Combo Box Selection Doesn't Update

Jan 17, 2014

I have a combo box on a form with claim #s. When selecting a claim # the appropriate record displays, but when using the record selector to advance to the next record, the combo selection does not update.

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Combo Box Doesn't Update Fields

Feb 27, 2008

I have a Combobox so the enduser can search and select items for the form below it rather than clicking the arrows for Next/Previous.However I have an issue with DLookup queries.My Combobox is called 'F_ComboBox' (I use F_ in my forms to indicate it's a form textfield and not from a table).My first field in the form, called 'F_ProdID', I want it to select the rows ID from the Combobox option selected. So it's simply:=[F_ComboBox]Which works fine, it shows the ID for what I selected... but when I do this to show my ProductName...=DLookup([ProductName], 'Products', [ProdID] = [F_ComboBox])Or the same but using the first textfield:=DLookup([ProductName], 'Products', [ProdID] = [F_ProdID])It loads once but if I select another item out of the Combobox it doesn't change, it just stays on the last result. So the query works, just doesn't refresh when a new item is picked from the ComboBox.Am I doing something wrong?Thanks,Nick.

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Queries :: How To Update Combo Box Values Based On User Selection

Sep 25, 2014

I have a combo box which gets its values from sql server using a query which is called "get_query_reason", which works fine. Now I want to update combo box values based on a user selection, st string. Have written the code, but does not work:

Dim qDef As QueryDef
Dim Query As String
Dim st As String
Dim rs As Recordset
st = "SOV"
Set qDef = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("get_query_reason")


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Adding Existing Fields To Form Doesn't Allow For Record Selection

May 13, 2015

So, I have two forms that I am trying to make work the same way.

With F1Entry I can use the combo box in the header to select different request numbers.

With F2Finance I cannot do this. It works if I set the Form Record Source to T2FIN, but when I try to Add Existing Field, something about selector combo box breaks and I cannot select different request numbers.

Database attached

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Db Doesn´t Update

May 31, 2006

Hi, I have a db that has worked perfect with multiple users.
Now, the db doesnt show the updates made by different users.
How can this happen?


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Update Query Doesn't Select 1 Record

Nov 22, 2006

Upon closing my frmInventory the amount stock of stock is checked against a minimal stock value. If the stock amount is below a set minimal value a subsequent form is opened telling you that stock is low and an email message is generated to notify a manager. I have a checkbox on that form which is set to "True" upon close using an update query. The checkbox is there to give users the option to either send or not send a reminder message that stock is low when a message has already been sent earlier.

The problem is that using that update query ALL records are set to "sent=true" and not just the 1 record I intend.

This is my code in the "on close" event:

DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryUpdateEmailMinimal_True

and here's the SQL:

UPDATE tblInventory SET tblInventory.emailSentMinimal = True;

I assume what is missing is a reference to an inventoryID number. How do I do that?

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Queries :: SQL UPDATE That Adds But Doesn't Replace?

Aug 27, 2013

Right now, I'm working with an SQL code of

"UPDATE Individuals SET [ShareholderOf] = " & Me.CompanyNo & " WHERE [Name] = '" & PerName & "';"

However, doing so will obviously change the "Shareholder of" field into what the user inputs (Me.CompanyNo). What should I use if I want it to ADD the user input rather than REPLACING the old [shareholderof] value?

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Datasheet For Two Tables - ID Doesn't Update Automatically

Dec 19, 2011

I have this small problem with datasheet:

I have 2 tables. They are connected with ID (Form1.ID=Form2.fID)

Now I made a datasheet of both of them, but the ID doesn't update automatically, how do I fix this?

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Change Combo Contents Based On Previous Combo Selection

Oct 20, 2005

Hi everyone,

I have two combo boxes on the same form bound to a table. I want the contents of the next combo box to change based on the previous combo selection e.g

cboContinent cboCountry
Africa Zambia
Africa Congo
Africa South africa
Europe England
Europe Holland

If I choose Africa in cboContinent, I want to see only Zambia, South Africa and Congo under cboCountry and if I choose Europe I want to see only England and Holland


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Populate Combo Box Based On Selection In Another Combo Box (Access 2010)

Jul 11, 2012

I'm have quite a difficult time getting a form in Access 2010 to perform the way I would like it to. I have multiple tables that I've created, and a query that contains the data from the various tables. I then ran the form wizard to select the data from the query that I wanted to populate in my form and I've added 2 combo boxes.

What I want to do:
1. I want users to be able to select a category in combo box #1 (example: "Bag")
2. I want users to be able to select a detail in combo box #2 based on the category they selected in combo box #1 (example: Combo box #1, "bag" would populate the following selections for combo box #2: "sandwich" and "tool")
3. I want users to then receive a list of suppliers that provide the product they have selected, either "Bag: Sandwich" or "Bag: Tool"

I have combo box #1 populating a list of categories already. However, I am not able to get combo box #2 to provide choices based on the selection chosen for combo box #1.

