I have an ADP project setup that's links to a sql server 2000 database.
I have two tables - Missionaries and Boards.
They are linked in a one-to-many relationship (one Board per Missionary, many Missionaries per Board).
I am running a form that is based on a view (FullView). FullView contains the fields from Boards and from Missionaries. I want my form to have a combo box that draws the Board names from Boards (not from FullView, because sometimes not all the Boards will be assigned to a Missionary).
However, when I setup my source for the combo box to be:
SELECT BoardID, BoardName FROM Boards ORDER BY BoardName
and set my "Bind Column" to 1, then I go to form view and select a board from the list and move to the next record, my BoardName value is rewritten with the BoardID value.
It's been a while since I've used Access, and I seem to have forgotten this.
I have a form which allows entry of Borrower's details. I have 2 combo boxes on the form.
They are:
cboBorrName cboLoanSN
Once the user selects the name from the cboBorrName, I want the cboLoanSN to display all loans associated with the Borrower so that they can select the correct loan and add repayment details accordingly.
I have added the following SQL statement as the record source of cboLoanSN
Code:SELECT * from tblBorrower WHERE tblBorrower.fldLoanSN=[Forms]![frmBorrower]![cboBorrName]
I have also added the following code in the After Update event of cboBorrName
If I have a drop down box with names in, is it possible when I select a name from the list (drop down box) that it will fill in data related to that name into several fields on my form, the data from the names will be on a form that is closed.??? Chris
Ok, all i want to do is that when i select a value from my combo box to be displayed in a text box, once its been selected, the value is then deleted from the combo box, any ideas????
I have a combo box based on a table. The table is sorted by the Customer surname field using the Order By property. My Problem is the combo box will still display data in the unsorted order ie in Primary Key order.
Any suggestions on how I can make the Combo Box display dat in ascending order of Customer.
I am new to Access and have a question in regards to the combo box function. I have it setup I think correctly but the problem I have is how its storing the data.
What I have done is I have a Table that I created with a field that has set responses that someone can pick from when using the forms to put in data. I then have the combo box to store the answer into another field in that same table. What is happening is when a answer is selected and stored into the seperate field it only puts in the answer field a number.
My Options are: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
If someone to use the pull down menu and choose Day 1 it would put a 1 for their answer. I would like to see if there is a way to where if you chose Day 1 for an option it would put the name in the answer field. I hope that I am explaining this correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is my problem, i have a combo box with a list of values in it. When the user selects a value it is then displayed in a text box, but what i want is that when the value is selected is that its deleted from the combo box!!!! Is there a way around this?????
I am fairly new to VBA, having done no fromal training. I have taught myself quite alot and I am pleased with how i am progressing. I am stuck though!
I am building a booking system for a friends business, all free of charge as I believe it's a good project to get experience in VBA.
The booking form has a 'Date' Combo box, 'Name' Combo box and a 'Time' Combo box. The 'Time' Combo box displays times in 10min intervals from 0600 to 2100, and this data is stored in a table called 'tblTimes'. I need to build a query that checks the main table 'tblBooking', for a selected date chosen in the 'Date' Combo box by the user, to see what times have been used up and thus only display, in the 'Time' Combo box, those times not yet used for that particular datedate.
I am sure, to some of you experts out there, that this is quite a simple query. I looki forward to your input.
Basically MY problem is that i set the control id to that of a primary key so that when the combo box data is changed it puts the data in the table. However my problem is that the data it displays is a price and im trying to calculate a total. Therefore in VBA im trying to find out how to refer to the data displayed in the combo box but isnt the control source.
Thank you in advance Any help would be much appreciated
I'm looking for a little bit of help here. I have a form and on this form I have a combo box. Now this combo box is populated by a table that I have called "Options". So this is all fine and dandy to select items already existing in the table, but ideally I would like to be able to input a new "Option" through this combo box if it doesn't exist in the table already.
I'm thinking I'd have to do something with the "On Not in List" event but I don't know VBA at all.
Also, I will eventually have a Price box next to this combo running off a query driven by the entry in the combo box. Again, I'd like to be able to input a new cost to the existing item or a cost for the newly entered item
I've currently got a Combo Box (in the form of a drop down list) in the main part of my form for data entry. I have recently created a seperate form called 'edit' to change current values that may be incorrect. As a part of this, I would like to make changes to the values displayed in the Combo Box (let's say there is a typo). So I have copied the combo box from the viewing page into my editing section, and made the change I want to the appropriate entry. I then go back to my viewing page, and the data hasn't automatically updated. (However, If I look at the drop down list now, the new spelling of the entry is there, the old one is gone, and I can select the new one; making the change complete. Is there a way that I can get it to automatically update all the fields that currently have the old spelling to the new spelling? (all I see on after update for the combo box is a list of my macros?)
