Combo Box Query Search Problem

Nov 30, 2006

Hope someone can help me with this as I am not sure where I am going wrong.
I have two combo box's on a form which are linked to a query which when run SHOULD (this is my problem) populate a subform I have set up on same form.
If I run suborm or query on its own it works OK but I cannot get it to work from the main form.
I have attached sample of DB so you can see what I may be doing wrong.

Thanks for any help


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Queries :: Search Query Using Multiple Combo And Text Boxes

Aug 13, 2013

I have a table with all information on it, that is input via various forms, I then have different queries pulling information from all information to run reports off. These all work fine, my problem is my 'Search Form' - below

I have created a query that finds information from 'all information' using

Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchAll F]![txtDateRasied] & "*"

This is working on all text boxes, It only half works on the combo box's when I use

Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchAll F]![combofailureanalysis] & "*"

If a selection is made in the combo box the query brings the correct results, however, if all the fields are left blank it should bring up every record, but it doesn't do this. I am certain it is the combo box's that are causing this anomoly as when I remove the combo box criteria it works perfectly again.

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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Queries :: Search Form That Uses A Query To Show Results Of A Search

Aug 5, 2014

I have a search form that uses a query to show results of a search, but everytime I press search everything comes up even though I have entered search parameters, even though my search requeries every time and the search used to work before I added new records today. Also when I press the query alone on the navigation pane it asks me for the parameters and then it actually works but it won't when I use my form.

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Combo Box Search

Aug 23, 2006

Hello All

I was wondering whether it is possible to use a combo box to select a set of records in the same way as you use a ‘LIKE’ statement in the Criteria of a query.

Basically, I want to choose (from a combo box) a year from which to display a set of records in a report.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Harold Clements

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Combo Box Search

Apr 5, 2006

I currently have a table with a load of customer details: tblCustomer
and i have a form with a combo box that looks up the customer's record with a drop down menu by the surname then the firstname columns from tblCustomer.

The problem i have is there will be over 2000 customers in the system eventually, and a drop down box just isnt going to work, so i need a method of somehow when the menu from the combo box comes down, of selecting a letter from the alphabet and then a list of all the customers with surnames beginning with that letter showing up.

anyone have any ideas please?

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Combo Box Search

Aug 27, 2005

Is it possible to create a combo box to search for a record using "like" for the search. For example, I want to type in "Fred" and the combo box will show any record that has "Fred" in the field: Fred Roberts, Frederica Adams, or Adam Fredericks.


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Search By Keypress In Combo

Sep 6, 2005

I was wondering if it is possible if I press a key on the keyboard say 'c' once I've opened the combo box, that I will be taken to name in the SECOND COLUMN that begins with c. At the moment if I was to press 'c' it will take me to a unique identifier that begins with c as the unique identifiers are in the FIRST column not in the second.

Can anyone help me?

Bikeboardsurf :confused:

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Using A Combo Box To Search A Form

May 15, 2006

I have a db which has a field called site_id it a table called sites. I have a form called sites which uses this table as a record source. I would like to make a combo box on the form as a drop down whenever the user selects a new site id it will take them to that ID on my form. I saw where you can do this with the wizard when your add the combo box to the form but it says I need to use a different table or query. Any one know how to use a combo box like this? Thanks..

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Combo Box Search Question

Oct 7, 2005

I am new to access and trying to create a combo box that will enable the end-user to select a field in a database. Then type in the information in a text box to search for information in that field. For example: end-user can select MAC-Address and then type in the MAC-Address number to locate it in the database.

I have created the form and combo box but it will only search the rows of the table.

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Combo Box And Search Fields

Feb 26, 2007

I have a form that has a combo box that is used to populate data in the detail section of the form, I just added 2 text boxes to search and fill same boxes.
They both work, but
My problem is after you search using the text fields the filter that the search used stays and causes my combo box not to work unless you go into design view and delete it from the filter property.
Any thoughts on how to fix this??
Advance thanks

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Forms :: Search Combo Box For A Value

Sep 16, 2013

I'd like to search a combo box on a subform for a string containing a (or multiple) '?' on click of a command button. The point of this is to inhibit the submission of a record with ????? as a field value (in a combo box), however it is temporarily allowed before submission of the form.

I tried this on the command button and it didn't work:

If Me!Subform.Combobox.SelText = "?" Then
End If

I think I am referencing the combo box on the subform incorrectly..

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Helps! Cannot Implement Search Using Combo Box

Apr 27, 2006

Who can tell me why I don't have following option in the Combo Box Wizard?

I am appreciate!

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Search For Records In A Form Via Combo Box

May 30, 2006

Dear all,

I'm trying to incorporate a combo box in my form to navigate through records. The plan is to select a piece of equipment listed in the combobox, and that record will then be displayed as an "after update" action.

However, I have tried through coding I have tried before and utilising the wizard to create this combo-box, but each time I get a "Complie Error - Can't find project or library".

The section of code is shown below:

Private Sub Combo227_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Dim rs As Object

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[EquipmentID] = " & Str(Nz(Me![Combo227], 0))
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub

Any help gratefully received!



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Combo The Unique Id To Search A Record

Nov 23, 2006

Is it possible to create a combo box to list all record ID, when selected that record appears on the form?Ifso how would i go about this?