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Form Doesn't Always Update When Opened. Is This A Requery Problem?

Apr 11, 2005

Please refer to the attached file. The form of concern is frmAssessmentInput.

Select the appropriate criteria per instructions (in red), including entries on the continuous subform. Then click the "Input data" command button. A 2nd form opens (frmObservations) that contains a textbox labeled DocumentStreamID, and this textbox SHOULD contain the value from the corresponding DocumentStreamID textbox contained in the master form, where you clicked the command button. However, even though the sources are linked properly, the value doesn't pass if you click the command button immediately after adding a new record to the continuous form; it only passes if 1) the master form is closed and reopened first, or 2) if you close the 2nd form, toggle to design view and back to form view for the master form, and then click the "Input data" button again.

What is going on here? Given that the value passes once another procedure is run, do you think this a requery problem? I tried placing a VBA control requery in the 2nd form's On Current and On Load events, but this didn't solve things for me so I took out those event procedures (code could have been wrong though).

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Forms :: Subform Doesn't Update After Values Being Updated By Another Form

Feb 27, 2015

I'm running into an issue with my forms. I have a form that contains a subform, that contains a list of projects. This list is read-only. To update a record, you can double click on it, which opens another form filtered on this record, and which contains the fields in the first form as well as some others.

I have a command button on that last form to "Save and close", which fires up a macro that saves the record and closes the window.

Now, the issue that I'm having is that, when the window closes and I'm once again in front of the first form with the list of projects, the values of the record I changed are not updated and when I click on another record, Access tells me there's a conflict in the values and asks me if I want to keep the changes, discard them or copy to the clipboard.

It seems to consider the old values from the first form as a change, and thus asks me which to keep between these, and the actual (proper) changes I made in the dedicated form.

For the proper changes to be applied, I need to select "Drop changes".

I tried to requery the first form, also undo the changes to it after closing the window, but none of that worked.

I'm actually basing this on one of the templates, which does exactly what I want and which obviously works...

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Error - Field Date Update Doesn't Exist In Destination Table

Aug 7, 2013

Was trying to append an Excel 97-2003 spreadsheet to an existing Access 2010 database.

The last field in the spreadsheet is Date Update.

When I click 'Finish' I get the error "Field Date Update doesn't exist in destination table <name of table>.

This database was created in Access 2003, and was not updated since and I don't have Access 2003 on my destop.

I saved the Excel Spread as a Excel Workbook *.xlsx and tried to append it. Same Error was the result.

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Combo Box Selection Triggering 2nd Combo Box Tables

Oct 26, 2004

I'm trying to get one combo box control what tables are available from another combo box. Example, combo box (a) includes numbers 1-5. Selecting (1) makes the data in combo box (b) specific to that selection. Selecting (2) makes the data in combo box (b) something different (pulls data from a different table).

Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!

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Forms :: Combo Box Value Based On Selection In Other Combo Box?

Nov 29, 2014

I'm trying to build a database for daily work. My work in daily basis I have to fill all condition for several items.

We have two areas, with two locations under each area, and three systems under each location and each system contain more than 500 items.

I created all tables and fill by all information:

1-Table 1: Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, Area 4, Area 5, Area 6.
2-Table 2: Location 1, Location 2.
3-Table 3: System 1, System 2, System 3.
4-Table 4: all items under System 1-1-1
5-Table 4: all items under System 1-1-2

[Code] ....

Last table will be LogBook which will be as follow:

date l time l area l location l system l item l Conition1 l Conition2 l Conition3

My question regarding to the form of the above table:

How can I make a combo box for area field and when I select for example area1 will appear only the locations which under area1 in location field, and when I select location1 for example will appear only the systems under location1 in system field, and when I select system1 one for example will appear only items under system 1.Combo box list will be based on the selection in previous combo box and so on.

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Combo Box Values Based On Another Combo Box Selection

Feb 6, 2013

I have a form, with a subform and another subform

Once a supplier name is selected from the combo box i only want it displayed that suppliers products in the subform, subform. (products combo box) I can get a basic query to show these results but can get the combo box to do the same.

The design screen is also attached below ....

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Forms :: Table Doesn't Read Combo Box Info Correctly

Nov 24, 2014

I have a form "FrmMaintenance" based on the query "QryMaintenance" that is taken information from the table "TblMaintenance".

In the form, I have to pull the serial number of a machine from a drop down list which works perfectly fine in the form and it also updates other associated records.

When I go to the table, it puts associated number instead of the serial number that I've pulled.

Same thing happening for the pull down list "Engineer".

I've tried to look at the format of the "SerialNo" and changed to text, then to Combo Box but it didn't work, and the same for "Engineer"

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Combo Box Populated By Selection In Other Combo Box

Jul 13, 2013

I have a form with a number of combo boxes to select criteria in order to narrow down a list. A selection in any combo box should narrow your options in the other combo boxes.

