ComboBox Problem With Duplicate Values

Feb 17, 2005

I am using a combo box to select client records. The problem I am having is that there are several clients with the same last name.
The query behind the combo box sorts on Last Name, First Name.

When I (as an example) select the second listed duplicate name from the combo dropdown, The form is populated with the data from the first duplicate name. (example Jones, John or Jones, William).

How can I make sure that the selected name will populate the form?


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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Values With Alert After User Enters Duplicate Value

Dec 30, 2013

We are working on an Access (2007) database that is on a SharePoint Site (2007).

Currently the form is operational, but there is one last thing that would be nice to have.

The table is "Updated Headcount" which contains "EMP_ID" which are unique numbers stored as text.

In the event a new employee is entered in the system by another user on this site we would like to prevent any duplicate "EMPID"s from being entered and saved on the SharePoint, we would also like to alert the user and prevent the data from being saved.

All data is currently bound, so once the user makes a change it is made, no submit button is required.

We are running into some difficulties in doing a dlookup from the value entered and comparing to a column in the table.

FORM CELL user will input an EMPID - newEMPID
FORM CELL used for a dlookup to compare what user has entered to what is already in the table - duplicateEMPID

So below is what we are trying to do, we are sure there are a few commands missing....

=IIF(newEMPID=dlookup([UPDATED HEADCOUNT]![EMPID]), newEMPID, "Error, EMPID already exists")

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Queries :: Query Records With Both Duplicate Values And Different Values?

Jun 18, 2013

I'm trying to determine the SQL to return only those records in a table which have duplicate values in each of two fields, but different values in a third field. Here's an example:


AcctNum FoodType FoodClass
------- -------- ---------
A123 Apple Fruit
A123 Apple Fruit
A123 Grape Fruit
A456 Potato Vegetable
A456 Potato Perishable
A789 Carrot Vegetable
A001 Banana Fruit

For the above table, I'm trying to return records which have multiple entries for AcctNum + FoodType, but DIFFERENT values for FoodClass. So for the above table, the query would return:


AcctNum FoodType FoodClass
------- -------- ---------
A456 Potato Vegetable
A456 Potato Perishable

It returns these two records because there is more than one record with for the AcctNum + FoodType (i.e. 'A456' + 'Potato'), but DIFFERENT values for FoodClass (i.e. one record has 'Vegetable' while the other has 'Perishable').

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Duplicate Form After Selecting Value From Combobox

Jul 7, 2012

I'm pretty new to Access 2007. I have a form and in it there are data entry records including a combobox.

I'd like to select a value from the combobox, say "1" and when I do I would like all the information on that form to be duplicated in a new form.

I'd also like a message to pop up saying that info has been duplicated and that the user must update some of the fields.

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Forms :: Subform Continuous Combobox Duplicate Value?

Jun 25, 2015

I am setting up a subform in continuous with combobox, but when I enter the data on the first combobox, it duplicated to all the following records. Is there a way to stop that?

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Duplicate Values

Apr 19, 2005

I have a many to many relationship, and one of my tables (the junction table) has only 2 fields (BookID & AuthorID). These fields together are set as primary key, in order to avoid duplicate records. Eventually, if i will try to put a duplicate record, i will get Access error's message "The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primarykey or relationship ..."

What is the best approach in order to check whether a duplicate record is going to be created, and if yes, i will get a customised error message rather than the above mentioned default error message ?


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Duplicate Values (Please Help)

May 18, 2006

I need help creating a report that summarizes duplicated values.
I need to write a query that groups payments of equal amounts (duplicate values only) for each vendor together. I need to show a group header containing the vendor number and name.
I was using the Having Count(*) > 1 function but that only tells me which values are duplicates It doesn't display them. I need to display the duplicates.


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Duplicate Values

Jul 6, 2006

is there a way to stop duplicate values appearing in a query result.

i querying a table but i dont want to see the same value twice ca i prevent this?

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Allow Duplicate Values!

Apr 26, 2006

i have a sub form which on the click of a button sets 4 fields

Private Sub Command8_Click()
LastPaymentDate.Value = Date
NextPaymentDate.Value = Date + 7
AmountPaid.Value = [Form_Frm_Customer]![Payments]
[Form_Frm_Customer]![Payments Due By].Value = Date + 7
End Sub

It updates all the fields fine but i keep getting the error 'the changes you requested were not successful because they would create duplicate values'

I have checked the table and all fields are set to allow duplicates.

