Combo Box-concatenate Field And Hide Column

Jul 8, 2005


I have a combo box which is populated by a table with the fields ID, First Name and Surname. What I want to do is display the first name and surname concatenated and hide the ID column, but populate the field with the ID number.

Is this possible?

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Concatenate Detail Value In One Column

Jun 11, 2007

i'm using Master and Detail table. Master table i have TaskId, ResId where ResId is mapped to Detail table which contains resource working on the task. i want to generate a query where for each task i want to display resource id in single column like below.

Task Id Resource Id
1 222,233,244,255

Do i need to use recursive query or any other method to get results like above.

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Concatenate Results Of A Single Column Query

Mar 14, 2007

I have a query which select the records who have a certain criteria.

The result is something like this.
A 0012345
A 0032432

Note that the records that have this criteria will be smaller or equal than 2.

I want the query to give me this answer instead.
A0012345, A 0032343
(in the same field that is).

Is this possible, if so can someone help me. My email address is


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Can't Hide Datasheet Column

Jan 4, 2006

I have a subform in datasheet view and I wish to selectively hide columns I'm not using (depending on the query). I wrote a small function to make it easier. Here's my code:
Function HideColumn(myForm As SubForm, myLabel As String)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdHideColumns
End Function
So all I do is send the subform name while I'm using the parent form and then give it the column name to hide. Oddly enough this code works for columns such as "Net B" and "Net% +/-", but it doesn't work with the columns "Period B" or "Period A". On my subform the text boxes and their labels have the same name (if that even matters). I keep getting a 2465 error (field not found) no matter what I change the column name to.

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Reports :: Hide Column When No Data?

May 22, 2015

I have a report in access having multiple columns. because of multiple columns it is not possible to display it in A4 size.

I want to hide the column when there is no data, Is there any possibility to hide column on the basis of criteria ?

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Queries :: Automate Show / Hide Of A Column Not In Use

Dec 18, 2014

I want to automate a query so when the user views it they see only the columns that have data. Columns that do not have data are not there.I am using MS 2007

My Access tool is setup to import data into tables and then the user views the data imported. However, if their's no data (and no column to import) I want the query report to not include the column.

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Forms :: Hide Column Separators In Listbox

Dec 24, 2014

How to do this? Or maybe change its color to white.

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Forms :: Concatenate Entries From A Single Field Based On Another Field

Apr 11, 2013

I have a datase that has the following fields.


I have about 36 names and each of those names appears anywhere from 2 7 times each. Each name entry has a comment1 and a comment2.What I would like to do is create a form that allows me to choosea name and the display the comments 1 and comments 2 in text boxes.

I have made the form to allow me to choose a name and it shows one of the comment1 and one of teh comment2 in the adjacent text boxes as planned but, I want all the comment1s for Bob to show in the text box for comment1 and all of the comment2s for Bob to show in the Comment2 text box.I believe I need to concatenate the results in the comment1 and comment2 boxes, but I do not know where or how I would do that.

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Forms :: Hide Value From Previous Combo In Next Combo?

Jan 8, 2014

I have a continuous form which has 1 field in which is a combo box which has a list of names. Once you select a name, the next record down is available for selection. This is because my tables PK is a autonumber. How do i filter the records to only show the names which have not been previously entered in my above records.

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Reports :: VBA Code That Will Hide A Column That Has Zeros And Move Over Remaining Columns

Aug 11, 2014

I have a report that displays maybe about 4 columns that read data and if a columns reads zero then I have a code where it will hide, but my problem is that I cannot get the columns to move over once the column that is zero is invisible.VBA code that will hide a column that has zeros and move over the remaining columns so that when the report is ran it will not show just an empty white space.

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Concatenate Into A List In A Single Field

Jun 29, 2007

To anyone who can help,
I have created a function that loops through an amount of records and concatenates them into a single comma-separated string. What I would like to do is concatente the values into a list. Instead of:

value1, value2, value3

I would like to see


This needs to be in a single record only. The code I am using is:
while not rec.eof
string = string & ", "

Thanks for all your help. I have tried to insert char(20), but this only seems to work in Excel. Access gives me invalid char symbol.

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Concatenate Field Or Group By In Report

Dec 15, 2012

I'm looking for a way to summarize multiple fields of data from the same column in a single field. I've seen this page but have been unable to get it to work. I save the code listed but do not know which of the example fields would relate to my table.

SELECT CompanyName, ConcatRelated("OrderDate", "tblOrders", "CompanyID = " & [CompanyID])
FROM tblCompany;

I saw that I can create a report and select "group by," but then all the columns appear on different lines rather than summarized on one line. Here is an example of how I would like the data to appear, separated by commas or with specific dates within parentheses. The reason I want them all on one line is to provide an easier to read/more succinct summary.





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Concatenate Multiple Records Into Memo Field

Mar 9, 2007

Hi All,

I can use some help with a jumping off poit.

*Please see attached file*

I have 2 tables tblSFDC and tblTheCall

tblSFDC (contact information) includes CustID (primary key) and a memo field "Notes"

tblTheCall (call information) includes CustID (relates to tblSFDC) and "activity data fields" ie "Live", Left Message" , Sent email".

tblTheCall may in some cases have multiple records for each CustID

I need to :
Concatenate from tblTheCall Field Names and field values (that are not null)
Insert into tblSFDC.Notes
Where tblTheCall.CustID = tblSFDC.CustID

*Please see attached file*

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Query Field To Concatenate Fields With Nil Values

Feb 2, 2005

I have an Access 2000 project and am trying in a query view to join 3 values into one.
2 of the values come from tables, the third comes from another query view (all linked in the query design screen)

Value 1 is always populated, but for each record either Value 2 or Value 3 will always be empty.
All values are strings.