Hi, I have a combo box, which the first and last name of an employee is combined using trim. Does anybody know of a way to seperate both fields as these would be used an a query so I would need them seen as 2 fields otherwise there won't be any matches.
I have a form that is mainly used for data entry (for call logging). Ideally it will be linked to 4 different tables, however I need to get the basics working.
My new problem is being able to look up data that is selected in a combo box to see if it is out of date. I shall clarify, as stated the form is for call loggin, when someone calls I ask for their postcode, this is in the combo box. I want to then use the postcode selected to data from another table that lists services due, and if the service is due for that postcode within two weeks highlight the text box in red.
I have two combo boxes that exist on a form record (i.e. two combo boxes for every record on the continuous form): mainCategory and subCategory.
Currently, I can choose a mainCategory and depending on the mainCategory, I have certain values available for the subCategory.
What I want to do is only show the values that have not been used for the subCategory (the mainCategory can always show its default value).
An example of what I mean is below...
The comboboxes and their row data:
mainCategory (combobox) ------------- A (combobox rows) B C
subCategory (combobox) ----------- for A: 1, 2, 3 (row for the selected mainCategory) for B: I, II, III, IV for C: red, blue
Sample scenario: 1. For the first record on the form, a user selects "A" from mainCategory and "1" from the subCategory for "A". 2. The user adds a new record to the form 3. For this new (2nd) record on the form, a user selects "A" from mainCategory and can only select "2" or "3" from the subCategory combobox. The "1" from the subCategory combobox is no longer available for choosing, unless the user changes the first record's "1" in subCategory to another value.
OK, I've tried everything I can think of with this combo box. I've searched the internet for days, even bought some big fat Access reference books and read them cover-to-cover, but I still can't get my database to do what I want. This newbie would *really* appreciate some help...
I am trying to create a database which I can use to store client’s advertising expenses. I currently have three tables: tblListings (which stores basic information about each client, with the field ListingID as the primary key); Advertising Rates (which stores the different types of advertising products and their prices, with the field ProductNumber as the primary key); and tblAdvertisingExpenses (which stores each “order” of an advertising product, including the client’s ListingID as a foreign key, date, the type of advertising, and the total cost - the primary key is an auto-numbered field called OrderNumber).
I have a main form called frmListings, which displays the client’s information from the tblListings table, and includes a subform. I wanted the subform to show only the advertising expenses corresponding to the ListingID (ie. client) displayed on the main form, so I based the subform on a query which displays all records from tblAdvertisingExpenses with a ListingID that matches the ListingID displayed from tblListings. So far so good - the records displayed in the subform change correctly when the record in the main form changes.
The subform returns info from the following fields in the tblAdvertisingExpenses table: Date, ProductNumber, and TotalPrice. I want users to be able to select a type of advertising from a combo box on the subform, which looks up the ProductNumber and Cost from another table (tblAdvertisingRates), and then writes the ProductNumber for that type of advertising to the ProductNumber field of tblAdvertisingExpenses, and writes the corresponding Cost to the TotalPrice field of tblAdvertisingExpenses (and the corresponding controls on the subform). The reason I want to write the Cost from tblAdvertisingRates to tblAdvertisingExpenses is so that I can update rates for types of advertising in the future, without having the change cascade through records where the old price has already been paid for the advertising.
My problem is: a) how to get the combo box to write these various values to other controls on the form, and b) how to write the same values to fields on the subform’s underlying record source.
I’ve tried having the combo box look up all the fields from the underlying table (hiding all except the description of the advertising) and setting the bound column to the field with the price. However, the price is not the uniquely identifying field, and the combo box only writes to the TotalPrice control if all the advertising options in the list have a different price.
Sorry if this is terribly confusing. I can provide more specific details (and screen captures) of the tables, queries, forms, and relationships (if I haven’t provided enough specific details already), and would really appreciate any help that anyone can provide. Help?!
Departments (DepartmentName as prime key), Employees (EmployeeCode as prime key, as prime key field can't have duplicates as it occuring in case of EmployeeName), ErrorReference (ErrorCode as prime key) and ErrorCategory
I built onemore table "Performance", in which 'workOrderRef, Date, Cost and WorkOrderPic' are local fields and rest of fields (departmentName, EmployeeCode, EmployeeName, ErrorCode, ErrorRef) are linked to different database to prop up data while data entry.