Cant figure it out.

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Checking For Duplicate Values

May 10, 2005


I have a form in a database for our products (doors). I have a button that duplicates one of these records (all new products are based on standard template records).

When this record is created a new product number is produced by the system which was the number of the original (template) record plus the customer enquiry number.

I want to be able to warn the user if they are trying to save this newly created record with a product number that already exists so that they can alter the number to be unique. It will also warn them if they re-number an existing record to another already existing product number. Since the field is defined as unique, at present the system says absolutely nothing and just doesn't save the newly created record which seems is a touch annoying!

I have tried several things with dlookup, dcount arguments but can't seem to get anything to work.

Hopefully someone here can point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance


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Duplicate Values In Combo Box

Jul 31, 2006

hi again,

I'm building a search function into my database and everything's fine apart from the fact that i have duplicate values in my combo boxes.

For example in the combo box 'market' i have many fields named Europe.

How do i replace these repeated values with one distinct value?


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Deleting Duplicate Values

Feb 16, 2005

I have a table which has duplicate values and i need to delete them, how do i do that?the table fields are

field1 field2 field3 Field4
1 a aa bb
1 a aa bb
1 b bc ab
2 a aa bb
2 a aa bb

I want to delete the ones which are bb in Field 4 and keep only bb value, how do i do this?


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Primary Key And Duplicate Values

Jul 11, 2006

Can someone tell me how a primary key in the attached can be set on the index to duplicates OK yet, when you click on the indexes icon on the toolbar, the UR is set to be aprimary key..

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Help Excluding Duplicate Values

Feb 14, 2008

Is there a way that in a query from several tables you can choose to exclude duplicates of a specific field?

In the query I'm trying to create I am going through and counting the number of customers in a certain time frame. I don't want to count a customer each time they buy something though, I only want to count them once. The dates of their purchases are held in a seperate table for purchases and the customer information is held in a customer table. The information I need is in both of these tables and each customer has an ID number which is how the two tables are joined.

When I tried using the DISTINCT code it still brought in all the purchases because the customer bought things on different dates. The only way I have ever used this, however, is to write SELECT DISTINCT at the beginning of the SQL instead of just SELECT. If there's another way to use it to do what I need I will try it as long as you tell me what it is.

How can I set up the query to bring in all the information I need but not duplicate the ID numbers?

Thanks in advance for any help I get!!!

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Keep Duplicate Values In Query

Aug 27, 2015

I've got a query where a particular field can have duplicate entries. I do NOT want to limit the properties to only have unique values. On the contrary, I very much WANT to keep those but I DO want to have something indicating that the duplicates are there. I can create another Y/N or true/false field to indicate this if needed.

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Duplicate Values For One Field

Mar 8, 2013

I have a table called Department. One employee may belong to more than one department. So I created three tables, Emptable, Depttable, and DeptDatatable. The Emp table and The dept table both have a primary key. Emp# in Emptable to Emp# in Dept Data Table. Dept# in Depart Table Primary key to foreign key in Dept# key in Dept Data Table. In other words:

Employee One to Many Department Data both using Emp#
Department One to Many to Department Data both using Department#

I have created a form for data entry for the young lady that enters the data. Right now, there are two entries in the department data for any employee that belongs to more than one department. My question is how do I create a form that allow the person that is entering data to only enter the employee in once and enter multiple values into the department field. How would it create then two entries into the Dept Data Table? I have been reading up about fields that allow duplicate data but this treats the fields like memo fields. I need to draw queries from Departments, so not sure if that would work. I also need the Department to be a list that they choose from.

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Unique Values To ComboBox

Oct 25, 2006

Hi guys,

I've tried searching all the threads for an answer to my problem and I can't seem to find it....

Ok I know this should be simple...

I know to use Distinct and DistinctRow to only show unique records in a combobox but all I want to do is that once a selection is chosen in the combobox to add a record to a subform, it can't be selected again.

I know in some cases you do, e.g. items on an invoice sometimes need to be entered more than once, but I'm listing Skills for Employees and I only want a user to enter a Skill once per Employee (although Employees can have many Skills, I just don't want a User to accidentally put the same Skill in twice or more per Employee...)...

What's the best optimized way of achieving this?

Sorry for my newbiness.


