Combo Boxes Stop Working After Returning To Form

Dec 1, 2005

Hello all,

I have combo boxes populated with all values in a particular field, then shunt the form onto that record (standard combo box for selecting records from a list in other words).

Problem is, these boxes seem to stop working if I leave the form for another and then return to it.

Here's the code Access puts behind:

Set SerialRS = Me.Recordset.Clone
SerialRS.FindFirst "[Serial Number] = '" & Me![Combo60] & "'"
If Not SerialRS.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = SerialRS.Bookmark

The form may be opened and closed via other processes (although never unloaded), but when I come back to it these combo boxes always stop working! Why?

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Queries :: Query By Form With Check Boxes / Combo Boxes Not Working

Mar 25, 2013

Attached I have a database that I've been working on which has a form called "frmCriteriaSearch". It is based off of the qryCriteriaListBoxUpdate query. I am trying to get the listbox in the second tab of the results section to work. It queries fine for the checkboxes, but I cannot get the comboboxes to affect the query (unless a checkbox has already been selected)

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Forms :: Requery Not Working In A Form With Combo Boxes

Jan 30, 2015

New to access...just build a form, in which there are combo boxes....cascading of boxes was done.

Now the problem is I want afterupdate function to get activated when user changes the value of one combo....for which I have created a code in code builder... see the code... I think I am making a mistake in writing the code to requery...

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Combo Boxes Not Working As They Should?

Jun 25, 2004

I have a main form with two combo boxes on which are linked if you select from the first cbo it filter the second. I also have subform that has a combo box on which is filtered by the second cbo on the main form. All works lovely when adding a new record BUT when I move to another record the cbo entries in the subform are not there, there are saving to the table are all the other data is showing just not the combo box entries - to get round this I have to reselect from the second cbo click into the subform and refresh and then they appear but this isn't how it's meant to work and I'd have to do this on every record but it then resets the previous one

I think I'm going mad!

Any help would be great

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Boxes Not Working In Subform

Nov 28, 2014

I have a cascading combo box working fabulously in a form. However when I embed that form into another form, the cascading combo boxes quit working. After doing some searching around on the web I think my issue is either in the query that the dependent combo box references and/or in the "after update event procedure" but I just can't seem to figure out the exact changes to make to my database. Details:

Tables with data for combo boxes:LOOKUP TABLE - Veg Species - Species Type,
LOOKUP TABLE - Veg Species - Species Name.
Related together based on common field: SpeciesType


When the form with the combo boxes is embedded as above, I can select the species type from the dropdown but when I try to select the species common name value I am asked to

"enter parameter value - Forms!SUBFORM2a - Enter Specific Veg Info!cmbSpecies_Type".

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Forms :: Stop Generating Message Boxes On Form Close?

Mar 6, 2013

I have some code (see below) that checks if the start date text box is blank or greater than the end date, and if so, generates a message box and sets the focus back to the start date textbox. There are command buttons on the form that open queries based on the date fields. This all works fine.

However, if the user changes his mind and closes the form without filling in the date field, the message box "Please enter a start date" pops up repeatedly. How do I specify that a text box is required UNLESS the user is closing the form?

Private Sub txt_startdate_LostFocus()
If ((IsNull(txt_startdate) Or (txt_startdate) = " ")) Then
MsgBox "Please enter a start date.", vbOKOnly


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Queries :: Multiple Combo Boxes And Text Boxes On A Search Form

Mar 24, 2014

I'm trying to build an database for aircraft operators. I've got the basic tables structure and relationships but I'm stuck on building an search form to filter records by user input.I've got following controls on my form (unbound):

1. AircraftType (combo box) from tblAircrafts
2. CompanyName (combo box) from tblListOfAircraftsOperators
3. TeailNumber (text box) from tblAircraftOperators
4. AirportNameSearch (combo box) from tblAirports
5. PassengersNumber (text box) from tblAircraftOperators
6. ManufactureYear (text box) from tblAircraftOperators
7. SourceSearch (combo box) from tblInfoSource
8. CountrySearch (combo box) from tblCountry
9. CategorySearch (combo box) from tblAircraftCategory
10. EamilToOperator (text box) from tblAircraftOperators
11. InteriorPhoto (Bound object frame) from tblAircraftOperators
12. ExteriorPhot (bound object frame) from AircraftOperators