Thanks in advance?


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Unbound Combo Box Search On Form

Sep 15, 2004

It wont populate the pertinent fields.. where have I gone wrong. DB attached.

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Forms :: Combo Box Drop Down Search

Jun 27, 2013

As an example lets say I have a table listing some cars:

Car Make Car Model
Ford Fiesta
Ford Focus
Ford GT
Mercades C Class
Mercades E Class
Mercades A Class

I am making a form with two combo drop downs with the ability to select car make or model.

Car Model is Unique so if the car model is entered, I will force the car Make into the other combo box

however, If i select "Mercades" for example in the car make, I would like the combo box of Car model to only be filled with the possible models that Mercades make.

Is this possible? (to search for the values available in Car Model based on the value entered in Car Make?)

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Forms :: Combo Box Based Search

Sep 29, 2014

The idea is populate the 2 Comboboxes and year and after that query something like:

SELECT FileEntryNo, GroupCode, SubGrpName, SubGrpNo, FileNo, GroupName, Subject, NameTo, NameFrom, ConnectedFile, DocumentDate, Month,
Spelmonth, Year, Reference
FROM dbo.Files
WHERE (GroupCode LIKE 'XXX') AND (SubGrpName LIKE 'YYY') AND (Year = ZZZ)

So after the query is executed the results will be available on a third Combobox that after selecting a record will show the detail on the fields.

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Search Combo Box - Cannot Browse Through All Matches

Nov 20, 2011

I have a database that keeps track of customers by last name, first name and various other information. I have the combo box setup so that I can type in a last name and it brings up my results. The problem is that it only brings up the first match and doesn't let me browse through all the matches. The last name and first name are seperate fields so if I look for a last name that more than one customer has like smith it only takes me to the first match. Is there any way to make it filter all the names that aren't matches out of the combo box as the values are typed in?

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Multiple Search Criteria With Combo Boxes

Dec 7, 2004

school has thrown me in to a bodemless ms access pit. can do a bit of VB but queries...I´m new to this stuff. i am glad to have found this fine forum.

i have:
-1 table: tblSpeler (65 entries)
-1 form: frmSpeler (already conected to a search query)
-1 search form: frmZoeken
*2 combo boxes: zoektekst (mp3 player make), zoektekst2 (mp3 player type), search button (cmdZoek).

my question:when i select a make, and then the type » i want that the form shows me the mp3 player with the selected make and type.

if more info needed, just ask. thanx

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2 Combo Boxes (2 Search Criteria) Won´t Work

Dec 12, 2004

i have a search form (see atachment1) with 2 combo boxes.
i have a pruduct form that runs on this query:

Code: SELECT * FROM tblSpeler WHERE (((tblSpeler.merk)=forms!frmZoeken!zoektekst1) And ((tblSpeler.type) Like forms!frmZoeken!zoektekst2));

if i start the the product form, it asks me for the make, and then for the player » it finds the right player in the form.
but via my search form it won´t work. it only opens the product form and no records are shown.

so: in the search form, when i select a "make", and then the "type", and then press search. i want it to show the right record in the product form.
when i select a make (eg "apple"), i want the type combo box to exclude all the types that are not from apple (eg only: ipod mini, ipod 20gb. right now it´s like in atachment2.

i know this is a common question, been trying to figure it out with a eg database, but i can´t get it done. all help is welcome



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Combo Box Search In Form - Similair Value Dilemma

Dec 6, 2006

I have a combo box that searches for surnames in my database. if there are two surnames the same, it brings up the first one. if this is not what i want then how can I ask it to search again instead of just pulling down the list and searching manually?

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Forms :: Cannot Get Multi Combo Box Search To Work

Jun 14, 2015

I used the Contacts demo on Access 2010, made all the elements Client from web based and then exported to a new database. It worked for the most part but now I am trying to put in a 4 box search and am getting stuck on which form to link it to and also where to put these boxes.

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General :: Combo Box To Search Over 100k Records

Mar 17, 2014

I have a database with over 100k records and I want to use a combo box to search for records by typing in the name. I found code to do this at: [URL] .....

This is working, however i have many fields on the form that I want to populate from the table after the search. Right now only the 3 fields from my rowsource combo box populate.

In my select statement do I need to SELECT * (all) and then populate the fields that way, or is there a way to populate from the table based on the ID of the record that is found?

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Forms :: Get Unique Values In Combo Box Search?

Dec 3, 2013

I have built a database that is fed from tables provided from outside computer systems, so the architecture isn't exactly how I would design it.

I am trying to use a combo box on a form to quickly jump to a specific department. I have about 130 personnel that are assigned to 10 different departments. I have to use a subform to update the position info vs. the personal info.

The combo box works, but I can't get it to display each department once. It shows the department 130 times for each employee instead of 10 unique departments.

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Forms :: Built-in Search Function With Combo Box

Aug 6, 2013

I have a combobox on a form that lets the user select a business name which then populates the rest of the fields in the form appropriately. But when it does this it makes it so that the seach function at the bottom of the screen no longer works, as it only has the selected record as an option. So before selecting a name from the drop down list at the bottom of the screen is says "Record: 1 of 5" but after selecting the name it become "Record: 1 of 1." Is there anyway to still allow the built-in search function to work alongside using a combobox?

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