Combo Box Subform 'Reverse Lookup?'

Jun 9, 2006

I have two tables A and B. There is a 1 to many relationship between A and B. Table A's data is controlled by FormA, Table B's data is controlled by FormB which is a subform on FormA. I already have a combo box for navigation on FormA, however I would also like to be able to have a combo box on FormB (FormA's subform) for navigation, so that when I choose an record from the subforms (FormB) combo box, FormA then jumps to the 1 record from FormA that contains the related record choosen in the SubFormB's combo box (along with the subforms choosen record on the subform) .

Kindalike the combo box on FormA, except it's a 'reverse lookup' if that makes sense. Is this at all possible, does this even make sense? :confused:


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Forms :: Combo Box Within Subform That Use Lookup Queries

Jun 18, 2014

I have two combo boxes in a subform that use lookup queries. I can get the combo boxes to work correctly out of sub form in a regular form but can not get the combo boxes to work in the sub form. I have narrowed the issue to the logic in the queries in the secondary and tertiary combo box queries. Here is the part of the secondary query. I think I have to add the primary form name to this part to correct my issues. How would I do that?

primary form = Lookup_fm
sub form = master_tbl_sub_fm


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Reverse One-to-many Query?

Oct 14, 2005

I have a one-to-many-relationship set up. Now I need to jam each related many into one field in a new table to make it like a list. Is there an easy way to do this?

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Reverse Engineering!!!

Sep 21, 2005


Im working on an Access Database at work. It records the training undertaken by NHS clinical, managerial and admin staff in Brighton. It is used also to generate invoices etc.

I have a better knowledge of access than anyone else here (outside of IT department obviously) so I have been asked to get rid of some glitches and add some functions.

A big hurdle I have found is this:

I can very easily for example, add a command button to open a form, run a query etc, using the wizard.

However I am trying to ascertain what some particular command buttons actually DO. Am I right in thinking there is no way of "reverse engineering" using the Wizard or similar? Because the only thing I can find is Properties > Event > Onclick [eventprocedure] and if you click on build you just get visual basic which I sadly dont understand.

Im not sure if ive made any sense at all. In essence, im saying that making stuff seems easy, but working backwards and dissecting it seems to only result in VB code.

Is there a way around this?


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Reverse Line

Jul 15, 2006

Is there a way to reformat so that the line that is the next line to be entered is at the top instead of the bottom >> I hope that is clear

Also when i use the scroll bar at the bottom at the very end to the right it show grey in the background is there a way to limit it so only what is used is showing

Thx STeve

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Combo Box Lookup

Mar 8, 2005

I have a form with a combo box (unbound) that gets its values from a table.
I also have another combo box which is supposed to get its values from a query:

SELECT Vehicle.Registration, Vehicle.Make FROM Vehicle WHERE (((Vehicle.Customer)=Forms![New Job]!Customer));

I have made the first combo box refresh/requery the second one onChange, but I get no options in the combo box.

I am pretty sure that the first combo box is Forms![New Job]!Customer. and there are matching values in the Vehicle.Customer field.

The database can be downloaded from: (996KB)
or if you can unzip (who can't?!?) (86.1KB)

Cheers for any help


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Is There Anyway To Reverse Splitting A Database?

Sep 14, 2005

I split a database and created a backend but now I dont need it and I accidentally deleted the backend while I was updating the file folder and it was on the network so it's gone for good.

Is there a way to reverse splitting a database so it no longer requires the back end?

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Reverse/mirror Sorting

Nov 8, 2005

i have a lists of emails+domain names eg im trying to sort them in reverse order but "reverse" seems not working in access. anyone knows how to do them or i was thinking of sorting the list begin with the domain names (which is after the '@') but i dont know how. ive tried using "like "*@[a-d]" but the result displayed is not sorted in alphabetic order. sorry im a beginner. thanks in advance

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Lookup Using Combo And Text Box

Mar 29, 2005

Hey guys

This is the problem,

I have 2 fields in a table. Cityand Country.