I need to enable users to search for aircrafts based on those criteria. As I mentioned I'm new to Access and I don't have any advanced coding skills. I have a query build to perform the search and this is the code I've managed to write so far:

SELECT AircraftOperators.RegistrationNumber, AircraftOperators.PassengersNumber, AircraftOperators.ManufactureYear, AircraftOperators.EmailToOperator, AircraftOperators.ExteriorPhoto, AircraftOperators.InteriorPhoto, tblListOfAircraftOperators.OpratorName, tblAircrafts.AircraftType
FROM tblAircrafts INNER JOIN (tblAirports INNER JOIN (AircraftOperators INNER JOIN tblListOfAircraftOperators ON AircraftOperators.CompanyName =


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Forms :: Search Form Using Both Combo Boxes And Check Boxes

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to make a search option in my form header. Right now I have two unbound combo boxes (CboAccountsfilter and cboCourseName) that I can use to filter my records. Currently, I can use the drop down for CboAccountsfilter and a list of accounts will appear. When I select one, the corresponding Course Names will appear in cboCourseName. This works fine...Code below. I would like to take the filtering a step farther and add checkboxes to filter the data. I my form, there currently exist several check boxes (yes/no)...(Priority, Rep Top Target, Manager Top Target, ect). I would like to have the option to use a check box to filter. I.E if I had a checkbox in my header called PriorityFilter, if checked it would only bring up those records that met the two combo boxes criteria and was a priority.

Below is the code I have so doesnt have anything for the checkbox because I am at a lost of how to get started.

Private Sub CboAccountsfilter_Change()
End Sub


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Calculations Sometimes Stop Working?

Aug 6, 2014

I have a ACCESS application that I wrote several years ago and use quite a bit. Sometimes, I will open it up and it does not work properly. I have a form that contains several subforms and one of the subforms has cells that contain formulas like this one


Normally, I see numbers in these cells. But sometimes, these cells are just blank. Sometimes, I can get the db to work again if I open and close it a few times. Other times, that doesn't work and I have to "save as" a new file name. Today even that didn't get normal operation back but I did a full system reboot and then it worked again.

I also sometimes get a message that my file has been opened as read only, and sometimes I get a message that macros are not enabled.

There does not seem to be any pattern to when it stops working or what it takes to fix it.

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Subforms Stop Working After Adding Table To Query

Aug 16, 2013

I have a form with sub-forms. All the subforms work smoothly, I am able to assign students to classes, enter their late/absence data etc... But there's 1 subform that I want to include the Gender (male,female) so I have to go back to the query (see attached picture) to include the table with gender data and map it with other tables, then insert a combo box in that subform, which display the gender of the student along side with other data.

But the problem is as soon as I modify the query for that subform, all the subforms (including that one) stop working, I'm not able to enter and change anything with error like Recordset is Noteditable ( see attached screenshot).

And after I remove that table from the query and the combo box from the subform every works just fine again.

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Forms :: Formula Not Working - Empty Field Returning

Jan 31, 2014

I have a date in "date to engineering" of 13/ 01/2010 but I am not getting a value in my field which should be 1479 my field is just always returning an empty field

=IIf(IsDate([date to engineering]),"",IIf(IsDate([date from engineering]),Now()-[date to engineering],[date from engineering]-[date to engineering]))

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Query Not Working Thru A Combo On Form

Aug 4, 2006

I have document management system for 2 projects in one db. I have a login form where user has to select the project id thru a combobox. And I have all the queries based on this combobox to display results in form or report. But after login and selecting the project, login form closes and main form opens to display data pertaining to that project. But it does not work, the moment we click close to open main form again query method apears displaying the same string :[Forms]![frmLogon]![Project]. This happens for all forms, reports. I cant't figure this out. Can somebody please help me?

