand Country.

City Country


Field "City" is connected to a combo box and field "country" to a textbox on the form.

I would like the user to select a city from the combo box. When this is done the textbox linked to the country field should automatically update to show the correct country. This should update without user intervention.

I would find it better to have the text box look up a value list rather than use a table for its source. the form is being used as data entry. The combobox linked to field "city" is also a value list.

Thanks in advance.

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Uppercase In Lookup Combo Box

Aug 5, 2005

I would like all of the text in my database to appear in upper case. I used the > symbol in the format of all controls and in my tables also. However, on my form's lookup combos it doesn't work. When I click the dropdown it shows all selections in upper case, but after I select it turns into lower case again.

I then tried using Ucase and strConv but those don't seem to work with my combos either.

I have searched and these are all the suggestions I could find on how to do this, does anyone know another or possibly what I am doing wrong?

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Combo Box Lookup And Permissions?

Feb 27, 2006


Have just created an access 2000 database which when a user logs on to the network as herself and tries to lookup any combo boxes or click a button to run a query from a form it shows or does nothing, yet when I log on I can.

Our IT Services have looked at folder/share permissions which appear to be OK and I've not set any permissions/workgroups in the database.

Can anyone shed any light as to why this is happening please?


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Design Problem - Filtering Combo Box Items Based On Related Table Field

Apr 19, 2007

Hi im stuck on filtering a combo box (i am using an sql query to populate a combo box with a filtered selection, this is in Access but im after some design sanity checking). I have users who can be assigned a category. Jobs can be assigned a category and also have a list of people working on that job (in the JobDetails table). I have the following tables:

Categories Table:
CategoryID (PK)

Users Table:
UserID (PK)
CategoryID (FK on Categories.CategoryID)

Jobs Table:
JobID (PK)
CategoryID (FK on Categories.CategoryID)

JobDetails Table:
JobID (FK on Jobs.JobID)
UserID (FK on Users.UserID)

Then in the job details when listing users for a job (many users can be for one job) i would like to only show the users which have the same category as the jobs category. Is this possible? i tried the SQL below for the lookup column field JobDetails.UserID but it doesnt work:

SELECT Users.ID, Users.Username, Users.CategoryID
FROM Users, Jobs
WHERE (((Users.CategoryID)=[Jobs].[CategoryID]));

All the tables are linked with relationships but my SQL isnt so hot!
Any ideas as to how i would do this and get it working?

Even if it can be done, is this even recommended? I can see funny conditions happening if the job details category changes or the users category changes then even if they are existing in the job details list they will not be shown? Even so, i would be interested in the above to know how it is done (if possible).

Thanks in advance,


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