City Country


Field "City" is connected to a combo box and field "country" to a textbox on the form.

I would like the user to select a city from the combo box. When this is done the textbox linked to the country field should automatically update to show the correct country. This should update without user intervention.

I would find it better to have the text box look up a value list rather than use a table for its source. the form is being used as data entry. The combobox linked to field "city" is also a value list.

Thanks in advance.

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Uppercase In Lookup Combo Box

Aug 5, 2005

I would like all of the text in my database to appear in upper case. I used the > symbol in the format of all controls and in my tables also. However, on my form's lookup combos it doesn't work. When I click the dropdown it shows all selections in upper case, but after I select it turns into lower case again.

I then tried using Ucase and strConv but those don't seem to work with my combos either.

I have searched and these are all the suggestions I could find on how to do this, does anyone know another or possibly what I am doing wrong?

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Combo Box Lookup And Permissions?

Feb 27, 2006


Have just created an access 2000 database which when a user logs on to the network as herself and tries to lookup any combo boxes or click a button to run a query from a form it shows or does nothing, yet when I log on I can.

Our IT Services have looked at folder/share permissions which appear to be OK and I've not set any permissions/workgroups in the database.

Can anyone shed any light as to why this is happening please?


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Forms :: 2 Lookup Controls On One Subform

Aug 13, 2013

I have a library database with a form called Author and a subform from a junction table. The junction table connects Title/Genre. It's many to many because I usually have a few genres for one book.

This is my problem. I want to add more information to the subtable that is in the junction table. For every record I would like to add also Book Group (I am a member of several groups and want to remember which one I read the book with) and Purchased From.

So I am assuming I have to have 2 lookup controls to be able to add Book Group and Purchased from since neither one is on the junction table (and they both come from tables). Or do I add them to the junction table?

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How To Use Stephen Lebans Calendar In 'reverse'?

Feb 8, 2006


I've downloaded Stephen Leban's nifty calendar and have it working beautifully to enter in dates and ranges of dates to a fishing schedule table (this is a fishing regulations database). (thanks to RuralGuy for posting the link to this, and other calendars, on another thread)

I have a form for entering some parameters to narrow the results of a select query that shows the start and end dates for individual blocks of consecutive time for each scheduled fishery. (Some fisheries might be scheduled to occur every thursday and friday for a couple of months, or other hard-to-predict ranges of time.)

What I would like to do next is to click a button on the form to make the calendar appear with all the dates where fishing is scheduled to occur (from the query results) be highlighted, or circled (or something equivalent).

My vba 'skills' are not up to tinkering with his class module without some serious assistance. Has anyone tried something similar to this with his calendar? Is it even possible?

I have seen other calendars that do something similar (though I'm still in over my head trying to figure out the modules) but I'd really like to keep with Stephen Leban's calendar since it allows much more felxibility in displaying over various time intervals.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Thanks.

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Combo Box Items In A Lookup Query

Jul 18, 2007

I have a Combo Box based on a table list on a Form. I want to choose several items from the list to feed a Lookup Query. Can this be done? :rolleyes:

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Combo Box To Lookup Values In A Table

Nov 16, 2006

I have a small database with 3 tables.
Fields - Key - BillCustID , companyname, address1, address2, city, state



I have a form that has tblCustomers as the main form then tblOrders as a sub form.

I want to place a combo box on the form that will lookup a company name from the tblBilltoCustomer table then brin in the address1, address2, city,state , into the form for that record. But then I need that same info to print on a rpt.