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Forms :: Combo Box - Search Function Not Working Within Form

Jul 23, 2015

I recently created a database to be used to store incoming invoices. We have 4 suppliers which supply the same material and wanted each supplier to have its own database.

I began by making a database which included all the key tables, forms, queries and functions I would need to then save 4 copies, one for each supplier. This just meant I would not have to repeat the process for each individual supplier.

The problem is all my data is external and upon importing it into the database it has made the search function (combo box) not return results.

I believe this is because:
1) The form was created before the records existed
2) The records were imported from an external source and not created using the form.

However, the way I have designed the form is so I can see all relevant information linked with a specific invoice. This aids in gathering information quickly about an invoice but also so I can input credit note and invoice query information linked to a specific invoice on the same page.

Is there anyway to remedy this?

Or use a similar search function that returns records in my form "Main View"

The last thing I want to do is have to create the form again, although I don't think this will work either as reason 2) states.

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Combo Box Working On Standalone Form But Not In Datasheet In TabCtl

Dec 22, 2014

i have a form with two cascading combo's that work when the form is opened as a single form however when i place the form on Page 3 of a TabCtl it fails to cascade the correct values.

frmSiteDetails > TabCtl33 > Page3 > frm ConditionDetails subform with Combo's 1 & 2
Combo 1 = [ElementGroupName]
SELECT ElementGroupID, ElementGroupName FROM tblElementGroup; has Column Count of 2 and Bound Column 2
Combo 2 = [Element]
qrySubElements has SQL:


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More Than Two Combo Boxes In A Form

Jan 28, 2005

Hello to everyone!

I have a serious issue to solve and I would like to ask for your help, as I just don't seem to know how and where to start from.

I need to make a database that will have 2 tables, say tbl_item and tbl_offer. The items table will have different cardboard dimensions and other characteristics (width, height, color, photo, price etc) while the tbl_offer will have different combinations of clients' cardboard requests.

The workflow is:

A client comes and asks for:

- two pieces of cardboard of 120x100 cm
- five pieces of cardboard of 135x90 cm
- one piece of cardboard of 110x125 cm

I want to be able to enter the client's request in a form and the form will do 2 things:

1. Store the clients request as a record in the table tbl_offer (for current or future referrence)
2. Create a report (out of the above record) that will be printed out and given to the client (but I suppose that's easy...)

Now tbl_item has different types of cardboard (their code names) along with different dimensions and price for each, for example:

001 | 120 | 100 | 10
001 | 135 | 190 | 12
001 | 110 | 125 | 11
001 | 110 | 100 | 16
001 | 150 | 100 | 12
002 | 165 | 170 | 17
002 | 140 | 105 | 10
002 | 140 | 130 | 18
002 | 170 | 130 | 18

The problems are

1. I don't know exactly how I can create a form (say frm_offer) that will give me the possibility to add many different cardboard types and save them as one offer to the tbl_offer. What I would like is to choose from a combobox (or any other similar function) the type (say 002) and by this selection a second combobox would be filled only with the available Width dimensions for this type (165, 140, 170). By choosing what I want from the width combobox, a third combobox would be available that would give me the available height dimensions for this width (if for example I chose Type 002 and Width 140, the last combobox would give me two choices, 105 and 130). After choosing the Height I want, I would fill in a text box of how many pieces the client wants and the form would also fill automatically the cost of all the pieces for that dimension (by taking the price/item from the tbl_item perhaps?). If 1 piece then it should say i.e. 18 for the 140x130 piece, if 10 pieces it should say 180. Finally, I want to add the photo of the cardboard automatically (pls note that same type of cardboards share the same photo) not at the form but at the report to be printed.

I have already looked in the Access FAQs section of the forum for the combobox techniques but I can't understand how I can apply them to three (or more) comboboxes plus the photo.

