Combo Box 64k Limit Workaround Examples?

Nov 3, 2006

Hi, I know well that combo box has a 64k limit, and whilst there are obvious work around, does anyone here have any sample code for such a solution?

I'm not an expert ms access programmer, and it would save me a lot of time if I had an example to work with.


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Subform Filtering Workaround

Aug 1, 2005

ok, i've discovered filtering does not work on subforms so i have searched the forum and modified some code to this:

Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "Select * from tasks where"
strSQL = strSQL & Me!frmSubProjects.Form!Project = 2
Me!frmSubProjects.Form.RecordSource = strSQL

error message is " can't find the field 'frmSubProjects' referred to in your expression. (line3)

Please note a 'mouse over' of Me!frmSubProjects.Form!Project in the above code does show a result (first 'Project' value in subform) - so what am i doing wrong??

thanks in advance,

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Raw Data/binary Field, Or A Workaround?

Jan 29, 2007

Hi there,
I have a simple bit of VBcode in my database which reads the password a user enters and 'encrypts' it for storing in the user table. It's more obfuscation than encryption to be honest, and I feel limited by the 'text' data type assigned to the password field.

At the moment it works by taking the password entered, and converting the whole lot into a byte array, then for each 'character' in the array, changing its binary value. At the moment it's then converted back into a string and dumped into the 'password' field, as garbage characters. But they are still characters, and if I go out of range of the character set it results in horrible errors :D.

I feel I may be missing the blindingly obvious and could just not convert it back to string, and write the binary into a text field instead, but I'm not sure how I'd get intelligible data back.

The reason it's not exactly encryption is because the key is the same for all characters on all passwords (I just multiply the binary value by 2!) what I want is to have a key as well, stored in another field alongside, but again can't implement this due to character-set range issues.

So my question is - is there a 'raw' data field hidden somewhere amongst the features of microsoft access, or should I be thinking about just storing the numbers themselves? For the moment I'll investigate the latter, but I'll appreciate any help! Thanks :)

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Can't Edit Due To Calculated Column. Workaround?

Mar 30, 2007

Table A has a field for Full Name (Bob Jones)
Table B has two separate fields for first and last (Bob and Jones). Table B's contents are actually based on an XML import so I can not just change the table structure.

I want to join the content from these two tables together based on full name.

So first I created a query on table B with a new field created with the expression =[First] & " " & [Last].

I then created a query with table A and query B where I joined the two full-name columns together.

This works perfectly. However, I can't edit the values in this query and I believe from the help files that it's because there's a calculated column in one of the tables.

Is there a way to get around this?

I thought maybe inside my ImportXML VB function once I imported the XML data I could populate an empty column with First + Last but I've read about 50 articles and they're all over my head and I can't figure out how to just concatenate the two columns together into one using VB. It seems if I did this I would avoid having to use a calculated column in a query and this would fix my problems.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!

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Combo Box Limit

Jun 17, 2005

I have a combo box that worked fine. Now it will not show any records after the 65530th record. I can remove a record and it will show the next one down so it appears to be a setting that controls the nuber of records shown. Any suggestions on how to show all the records would be great.

The program is attached to a SQL table.

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Limit The Value Of A Combo Box

Dec 12, 2004

Order Forms in my database have a combo box Refference from Quotation.
When i select a refference then automatically i create an order.
Is it possible to limit the list on Refference, lets say when i have selected the refference
once do not display it again?

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Limit The List In A Combo Box

Dec 4, 2004

I have 2 tables. One is Quotation and the other one is Contacts.

In Quotation Table i use a combo box to select a Customer from Customer Table.
Also in Quotation Table a have a combo box (TO) to select a name from Contacts Table.
The problem is that i want to select contacts only related to Customers and not view the
complete list.

For example Vodafone Company has several contacts.
When i press Vodafone in my quotation form then when i go to (To) combo box i would like to view only the
related contacts.

I tried the SELECT statement WHERE but i can to figure out how i will limit the list depending the Customer Name?
Please help.

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Limit The Values On Combo Box

Aug 24, 2005

I have a combo box displaying refference values.
Those refference values when i select them once i do not want to use it again therefore i do not want to be displayed again. Is it possible to do that?
Maybe with After Uptade code i can do that and how?

Please help

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Loop Examples

Jan 11, 2006

Does anybody have any examples of loop, which will find data in a query and then show it as one line (string), listing all the data in one row.

Thanks inadvance


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Database Examples

May 8, 2007

Is there a web site that has examples of databases to search through to give planning ideas? I've offered to help a friend out :eek: , designing a database which will record all the customers/sales for her small online business. It would be a real help for me to see if there is a 'template' if you like, how this type of database should be set out

Thanks in advance,


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Forms :: Limit Items In A Combo Box?

Aug 12, 2013

I have a combo box in which I wish to show the Person_ID's of every record in the table TBL_Person, except those which are returned by a separate query. Is this possible at all?

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Invoice Database Examples

Jan 8, 2006


Does anyone know where I can find Invoice Database Examples.

I am creating a Invoice Database at present and am having difficulties trying to work out how to do the final total.

I have many records for each inoice all linked by invoice number. I need to do a query of this table to show me all the invoice items for a particular invoice number then add all the individual item totals together to get a final total.

Any help greatly appreciated.


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Forms :: Limit Of Records That Can Be Shown Via A Combo Box?