I can get the lookup to work using =cboCompanyName.Column() but the addresses , city and state will not show on report
Is there any good samples of lookup fields

Any Ideas are greatly appreciated


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Conditional Lookup /Combo Box Filter

Mar 16, 2006

TblCat Contains fields CatID (index) & CatText (Text)
TblType Contains field TypeID (index) , CatID (index) , and TypeText (Text)
Relationship of tbleCat.CatID (one) to tblType.CatID (many)

Forms!Input!cboCat bound to Tables!Inventory!Category
Forms!Input!cboType bound to Tables!Inventory!Type

Intent: Choice from cboCat to provide from list for entry into Inventory.Catagory plus filter list choices for cboType for entry into Inventory.Type.

cboCat :
RowSource : SELECT [tblCat].[CatText], [tblCat].[CatID] FROM tblCat;
Private Sub cboCat_AfterUpdate()
Dim xxx As String

xxx = "SELECT [tblType].[TypeID], [tblType].[CatID], [tblType].[TypeText] " & _
"FROM tblType " & _
"WHERE [CatID] = " & Me.cboCat.Value
Me.cboType.RowSource = xxx
End Sub
cboType: No special RowSource or events

cboCat works fine but cboType has a popup box that asks for the Parameter value for the choice made in cboCat. ( Me.cboCat.Value ???) Where did I go wrong ??

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Queries :: Filtered Lookup In Combo Box?

Jan 28, 2014

Where MS Excel is concerned there is very little I can't do and I am now transferring that skill to MS Access and I'm stumbling on this one.

In Excel I would use the INDIRECT formula within the validation and named range to do this but in Access I'm struggling to get this to work.

I have in table TBL_NL_Structure a list of CLIENT_ID with NL_ACCOUNTS against them i.e.


What I want to be able to do is in a sub form and a combo box named ACCOUNT that looks at the active CLIENT_ID and pulls into to combo box JUST the ACCOUNTS set to that CLIENT_ID example if the CLIENT_ID is 900001 is just brings in ACCOUNTS 4000 & 4001.

I can get the whole list to come in to the combo box but not a filtered list.

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Combo Box Not Growing With Lookup Table

Oct 10, 2011

I have a DB that that is growing slowly. To keep it simple I have 2 tables and one form. One of the tables is a “ASSET_lookup” table. The other table (ASSETS) is the real meat and potatoes. I have a form for the assets table that will populate specific fields that are looked up based on a single combo box linked to a query from the assets_lookup table. Everything worked fine until I needed to add some additional items to the asset_lookup table.

The new “records” I added to the lookup table will not show up in the combo box after it updates (a selection is made). I did some experimenting and if I recreate after adding the new records to look up table, the combo box will show the value, but I am curious what I am missing.

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Combo Box Lookup Field Blank

Sep 30, 2015

I have a main form which has a button to View one of the Reports related to my primary table.The View Report works fine.On close of the Report the program returns to the Main form, and it returns to the record of the Report that was viewed with all of the data for that record showing in all of the Fields, except the Combo Box that I use to look up a record, it is blank.Other than that, the Look Up Combo Box works fine.How do I get the Look Up Combo Box to show the information for that look up field.In the On Close item for the Report I have the following code to get back to the record I want to return to.

Private Sub Report_Close()
DoCmd.OpenForm "ENLARGED PROP INFO", , , "[Name]='" & Me![Name] & "'"
End Sub

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Queries :: Need Function To Reverse LName / FName

Aug 21, 2014

I have a table with data that is imported from another application. The employee name is showing up as LName, FName. What function can I use to make these FName LName with no comma? I know I may have to do a two step to separate the two then concatanate but not sure how to do it.

UTA: I figured out LName: Trim(Left([ApprovedByFullName],InStr([ApprovedByFullName],",")-1)) to pull the last name minus the comma. How do I pull the first name?

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Combo Shows 0 For Value List Lookup On New Record

Jun 6, 2005

I have a table with some combo selections with row source No;Yes, bound column 1, column count 1, and default value "No", limit to list set to yes, required = yes, allow zero length = no.

When I create a new record though, all of the combos show 0, and I have to select No or Yes manually. The requirement is that No is the default value..

Lots of thanks in advance,


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Forms :: Lookup Table To Populate Combo Box?

Sep 2, 2014

I'm using a lookup table to populated a combo box on my form. I use a provided list of input strings (hundreds) in my combo box and the list is provided in all caps. How can I convert these provided words (strings) to first cap from either the quarry level or form level.