I can use Access only when little/no programming is required, and I am very much afraid that all the above will require a great deal of it, so I apologise in advance for my non-knowledge of programming :(

2. How do you think would be suitable to split all this data to tables? Is my thinking correct (2 tables, tbl_item and tbl_offer) or would you suggest something better? Will the tbl_offer get a lot of data that way? Mind you also that every once a year there is the need of updating the cardboards' prices (all will rise/fall at the same percentage) and, furthermore, we are talking for about approx. 100 different types of cardboards, each with about 15 different dimension combinations.

I am not sure if I had to post this message to the Tables section of the forum or here but I think here is better as the main problem is the form part.

Thank you all in advance and my apologies once again for the low level of my programming skills :(


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Multiple Combo Boxes On Same Form

Apr 16, 2005

I need a form that has multiple categories, 7, listed one after another vertically. I also need the categories divided in to 2 columns.
I need to have 2 combo boxes, 1 each controlling the info for each column.
Can I do this on 1 form. Suggestions would be appreciated.


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Cont Form With Combo Boxes

Oct 24, 2005

I have a continous form that once the combo box filters are selected, shows the applicable records. Included in records, I've put a bound combo box that allows the user to fill in that particular field. This works with the first record but when you attempt to select the other records, all the combo boxes disappear. What am I doing wrong here??

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Multiple Combo Boxes On The Form

Jul 17, 2006


I need help in the following 2 problems:

I have two combo boxes on the form and print button.
In one combo box showing numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5.
Other combo box showing logical operator =,<,>
User is going to select from one combo box logical operator and from other number "means class field".
Print button prints the report. Report is based on the query.
In the query in criteria line I put the code
It works for one combo box. Problem is to get criteria from second combo box or concatenate the both criteria’s. In query criteria line it should show like <2 or =3 or what ever user is selecting.

Second problem is in the same line. Three text boxes and 2 combo boxes showing "OR" and "AND" For example in one text box user enters last_name and then he select "OR", second text box enter city and then he select "AND" from second combo box and third text box enter department. After selection he is going to click the print button to print the report.

I really appreciate if anyone knows the solution or they used this type of thing in there application.


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Autofill From Many Combo Boxes In One Form

Sep 14, 2006

Hi all! :D
I'm trying to make a form to autofill with customer data (from a database), with 4 columns (= 4 customers). Each column contains on top a combo box and below 5 text boxes with address, phone etc.
So i created a form and placed a combo-box (from wizard) with the option "Find a record on my form based on the value i selected in my combo box".
The problem is that this one combo box controls all the text boxes. Even if i create an other one, it still controls all of them.

So i'd like to ask: How can i link a combo box, to autofill specific textboxes?:confused:

Thanks... :)

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Combo Boxes And Queries Again - Two On A Form

Mar 4, 2005

I have re-written this question as I think I managed to cause confusion!

(I really do need help!) My problem involves three tables. The first table is NAMES with an auto-number key field called NamesID.

The second table is a list of Dance Classes, called CLASSES again with an auto-number key field called ClassesID.

The third table is a list of MEMBERS in each dance class.

Obviously, the MEMBERS can belong to many CLASSES, and each of the CLASSES can consist of many MEMBERS.

My aim is to add a new record in MEMBERS by using a ComboBox containing records from the NAMES table.

On the form, I have a combo-box which shows me the list of CLASSES

(ComboClasses). I click on the class.

I then click on the NAMES combo-box, click on a name and want it to appear in the table of MEMBERS for the class shown in the CLASSES combo-box.

The problem

I am selecting the name using “ Select * From NAMES where Names.NamesID=[Forms]![FormName]![ComboNames] (supplied by supersubra) but how do I get the ClassesID into MEMBERS record.

At the moment, if I add a name that member appears in every class, or I have to manually insert the ClassID.


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Filtering Combo Boxes Within A Form

Jul 5, 2006

I have a form that we are creating to issue project numbers. We have about 80 different clients. I have set up a combo box for the client name, where we can choose the client from the drop down menu. We want the form to filter according to the client name that you choose. For example, if you pick Lawrence as the client name, the next combo box is the project name and I want it to only show the project names that have been assigned to Lawrence in the past. Can someone please help me on how to do this and if it is even possible at all? Thank you so much for your help!! I have been wrestling with this for about a week and a half now.