I have tried this formula in the query design grid:

dbo.Value1 + '/' + dbo.Table2.Value2 + dbo.vieTable3.Value3 an attempt to give the result Value1/Value2 or value1/Value3 according to the
particular record.

Unfortunately it doesn't work! ...just returns blank results when the query view is run.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


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Modules & VBA :: Concatenate Multiple Rows Into One Field

Nov 16, 2013

I have a table:

"tb_skybox_Types", with the fields, [Policy_URN], [Box_Type]


Policy_URN Box_Type
001 Standard
001 Sky HD
002 Sky +
002 Sky + HD

I'm mail merging this, so naturally it's giving me a row per box type against which I need to be one. Desired output:

Policy_URN Box_Type
001 Standard | Sky HD
002 Sky + | Sky + HD

I'm then going to make this into a temp table, then match the URN back to the customer table to get a single row per customer.

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Reports :: Concatenate Multiple Rows Into 1 Field

Jun 18, 2013

My database has a 'markets' table, where there could be multiple markets per campaign.

So right now in my report, it's displaying like this

campaign 1
Market 1
Market 2
Market 3

Is there a way, to Concatenate multiple rows into 1 field. So it would look something like this

Campaign 1
Market 1, Market 2, Market 3

That would save a lot of space in the report, and make it easier to read.

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Tables :: Concatenate Field Names But For Each Record Order Can Be Different

Jul 10, 2014

I have

I need to concatenate these three fields into one but for each record the order can be different. What I want to do is have another field in the table to store the concatenation order as the field names not the field values.

I also need to display the concatenated field as the actual field values and not field names in a form or a report

So if field4 was the concatenated field store it would store the information like this

[Field1] & " " & [Field3] & " " & [Field2]

In a form or a report

Field4 should show as Values of those fields

Monkey Dog Cat

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Tables :: Survey File - Concatenate 2-3 Field Values In Table

Sep 6, 2014

I have a project that in Access. I'll be handling a survey file that will maintain answers per customer. The visit to customer is done monthly in a year, which means that a customer can have 12 visits in a year. My problem is that if I will maintain this project for the next five years or more, I have to maintain another field in my table that will block the duplicate entries.

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General :: Concatenate Two Text Fields Into A Memo Field In Query?

Sep 5, 2014

I'm trying to concatenate two text fields into a memo field using an expression in a select query. My problem is that the text fields together end up more than 255 characters, so I need the resulting field to be a memo instead. I can't change the underlying text fields to memo fields because this is a large database used by others who need those fields to be text.

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Queries :: Concatenate Related Records Into One Expression / Field In A Form

Feb 13, 2014

In my query, I have several results that relate to the same PK overall, and I'd like to concatenate these records into one expression/one field in a form.

Currently my query looks like this;

As you can see, the BandPK/BandFK are repeated where the GenreFK/GenrePK are different. What I'd like to do is concatenate the column named Genres into one field so the BandFK/PK isn't repeated.

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Modules & VBA :: Concatenate Data From Multiple Rows Into Single Row / Field

Nov 4, 2013

I use following function to concatenate data from multiple rows into a single row/field. It puts a comma ',' after each concatenate. What I would like it to do more is to put 'and' instead of comma between the last two concatenated words. For example: Now it gives me Value 1 but I want to get Value 2.

Value 1:
FormRegNo CombinedParticipants
DC-190 Political parties, CSOs, community residents

Value 2:
FormRegNo CombinedParticipants
DC-190 Political parties, CSOs and community residents

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function ConcatField(strSQL As String) As String
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strConcat As String

[Code] ....

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Hide A Combo Box

Aug 24, 2006

i'm trying to make the combo box hide after i choose one out of combo
box, eg: i have in combo box 1,2,3,4,5,6 and when i choose 4 i want it to hide
i have tried

me.nameofcombobox.Visible = False

but does not work because it has the Focus so i tried

me.nameofcombobox.Visible= false

but it comes up saying

Run time error '2108':

You must save the field before you execute the GoToControl action,
the GoToControl method, or the SetFocus method.

i don't no what to do can someone help me plz

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Queries :: Concatenate Field Data Into One Cell In Query According To Linked Table ID?

Mar 8, 2014

i need to Concatenate a fields data into one cell in a query according to linked table ID....

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Hide Some Choices In Combo Box?

Oct 26, 2006

I have a combo box populated from a table containing names. Whomever processes the order selects their name from the combo box. Some entry persons have left the company but I cannot delete their names from the table as the orders are stored with their names and I want to maintain that history. Is there a way to hide their names from being displayed in the combo box?

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How To Hide The Drop-down Arrow On A Combo Box

Oct 4, 2005

Is there a method you can use to hide the drop-down arrow on a combo box until the combo box is selected?

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Hide Combo Box In Continuous Form

Jul 12, 2005

Is it possible to hide or show a combo in certain records in a continuous form. i.e if certain certain conditions are met.

At present I have if Check1 = true then Combo1.Visible = true

The trouble is it then displays the combo in all records.

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