Oct 29, 2013

In the form frmOrders of my database i have a combobox where i can choose a ClientID and the dropdown list shows me all the clients in upgoing order with their related orders in descent order.But the drop down list doesn't show all available clients. The two hundred heighest clientnumbers aren shown. However if i type one of these clientnumbers in the textbox of the combobox, the client is found.If i go to the property sheet of the combobox and activate the query that serves as the recordsource of the combobox, all clients are shown!!!I control of the records of these clients in the table Orders, doesn't show any difference with all the other records.What can be the reason for these behaviour. Is it a question of a limit of records that can be shown via a combo box?

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Examples Of System Documentation Needed

Oct 7, 2004

Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone has an example of a system documentation that could be shared. I'm about to start writing one myself and I'm not sure what to include in the documentation. Thanks in advance!


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Forms :: Limit Data Entry To One Of Four Available Combo Boxes

Apr 29, 2015

I have a form with four combo boxes on it, the four boxes all open the same form and return a record based on the selection from a different column from the same query.

To make it work smoothly I think I need to make it so it is only possible to enter data in one combo box at a time. I could also do with some error handling.

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Forms :: Limit Values Of Combo Box Based On Value Of Another Field

Aug 25, 2014

Field B is a combo with the options of : 100% Availability, 75% Availability, 50% Availability, 25% Availability, OR Not Available

If I choose "Present" in Field A, I want the "Not Available" value to disappear as an option.

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Any Good Book That Have Examples Of Code, Function, Etc

Feb 15, 2008

Just wondering if anyone new of any books that contain examples of code, functions, syntax, etc. I would like to have a good reference that I could go to instead of searching the internet everytime I need to try something new.

Thanks in advance.

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Tables :: Limit Combo Box Results Based On Secondary Table

Dec 4, 2013

I have a DB with 4 tables:

Property (used for look-up values)
Service Type (used for look-up values)
Rate Table (uses the Property Table and Service Type Table and is used as a rate look-up table for the daily service table noted below)
Daily Service

Using the Daily Service table, I need to choose a property, choose a service type that is limited to the property (100's of service types, but a property may only have a limited number), and enter a quantity, and have the Rate Table return the specific cost of the service. I didn't think this was too hard in Access (2013), but I seem to be hitting a wall and spending too much time figuring it out. Now I am behind in my project.

I have been trying to do this in a table format, but have been unsuccessful in limiting the results of the Service Type combo box based on the property chosen.

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Jun 30, 2005

Can you use the LIMIT function in access?

It limits the number of records out putted by a query.


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Input Box And Limit

Jun 29, 2005

I am trying to uses a inputbox. I need it to end the script if cancel is hit, but the value from the input box can be zero? So cant filter it that way.


Does the SQL command LIMIT work in access and is it possible to number row in order?

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Access 97 & 1 Gig Limit

May 17, 2006

Hello All:

We use a custom built Access “97 version” database at work that keeps track of our internal manufacturing processes. The database stores jpg’s and dwg files that use up a lot of precious DB space and if we had it to do over we would use hyperlinks to these files to save space. But this database we built long ago and we have reached the 1 gig limit of Access 97.

1) If we upgrade to a newer version of access will this increase the database limit to 2 gig’s
2) Is this kind of upgrade easy to do or should this be done by a Access professional

Thanks for the help


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LIMIT - TOP Question

Oct 11, 2006

I am use to SQL commands... I am currently working on a MS ACCESS DB for a web site.... I have a program that uses LIMIT, but ACCESS does not use LIMIT... I know MS ACCESS uses top, but here is the dilemma.

I have over 200 rows in a table. I want to have a query of 1-50 rows... then another with 51-100 and so on...till I reach the end of my table.... The problem is ... TOP does not let me choose where to start in the DB and stop... can anyone help with this issue??

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Limit Records

Sep 1, 2005

i want to run a querie to criate new tables every 200 records, how can this be done?

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Limit Search

Feb 9, 2007

Hello,I have a form that I use for searching. It takes all the records in the database and then people can type things they are searching for - numbers, dates, names, descriptions etc. - into a text box, and as they type, the selection window shows fewer and fewer matches.What I would like to do now is give the user the option to limit where the underlying query searches, but only if he wants to do this. In other words, I want to be able to search the entire database [default], or only within a certain year, or amongst the products of one manufacturer, or a certain model etc. and I want to be able to combine parameters so that more than one can be applied at the same time. I have 5 or 6 parameters and I was thinking of using drop-down boxes for the user to select a value for these parameters. My problem is that when I specify parameters to limit the search, I have to have a value in all of them. What do I need to do to make those optional?Thank you.

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Limit And Queries

Feb 13, 2008

i just wanted to find out how many tables can one get data from to make a query. is there a limit? im in the process of making a query which will get data from 5 tables but im having problems.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

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I Don't Want To Limit To List!

Jan 24, 2005


I am trying to display data from a table. One of the fields is entered via a combo box. When displaying that data on a form I need to be able to allow items not on the list(created by a select query) to be displayed for this field. The data was created some time ago and it seems that records have been deleted in certain places which has resulted in inconsistent data.

I am happy resticting data entry for new records, but need to allow items not on the list to be displayed for historical data. Data entre and displaying of historical data take place on seperate forms so this is no problem.

My problem is that I am only able to disable limit to list if I make the bounded column anything other than 1 and doing this displays the wrong data!

Am I attempting the imposible or if not, can anyone help?

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