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Using Multiple Combo Boxes In One Form

Jan 18, 2012

I made a form from a "CS-PG1-PG2" table. then i added a subform that contains these 3 fields plus some more information. What I'm trying to do is to insert in the main form 3 combo boxes:

CS (discount group): not to be linked/synchronized with the other two combos;
PG1 (product group);
PG2 (product group2): it must show the filtered results from PG1 combo box.

As long as I insert the CS combo box, everything is fine. Whenever i add the other two combo boxes, or just the PG1 combo box, then the two of them conflict and i get zero records.

All i want to do is to add these 3 combos and give an option to filter the results by CS or PG, plus give some sort of hierarchy order between the PG1 and the PG2.

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Join 2 Combo Boxes On A Form

Sep 21, 2014

I have 2 combo boxes on a form

cboWkLoc This selects workers city where employed This combo gets data from company table
CboEmp This Selects Employee

I am trying to join these both combos so when I select City (e.g Reno ) its shows only employees working in Reno - This combo gets data from Purchases table

I have tried to work on the following code....

Private Sub cboWkLoc_AfterUpdate()
Dim strSource As String
strSource = "SELECT City " & _
"FROM Purchase " & _
"WHERE Employee = '" & Me.cboWkLoc & "' ORDER BY City"
Me.cboEmp.RowSource = strSource
Me.cboEmp = vbNullString
End Sub

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Unbound Combo Boxes And A Form With Allow Edit Set To 'NO'

Oct 29, 2005

Hi folks,

I have a form with a record source property set to a query which pulls the data by joining two tables. The form also has four navigation buttons (first, previous, next, last) and a ADD record, SAVE record, EDIT record, DELETE record buttons.

I also have a unbound combo box (control source iset to 'empty') in the form's header section and its record source property set to an SQL (SELECT DISTINCTROW tblProjts1.chrProjectName, tblProjts1.intProjectID FROM tblProjts1 ORDER BY tblProjts1.chrProjectName;). It's columns count is 2, bound column is set to 2 and column width is set to 3.1146";0".

In the edit button, I have the code "Me.AllowEdits = True" so that the user can edit the data.

Also, I have the following code on form's "on current" and "after update" events so that it will flip back to allow edit to 'NO'
Me.AllowEdits = False

Also, I have the following code on the combo box's 'after update' event.
Dim strSearch As String

strSearch = "[intProjectID] = " & Me![cboProjectID]

'Find the record that matches the control
Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst strSearch
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark.

My Problem:

When I run the form and select a record from a combo box it populates the fields (all memo data type) in the form with correct linked record, ONLY when my allow edit property is set to 'YES'.

With allow edit set to 'NO', then when a tried to make a selection from a combo box it doesn't allow me to select any record. The combo box seems to be locked up and I can't select any record.

Does anyone come across such a problem with cbo box and 'allow edits' property in the forms.

Your help is much appreciated.


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VBA Code Problem With Combo Boxes On A Form

Dec 2, 2005

Im using the following vba Code to try and populate a text box with multiple line based on selections from a list box.

Private Sub Precautions_AfterUpdate()
Dim Criteria As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim Itm As Variant

Set ctl = Me.Precautions

For Each Itm In ctl.ItemsSelected
If Len(Criteria) = 0 Then

Criteria = ctl.ItemData(Itm)
Criteria = Criteria & "," & ctl.ItemData(Itm)
End If
Next Itm
Me.description = Criteria

End Sub

Its working to the extent that it adds the options that are selected from the list box but I actually want it to put the 2nd column of the list box which is hidden into the text box. How do i edit this code to add column 2 rather than column 1 when an option is clicked?

Any help would be appreciated

Ive attached the database (sorry its very simple) Open form tester to see what i mean.

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Create A Form Using Selections From Combo Boxes

Jan 24, 2006


I need to create a form or a subform that brings up a list of records based on criteria that a user chooses in multiple list boxes. Is this possible? I am pretty new to Access.



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