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How To Get Values In Combobox After Selection

Oct 22, 2005

I have 2 comboboxes.
i select the value from one combobox.
i want the second combobox to be filled with the values corresponding to the selected value in first combo.
first combo is bound with some other table and second combo takes vales from some other table.
How can i do this?

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Refrencing A Combobox's Values

Mar 9, 2006

How can I refrencence any value within a combobox (not the one selected)? I want to try and acheve something like this:


Although that doesn't work. Is this possible?

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ComboBox Unique Values

Oct 25, 2006

Hi guys,

I've tried searching all the threads for an answer to my problem and I can't seem to find it....

Ok I know this should be simple...

I know to use Distinct and DistinctRow to only show unique records in a combobox but all I want to do is that once a selection is chosen in the combobox to add a record to a subform, it can't be selected again.

I know in some cases you do, e.g. items on an invoice sometimes need to be entered more than once, but I'm listing Skills for Employees and I only want a user to enter a Skill once per Employee (although Employees can have many Skills, I just don't want a User to accidentally put the same Skill in twice or more per Employee...)...

What's the best optimized way of achieving this?

Sorry for my newbiness.


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Select Values In A Combobox.....

Nov 7, 2004


I have a combobox on a form and it shows values from a query. I pick one value and presses a button, then a new form opens with a lot of information based on the value in the combo box. In this combobox I would like to have a value called "All", if I choose this one I want All of the information to be shown. I would like to know how to get this to work (create a question with a term like this: IIF([Forms]![frmMaskin]![cmbAvd]="All";Like "*";[Forms]![frmMaskin]![cmbAvd])). When I do this, I se nothing. Please give me some advice.

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1 Combobox With Values From 2 Tables?

Apr 23, 2013

I Have to tables, Employee's & Vehicle's. I'm making a dispatch form. and i want to put a "Unit Dispatched" combo box that will populate from the Employee's ID and the Vehicle ID. We sometimes dispatch employee's to a job on their own and sometimes we send a company vehicle. is there any way to do this?

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ComboBox Not Listing Values

Sep 23, 2011

So I have a textbox on a form that contain values. I want to convert it to a ComboBox. Since a lot of these values are the same in a lot of records (for example, "Inventor"), I want the entered values to appear in the ComboBox dropdown so they can just be selected instead of typed in. I converted the textbox to a Combobox by right-clicking on the textbox => Change To => ComboBox. It changed successfully, but I want it to list the values in the dropdown, but it doesn't.

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How To Delete Duplicate Values In A Table

Mar 5, 2006

Good morning all!
I have a problem, I have a contact list table in my database such as name, addr, company, street, country etc. The problem is that I have multiple duplicates of the same data.
How do i delete the duplicates? Is there an SQL query that I can run to delete? How do I do it. Please help. Thanks a bunch!

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Duplicate Values In Dropdown:MOST URGENT

Oct 28, 2005

I am getting the error in a grid which has combobox.
This combobox allows only to select unique values from the list.
Whenever i selects the same value in another combo which is already selected in the grid, its shows the popup with the below message and makes us not to click anywhere else in the application.

"The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship.Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries, and try again".

And when i delete the duplicate value selected in combobox it shows the popup with this message "Index or primary key cannot contain NULL value".

I simply wants this :
Whenever user selects duplicate value, message must be displayed and user comes out from that combo.

Please help urgently.

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Duplicate Values In Index, Primary Key Etc

Feb 27, 2006

Hi - it's been a while since I did much access and am trying to help someone out and have got into a pickle! A quick job has turned out to be a lot more complicated! Plus I'm having to use *spit* Acc 2k.

When I go into frmHighCostDrug (from the "add new drug episode" button on the frmPatient) I often get the message "The changes you requested were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, relationship etc etc."

Now, I didn't think I'd forgotten that much. I've got primary keys, values in the table set to Null, relationships set and ref integrity set and cannot for the life of me see why this is happening.

I know though, that one of you will say "oh it's that" and point it out and I'm going to feel completely stupid, but at the moment, I don't mind! I really can't figure it out.

I've attached db - it's in Acc2k and I tried to do a copy Acc'97 for those who don't have it but it caused no end of problems. Came up with messages that this form contains data that Access doesn't support!!!! ??? :confused: If I can sort it I will.

If anyone's got any ideas, I'd be v grateful!



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