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Copyright Issues, Reverse Engineering, Software Protection

Mar 22, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have learnt so much here and I could do with some advise from all of you.

Recently I have developed a software using MS Access and I am in the process of getting Copyrights, Trademark rights for my software.

The software is to be distributed via the internet for personal use. However, I have been having serious concerns about people trying to reverse engineer the code and selling it under another name.

The last thing I would want is someone else making money off pawning this. Not only does it bring bad credibility but can really dent the business end for me.

Can anyone please suggest any way that I can block anybody from reverse engineering the code.
Also how can I make my program user specific and tamper proof??

Thanks and appreciate your help.

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Forms :: Populating Controls Based On Input In Others From Reverse

Aug 3, 2015

I'm using I have a secondary control being populated by an entry from another control. I was able to find the code I needed to do this using a combo box here in this forum.

(specifics changed to protect my company's paranoid view of privacy)

the code itself was showing up in the secondary control instead of any value. I found though that moving the code from the On Change event for the primary control to the On Current event for the form itself everything is working beautifully.

However, I have a different task now that I need to be able to accomplish with the same two tables but in the opposite direction. I suspect that I'm going to need to create a second set of controls and maybe even a second relationship or table to do this. To use a set of specifics that I think will get this point across, if I had a master table which includes a field for "City" and a secondary table, CityState, which contains both "City" and "State", and two controls, a combo box cboCityState to look up the specific City and a text box, txtState to display the State, putting the following code in the City combo box's On Change event populates a text box with the State when the specific City is selected, or putting it in the form's On Current event will be sure that State shows up in all the copies of a form when the form is used in a search and the City is not changed :


What I need to do now is to set up a control which allows me to type in the State and have the results show all records that include that State.

I'm using this in a Filter by Form environment. I know the objections to this method and the benefits to creating a dedicated search form, but this method appears to be working well in all other ways for us for now. I have several situations within this form where I have one control showing up at the initial load of the form and at the beginning of the filtering process, allowing selection of multiple values from a long list of values in a list box, for instance, (using the On Filter event) and other controls showing up as a result of the filtering process, to display the selected criteria only, for instance (using the On Apply Filter event), so I'm aware of how to make this work if that's required. I'm thinking I may need to create a second control, something like txtStateInput, to accept the State search criteria and another, something like txtCityResults, to show the cities that are part of the resultant records.

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Modules & VBA :: Email Address Validity - Reverse DNS Check

Jun 13, 2013

One of my clients has asked me to look at building a way to check if the email addresses they are capturing in my CRM are valid. He want's to go beyond checking for no "@" etc.

From what I've seen, it looks like a reverse DNS check (might be totally wrong) is the way to go. IE: check if the email is valid. I've see a few tools online that can do it one by one (which I could parse to if I had to) - but ideally I'd like to be able to run this from a VBA script.

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College Student Needing Help With Lookup Combo Boxes

Mar 9, 2006

Hello people,

I'm not a programmer, I am infact a 17 year old College Student from the United Kingdom - Studying ICT!

For my major project I have to design, build and test a camera loans system for my photography department. Except, I am having problems with Combo box lookups. It's been over 6 months since I learnt this, and it's all a blank. Something as simple as this is simply not working...

e.g. in the Studentloans table, I wish to enter the Student ID number from the student ID card inside the combo box, and hit enter so that it brings up the relevant specific loans of that student.
I enter the id, hit enter and the student name, class etc does not change. Why? The same goes for my Camera Maintenance Table, Camera + Maintenance tables are combined to a CAMERAMAINTENANCE TABLE - Therefore I wish to enter the Camera ID number so that if i hit enter, it brings up the relevant service histories of that specific camera...

The relationships are all ok, the fields for Student ID are lookup, etc.

I don't understand. It's driving me insane. I need help with this, I'm struggling so much.

Help much appreciated.

Thanks - Neil.

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