Also did relations between these tables in order to facilitate cascading effect of modification in respective database bases.
Now the question is - in input database file i.e. "Performance", - when i prop up "CAD" department, i should get employees in CAD department and in turn employee code.
- when i prop up any Error rerefernce, it should automatically prop up corresponding ErrorCode
I have a combo box on a form that the user can select a player name. Under the combo box I have a label called "Show me information about selected Player: that once clicked takes the user to another form which has all information about the player that was previously selected in the combo box.
Everything works fine UNLESS the user forgets to select a playername from the combo box and clicks on the label anyway. Obviously no player name was selected so a blank form opens which is a problem!
How can I ensure that a player name is selected and prevent the user from clicking on the label below without having previously selecting from the combo box?
If anyone can please help I would appreciate it so much.
I know this is probably a basic question but I just need to clarify something.
I created a combo box using a wizard in a form that relies on its options by looking up data from a spefic table (Y) i.e. such as employee role. So far so good.
However when I create the field in the table in which the user response is stored in Table X, and I am specifying all the details in the general and lookup tab,
Do I:
A. store the data as text or B. do I go to lookup tab --> display control --> combobox etc..?
I work for a company which have a load of cd's which i've put into a database.
the database consists of a table which lists the contents, date created, department etc.
I've created a form where users can select (using combo box's) criteria to search the database.
It works well if the user selects relevant data from each combo box but i have now added a "select all" function to each combo box incase the user doesn't know the specific criteria.
This is where the trouble starts. I cant work out how to create the query so that if the combo box is on "select all" how it will show all records for that particular field.
I have tried to use an IIF function for each field in the query but i always get errors.
hi, i have a query which when the user selects a value in a combo box it pulls up the other details of the item, such as price.
i have noticed though that if i try and enter a new item into the list, through the combo on the form and then enter a price, it gives me error 3101 (something to do with not being able to find the record.
i assume this is because it is trying to locate the chosen item of data within the main table and pull up a price.
I have a table in my database with customer records including account number and account name. On a form I would like to set up a combo where the account number is selected and for the corresponding account name to appear in an adjacent text box.
The customer account number control is currently a textbox for manual entry but I want to change that to a combo with the AccountNumber field set as the control source.
I would like to know how to get the customer name to appear in the CustomerName textbox when the account number is selected from the new combo.
Any help would be appreciated and I enclose a copy of the form on a word doc.
I have several list combo boxes on my form that I want to prevent users from adding data to. How can I do this? For example, there is a list box for insurance carrier, etc. :confused:
In one table i Have component group Id and the description as fields then another table has the sub groupings for each Component Group Id
Example Component Group ID = 1 which is the primary key Description = Keyboards
Component Sub datasheet has Group ID = 1 foreign key Descriptive Options = USB, Wireless, PS2, Serial
I have joined both of these in a query but what i want is the query when i link it to the combo box on the form i have to only show the Group ID once and not repeat it for as many times as each subdatasheet has records.
Example: When i click External Device I dont want to see the word Keyboard being repeated 4 times (which is because there are four subrecords/types of keyboards) Please Advise.
I can't get my choices to display--only the Headers. In the selected field I choose combo box and choose the table to look up in the row source. The data columns are first in the table and their ID is last, but I only get the Header to display in the box. If I deselect header, I get an emply list
There are actually 7 columns in the look up table (the eighth is the ID) and 10 rows of possible choices.
Column Count: 7 Headers: Yes (or no doesn't matter) Bound Column: 1 (changing doesn't matter) Limit to List: No (so I can add)
What am I missing in the properties setting?
Also, can I use one of the columns in the look up table as a primary sort on a report? Or will it see the whole string of columns as one?
Hi Was wondering if someone can guide me in the right direction. this is my first post.
I have a form with a combo box listing 900 pupils but the list is in no particular order. How can I sort the surnames in alphabetical order and for those changes to reflect on my form.
The problem I am having is I can sort it out in alphabetic order but the changes dont reflect onto the main form.
I have a Combo Box that places the Address into the given Address field. How can I have it place the second and third cloumns, from the Combo Box into the next two adjacent fields on the Form (Last Name & First Name)? Please describe in detail, not just code, but where a how it goes. I am new at this thing.