When a command button is onfocus, how do I make it bold or a different color and when it's not onfocus to return to it's default format? I know that this is possible with text boxes but I don't know how to do it with command buttons.
Please help. Thank you!
Is there a way to make just part of the text in a text box bold, or to use different font sizes in the same text box?
Something like this:
--------------------------------- Heading in bold: description in regular (not bold) (a smaller height line used as a line space) Another "normal" line a larger height line a normal line....all in one text box! ---------------------------------
One thing I'd like to be able to do is to specify the line height of a blank line in a text box. I'm using carriage returns created with: Chr(13) & Chr(10). I could see defining the font size of a hidden character, but I'd need to know how to assign a font size to a piece of the text in a font box.
I'd like to change the colour of the text in a command button when the user click the button, but for the text to return to it's original colour when the botton pops back up.
I'm assuming you use the following commands:
Private Sub cmdClose_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) *******CODE******** End Sub
Private Sub cmdClose_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) *******CODE******** End Sub
But I'm not sure as to how I would enter the correct code.
I need to create a command button that simply, when pressed places todays Date into a text box, the text box should have no value in untill the command button is pressed.
I have 2 text boxes and 1 push button for each text box for input to table. When I click on 'SaveInput1' only Input1 is save onto the Table and when 'SaveInput2' is click only Input2 is save. I want each command button to save each input separately.
I know ACCESS have a SAVE RECORD function, but I do not want to use this because it will save the entire record all at once.
After inputting data into a text box on a form i want to click on a command button which will open an email program and then put the text there so i can send it.
I am trying to filter a form by using two unbound text boxes that a user can enter in their criteria and then clicking a command button to filter the form using the criteria entered into the text boxes. My fields are as follows:
I haven't used access before and have been set the task to create a data of photos. The table is called 'Find a Photo' and contains 6 catergories of various information including river, site and date. I would like to create a search/command button by which i can type the river, site and date into seperate text boxes and search all of them at the same time.I don't know how to connect a command button to command button and not sure if any macros/queries are needed. Hope all this aint to hard to do.
I have a tabbed form from which the user can select a contact's record from a subform on the first tab, click a edit command button, and the unbound text boxes on the top of that tab populate. The user can then click the second tab with employment history which has blank unbound text boxes and another subform which is linked by the contact id to the first tab.
The user can select a record in the second tab, click a command button and the text boxes populate no problem. The problem comes when the user changes the contact on the first tab, and then tries to edit a record on the second tab. Then I get a run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)' saying the value you entered isn't valid for this field. Why it would work the first time by not the second?
Not sure if this is possible but here goes (even if I make a fool of myself for asking).
I have a report that lists data based on criteria set in a form. The main criteria is Month (Month4Report) and Year (Year4Report).
The report lists all jobs that started that month and also any jobs that had work done during that month - even if they started in the previous month.
What I would like to do is highlight any job that has an actual start date prior to the current searched month (Month4Report). By making it bold or other way.
I have created an automated e-mail quote for a client database. I have created several strings that make up the body text for the e-mail (some with info drawn from the database fields). Is it possible to have certain strings underlined and bold face? How would I go about that?
I need to return a folders directory to a text box on my forms record called Files_Directory when i click the Browse command button... The folder will have more folders within it along with documents all relivant to the folder selected, hense the need for just the folder directory rather than a file.
I am using MS Access 2007 and have a report which display the list of values (say 10 fields) from the basic SELECT * FROM table query.
I need to dynamically set the BOLD based on the particular value for the fifth field which was assigned from Query. if it doesn't match it should display normal.
E.g If Field_5 = "Agent" then Field_5.FontBold = True Else Field_5.FontBold = False End if
I tried the aforementioned code and it dont work. ALso i tried achieve it using below listed options.
I currently have two forms: frmE_SAFind and frmE_SAOrder
frmE_SAFind shows results from a query including fields [txtIDPO] and [dtmDate] Example: IDPO Date btnOpnFrm 6543 2/1/05 btnOpnFrm 5681 1/1/05
frmE_SAOrder shows order details including [txtIDPO] and [dtmDate]
I have a open form command button set up on [frmE_SAFind] that opens [frmE_SAOrder]. Is it possible for me to modify its properties so that when the open form command button is clicked, the order details in [frmE_SAOrder] will represent the order that the user is selecting via the btnOpnFrm command?
Example: If I click btnOpnFrm for 6543, [frmE_SAOrder] will show me PO 6543 details.
Hopefully I made myself clear enough to understand. Thanks for your help!
I am rewriting an old Access 2003 database in Access 2010. When creating new command buttons, the current theme gives them a default appearance. I need to apply this appearance to old command buttons. I know there is a way to select the default button and apply its properties to others quickly. I have done it before but didn't write the process down .
I have created a web-database (? - There are globes over all the forms and tables icons) based on the Issues & Tasks template. This means that most of the data is entered and seen on the "Main" form, which has two tabs - Open Issues and Closed Issues. I have created a form that allows people at my work to input the necessary data and save it, so that it will show up on one of the two tabs. However, once a record has been created, I want to be initially locked if the ID/PK is clicked, so that data can't be changed or entered inadvertently.
SO, I changed the code so that when the ID/PK for a record is clicked, it brings up a different form, but one that looks exactly like the one that is brought up when entering a new form, but I locked all of the fields so that the information cannot be changed. It seems from what I have read that I can create a button on this form so that when clicked, it unlocks the fields on the form so that they can be changed, and then when clicked again it will lock the fields again. Is this true? If so, how can I do it? Or is there something similar I can do? I have seen codes that I could copy and paste, but I cannot figure out the place to copy and paste codes in Access 2010.
I have changed the Form properties so that Data Entry and all the "Allows" are set to No...
Hi, I have got a small problem and maybe someone could advise me. I am creating a customised command button from a label button. The new button works fine but I can't apply the 'requery' function to it, if i do an error occures and i am being prompt to save the data first???? :confused: :
Private Sub Labelsearch_Click() Me!itemquery.Requery End Sub
Private Sub Labelsearch_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Me.Labelsearch.SpecialEffect = 2 Me.Labelsearch.BackColor = 255 Me.Labelsearch.ForeColor = 10092543 Me.Labelsearch.FontItalic = True Me.Labelsearch.FontBold = True End Sub
Private Sub Labelsearch_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Me.Labelsearch.ForeColor = 255 Me.Labelsearch.FontItalic = False Me.Labelsearch.FontBold = True End Sub
Private Sub Labelsearch_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 'Come back to initial state when button release' Me.Labelsearch.SpecialEffect = 1 Me.Labelsearch.BackColor = 16373685 Me.Labelsearch.ForeColor = 8388608 Me.Labelsearch.FontItalic = False Me.Labelsearch.FontBold = True End
If I create a command button with the wizard and assign the code : me!itemquery.Requeryto the on_click event my form is working fine. Why is his code is not working if I assign it to a label? :o
I have been working on this for awhile, and can't figure it out for the life of me!
I have a form set up with a drop down box that lets me pick from values from a table based off of the Primary Key of that table (Row Source = SELECT Order.OrderID, Order.OrderName from Order). I have a button on the form that I want to set a value (Closed) from the table entry based off of the order selected.
Pseudo code would go something like this.
Closed.Value = True Where Table.Order.OrderID = SelectedOrderID
Table.Order is a Table Named Order (obviously) Closed is a yes/no field in my Order table OrderID is the primarykey of the table Order SelectedOrderID is the drop down box.