For example:

Combo 1 is a list of all the states
Combo 2 is a list of all the cities

Selecting NY in combo 1 will change the list in combo 2 so that it only shows cities in NY

Or, selecting Rochester in combo 2 first will edit the list for combo 1 to show only states that have a city named Rochester

The point in me doing this is to be able to narrow down a list of over 230000 different but similar items by varying criteria in order to track inventory and value.

Scrolling through the whole list, typing criteria in manually each time and building new queries and reports every time I need to find something specific are not options.

I just need the combo boxes in a form to set the criteria to filter out the list in real time. Each selection made needs to narrow your options for the next selection.

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Combo Box Selection

Jan 10, 2006

I have a form with 4 text boxes that are populated from a query with an unbound cbo box to make the choice from. There are two fields that show on the dropdown, "Customer" and "New Product Name". I created it all with wizards. Most of the Customers have only one product name but some have several. If I choose a customer that has several products, it always selects the customer with the first product it finds. How can I get it to select the Customer by product? I have looked and seen what looked like what I needed on this forum, but I couldn't make it work. I am not good a VB. Thanks in advance for any help that you can give.

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Combo Box Selection

Dec 13, 2006

I have had some help on this previously but its not working the way i wanted.

I have a form called plan distribution which holds a record of all people who need a copy of a certain plan. There are several hundred contacts held in the database and i want to make this as easy as possible to choose the right ones.

To do this i want to have 3 combo boxes. One each for company, department and contact.

On the plan distribution form i want the user to select which company they want. The department combo box will then automatically show all departments within that company.

Once the user selects the department, the final combo box will hold all contacts within that department.

I have tried several ways of doing this but cant find one that works!


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Combo Box Selection

Jan 22, 2005

Text is brought into a form field as a result of a combo box selection, is it possible to use the same combo box to select another value that could be appended to the same field as the first selection?

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Combo Box Selection

Apr 4, 2005

As you have read in my other posts I am creating a Rental database. Now I need to show ages in this database and the certificates they have on films. I have 2 problems

1) I have two fields one called date of birth and one called Age. I am wondering if I enter there date of birth, can I make the age appear automatically.

2) Also when im adding more films to my database I want one combo box saying with the options DVD/VHS/GAME and then the other saying the age certificates because Game and DVD certificates are different so I was wondering if the first combo box makes the other combo boxs options

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Help In Insert/update Multiple Selection From A Listbox

Aug 7, 2005

thank you in advance for all your BIG help. :)

I have 3 tables - SMaster, SI_map, ILookup

I need to create a form to Add/Update into SMaster and SI_map tables, which has one-to-many relationship, that's why I use a list box to show the values from SI_map.

in SMaster [ Sid, other fields ]
in SI_map [ primary key, Sid, ILookupid ]
in ILookup [ ILookupid, IName ]

1. How to get the multi-selected values from the list box?
2. insert these multiple records into SI_map table at the same time with SMaster (if I use the same form to populate all these fields)
3. how to populate the records into form for user to see and update the values?

Any suggestion is appreciated, it is very flexible to change any format such as SMaster and SI_map can be separate forms, as long as it works.

Thank you.

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Combo Restricted Selection

Mar 8, 2005


I have Customers recorded and a number of addresses associated with each customer.

They are in two tables linked by CustomerID and are shown in forms as frmCustomers & subfrmCustomerAddresses.

From frmCustomers, I open another form which records the orders maid by that customer. What I would like on this form is to select the customer address to be used for the order.

I can build a combo, but this shows all addresses on the database. What I would like for the combo to show only the addresses for that customer only.

I do not want two combos, one which selects the customer and then another which shows the addresses. This is not very user friendly to ask for the customer again. I would like one combo to show addresses for the customer on the form.

I would be grateful for any guidance on how I can achieve this.

Thank you.

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Combo Box (Filter By Selection)

Jul 24, 2005

hi all,
another quick question (last one for awhile I promise) but is there a way to add an option to a combo box (Filter by Selection) and Remove/Filter sort without right clicking on it?

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Combo Box Record Selection

Aug 1, 2005

I have a Main Form
Main Form [Event],[Category],[Judge Name]
The Main Form also has a subforms
Sub1[Event],[Category],[Judge Name],[Score],[Comments]

On the main form I have a combo box that is set to retrieve records that meet the combo selection. and thus the subform is related to display the corresponding records.

In my selection combo box I see all of the various selections as follows
[Judge Name],[Category],[Event]
and it is bound to the judges name

Problem Example:
Pull Down Values
1.[Sherry],[Fitness],[Mrs. Canada]
2.[Sherry],[Swim Suit],[Mrs. Canada]

In the above when i pull down the combo box to select and I select the first example above all is wonderful ; however if i want to select the second row the [Category] and [Event] Do not change and the information i input into the subform ends up being associated to the wrong category.

How do i bind a combo box to more than one [field] on the form

I have over 50 hours into this DB to this point and this is critical.

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